/// <summary> /// Gets a formatted representation of a cell range from a worksheet /// </summary> private static string GetRangeReference(string worksheet, int startColumn, int startRow, int endColumn, int endRow) { return(string.Format("{0}!{1}{2}:{3}{4}", worksheet, WorksheetAccessor.GetColumnId(startColumn), startRow, WorksheetAccessor.GetColumnId(endColumn), endRow )); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a formatted representation of a cell range from a worksheet /// </summary> private static string GetRangeReference(string worksheet, int column, int row) { return(string.Format("{0}!{1}{2}", worksheet, WorksheetAccessor.GetColumnId(column), row)); }
/// <summary> /// Method for adding a new table definition part /// </summary> /// <param name="worksheet">Worksheet to add the table to</param> /// <param name="tableStyle">Style to be assigned to the table</param> /// <param name="useHeaders">Set a header row</param> /// <param name="fromColumn">Initial column for table</param> /// <param name="toColumn">Final column for table</param> /// <param name="fromRow">Intial row for table</param> /// <param name="toRow">Final row for table</param> public static OpenXmlPowerToolsDocument Add(SmlDocument doc, string worksheetName, string tableStyle, bool useHeaders, short fromColumn, short toColumn, int fromRow, int toRow) { using (OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument streamDoc = new OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument(doc)) { using (SpreadsheetDocument document = streamDoc.GetSpreadsheetDocument()) { //Getting the id for this table int tableId = GetNextTableId(document); //Set the table cell range string tableRange = string.Format("{0}{1}:{2}{3}", WorksheetAccessor.GetColumnId(fromColumn), fromRow, WorksheetAccessor.GetColumnId(toColumn), toRow); //Creating a new id for the relationship between the table definition part and the worksheet string tableRelationShipId = "rId" + Guid.NewGuid(); //Create a new table definition part WorksheetPart worksheet = WorksheetAccessor.Get(document, worksheetName); TableDefinitionPart table = worksheet.AddNewPart <TableDefinitionPart>(tableRelationShipId); //string tableColumns = string.Empty; XElement tableColumnsXElement = new XElement(ns + "tableColumns", new XAttribute("count", (toColumn - fromColumn) + 1)); //Get the name for table column elements from the first table row string[] tableHeaders = GetTableHeaders(document, worksheet, fromRow, fromColumn, toColumn); for (int i = 0; i <= (toColumn - fromColumn); i++) { //Create the markup for the SpreadsheetML table column elements tableColumnsXElement.Add( new XElement(ns + "tableColumn", new XAttribute("id", i + 1), new XAttribute("name", tableHeaders[i]))); } XElement tableXElement = new XElement(ns + "table", new XAttribute("xmlns", ns), //default namespace new XAttribute("id", tableId), new XAttribute("name", "Table" + tableId.ToString()), new XAttribute("displayName", "Table" + tableId.ToString()), new XAttribute("ref", tableRange), new XAttribute("totalsRowShown", "0")); if (useHeaders) { tableXElement.Add( new XElement(ns + "autoFilter", new XAttribute("ref", tableRange))); } tableXElement.Add(tableColumnsXElement); tableXElement.Add( new XElement(ns + "tableStyleInfo", new XAttribute("name", tableStyle), new XAttribute("showFirstColumn", "0"), new XAttribute("showLastColumn", "0"), new XAttribute("showRowStripes", "0"), new XAttribute("showColumnStripes", "0"))); //Write the markup to the Table Definition Part Stream XmlWriter tablePartStreamWriter = XmlWriter.Create(table.GetStream()); tableXElement.WriteTo(tablePartStreamWriter); tablePartStreamWriter.Flush(); tablePartStreamWriter.Close(); //Create or modify the table parts definition at worksheet (for setting the relationship id with the new table) XDocument worksheetMarkup = worksheet.GetXDocument(); //Look for the tableParts element at worksheet markup XElement tablePartsElement = worksheetMarkup.Root.Element(ns + "tableParts"); if (tablePartsElement != null) { //tableParts elements does exist at worksheet markup //increment the tableParts count attribute value short tableCount = System.Convert.ToInt16(tablePartsElement.Attribute("count").Value); tablePartsElement.SetAttributeValue("count", tableCount++.ToString()); } else { //tableParts does not exist at worksheet markup //create a new tableParts element tablePartsElement = new XElement(ns + "tableParts", new XAttribute(ns + "count", "1")); worksheetMarkup.Root.Add(tablePartsElement); } //create the tablePart element XElement tablePartEntryElement = new XElement(ns + "tablePart", new XAttribute(relationshipns + "id", tableRelationShipId)); //add the new tablePart element to the worksheet tableParts element tablePartsElement.Add(tablePartEntryElement); worksheet.PutXDocument(); } return(streamDoc.GetModifiedDocument()); } }