public override void ReInit() { base.ReInit(); Rectangle r; r = CONTAINER; r.Offset(105, 14); ITEM[0, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Timeplayed.TotalHours < 99 ? (int)(Memory.State.Timeplayed.TotalHours) : 99, r, 2, 0, 1, 2); r = CONTAINER; r.Offset(165, 14); ITEM[0, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Timeplayed.TotalHours < 99 ? Memory.State.Timeplayed.Minutes : 99, r, 2, 0, 2, 2); if (!Memory.State.TeamLaguna) { r = CONTAINER; r.Offset(25, 48); ITEM[0, 4] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.SeeD, r, 13); r = CONTAINER; r.Offset(105, 48); ITEM[0, 5] = Memory.State.Fieldvars != null ? new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Fieldvars.SeedRankPts / 100 < 99999 ? Memory.State.Fieldvars.SeedRankPts / 100 : 99999, r, 2, 0, 1, 5) : null; } else { ITEM[0, 4] = null; ITEM[0, 5] = null; } r = CONTAINER; r.Offset(25, 81); ITEM[0, 6] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.AmountofGil < 99999999 ? (int)(Memory.State.AmountofGil) : 99999999, r, 2, 0, 1, 8); }
private void addGF(ref int pos, GFs g, Font.ColorID color = Font.ColorID.White) { ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(Memory.Strings.GetName(g), SIZE[pos], color); ITEM[pos, 1] = JunctionedGFs.ContainsKey(g) ? new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.JunctionSYM, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + SIZE[pos].Width - 100, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0)) : null; ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Source.GFs[g].Level, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + SIZE[pos].Width - 50, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), spaces: 3); BLANKS[pos] = false; Contents[pos] = g; pos++; }
protected override void Init() { base.Init(); _helpStr = new FF8String[Count]; for (byte pos = 0; pos < rows; pos++) { ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(null, SIZE[pos]); ITEM[pos, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(0, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + SIZE[pos].Width - 60, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, spaces: 3); } }
private void Refresh(sbyte pos, Characters character) { Contents[pos] = new Tuple <Characters, Characters>(character, character); float yoff = 39; Rectangle rbak = SIZE[pos]; Rectangle r = rbak; Color color = new Color(74.5f / 100, 12.5f / 100, 11.8f / 100, .9f); ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(Memory.Strings.GetName(character), rbak); CURSOR[pos] = new Point(rbak.X, (int)(rbak.Y + (6 * TextScale.Y))); r.Offset(7, yoff); ITEM[pos, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Lv, r, 13); r = rbak; r.Offset((49), yoff); ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].Level, r, 2, 0, 1, 3); r = rbak; r.Offset(126, yoff); ITEM[pos, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.HP2, r, 13); r.Offset(0, 28); r.Width = 118; r.Height = 1; ITEM[pos, 4] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r) { Color = Color.Black }; r.Width = (int)(r.Width * Memory.State.Characters[character].PercentFullHP()); ITEM[pos, 5] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r) { Color = color }; r.Width = 118; r.Offset(0, 2); ITEM[pos, 6] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r) { Color = Color.Black }; r.Width = (int)(r.Width * Memory.State.Characters[character].PercentFullHP()); ITEM[pos, 7] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r) { Color = color }; //TODO red bar resizes based on current/max hp r = rbak; r.Offset((166), yoff); ITEM[pos, 8] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].CurrentHP(), r, 2, 0, 1, 4); }
private void addMagic(ref int pos, Kernel_bin.Magic_Data spell, Font.ColorID color = Font.ColorID.White) { if (color == Font.ColorID.White && Source.Stat_J.ContainsValue(spell.ID)) { //spell is junctioned color = Font.ColorID.Grey; } ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(spell.Name, SIZE[pos], color); ITEM[pos, 1] = color != Font.ColorID.White ? new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.JunctionSYM, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + SIZE[pos].Width - 75, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0)) : null; ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Source.Magics[spell.ID], new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + SIZE[pos].Width - 50, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), spaces: 3); BLANKS[pos] = color == Font.ColorID.Dark_Gray ? true : false; Contents[pos] = spell.ID; pos++; }
private void Fill() { Faces.ID id = 0; int skip = Page * rows; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { bool gftest = false; bool ctest = false; Characters character = Characters.Blank; GFs gf = GFs.Blank; while (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Faces.ID), id) || !((ctest = Item.TestCharacter(ref id, out character)) || (gftest = Item.TestGF(ref id, out gf))) || skip-- > 0) { if ((byte)++id > 32) { for (; i < rows; i++) { ITEM[i, 0] = null; ITEM[i, 1] = null; ITEM[i, 2] = null; BLANKS[i] = true; Contents[i] = Faces.ID.Blank; } Pages = Page + 1; return; } } ITEM[i, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(Memory.Strings.GetName(id), pos: SIZE[i]); int hp = (ctest || gftest) ? Memory.State[id].CurrentHP() : -1; BLANKS[i] = false; Contents[i] = id; if (hp > -1) { ITEM[i, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.HP2, new Rectangle(SIZE[i].X + SIZE[i].Width - (20 * 7), SIZE[i].Y, 0, 0), 13); ITEM[i, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(hp, pos: new Rectangle(SIZE[i].X + SIZE[i].Width - (20 * 4), SIZE[i].Y, 0, 0), spaces: 4); } else { ITEM[i, 1] = null; ITEM[i, 2] = null; } id++; } Pages = Page + 2; }
private void Fill(Faces.ID e) { if ((e == Faces.ID.Blank && Target != Faces.ID.Blank) || All) { Target = e; foreach (IGMDataItem i in ITEM) { i?.Hide(); } } else { if (Target == Faces.ID.Blank) { foreach (IGMDataItem i in ITEM) { i?.Show(); } } Target = e; Characters character = e.ToCharacters(); GFs gf = e.ToGFs(); if (character != Characters.Blank || (gf != GFs.Blank && gf != GFs.All)) { ITEM[0, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(Misc[Items.LV], new Rectangle(SIZE[0].X, SIZE[0].Y, 0, 0)); ITEM[1, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(Misc[Items.HP], new Rectangle(SIZE[1].X, SIZE[1].Y, 0, 0)); ITEM[1, 2] = new IGMDataItem_String(Misc[Items.ForwardSlash], new Rectangle(SIZE[1].X + 155, SIZE[1].Y, 0, 0)); } if (Memory.State.Characters != null && character != Characters.Blank) { ITEM[0, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].Level, new Rectangle(SIZE[0].X + 35, SIZE[0].Y, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 6); ITEM[0, 2] = Memory.State.Party != null && Memory.State.Party.Contains(character) ? new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.InParty, new Rectangle(SIZE[0].X + 155, SIZE[0].Y, 0, 0), 6) : null; ITEM[1, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].CurrentHP(character), new Rectangle(SIZE[1].X + 35, SIZE[1].Y, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 6); ITEM[1, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].MaxHP(character), new Rectangle(SIZE[1].X + 155, SIZE[1].Y, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 5); } if (Memory.State.GFs != null && (gf != GFs.Blank && gf != GFs.All)) { ITEM[0, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.GFs[gf].Level, new Rectangle(SIZE[0].X + 35, SIZE[0].Y, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 6); ITEM[0, 2] = null; ITEM[1, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.GFs[gf].CurrentHP(), new Rectangle(SIZE[1].X + 35, SIZE[1].Y, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 6); ITEM[1, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.GFs[gf].MaxHP(), new Rectangle(SIZE[1].X + 155, SIZE[1].Y, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 5); } } }
/// <summary> /// Things that may of changed before screen loads or junction is changed. /// </summary> public override void ReInit() { base.ReInit(); ITEM[0, 0] = new IGMDataItem_Face((Faces.ID)VisableCharacter, new Rectangle(X + 12, Y, 96, 144)); ITEM[0, 2] = new IGMDataItem_String(Memory.Strings.GetName(VisableCharacter), new Rectangle(X + 117, Y + 0, 0, 0)); if (Memory.State.Characters != null) { ITEM[0, 4] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[Character].Level, new Rectangle(X + 117 + 35, Y + 54, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 6); ITEM[0, 5] = Memory.State.Party != null && Memory.State.Party.Contains(Character) ? new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.InParty, new Rectangle(X + 278, Y + 48, 0, 0), 6) : null; ITEM[0, 7] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[Character].CurrentHP(VisableCharacter), new Rectangle(X + 152, Y + 108, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 6); ITEM[0, 9] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[Character].MaxHP(VisableCharacter), new Rectangle(X + 292, Y + 108, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, padding: 1, spaces: 5); ITEM[0, 11] = new IGMDataItem_Int((int)Memory.State.Characters[Character].Experience, new Rectangle(X + 192, Y + 198, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.Num_8x8_2, padding: 1, spaces: 9); ITEM[0, 13] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[Character].ExperienceToNextLevel, new Rectangle(X + 192, Y + 231, 0, 0), 13, numtype: Icons.NumType.Num_8x8_2, padding: 1, spaces: 9); } }
private void addMagic(ref int pos, Kernel_bin.Magic_Data spell, Font.ColorID color = @default) { bool j = false; if (color == @default && Source.Stat_J.ContainsValue(spell.ID)) { //spell is junctioned if (!Battle) { color = junctioned; } j = true; } ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(spell.Name, SIZE[pos], color); ITEM[pos, 1] = j ? new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.JunctionSYM, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + SIZE[pos].Width - 75, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0)) : null; ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Source.Magics[spell.ID], new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + SIZE[pos].Width - 50, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), spaces: 3); //makes it so you cannot junction a magic to a stat that does nothing. BLANKS[pos] = color == nostat ? true : false; Contents[pos] = spell.ID; pos++; }
/// <summary> /// Things that may of changed before screen loads or junction is changed. /// </summary> public override void Refresh() { if (Memory.State.Characters != null) { Contents = Array.ConvertAll(Contents, c => c = default); base.Refresh(); if (Memory.State.Characters != null && unlocked != null) { ITEM[5, 0] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Icon_Status_Attack, new Rectangle(SIZE[5].X + 200, SIZE[5].Y, 0, 0), (byte)(unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.ST_Atk_J) ? 2 : 7)); ITEM[5, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Icon_Status_Defense, new Rectangle(SIZE[5].X + 240, SIZE[5].Y, 0, 0), (byte)(unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.ST_Def_Jx1) || unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.ST_Def_Jx2) || unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.ST_Def_Jx4) ? 2 : 7)); ITEM[5, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Icon_Elemental_Attack, new Rectangle(SIZE[5].X + 280, SIZE[5].Y, 0, 0), (byte)(unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.EL_Atk_J) ? 2 : 7)); ITEM[5, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Icon_Elemental_Defense, new Rectangle(SIZE[5].X + 320, SIZE[5].Y, 0, 0), (byte)(unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.EL_Def_Jx1) || unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.EL_Def_Jx2) || unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Abilities.EL_Def_Jx4) ? 2 : 7)); BLANKS[5] = true; foreach (Kernel_bin.Stat stat in (Kernel_bin.Stat[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Kernel_bin.Stat))) { if (Stat2Icon.ContainsKey(stat)) { int pos = (int)stat; if (pos >= 5) { pos++; } Contents[pos] = stat; FF8String name = Kernel_bin.MagicData[Memory.State.Characters[Character].Stat_J[stat]].Name; if (name == null || name.Length == 0) { name = Misc[Items._]; } ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Stat2Icon[stat], new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), 2); ITEM[pos, 1] = new IGMDataItem_String(name, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 80, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0)); if (!unlocked.Contains(Kernel_bin.Stat2Ability[stat])) { ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos, 0]).Palette = ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos, 0]).Faded_Palette = 7; ((IGMDataItem_String)ITEM[pos, 1]).FontColor = Font.ColorID.Grey; BLANKS[pos] = true; } else { BLANKS[pos] = false; } ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[Character].TotalStat(stat, VisableCharacter), new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 152, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), 2, Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, spaces: 10); ITEM[pos, 3] = stat == Kernel_bin.Stat.HIT || stat == Kernel_bin.Stat.EVA ? new IGMDataItem_String(Misc[Items.Percent], new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 350, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0)) : null; if (GetPrevSetting() == null || GetPrevSetting().Stat_J[stat] == Memory.State.Characters[Character].Stat_J[stat] || GetPrevSetting().TotalStat(stat, VisableCharacter) == Memory.State.Characters[Character].TotalStat(stat, VisableCharacter)) { ITEM[pos, 4] = null; } else if (GetPrevSetting().TotalStat(stat, VisableCharacter) > Memory.State.Characters[Character].TotalStat(stat, VisableCharacter)) { ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos, 0]).Palette = 5; ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos, 0]).Faded_Palette = 5; ((IGMDataItem_String)ITEM[pos, 1]).FontColor = Font.ColorID.Red; ((IGMDataItem_Int)ITEM[pos, 2]).FontColor = Font.ColorID.Red; if (ITEM[pos, 3] != null) { ((IGMDataItem_String)ITEM[pos, 3]).FontColor = Font.ColorID.Red; } ITEM[pos, 4] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Arrow_Down, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 250, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), 16); } else { ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos, 0]).Palette = 6; ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos, 0]).Faded_Palette = 6; ((IGMDataItem_String)ITEM[pos, 1]).FontColor = Font.ColorID.Yellow; ((IGMDataItem_Int)ITEM[pos, 2]).FontColor = Font.ColorID.Yellow; if (ITEM[pos, 3] != null) { ((IGMDataItem_String)ITEM[pos, 3]).FontColor = Font.ColorID.Yellow; } ITEM[pos, 4] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Arrow_Up, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 250, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), 17); } } } } } }
private void ReInitCharacter(sbyte pos, Characters character, Characters visableCharacter) { if (SIZE != null) { if (character != Characters.Blank) { Contents[pos] = new Tuple <Characters, Characters>(character, visableCharacter); float yoff = 6; ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_Box(Memory.Strings.GetName(visableCharacter), title: Icons.ID.STATUS); Tuple <Rectangle, Point, Rectangle> dims = DrawBox(SIZE[pos], ((IGMDataItem_Box)ITEM[pos, 0]).Data, options: Box_Options.SkipDraw); Rectangle r = dims.Item3; ITEM[pos, 0].Pos = dims.Item1; CURSOR[pos] = dims.Item2; r = dims.Item3; r.Offset(184, yoff); ITEM[pos, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Lv, r, 13); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset((229), yoff); ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].Level, r, 2, 0, 1, 3); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset(304, yoff); ITEM[pos, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.HP2, r, 13); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset((354), yoff); ITEM[pos, 4] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].CurrentHP(visableCharacter), r, 2, 0, 1, 4); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset(437, yoff); ITEM[pos, 5] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Slash_Forward, r, 13); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset((459), yoff); ITEM[pos, 6] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].MaxHP(visableCharacter), r, 2, 0, 1, 4); if (Memory.State.TeamLaguna || Memory.State.SmallTeam) { BLANKS[pos] = false; r = dims.Item3; r.Offset(145, 36); FF8String s = Strings[Items.CurrentEXP] + "\n" + Strings[Items.NextLEVEL]; ITEM[pos, 7] = new IGMDataItem_String(s, r); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset((340), 42); ITEM[pos, 8] = new IGMDataItem_Int((int)Memory.State.Characters[character].Experience, r, 2, 0, 1, 9); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset(520, 42); ITEM[pos, 9] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.P, r, 2); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset((340), 75); ITEM[pos, 10] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].ExperienceToNextLevel, r, 2, 0, 1, 9); r = dims.Item3; r.Offset(520, 75); ITEM[pos, 11] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.P, r, 2); } else { for (int i = 7; i < Depth; i++) { ITEM[pos, i] = null; } } } else { ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_Box(pos: SIZE[pos]); BLANKS[pos] = true; for (int i = 1; i < Depth; i++) { ITEM[pos, i] = null; } } } }
public override void Refresh() { if (Memory.State?.Characters != null) { List <KeyValuePair <int, Characters> > party = Memory.State.Party.Select((element, index) => new { element, index }).ToDictionary(m => m.index, m => m.element).Where(m => !m.Value.Equals(Characters.Blank)).ToList(); byte pos = (byte)party.FindIndex(x => x.Value == VisableCharacter); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Characters> pm in party.Where(x => x.Value == VisableCharacter)) { Saves.CharacterData c = Memory.State.Characters[Memory.State.PartyData[pm.Key]]; FF8String name = Memory.Strings.GetName(pm.Value); int HP = c.CurrentHP(pm.Value); //int MaxHP = c.MaxHP(pm.Value); //float HPpercent = c.PercentFullHP(pm.Value); int CriticalHP = c.CriticalHP(pm.Value); Font.ColorID colorid = Font.ColorID.White; byte palette = 2; if (HP < CriticalHP) { colorid = Font.ColorID.Yellow; palette = 6; } if (HP <= 0) { colorid = Font.ColorID.Red; palette = 5; } byte? fadedpalette = null; Font.ColorID?fadedcolorid = null; bool blink = false; if (mode == Mode.YourTurn) { blink = true; fadedpalette = 7; fadedcolorid = Font.ColorID.Grey; ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(dot, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 230, SIZE[pos].Y + 12, 150, 15), Color.LightYellow * .8f, new Color(125, 125, 0, 255) * .8f) { Blink = blink }; } else if (mode == Mode.ATB_Charged) { ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(dot, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 230, SIZE[pos].Y + 12, 150, 15), Color.Yellow * .8f); } // insert gradient atb bar here. Though this probably belongs in the update // method as it'll be in constant flux. else { ITEM[pos, 2] = null; } // TODO: make a font render that can draw right to left from a point. For Right aligning the names. ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(name, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), colorid, faded_fontcolor: fadedcolorid) { Blink = blink }; ITEM[pos, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(HP, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 128, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), palette: palette, faded_palette: fadedpalette, spaces: 4, numtype: Icons.NumType.Num_8x16_1) { Blink = blink }; ITEM[pos, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Size_08x64_Bar, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 230, SIZE[pos].Y + 12, 150, 15), 0); pos++; } base.Refresh(); } }
protected void FillData <T>(Dictionary <T, byte> oldtotal, Dictionary <T, byte> total, Enum[] availableFlagsarray, Icons.ID starticon, sbyte offset = 0, byte palette = 2, Icons.ID[] skip = null) where T : Enum { int _nag = 0; int _pos = 0; sbyte endoffset = (sbyte)(offset > 0?offset:0); for (sbyte pos = 0; pos < Count - endoffset; pos++) { if (skip != null && skip.Contains(starticon + pos)) { offset -= 1; pos += 1; endoffset -= 1; } ITEM[pos + offset, 0] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(starticon + pos, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos + offset].X, SIZE[pos + offset].Y, 0, 0), palette); ITEM[pos + offset, 1] = total[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]] > 100 ? new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Star, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos + offset].X + 45, SIZE[pos + offset].Y, 0, 0), 4) : null; ITEM[pos + offset, 2] = null; ITEM[pos + offset, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Int( total[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]] > 100 ? total[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]] - 100 : total[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]], new Rectangle(SIZE[pos + offset].X + SIZE[pos + offset].Width - 80, SIZE[pos + offset].Y, 0, 0), 17, numtype: Icons.NumType.sysFntBig, spaces: 3); ITEM[pos + offset, 4] = new IGMDataItem_String("%", new Rectangle(SIZE[pos + offset].X + SIZE[pos + offset].Width - 20, SIZE[pos + offset].Y, 0, 0)); if (oldtotal != null) { if (oldtotal[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]] > total[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]]) { ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos + offset, 0]).Palette = 5; ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos + offset, 0]).Faded_Palette = 5; ITEM[pos + offset, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Arrow_Down, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos + offset].X + SIZE[pos + offset].Width - 105, SIZE[pos + offset].Y, 0, 0), 16); ((IGMDataItem_Int)ITEM[pos + offset, 3]).Colorid = Font.ColorID.Red; ((IGMDataItem_String)ITEM[pos + offset, 4]).Colorid = Font.ColorID.Red; //{ // ((IGMDataItem_Icon)Slots.ITEM[Slots.CURSOR_SELECT, 0]).Palette = 5; // ((IGMDataItem_Icon)Slots.ITEM[Slots.CURSOR_SELECT, 0]).Faded_Palette = 5; // ((IGMDataItem_String)Slots.ITEM[Slots.CURSOR_SELECT, 1]).Colorid = Font.ColorID.Red; //} if (++_nag > _pos) { ColorChangeEventListener?.Invoke(this, Font.ColorID.Red); } } else if (oldtotal[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]] < total[(T)availableFlagsarray[pos + 1]]) { ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos + offset, 0]).Palette = 6; ((IGMDataItem_Icon)ITEM[pos + offset, 0]).Faded_Palette = 6; ITEM[pos + offset, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Arrow_Up, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos + offset].X + SIZE[pos + offset].Width - 105, SIZE[pos + offset].Y, 0, 0), 17); ((IGMDataItem_Int)ITEM[pos + offset, 3]).Colorid = Font.ColorID.Yellow; ((IGMDataItem_String)ITEM[pos + offset, 4]).Colorid = Font.ColorID.Yellow; //{ // ((IGMDataItem_Icon)Slots.ITEM[Slots.CURSOR_SELECT, 0]).Palette = 6; // ((IGMDataItem_Icon)Slots.ITEM[Slots.CURSOR_SELECT, 0]).Faded_Palette = 6; // ((IGMDataItem_String)Slots.ITEM[Slots.CURSOR_SELECT, 1]).Colorid = Font.ColorID.Yellow; //} if (_nag <= ++_pos) { ColorChangeEventListener?.Invoke(this, Font.ColorID.Yellow); } } } } }