コード例 #1
 public static bool RunIsolated(string application = null, string target = null)
         IsolatedPackageAction.RunIsolated(application, target);
     catch (InvalidOperationException)
コード例 #2
        internal static void RunIsolated(string application = null, string target = null, IsolatedPackageAction isolatedAction = null)
            using (var tpmClient = new ExecutorClient())
                var packages = new Installation(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)).GetPackages();
                PackageDef findPackageWithFile(string file)
                    foreach (var package in packages)
                        foreach (var pkgfile in package.Files)
                            var filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), pkgfile.FileName);

                            if (string.Equals(NormalizePath(filePath), NormalizePath(file), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                var        exec = application ?? Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;
                PackageDef pkg  = findPackageWithFile(Path.GetFullPath(exec));
                if (pkg == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Path.GetFileName(exec)} was not installed through a package.");
                var dependencies = pkg.Dependencies.ToList();

                if (isolatedAction != null)
                    // If the executing IsolatedPackageAction does not origin from OpenTAP package, we need to include it when we copy and run isolated
                    var        actionAsm             = isolatedAction.GetType().Assembly.Location;
                    PackageDef isolatedActionPackage = findPackageWithFile(Path.GetFullPath(actionAsm));
                    if (isolatedActionPackage == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Path.GetFileName(actionAsm)} was not installed through a package.");
                    if (pkg.Name != isolatedActionPackage.Name)
                        if (!dependencies.Any(p => p.Name == isolatedActionPackage.Name))
                            dependencies.Add(new PackageDependency(isolatedActionPackage.Name, new VersionSpecifier(isolatedActionPackage.Version, VersionMatchBehavior.Compatible)));

                // when installing/uninstalling packages we might need to use custom package actions as well.
                var extraDependencies = PluginManager.GetPlugins <ICustomPackageAction>().Select(t => t.Assembly.Location).Distinct().ToList();
                foreach (var exDep in extraDependencies)
                    var package = findPackageWithFile(exDep);
                    if (package != null && !dependencies.Any(p => p.Name == package.Name))
                        dependencies.Add(new PackageDependency(package.Name, new VersionSpecifier(package.Version, VersionMatchBehavior.Compatible)));

                var deps = OpenTap.Utils.FlattenHeirarchy(dependencies, dep => (IEnumerable <PackageDependency>)packages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == dep.Name)?.Dependencies ?? Array.Empty <PackageDependency>(), distinct: true);

                if (false == deps.Any(x => x.Name == pkg.Name))
                    deps.Add(new PackageDependency(pkg.Name, new VersionSpecifier(pkg.Version, VersionMatchBehavior.Compatible)));

                bool force = isolatedAction?.Force ?? false;

                List <string> allFiles = new List <string>();
                foreach (var d in deps)
                    var availPackages = packages.Where(p => p.Name == d.Name);
                    var package       = availPackages.FirstOrDefault(p => d.Version.IsCompatible(p.Version));
                    if (package == null)
                        package = availPackages.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (!force)
                            if (package != null)
                                throw new Exception($"Cannot find compatible dependency '{d.Name}' {d.Version}. Version {package.Version} is installed.");
                            throw new Exception($"Cannot find needed dependency '{d.Name}'.");

                        log.Warning("Unable to find compatible package, using {0} v{1} instead.", package.Name, package.Version);

                    var defPath = String.Join("/", PackageDef.PackageDefDirectory, package.Name, PackageDef.PackageDefFileName);
                    if (File.Exists(defPath))

                    var fs             = package.Files;
                    var brokenPackages = new HashSet <string>();
                    foreach (var file in fs)
                        string loc = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), file.FileName);
                        if (!File.Exists(loc))
                            log.Debug($"Could not find file '{loc}' part of package '{package.Name}'.");


                    foreach (var name in brokenPackages)
                        log.Warning($"Package '{name}' has missing files and is broken.");

                string tempFolder = Path.GetFullPath(FileSystemHelper.CreateTempDirectory());

                foreach (var _loc in allFiles.Distinct())
                    string loc = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), _loc);

                    var newloc = Path.Combine(tempFolder, _loc);
                    if (File.Exists(newloc))
                    File.Copy(loc, newloc);

                { // tell TPM Server to start new app.
                    var loc = application ?? Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;
                    if (string.Equals(".dll", Path.GetExtension(loc), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    {  //.netcore wierdness.
                        loc = Path.ChangeExtension(loc, "exe");
                        if (File.Exists(loc) == false)
                            loc = loc.Substring(0, loc.Length - ".exe".Length);

                    var newname = Path.Combine(tempFolder, Path.GetFileName(loc));

                    newname = $"\"{newname}\"";  // there could be whitespace in the name.

                    // now that we start from a different dir, we need to supply a --target argument
                    if (target != null)
                        newname = $"{newname} --target \"{target}\"";

                    tpmClient.MessageServer("run " + newname);