public void ClearDiagonalList() { if (head != null) { head = null; } n = 0; }
public void DrawDiagonals(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Color inColor) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Drawing diagonals"); cDiagonal dtemp = head; //g.setColor(inColor); //do //{ // g.drawLine(dtemp.v1.v.x, dtemp.v1.v.y, dtemp.v2.v.x, dtemp.v2.v.y); // dtemp =; //} while (dtemp != head); }
public void InsertBeforeHead(cDiagonal diag) { if (head == null) { InitHead(diag); } else { InsertBefore(diag, head); } }
public void PrintDiagonals() { cDiagonal temp = head; int i = 0; do { temp.PrintDiagonal(i); temp =; i++; } while (temp != head); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Prints out n-3 diagonals (as pairs of integer indices) * which form a triangulation of P. This algorithm is O(n^2). * See Chapter 1 for a full explanation. * Triangulate operates on listcopy rather than list, so that * the original polygon is not destroyed. */ public void Triangulate() { cVertex v0, v1, v2, v3, v4; // five consecutive pointCloud cDiagonal diag; int n = listcopy.n; //number of pointCloud; shrinks to 3 bool earfound = false; //to prevent infinite loop on improper input EarInit(); /* Each step of outer loop removes one ear. */ while (n > 3) { /* Inner loop searches for an ear. */ v2 = listcopy.head; do { if (v2.IsEar) { /* Ear found. Fill variables. */ v3 = v2.NextVertex; v4 = v3.NextVertex; v1 = v2.PrevVertex; v0 = v1.PrevVertex; /* (v1,v3) is a diagonal */ earfound = true; diag = new cDiagonal(v1, v3); diag.PrintDiagonal(listcopy.n - n); diaglist.InsertBeforeHead(diag); /* Update earity of diagonal endpoints */ v1.IsEar = Diagonal(v0, v3); v3.IsEar = Diagonal(v1, v4); /* Cut off the ear v2 */ v1.NextVertex = v3; v3.PrevVertex = v1; listcopy.head = v3; /* In case the head was v2. */ n--; break; /* out of inner loop; resume outer loop */ } /* end if ear found */ v2 = v2.NextVertex; } while (v2 != listcopy.head); if (!earfound) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Polygon is nonsimple: cannot triangulate"); break; } else { earfound = false; } diagdrawn = false; } /* end outer while loop */ }
private void InsertBefore(cDiagonal newD, cDiagonal old) { if (head == null) { InitHead(newD); } else { = newD; newD.prev = old.prev; = old; old.prev = newD; n++; } }
private void InitHead(cDiagonal diag) { head = new cDiagonal(diag.v1, diag.v2); = head.prev = head; n = 1; }
public cDiagonalList() { head = null; n = 0; }
public cDiagonal() { next = prev = null; v1 = v2 = new cVertex(); }