public void InitializeDisplay() { if (eglDisplay != null && eglDisplay != EGL10.EglNoDisplay) { return; } IEGL10 egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast <IEGL10> (); if (eglDisplay == null) { eglDisplay = egl.EglGetDisplay(EGL10.EglDefaultDisplay); } if (eglDisplay == EGL10.EglNoDisplay) { throw EglException.GenerateException("EglGetDisplay == EGL10.EglNoDisplay", egl, null); } int[] version = new int[2]; if (!egl.EglInitialize(eglDisplay, version)) { throw EglException.GenerateException("EglInitialize", egl, null); } }
public EGLSurface CreatePBufferSurface(EGLConfig config, int[] attribList) { IEGL10 egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast <IEGL10> (); EGLSurface result = egl.EglCreatePbufferSurface(eglDisplay, config, attribList); if (result == null || result == EGL10.EglNoSurface) { throw EglException.GenerateException("EglCreatePBufferSurface", egl, null); } return(result); }
public void CreateSurface(EGLConfig config) { if (refHolder == null) { CreatePBufferSurface(config); return; } IEGL10 egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast <IEGL10> (); eglSurface = egl.EglCreateWindowSurface(eglDisplay, config, ((Java.Lang.Object)Holder), null); if (eglSurface == null || eglSurface == EGL10.EglNoSurface) { throw EglException.GenerateException("EglCreateWindowSurface", egl, null); } }
public bool Swap() { bool ret = egl.EglSwapBuffers(window.Display, window.Surface); if (!ret) { int err = egl.EglGetError(); switch (err) { case EGL11.EglContextLost: throw EglContextLostException.GenerateException("EglSwapBuffers", egl, err); case EGL11.EglBadAlloc: throw EglBadAllocException.GenerateException("EglSwapBuffers", egl, err); default: throw EglException.GenerateException("EglSwapBuffers", egl, err); } } return(ret); }
public void MakeCurrent(IWindowInfo win) { if (win == null) { ClearCurrent(); return; } var w = win as AndroidWindow; if (w == null) { w = window; } var surf = surface == null ? w.Surface : surface; var ctx = EGLContext; if (win == null) { surf = EGL10.EglNoSurface; ctx = EGL10.EglNoContext; } if (!egl.EglMakeCurrent(window.Display, surf, surf, ctx)) { int err = egl.EglGetError(); switch (err) { case EGL11.EglContextLost: throw EglContextLostException.GenerateException("MakeCurrent", egl, err); case EGL11.EglBadAlloc: throw EglBadAllocException.GenerateException("MakeCurrent", egl, err); default: throw EglException.GenerateException("MakeCurrent", egl, err); } } }
void Init(GraphicsMode mode, IWindowInfo win, IGraphicsContext sharedContext, int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags) { window = win as AndroidWindow; if (window == null) { throw new ArgumentException("win"); } AndroidGraphicsContext shared = sharedContext as AndroidGraphicsContext; egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast <IEGL10> (); window.InitializeDisplay(); if (mode == null) { mode = new GraphicsMode(); } if (mode is AndroidGraphicsMode) { GraphicsMode = mode; } else { GraphicsMode = new AndroidGraphicsMode(window.Display, major, mode); } if (shared != null && !PBufferSupported) { throw new EglException("Multiple Context's are not supported by this device"); } if (Mode.Config == null) { Mode.Initialize(window.Display, major); } /* * Create an OpenGL ES context. We want to do this as rarely as possible, an * OpenGL context is a somewhat heavy object. */ int EglContextClientVersion = 0x3098; int EglContextMinorVersion = 0x30fb; int[] attribList = null; if (major >= 2) { string extensions = egl.EglQueryString(window.Display, Egl.Egl.EXTENSIONS); if (minor > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(extensions) && extensions.Contains("EGL_KHR_create_context")) { attribList = new int [] { EglContextClientVersion, major, EglContextMinorVersion, minor, EGL10.EglNone }; } else { attribList = new int [] { EglContextClientVersion, major, EGL10.EglNone }; } } EGLContext = egl.EglCreateContext(window.Display, EGLConfig, shared != null && shared.EGLContext != null ? shared.EGLContext : EGL10.EglNoContext, attribList); if (EGLContext == EGL10.EglNoContext) { throw EglException.GenerateException("EglCreateContext == EGL10.EglNoContext", egl, null); } if (shared != null && shared.EGLContext != null) { egl.EglMakeCurrent(window.Display, EGL10.EglNoSurface, EGL10.EglNoSurface, EGL10.EglNoContext); int[] pbufferAttribList = new int [] { EGL10.EglWidth, 64, EGL10.EglHeight, 64, EGL10.EglNone }; surface = window.CreatePBufferSurface(EGLConfig, pbufferAttribList); if (surface == EGL10.EglNoSurface) { throw new EglException("Could not create PBuffer for shared context!"); } } }
void ChooseConfig(EGLDisplay display) { #if LOGGING Log.Verbose("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Requested graphics mode on display {7} with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6}", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, display); #endif var egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast <IEGL10> (); try { if (display == null) { display = egl.EglGetDisplay(EGL11.EglDefaultDisplay); } } catch { throw EglException.GenerateException("Failed to get default display", egl, null); } List <int> configSpec = new List <int> { }; if (ColorFormat.Red > 0) { configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglRedSize); configSpec.Add(ColorFormat.Red); } if (ColorFormat.Green > 0) { configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglGreenSize); configSpec.Add(ColorFormat.Green); } if (ColorFormat.Blue > 0) { configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglBlueSize); configSpec.Add(ColorFormat.Blue); } if (ColorFormat.Alpha > 0) { configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglAlphaSize); configSpec.Add(ColorFormat.Alpha); } if (Depth > 0) { configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglDepthSize); configSpec.Add(Depth); } if (Stencil > 0) { configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglStencilSize); configSpec.Add(Stencil); } // if (Samples > 0) { // Enable Multi Sampling if we can configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglSampleBuffers); configSpec.Add(1); configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglSamples); configSpec.Add(Samples); } if (Version > 1) { configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglRenderableType); configSpec.Add(4); } configSpec.Add(EGL11.EglNone); int[] num_configs = new int[1]; if (!egl.EglGetConfigs(display, null, 0, num_configs) || num_configs[0] < 1) { throw EglException.GenerateException("Failed to retrieve GraphicsMode configurations", egl, null); } EGLConfig[] configs = new EGLConfig[1]; if (!egl.EglChooseConfig(display, configSpec.ToArray(), configs, configs.Length, num_configs)) { Log.Warn("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Failed to choose GraphicsMode with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6}: egl error {7}. Falling back go lowest configuration available.", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, egl.EglGetError()); configSpec = new List <int> { EGL11.EglRedSize, 4, EGL11.EglGreenSize, 4, EGL11.EglBlueSize, 4, EGL11.EglNone }; if (!egl.EglChooseConfig(display, configSpec.ToArray(), configs, configs.Length, num_configs)) { throw EglException.GenerateException("Failed to find a valid GraphicsMode configuration", egl, null); } } EGLConfig active_config = configs[0]; #if LOGGING Log.Verbose("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Checking selected config {0}", active_config); #endif if (active_config == null) { throw EglException.GenerateException("Failed to find a valid GraphicsMode configuration", egl, null); } var r = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglRedSize); var g = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglGreenSize); var b = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglBlueSize); var a = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglAlphaSize); var depth = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglDepthSize); var stencil = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglStencilSize); var s = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglSampleBuffers); var samples = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglSamples); var bufs = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglRenderBuffer); var surfaceType = GetAttrib(egl, display, active_config, EGL11.EglSurfaceType); #if LOGGING Log.Verbose("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Requested graphics mode with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6} samples {7}", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, Samples); #endif this.Index = active_config.Handle; this.ColorFormat = new ColorFormat(r, g, b, a); this.Depth = depth; this.Stencil = stencil; this.Samples = s > 0 ? samples : 0; this.Config = active_config; this.Buffers = bufs; this.PBufferSupported = (surfaceType & EGL11.EglPbufferBit) == EGL11.EglPbufferBit; #if LOGGING Log.Verbose("AndroidGraphicsMode", "Selected graphics mode with red {0} green {1} blue {2} alpha {3} depth {4} stencil {5} buffers {6}, samples {7}", ColorFormat.Red, ColorFormat.Green, ColorFormat.Blue, ColorFormat.Alpha, Depth, Stencil, Buffers, Samples); #endif }