コード例 #1
        public async Task CreateLinkedPlayerCommand(
            [Summary("The player's name.")] string name,
            [Summary("The ID of the player.")] ulong id,
            [Summary("The displayed TrueSkill of the player.")] double skill = double.NaN,
            [Summary("The RD of the player.")] double rd = double.NaN

            var np = createPlayer(name, skill, rd);

            var user = Program.DiscordIO.GetUser(id);

            if (user == null)
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"The ID `{id}` is invalid."));


            await np.UpdateRank(true);


            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed(
                                 $"Added player **{name}** with skill {np.DisplayedSkill} RD {np.Sigma},"
                                 + $" and linked them to the Discord User {user.Mention}.", "Player ID: " + np.UUId)
コード例 #2
        public async Task CreateTournamentCommand(
            [Summary("The name of the tournament.")] string tournamentName,
            [Summary("The format of the tournament.")] string format,
            [Summary("The UTC time of the tournament, in the form HHMM (ie, 1600 for 4PM UTC)")] ushort utcTime,
            [Summary("The calendar date of the tournament in DD/MM/YYYY, DD/MM, or DD. The missing fields will be autofilled.")] string calendarDate = ""
            var tourney = Tournament.GenerateTournament(tournamentName, utcTime, calendarDate, format);

            var msgTask = SendProgressAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateInfoEmbed(":arrows_counterclockwise: Created tournament. Creating on challonge..."));
            var msg     = await msgTask;

            var ct = await tourney.SetUpChallonge();

            var   atTask = Program.Controller.AddTournament(tourney);
            await atTask;

            await msg.DeleteAsync();

            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed(
                                 $"Created the tournament **{tournamentName}**:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                 $"Date: {tourney.GetStartTimeStr()}" + Environment.NewLine +
                                 $"Challonge URL: {ct.FullChallongeUrl}"

            await SetCurrentTournamentCommand(Program.Controller.Tournaments.Count);
コード例 #3
        public async Task LinkPlayerCommand(
            [Summary("The player's name.")] string name,
            [Summary("The Discord ID of the player.")] ulong id
            var player = Program.CurLeaderboard.FuzzySearch(name);

            if (player == null)
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not find the player **{name}**."));


            var user = Program.DiscordIO.GetUser(id);

            if (user == null)
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"The ID `{id}` is invalid."));


            await player.UpdateRank(true);

            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"**{player.IGN}** is now linked to **{user.Username}#{user.DiscriminatorValue}**"));
コード例 #4
        // allow this code to also be used for !tournamentstartmatch (!tsm)
        public static async Task <Tuple <PendingMatch, Embed> > StartMatch(string team1, string team2, bool force, bool isTourney = false)
            try {
                Team t1;
                Team t2;
                try {
                    t1 = StrToTeam(team1);
                    t2 = StrToTeam(team2);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    return(new Tuple <PendingMatch, Embed>(null, EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed(e.Message)));

                var t1_s = string.Join(", ", t1.Players.Select(x => x.IGN));
                var t2_s = string.Join(", ", t2.Players.Select(x => x.IGN));

                var match = await Program.Controller.StartMatchAction(t1, t2, isTourney, force);

                if (match == null)
                    return(new Tuple <PendingMatch, Embed>(null, EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed(
                                                               $"One or more of the players you specified are already playing. Please set `force` to `true` if you wish to override this protection.")));

                string output = $"Started the match between **{t1_s}** and **{t2_s}**.";

                return(new Tuple <PendingMatch, Embed>(match, EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed(output)));
            catch (Exception e) {
                return(new Tuple <PendingMatch, Embed>(null, EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed(e.Message)));
コード例 #5
        public async Task RemoveAchievementCommand(
            [Summary("The name, UUID or Discord message ID of the achievement.")] string achievement,
            [Remainder][Summary("The player to revoke the achievement from.")] string players
        ) {
            var achv = Program.Controller.Achievements.FindAchievement(achievement);
            if (achv == null) {
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not find the achievement from the query **{achievement}**."));

            var teams = TournamentCommands.StrListToTeams(players);

            var output = "";
            foreach (var t in teams) {
                foreach (var p in t.Players) {
                    if (await achv.AddPlayer(p)) {
                        output += p.IGN + Environment.NewLine;
                    else {
                        await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateWarnEmbed($"Could not revoke the player **{p.IGN}** of the achievement **{achv.Name}**."));

            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed(
                $"Successfully revoked the following players of the achievement **{achv.Name}**:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + output));
コード例 #6
        public Task FixCAGCommand()
            var rand = new Random();
            var num  = rand.Next();

            return(ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"Fixed a total of **{num}** CAGs.")));
コード例 #7
        public async Task DeleteChannelsCommand()
            var msg = await Program.DiscordIO.SendMessage("",
                                                          EmbedHelper.GenerateInfoEmbed($":arrows_counterclockwise: Deleting channels - please wait..."));

            Program.Config.LogsChannelId          = 0;
            Program.Config.AchievementsChannelId  = 0;
            Program.Config.CommandChannelId       = 0;
            Program.Config.LeaderboardChannelId   = 0;
            Program.Config.HistoryChannelId       = 0;
            Program.Config.ActiveMatchesChannelId = 0;
            Program.Config.TourneysChannelId      = 0;
            Program.Config.SignupLogsChannelId    = 0;
            Program.Config.SignupsChannelId       = 0;

            await msg.DeleteAsync();

            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed("Deleted the bot channels."));
コード例 #8
 public async Task CreateAchievementCommand(
     [Summary("The achievement's name.")] string name,
     [Summary("The description of the achievement.")] string description
 ) {
     var result = await Program.Controller.Achievements.AddAchievement(name, description);
     if (result) await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"Successfully added the achievement **{name}**."));
     else await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not create the achievement **{name}**. Please try again."));
コード例 #9
        public Task ViewPermittedRoleCommand()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("**The following roles are permitted:**" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            foreach (var r in Program.Config.PermittedRoleNames)
コード例 #10
        public async Task ResendAchvsCommand() {
            var msg = await SendProgressAsync(
                EmbedHelper.GenerateInfoEmbed($":arrows_counterclockwise: Resending all achievements..."));
            foreach (var a in Program.Controller.Achievements.AchievementsList) {
                await a.DeleteMessage();
                await a.SendMessage();

            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"Resent {Program.Controller.Achievements.AchievementsList.Count()} achievement(s)."));
コード例 #11
 public async Task DeleteAchievementCommand(
     [Summary("The name, UUID or Discord message ID of the achievement to delete.")] string achievement
 ) {
     var achv = Program.Controller.Achievements.FindAchievement(achievement);
     if (achv != null) {
         if (await Program.Controller.Achievements.DeleteAchievement(achv)) {
             await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"Deleted the achievement **{achv.Name}**."));
         } else {
             await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not delete the achievement **{achv.Name}**."));
     } else {
         await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not find the achievement from the query **{achievement}**."));
コード例 #12
        public async Task EditAchievementCommand(
            [Summary("The name, UUID or Discord message ID of the achievement.")] string achievement,
            [Summary("The achievement's name.")] string name,
            [Summary("The description of the achievement.")] string description
        ) {
            var achv = Program.Controller.Achievements.FindAchievement(achievement);
            if (achv == null) {
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not find the achievement from the query **{achievement}**."));

            await achv.Edit(name, description);
            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"Successfully edited the achievement **{name}**."));
コード例 #13
        public async Task CreatePlayerCommand(
            [Summary("The player's name.")] string name,
            [Summary("The displayed TrueSkill of the player.")] double skill = double.NaN,
            [Summary("The RD of the player.")] double rd = double.NaN

            var np = createPlayer(name, skill, rd);
            await np.UpdateRank(true);


            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed(
                                 $"Added player **{name}** with skill {np.DisplayedSkill} RD {np.Sigma}.", "Player ID: " + np.UUId)
コード例 #14
        public async Task EditPlayerCommand(
            [Summary("The player's name, ID, or Discord ID.")] string name,
            [Summary("What to change the player's name to.")] string newName,
            [Summary("What to change the player's TrueSkill to.")] string newTs = "~",
            [Summary("What to change the player's RD to.")] string newRd        = "~",
            [Summary("What to change the player's alias to.")] string newAlias  = "~"
            var player = FindPlayer(name);

            if (player == null)
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not find the user with name or ID `{name}`."));


            if (!newName.Equals("~"))
                player.IGN = newName;

            double d_newSigma;

            if (!newTs.Equals("~") && Double.TryParse(newRd, out d_newSigma))
                player.Sigma = d_newSigma;

            double d_newTs;

            if (!newTs.Equals("~") && Double.TryParse(newTs, out d_newTs))
                player.Mu = d_newTs + player.Sigma * Program.Config.TrueSkillDeviations;

            if (!newAlias.Equals("~"))
                player.Alias = newAlias;


            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"**{player.IGN}**'s data has been updated to the following: {Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}"
                                                              + player.GenerateSummary()));
コード例 #15
        public async Task UnlinkPlayerCommand(
            [Summary("The player's name, ID, or Discord ID.")] string name
            var player = FindPlayer(name);

            if (player == null)
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not find the user with name or ID `{name}`."));



            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"**{player.IGN}** has been unlinked."));
コード例 #16
        public async Task DeletePlayer([Summary("The player's name, ID, or Discord ID.")] string name)
            var player = FindPlayer(name);

            if (player == null)
                await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed($"Could not find the user with name or ID `{name}`."));


            player.MarkedForDeletion = true;


            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"**{player.IGN}** has been removed from the leaderboard."));
コード例 #17
        public async Task CreateTournamentCommand(
            [Summary("The name of the tournament.")] string tournamentName,
            [Summary("The UTC time of the tournament, in the form HHMM (ie, 1600 for 4PM UTC)")] ushort utcTime,
            [Summary("The calendar date of the tournament in DD/MM/YYYY, DD/MM, or DD. The missing fields will be autofilled.")] string calendarDate = ""
            var tourney = Tournament.GenerateTournament(tournamentName, utcTime, calendarDate);

            await Program.Controller.AddTournament(tourney);

            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed(
                                 $"Created the tournament **{tournamentName}**:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                 $"Date: {tourney.GetStartTimeStr()}" + Environment.NewLine

            // set to this
            await SetCurrentTournamentCommand(Program.Controller.Tournaments.Count);
コード例 #18
        public async Task SetupChannelsCommand()
            var msg = await Program.DiscordIO.SendMessage("",
                                                          EmbedHelper.GenerateInfoEmbed($":arrows_counterclockwise: Setting up channels - please wait..."));

            // Create Categories.
            var achievementsCat = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateCategory("Achievements")).Id;
            var manageCat       = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateCategory("Skillbot Management")).Id;
            var skillCat        = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateCategory("Matches")).Id;
            var tourneyCat      = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateCategory("Tournaments")).Id;

            // Create channels.
            var achievementsId = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("achievements", achievementsCat)).Id;

            var commandsId = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("commands", manageCat)).Id;
            var logsId     = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("logs", manageCat)).Id;

            var leaderboardId   = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("leaderboard", skillCat)).Id;
            var historyId       = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("match-history", skillCat)).Id;
            var activeMatchesId = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("active-matches", manageCat)).Id;

            var tourneysId   = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("tournaments", tourneyCat)).Id;
            var signupLogsId = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("signup-log", tourneyCat)).Id;
            var signupsId    = (await Program.DiscordIO.CreateChannel("signups", tourneyCat, true)).Id;

            // Save to config.
            Program.Config.AchievementsChannelId  = achievementsId;
            Program.Config.CommandChannelId       = commandsId;
            Program.Config.LogsChannelId          = logsId;
            Program.Config.LeaderboardChannelId   = leaderboardId;
            Program.Config.HistoryChannelId       = historyId;
            Program.Config.ActiveMatchesChannelId = activeMatchesId;
            Program.Config.TourneysChannelId      = tourneysId;
            Program.Config.SignupLogsChannelId    = signupLogsId;
            Program.Config.SignupsChannelId       = signupsId;

            await msg.DeleteAsync();


            await ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed("Succesfully created all the required channels. Basic permissions have been set up for the channels. Change the permissions as you please."));
コード例 #19
        public Task LinkChannelsCommand(
            [Summary("The ID of the achievements channel.")] ulong achievementsId,
            [Summary("The ID of the commands channel.")] ulong commandsId,
            [Summary("The ID of the logs channel.")] ulong logsId,
            [Summary("The ID of the leaderboard channel.")] ulong leaderboardId,
            [Summary("The ID of the match history channel.")] ulong historyId,
            [Summary("The ID of the active matches channel.")] ulong activeMatchesId,
            [Summary("The ID of the tournaments channel.")] ulong tourneysId,
            [Summary("The ID of the tournament signups logs channel.")] ulong signupLogsId,
            [Summary("The ID of the tournament signups channel.")] ulong signupsId)
            Program.Config.CommandChannelId       = commandsId;
            Program.Config.LogsChannelId          = logsId;
            Program.Config.LeaderboardChannelId   = leaderboardId;
            Program.Config.HistoryChannelId       = historyId;
            Program.Config.ActiveMatchesChannelId = activeMatchesId;
            Program.Config.TourneysChannelId      = tourneysId;
            Program.Config.SignupLogsChannelId    = signupLogsId;
            Program.Config.SignupsChannelId       = signupsId;


            return(ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed("Succesfully linked.")));
コード例 #20
 public Task RemovePermittedRoleCommand([Remainder][Summary("The name of the role to remove.")] string roleName)
     return(ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"**{roleName}** is no longer a permitted role.")));
コード例 #21
 public Task AddPermittedRoleCommand([Remainder][Summary("The name of the role to add.")] string roleName)
     return(ReplyAsync(EmbedHelper.GenerateSuccessEmbed($"Permitted users with the role **{roleName}**.")));