コード例 #1
        // Set prim params for a sculpted prim and check results.
        public void CheckllSetPrimitiveParams(LSL_Api api, string primTest,
            LSL_Types.Vector3 primSize, int primType, string primMap, int primSculptType)
            // Set the prim params.
            api.llSetPrimitiveParams(new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_SIZE, primSize,
                ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_TYPE, primType, primMap, primSculptType));

            // Get params for prim to validate settings.
            LSL_Types.list primParams =
                api.llGetPrimitiveParams(new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_SIZE, ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_TYPE));

            // Validate settings.
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primSize, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 0), primTest + " prim size");
            Assert.AreEqual(primType, api.llList2Integer(primParams, 1),
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim type check fail");
            Assert.AreEqual(primMap, (string)api.llList2String(primParams, 2),
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim map check fail");
            Assert.AreEqual(primSculptType, api.llList2Integer(primParams, 3),
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim type scuplt check fail");
コード例 #2
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
        public void osTeleportOwner(int regionGridX, int regionGridY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "osTeleportOwner");

            TeleportAgent(m_host.OwnerID.ToString(), regionGridX, regionGridY, position, lookat, true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: LSL_ApiTest.cs プロジェクト: szielins/opensim
 /// <summary>
 /// Check an llRot2Euler conversion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Testing Rot2Euler this way instead of comparing against expected angles because
 /// 1. There are several ways to get to the original Quaternion. For example a rotation
 ///    of PI and -PI will give the same result. But PI and -PI aren't equal.
 /// 2. This method checks to see if the calculated angles from a quaternion can be used
 ///    to create a new quaternion to produce the same rotation.
 /// However, can't compare the newly calculated quaternion against the original because
 /// once again, there are multiple quaternions that give the same result. For instance
 ///  <X, Y, Z, S> == <-X, -Y, -Z, -S>.  Additionally, the magnitude of S can be changed
 /// and will still result in the same rotation if the values for X, Y, Z are also changed
 /// to compensate.
 /// However, if two quaternions represent the same rotation, then multiplying the first
 /// quaternion by the conjugate of the second, will give a third quaternion representing
 /// a zero rotation. This can be tested for by looking at the X, Y, Z values which should
 /// be zero.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="rot"></param>
 private void CheckllRot2Euler(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot)
     // Call LSL function to convert quaternion rotaion to euler radians.
     LSL_Types.Vector3 eulerCalc = m_lslApi.llRot2Euler(rot);
     // Now use the euler radians to recalculate a new quaternion rotation
     LSL_Types.Quaternion newRot = m_lslApi.llEuler2Rot(eulerCalc);
     // Multiple original quaternion by conjugate of quaternion calculated with angles.
     LSL_Types.Quaternion check = rot * new LSL_Types.Quaternion(-newRot.x, -newRot.y, -newRot.z, newRot.s);
     Assert.AreEqual(0.0, check.x, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY, "TestllRot2Euler X bounds check fail");
     Assert.AreEqual(0.0, check.y, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY, "TestllRot2Euler Y bounds check fail");
     Assert.AreEqual(0.0, check.z, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY, "TestllRot2Euler Z bounds check fail");
コード例 #4
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
        private void TeleportAgent(string agent, int regionGridX, int regionGridY,
            LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat, bool relaxRestrictions)
            ulong regionHandle = Util.RegionGridLocToHandle((uint)regionGridX, (uint)regionGridY);

            UUID agentId = new UUID();
            if (UUID.TryParse(agent, out agentId))
                ScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(agentId);
                if (presence != null)
                    // For osTeleportAgent, agent must be over owners land to avoid abuse
                    // For osTeleportOwner, this restriction isn't necessary

                    // commented out because its redundant and uneeded please remove eventually.
                    // if (relaxRestrictions ||
                    //    m_host.OwnerID
                    //    == World.LandChannel.GetLandObject(
                    //        presence.AbsolutePosition.X, presence.AbsolutePosition.Y).LandData.OwnerID)
                    // {

                        // We will launch the teleport on a new thread so that when the script threads are terminated
                        // before teleport in ScriptInstance.GetXMLState(), we don't end up aborting the one doing the teleporting.
                            o => World.RequestTeleportLocation(
                                presence.ControllingClient, regionHandle, 
                                position, lookat, (uint)TPFlags.ViaLocation), 
                            null, "OSSL_Api.TeleportAgentByRegionName");


                   //  }

コード例 #5
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
        public void osTeleportOwner(string regionName, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
            // Threat level None because this is what can already be done with the World Map in the viewer
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "osTeleportOwner");

            TeleportAgent(m_host.OwnerID.ToString(), regionName, position, lookat, true);
コード例 #6
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/seleon
        private void TeleportAgent(string agent, int regionX, int regionY,
            LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat, bool relaxRestrictions)
            ulong regionHandle = Util.UIntsToLong(((uint)regionX * (uint)Constants.RegionSize), ((uint)regionY * (uint)Constants.RegionSize));

            UUID agentId = new UUID();
            if (UUID.TryParse(agent, out agentId))
                ScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(agentId);
                if (presence != null)
                    // For osTeleportAgent, agent must be over owners land to avoid abuse
                    // For osTeleportOwner, this restriction isn't necessary
                    if (relaxRestrictions ||
                        == World.LandChannel.GetLandObject(
                            presence.AbsolutePosition.X, presence.AbsolutePosition.Y).LandData.OwnerID)
                        World.RequestTeleportLocation(presence.ControllingClient, regionHandle,
                            new Vector3((float)position.x, (float)position.y, (float)position.z),
                            new Vector3((float)lookat.x, (float)lookat.y, (float)lookat.z), (uint)TPFlags.ViaLocation);
コード例 #7
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a notecard directly to the prim's inventory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This needs ThreatLevel high. It is an excellent griefer tool,
        /// In a loop, it can cause asset bloat and DOS levels of asset
        /// writes.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="notecardName">The name of the notecard to write.</param>
        /// <param name="contents">The contents of the notecard.</param>
        public void osMakeNotecard(string notecardName, LSL_Types.list contents)
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.High, "osMakeNotecard");

            StringBuilder notecardData = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++)
                notecardData.Append((string)(contents.GetLSLStringItem(i) + "\n"));

            SaveNotecard(notecardName, "Script generated notecard", notecardData.ToString(), false);
コード例 #8
 // rex
 public void rexRttCameraWorld(string vAvatar, int command, string name, string assetID, LSL_Types.Vector3 vPos, LSL_Types.Vector3 vLookAt, int width, int height)
         Vector3 pos = new Vector3((float)vPos.x, (float)vPos.y, (float)vPos.z);
         Vector3 lookat = new Vector3((float)vLookAt.x, (float)vLookAt.y, (float)vLookAt.z);
         World.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence controller)
             if (controller.ControllingClient is RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)
                 ((RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)controller.ControllingClient).SendRexRttCamera(command, name, new UUID(assetID), pos, lookat, width, height);
         //World.SendRexRttCameraToAll(command, name, new UUID(assetID), pos, lookat, width, height);
     catch { }
コード例 #9
        public void rexSetAmbientLight(string avatar, LSL_Types.Vector3 lightDirection, LSL_Types.Vector3 lightColour, LSL_Types.Vector3 ambientColour)
                Vector3 lightDir = new Vector3((float)lightDirection.x, (float)lightDirection.y, (float)lightDirection.z);
                Vector3 lightC = new Vector3((float)lightColour.x, (float)lightColour.y, (float)lightColour.z);
                Vector3 ambientC = new Vector3((float)ambientColour.x, (float)ambientColour.y, (float)ambientColour.z);

                ScenePresence target = World.GetScenePresence(new UUID(avatar));
                if (target != null)
                    if (target.ControllingClient is RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)
                        RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase targetClient = (RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)target.ControllingClient;
                        targetClient.SendRexSetAmbientLight(lightDir, lightC, ambientC);
            catch { }
コード例 #10
        public string rexRaycast(LSL_Types.Vector3 vPos, LSL_Types.Vector3 vDir, float vLength, string vIgnoreId)
            uint tempignoreid = 0;
            uint collid = 0;

            if (vIgnoreId.Length > 0)
                tempignoreid = System.Convert.ToUInt32(vIgnoreId, 10);

            if(World.PhysicsScene is IRexPhysicsScene)
                collid = ((IRexPhysicsScene)World.PhysicsScene).Raycast(new Vector3((float)vPos.x, (float)vPos.y, (float)vPos.z), new Vector3((float)vDir.x, (float)vDir.y, (float)vDir.z), vLength, tempignoreid);

            return collid.ToString();
コード例 #11
 // rex
 public void rexRttCamera(string vAvatar, int command, string name, string assetID, LSL_Types.Vector3 vPos, LSL_Types.Vector3 vLookAt, int width, int height)
         ScenePresence target = World.GetScenePresence(new UUID(vAvatar));
         if (target != null)
             Vector3 pos = new Vector3((float)vPos.x, (float)vPos.y, (float)vPos.z);
             Vector3 lookat = new Vector3((float)vLookAt.x, (float)vLookAt.y, (float)vLookAt.z);
             if (target.ControllingClient is RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)
                 RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase targetClient = (RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)target.ControllingClient;
                 targetClient.SendRexRttCamera(command, name, new UUID(assetID), pos, lookat, width, height);
     catch { }
コード例 #12
 // rex
 public void rexIKSetLimbTarget(string vAvatar, int vLimbId, LSL_Types.Vector3 vDest, float vTimeToTarget, float vStayTime, float vConstraintAngle, string vStartAnim, string vTargetAnim, string vEndAnim)
         ScenePresence target = World.GetScenePresence(new UUID(vAvatar));
         if (target != null)
             Vector3 targetpos = new Vector3((float)vDest.x, (float)vDest.y, (float)vDest.z);
             World.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence controller)
                 if (controller.ControllingClient is RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)
                     ((RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)controller.ControllingClient).RexIKSendLimbTarget(target.UUID, vLimbId, targetpos, vTimeToTarget, vStayTime, vConstraintAngle, vStartAnim, vTargetAnim, vEndAnim);
             //World.SendRexIKSetLimbTargetToAll(target.UUID, vLimbId, targetpos, vTimeToTarget, vStayTime, vConstraintAngle, vStartAnim, vTargetAnim, vEndAnim);
     catch { }
コード例 #13
        public void rexAttachObjectToAvatar(string primId, string avatarId, int attachmentPoint, LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, bool silent)
                uint primLocalId = Convert.ToUInt32(primId);
                UUID avatarUUID;
                IClientAPI agent = null;
                ScenePresence avatar = null;
                if (UUID.TryParse(avatarId, out avatarUUID))
                    ScenePresence presence = m_ScriptEngine.World.GetScenePresence(avatarUUID);
                    agent = presence.ControllingClient;
                    avatar = presence;
                    uint avatarLocalId = Convert.ToUInt32(avatarId);
                    List<EntityBase> entities = m_ScriptEngine.World.GetEntities();
                    foreach (EntityBase ent in entities)
                        if (ent is ScenePresence)
                            if (ent.LocalId == avatarLocalId)
                                agent = ((ScenePresence)ent).ControllingClient;
                                avatar = ((ScenePresence)ent);

                if (agent == null)
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[REXSCRIPT]: Failed to attach object to avatar. Could not find avatar {0}", avatarId);

                SceneObjectPart part = m_ScriptEngine.World.GetSceneObjectPart(primLocalId);
                if (part == null)
                    m_log.Error("[REXSCRIPT] Error attaching object to avatar: Could not find object");

                Vector3 position = new Vector3((float)pos.x, (float)pos.y, (float)pos.z);
                IAttachmentsModule attachmentsModule = m_ScriptEngine.World.AttachmentsModule;
                if (attachmentsModule != null)
                    attachmentsModule.AttachObject(agent, primLocalId, (uint)attachmentPoint, silent);
                    m_ScriptEngine.World.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(primLocalId, part.ParentGroup.GetFromItemID(), agent.AgentId);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.Error("[REXSCRIPT] Error attaching object to avatar: " + e.ToString());
コード例 #14
 public void CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(LSL_Types.Vector3 vecCheck, LSL_Types.Vector3 vecReturned, string msg)
     // Check each vector component against expected result.
     Assert.AreEqual(vecCheck.x, vecReturned.x, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY,
         "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + msg + " vector check fail on x component");
     Assert.AreEqual(vecCheck.y, vecReturned.y, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY,
         "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + msg + " vector check fail on y component");
     Assert.AreEqual(vecCheck.z, vecReturned.z, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY,
         "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + msg + " vector check fail on z component");
コード例 #15
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: AlphaStaxLLC/taiga
        // Teleport functions
        public void osTeleportAgent(string agent, int regionX, int regionY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
            // High because there is no security check. High griefer potential
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.High, "osTeleportAgent");

            ulong regionHandle = Util.UIntsToLong(((uint)regionX * (uint)Constants.RegionSize), ((uint)regionY * (uint)Constants.RegionSize));

            UUID agentId = new UUID();
            if (UUID.TryParse(agent, out agentId))
                ScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(agentId);
                if (presence != null)
                    // agent must be over owners land to avoid abuse
                    if (m_host.OwnerID
                        == World.LandChannel.GetLandObject(
                            presence.AbsolutePosition.X, presence.AbsolutePosition.Y).LandData.OwnerID)
                        World.RequestTeleportLocation(presence.ControllingClient, regionHandle,
                            new Vector3((float)position.x, (float)position.y, (float)position.z),
                            new Vector3((float)lookat.x, (float)lookat.y, (float)lookat.z), (uint)TPFlags.ViaLocation);
コード例 #16
        // rex
        public void rexSetCameraClientSideEffect(string avatar, bool enable, string assetId, LSL_Types.Vector3 vPos, LSL_Types.Quaternion vRot)
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3((float)vPos.x, (float)vPos.y, (float)vPos.z);
                Quaternion rot = new Quaternion((float)vRot.x, (float)vRot.y, (float)vRot.z, (float)vRot.s);

                ScenePresence target = World.GetScenePresence(new UUID(avatar));
                if (target != null)
                    if (target.ControllingClient is RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)
                        RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase targetClient = (RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)target.ControllingClient;
                        targetClient.SendRexCameraClientSideEffect(enable, new UUID(assetId), pos, rot);
            catch { }
コード例 #17
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/seleon
        // This needs ThreatLevel high. It is an excellent griefer tool,
        // In a loop, it can cause asset bloat and DOS levels of asset
        // writes.
        public void osMakeNotecard(string notecardName, LSL_Types.list contents)
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.High, "osMakeNotecard");

            // Create new asset
            AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), notecardName, (sbyte)AssetType.Notecard, m_host.OwnerID.ToString());
            asset.Description = "Script Generated Notecard";
            string notecardData = String.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++) {
                notecardData += contents.GetLSLStringItem(i) + "\n";

            int textLength = notecardData.Length;
            notecardData = "Linden text version 2\n{\nLLEmbeddedItems version 1\n{\ncount 0\n}\nText length "
            + textLength.ToString() + "\n" + notecardData + "}\n";

            asset.Data = Util.UTF8.GetBytes(notecardData);

            // Create Task Entry
            TaskInventoryItem taskItem=new TaskInventoryItem();

            taskItem.ParentID = m_host.UUID;
            taskItem.CreationDate = (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
            taskItem.Name = asset.Name;
            taskItem.Description = asset.Description;
            taskItem.Type = (int)AssetType.Notecard;
            taskItem.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Notecard;
            taskItem.OwnerID = m_host.OwnerID;
            taskItem.CreatorID = m_host.OwnerID;
            taskItem.BasePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            taskItem.CurrentPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            taskItem.EveryonePermissions = 0;
            taskItem.NextPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            taskItem.GroupID = m_host.GroupID;
            taskItem.GroupPermissions = 0;
            taskItem.Flags = 0;
            taskItem.PermsGranter = UUID.Zero;
            taskItem.PermsMask = 0;
            taskItem.AssetID = asset.FullID;

            m_host.Inventory.AddInventoryItem(taskItem, false);
コード例 #18
 // rex
 public void rexSetCameraClientSideEffect(string avatar, bool enable, string assetName, int assetType, LSL_Types.Vector3 vPos, LSL_Types.Quaternion vRot)
     m_log.Warn("[REXSCRIPT]: rexSetCameraClientSideEffect, could not set camera client side effets. Asset search by name disabled");
     //    UUID tempid = World.AssetCache.ExistsAsset((sbyte)assetType, assetName);
     //    if (tempid != UUID.Zero)
     //    {
     //        rexSetCameraClientSideEffect(avatar, enable, tempid.ToString(), vPos, vRot);
     //    }
     //catch { }
コード例 #19
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
        public double osList2Double(LSL_Types.list src, int index)
            // There is really no double type in OSSL. C# and other
            // have one, but the current implementation of LSL_Types.list
            // is not allowed to contain any.
            // This really should be removed.
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "osList2Double");

            if (index < 0)
                index = src.Length + index;
            if (index >= src.Length)
                return 0.0;
            return Convert.ToDouble(src.Data[index]);
コード例 #20
 // rex
 public void rexSetClientSideEffect(string assetId, float vTimeUntilLaunch, float vTimeUntilDeath, LSL_Types.Vector3 vPos, LSL_Types.Quaternion vRot, float vSpeed)
         Vector3 pos = new Vector3((float)vPos.x, (float)vPos.y, (float)vPos.z);
         Quaternion rot = new Quaternion((float)vRot.x, (float)vRot.y, (float)vRot.z, (float)vRot.s);
         World.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence controller)
             if (controller.ControllingClient is RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)
                 ((RexNetwork.RexClientViewBase)controller.ControllingClient).SendRexClientSideEffect(assetId, vTimeUntilLaunch, vTimeUntilDeath, pos, rot, vSpeed);
         //World.SendRexClientSideEffectToAll(new UUID(assetId), vTimeUntilLaunch, vTimeUntilDeath, pos, rot, vSpeed);
     catch { }
コード例 #21
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
        public void osTeleportAgent(string agent, int regionGridX, int regionGridY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
            // High because there is no security check. High griefer potential
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.Severe, "osTeleportAgent");

            TeleportAgent(agent, regionGridX, regionGridY, position, lookat, false);
コード例 #22
 // rex
 public void rexSetClientSideEffect(string assetName, int assetType, float vTimeUntilLaunch, float vTimeUntilDeath, LSL_Types.Vector3 vPos, LSL_Types.Quaternion vRot, float vSpeed)
     m_log.Warn("[REXSCRIPT]: rexSetCameraClientSideEffect, could not get asset by name. Use method with uuid instead");
     //   UUID tempid = World.AssetCache.ExistsAsset((sbyte)assetType, assetName);
     //   if (tempid != UUID.Zero)
     //   {
     //      rexSetClientSideEffect(tempid.ToString(), vTimeUntilLaunch, vTimeUntilDeath, vPos, vRot, vSpeed);
     //   }
     //catch { }
コード例 #23
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
 public void osTeleportAgent(string agent, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
     osTeleportAgent(agent, World.RegionInfo.RegionName, position, lookat);
コード例 #24
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: N3X15/VoxelSim
        // Teleport functions
        public void osTeleportAgent(string agent, string regionName, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
            // High because there is no security check. High griefer potential
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.High, "osTeleportAgent");

            UUID agentId = new UUID();
            if (UUID.TryParse(agent, out agentId))
                ScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(agentId);
                if (presence != null)
                    // agent must be over owners land to avoid abuse
                    if (m_host.OwnerID
                        == World.LandChannel.GetLandObject(
                            presence.AbsolutePosition.X, presence.AbsolutePosition.Y).LandData.OwnerID)

                        // Check for hostname , attempt to make a hglink
                        // and convert the regionName to the target region
                        if (regionName.Contains(".") && regionName.Contains(":"))
                            List<GridRegion> regions = World.GridService.GetRegionsByName(World.RegionInfo.ScopeID, regionName, 1);
                            // Try to link the region
                            if (regions != null && regions.Count > 0)
                                GridRegion regInfo = regions[0];
                                regionName = regInfo.RegionName;
                        World.RequestTeleportLocation(presence.ControllingClient, regionName,
                            new Vector3((float)position.x, (float)position.y, (float)position.z),
                            new Vector3((float)lookat.x, (float)lookat.y, (float)lookat.z), (uint)TPFlags.ViaLocation);

コード例 #25
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: nebadon2025/opensimulator
 public void osTeleportOwner(LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
     osTeleportOwner(World.RegionInfo.RegionName, position, lookat);
コード例 #26
 private void CheckllRot2Euler(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, LSL_Types.Vector3 eulerCheck)
     // Call LSL function to convert quaternion rotaion to euler radians.
     LSL_Types.Vector3 eulerCalc = m_lslApi.llRot2Euler(rot);
     // Check upper and lower bounds of x, y and z.
     // This type of check is performed as opposed to comparing for equal numbers, in order to allow slight
     // differences in accuracy.
     Assert.Greater(eulerCalc.x, eulerCheck.x - ANGLE_ACCURACY_IN_RADIANS, "TestllRot2Euler X lower bounds check fail");
     Assert.Less(eulerCalc.x, eulerCheck.x + ANGLE_ACCURACY_IN_RADIANS, "TestllRot2Euler X upper bounds check fail");
     Assert.Greater(eulerCalc.y, eulerCheck.y - ANGLE_ACCURACY_IN_RADIANS, "TestllRot2Euler Y lower bounds check fail");
     Assert.Less(eulerCalc.y, eulerCheck.y + ANGLE_ACCURACY_IN_RADIANS, "TestllRot2Euler Y upper bounds check fail");
     Assert.Greater(eulerCalc.z, eulerCheck.z - ANGLE_ACCURACY_IN_RADIANS, "TestllRot2Euler Z lower bounds check fail");
     Assert.Less(eulerCalc.z, eulerCheck.z + ANGLE_ACCURACY_IN_RADIANS, "TestllRot2Euler Z upper bounds check fail");
コード例 #27
ファイル: LSL_ApiTest.cs プロジェクト: szielins/opensim
        // private double FromRadians(float radians)
        // {
        //     return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
        // }

        private double FromLslFloat(LSL_Types.LSLFloat lslFloat)
            return lslFloat.value;
コード例 #28
ファイル: OSSL_Api.cs プロジェクト: AlphaStaxLLC/taiga
        // Teleport functions
        public void osTeleportAgent(string agent, string regionName, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
            // High because there is no security check. High griefer potential
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.High, "osTeleportAgent");

            UUID agentId = new UUID();
            if (UUID.TryParse(agent, out agentId))
                ScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(agentId);
                if (presence != null)
                    // agent must be over owners land to avoid abuse
                    if (m_host.OwnerID
                        == World.LandChannel.GetLandObject(
                            presence.AbsolutePosition.X, presence.AbsolutePosition.Y).LandData.OwnerID)

                        // Check for hostname , attempt to make a hglink
                        // and convert the regionName to the target region
                        if (regionName.Contains(".") && regionName.Contains(":"))
                            // Try to link the region
                            IHyperlinkService hyperService = World.RequestModuleInterface<IHyperlinkService>();
                            if (hyperService != null)
                                GridRegion regInfo = hyperService.TryLinkRegion(presence.ControllingClient,
                                // Get the region name
                                if (regInfo != null)
                                    regionName = regInfo.RegionName;
                                    // Might need to ping the client here in case of failure??
                        World.RequestTeleportLocation(presence.ControllingClient, regionName,
                            new Vector3((float)position.x, (float)position.y, (float)position.z),
                            new Vector3((float)lookat.x, (float)lookat.y, (float)lookat.z), (uint)TPFlags.ViaLocation);

コード例 #29
ファイル: LSL_ApiTest.cs プロジェクト: szielins/opensim
 public void CheckllVecNorm(LSL_Types.Vector3 vec, LSL_Types.Vector3 vecNormCheck)
     // Call LSL function to normalize the vector.
     LSL_Types.Vector3 vecNorm = m_lslApi.llVecNorm(vec);
     // Check each vector component against expected result.
     Assert.AreEqual(vecNorm.x, vecNormCheck.x, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY, "TestllVecNorm vector check fail on x component");
     Assert.AreEqual(vecNorm.y, vecNormCheck.y, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY, "TestllVecNorm vector check fail on y component");
     Assert.AreEqual(vecNorm.z, vecNormCheck.z, VECTOR_COMPONENT_ACCURACY, "TestllVecNorm vector check fail on z component");
コード例 #30
        // Set prim params for a torus, tube or ring and check results.
        public void CheckllSetPrimitiveParams(LSL_Api api, string primTest,
            LSL_Types.Vector3 primSize, int primType, int primHoleType, LSL_Types.Vector3 primCut,
            float primHollow, LSL_Types.Vector3 primTwist, LSL_Types.Vector3 primHoleSize,
            LSL_Types.Vector3 primShear, LSL_Types.Vector3 primProfCut, LSL_Types.Vector3 primTaper,
            float primRev, float primRadius, float primSkew, float primHollowCheck)
            // Set the prim params.
            api.llSetPrimitiveParams(new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_SIZE, primSize,
                ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_TYPE, primType, primHoleType,
                primCut, primHollow, primTwist, primHoleSize, primShear, primProfCut,
                primTaper, primRev, primRadius, primSkew));

            // Get params for prim to validate settings.
            LSL_Types.list primParams =
                api.llGetPrimitiveParams(new LSL_Types.list(ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_SIZE, ScriptBaseClass.PRIM_TYPE));

            // Valdate settings.
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primSize, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 0), primTest + " prim size");
            Assert.AreEqual(primType, api.llList2Integer(primParams, 1),
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim type check fail");
            Assert.AreEqual(primHoleType, api.llList2Integer(primParams, 2),
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim hole default check fail");
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primCut, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 3), primTest + " prim cut");
            Assert.AreEqual(primHollowCheck, api.llList2Float(primParams, 4), FLOAT_ACCURACY,
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim hollow check fail");
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primTwist, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 5), primTest + " prim twist");
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primHoleSize, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 6), primTest + " prim hole size");
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primShear, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 7), primTest + " prim shear");
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primProfCut, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 8), primTest + " prim profile cut");
            CheckllSetPrimitiveParamsVector(primTaper, api.llList2Vector(primParams, 9), primTest + " prim taper");
            Assert.AreEqual(primRev, api.llList2Float(primParams, 10), FLOAT_ACCURACY,
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim revolutions fail");
            Assert.AreEqual(primRadius, api.llList2Float(primParams, 11), FLOAT_ACCURACY,
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim radius fail");
            Assert.AreEqual(primSkew, api.llList2Float(primParams, 12), FLOAT_ACCURACY,
                "TestllSetPrimitiveParams " + primTest + " prim skew fail");