コード例 #1
        private void DistributeCoarseLocationUpdates(List<Vector3> locations, List<UUID> uuids, 
                                                     RegionConnections connectiondata, ScenePresence rootPresence)
            RegionData[] rdata = connectiondata.ConnectedRegions.ToArray();
            //List<IClientAPI> clients = new List<IClientAPI>();
            Dictionary<Vector2, RegionCoarseLocationStruct> updates = new Dictionary<Vector2, RegionCoarseLocationStruct>();
            // Root Region entry
            RegionCoarseLocationStruct rootupdatedata = new RegionCoarseLocationStruct();
            rootupdatedata.Locations = new List<Vector3>();
            rootupdatedata.Uuids = new List<UUID>();
            rootupdatedata.Offset = Vector2.Zero;

            rootupdatedata.UserAPI = rootPresence.ControllingClient;

            if (rootupdatedata.UserAPI != null)
                updates.Add(Vector2.Zero, rootupdatedata);

            //Each Region needs an entry or we will end up with dead minimap dots
            foreach (RegionData regiondata in rdata)
                Vector2 offset = new Vector2(regiondata.Offset.X, regiondata.Offset.Y);
                RegionCoarseLocationStruct updatedata = new RegionCoarseLocationStruct();
                updatedata.Locations = new List<Vector3>();
                updatedata.Uuids = new List<UUID>();
                updatedata.Offset = offset;

                if (offset == Vector2.Zero)
                    updatedata.UserAPI = rootPresence.ControllingClient;
                    updatedata.UserAPI = LocateUsersChildAgentIClientAPI(offset, rootPresence.UUID, rdata);

                if (updatedata.UserAPI != null)
                    updates.Add(offset, updatedata);

            // go over the locations and assign them to an IClientAPI
            for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
            //{locations[i]/(int) Constants.RegionSize;
                Vector3 pPosition = new Vector3((int)locations[i].X / (int)Constants.RegionSize, 
                                                (int)locations[i].Y / (int)Constants.RegionSize, locations[i].Z);
                Vector2 offset = new Vector2(pPosition.X*(int) Constants.RegionSize,
                                             pPosition.Y*(int) Constants.RegionSize);
                if (!updates.ContainsKey(offset))
                    // This shouldn't happen
                    RegionCoarseLocationStruct updatedata = new RegionCoarseLocationStruct();
                    updatedata.Locations = new List<Vector3>();
                    updatedata.Uuids = new List<UUID>();
                    updatedata.Offset = offset;
                    if (offset == Vector2.Zero)
                        updatedata.UserAPI = rootPresence.ControllingClient;
                        updatedata.UserAPI = LocateUsersChildAgentIClientAPI(offset, rootPresence.UUID, rdata);


            // Send out the CoarseLocationupdates from their respective client connection based on where the avatar is
            foreach (Vector2 offset in updates.Keys)
                if (updates[offset].UserAPI != null)
コード例 #2
        private void DistributeCoarseLocationUpdates(List <Vector3> locations, List <UUID> uuids,
                                                     RegionConnections connectiondata, ScenePresence rootPresence)
            RegionData[] rdata = connectiondata.ConnectedRegions.ToArray();
            //List<IClientAPI> clients = new List<IClientAPI>();
            Dictionary <Vector2, RegionCoarseLocationStruct> updates = new Dictionary <Vector2, RegionCoarseLocationStruct>();

            // Root Region entry
            RegionCoarseLocationStruct rootupdatedata = new RegionCoarseLocationStruct();

            rootupdatedata.Locations = new List <Vector3>();
            rootupdatedata.Uuids     = new List <UUID>();
            rootupdatedata.Offset    = Vector2.Zero;

            rootupdatedata.UserAPI = rootPresence.ControllingClient;

            if (rootupdatedata.UserAPI != null)
                updates.Add(Vector2.Zero, rootupdatedata);

            //Each Region needs an entry or we will end up with dead minimap dots
            foreach (RegionData regiondata in rdata)
                Vector2 offset = new Vector2(regiondata.Offset.X, regiondata.Offset.Y);
                RegionCoarseLocationStruct updatedata = new RegionCoarseLocationStruct();
                updatedata.Locations = new List <Vector3>();
                updatedata.Uuids     = new List <UUID>();
                updatedata.Offset    = offset;

                if (offset == Vector2.Zero)
                    updatedata.UserAPI = rootPresence.ControllingClient;
                    updatedata.UserAPI = LocateUsersChildAgentIClientAPI(offset, rootPresence.UUID, rdata);

                if (updatedata.UserAPI != null)
                    updates.Add(offset, updatedata);

            // go over the locations and assign them to an IClientAPI
            for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
            //{locations[i]/(int) Constants.RegionSize;
                Vector3 pPosition = new Vector3((int)locations[i].X / (int)Constants.RegionSize,
                                                (int)locations[i].Y / (int)Constants.RegionSize, locations[i].Z);
                Vector2 offset = new Vector2(pPosition.X * (int)Constants.RegionSize,
                                             pPosition.Y * (int)Constants.RegionSize);

                if (!updates.ContainsKey(offset))
                    // This shouldn't happen
                    RegionCoarseLocationStruct updatedata = new RegionCoarseLocationStruct();
                    updatedata.Locations = new List <Vector3>();
                    updatedata.Uuids     = new List <UUID>();
                    updatedata.Offset    = offset;

                    if (offset == Vector2.Zero)
                        updatedata.UserAPI = rootPresence.ControllingClient;
                        updatedata.UserAPI = LocateUsersChildAgentIClientAPI(offset, rootPresence.UUID, rdata);

                    updates.Add(offset, updatedata);


            // Send out the CoarseLocationupdates from their respective client connection based on where the avatar is
            foreach (Vector2 offset in updates.Keys)
                if (updates[offset].UserAPI != null)
                    updates[offset].UserAPI.SendCoarseLocationUpdate(updates[offset].Uuids, updates[offset].Locations);