// TODO: redo terrain implementation selection to allow other base types than heightMap. private BSTerrainPhys BuildPhysicalTerrain(Vector3 terrainRegionBase, uint id, float[] heightMap, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords) { m_physicsScene.Logger.DebugFormat("{0} Terrain for {1}/{2} created with {3}", LogHeader, m_physicsScene.RegionName, terrainRegionBase, (BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation)BSParam.TerrainImplementation); BSTerrainPhys newTerrainPhys = null; switch ((int)BSParam.TerrainImplementation) { case (int)BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation.Heightmap: newTerrainPhys = new BSTerrainHeightmap(m_physicsScene, terrainRegionBase, id, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords); break; case (int)BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation.Mesh: newTerrainPhys = new BSTerrainMesh(m_physicsScene, terrainRegionBase, id, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords); break; default: m_physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Bad terrain implementation specified. Type={1}/{2},Region={3}/{4}", LogHeader, (int)BSParam.TerrainImplementation, BSParam.TerrainImplementation, m_physicsScene.RegionName, terrainRegionBase); break; } return(newTerrainPhys); }
// Given an address, return 'true' of there is a description of that terrain and output // the descriptor class and the 'base' fo the addresses therein. private bool GetTerrainPhysicalAtXYZ(Vector3 pos, out BSTerrainPhys outPhysTerrain, out Vector3 outTerrainBase) { bool ret = false; Vector3 terrainBaseXYZ = Vector3.Zero; if (pos.X < 0f || pos.Y < 0f) { // We don't handle negative addresses so just make up a base that will not be found. terrainBaseXYZ = new Vector3(-DefaultRegionSize.X, -DefaultRegionSize.Y, 0f); } else { int offsetX = ((int)(pos.X / (int)DefaultRegionSize.X)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.X; int offsetY = ((int)(pos.Y / (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y; terrainBaseXYZ = new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0f); } BSTerrainPhys physTerrain = null; m_terrainsRwLock.AcquireReaderLock(-1); try { ret = m_terrains.TryGetValue(terrainBaseXYZ, out physTerrain); } finally { m_terrainsRwLock.ReleaseReaderLock(); } outTerrainBase = terrainBaseXYZ; outPhysTerrain = physTerrain; return(ret); }
// TODO: redo terrain implementation selection to allow other base types than heightMap. private BSTerrainPhys BuildPhysicalTerrain(uint id, float[] heightMap) { // Find high and low points of passed heightmap. // The min and max passed in is usually the area objects can be in (maximum // object height, for instance). The terrain wants the bounding box for the // terrain so replace passed min and max Z with the actual terrain min/max Z. float minZ = float.MaxValue; float maxZ = float.MinValue; foreach (float height in heightMap) { if (height < minZ) { minZ = height; } if (height > maxZ) { maxZ = height; } } if (minZ == maxZ) { // If min and max are the same, reduce min a little bit so a good bounding box is created. minZ -= BSTerrainManager.HEIGHT_EQUAL_FUDGE; } Vector3 minCoords = new Vector3(0, 0, minZ); Vector3 maxCoords = new Vector3(PhysicsScene.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX, PhysicsScene.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY, maxZ); PhysicsScene.Logger.DebugFormat("{0} Terrain for {1}/ created with {2}", LogHeader, PhysicsScene.RegionName, (BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation)BSParam.TerrainImplementation); BSTerrainPhys newTerrainPhys = null; switch ((int)BSParam.TerrainImplementation) { case (int)BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation.Heightmap: newTerrainPhys = new BSTerrainHeightmap(PhysicsScene, Vector3.Zero, id, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords); break; case (int)BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation.Mesh: newTerrainPhys = new BSTerrainMesh(PhysicsScene, Vector3.Zero, id, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords); break; default: PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Bad terrain implementation specified. Type={1}/{2},Region={3}", LogHeader, (int)BSParam.TerrainImplementation, BSParam.TerrainImplementation, PhysicsScene.RegionName); break; } return(newTerrainPhys); }
// Given an address, return 'true' of there is a description of that terrain and output // the descriptor class and the 'base' fo the addresses therein. private bool GetTerrainPhysicalAtXYZ(Vector3 pos, out BSTerrainPhys outPhysTerrain, out Vector3 outTerrainBase) { int offsetX = ((int)(pos.X / (int)DefaultRegionSize.X)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.X; int offsetY = ((int)(pos.Y / (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y; Vector3 terrainBaseXYZ = new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0f); BSTerrainPhys physTerrain = null; lock (m_terrains) { m_terrains.TryGetValue(terrainBaseXYZ, out physTerrain); } outTerrainBase = terrainBaseXYZ; outPhysTerrain = physTerrain; return(physTerrain != null); }
// Create the initial instance of terrain and the underlying ground plane. // This is called from the initialization routine so we presume it is // safe to call Bullet in real time. We hope no one is moving prims around yet. public void CreateInitialGroundPlaneAndTerrain() { DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.CreateInitialGroundPlaneAndTerrain,region={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, PhysicsScene.RegionName); // The ground plane is here to catch things that are trying to drop to negative infinity BulletShape groundPlaneShape = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateGroundPlaneShape(BSScene.GROUNDPLANE_ID, 1f, BSParam.TerrainCollisionMargin); m_groundPlane = PhysicsScene.PE.CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState(groundPlaneShape, BSScene.GROUNDPLANE_ID, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity); PhysicsScene.PE.AddObjectToWorld(PhysicsScene.World, m_groundPlane); PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateSingleAabb(PhysicsScene.World, m_groundPlane); // Ground plane does not move PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(m_groundPlane, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION); // Everything collides with the ground plane. m_groundPlane.collisionType = CollisionType.Groundplane; m_groundPlane.ApplyCollisionMask(PhysicsScene); m_terrain = new BSTerrainHeightmap(PhysicsScene, Vector3.Zero, BSScene.TERRAIN_ID, m_worldMax); }
// If called for terrain has has not been previously allocated, a new terrain will be built // based on the passed information. The 'id' should be either the terrain id or // BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID. If the latter, a new child terrain ID will be allocated and used. // The latter feature is for creating child terrains for mega-regions. // If there is an existing terrain body, a new // terrain shape is created and added to the body. // This call is most often used to update the heightMap and parameters of the terrain. // (The above does suggest that some simplification/refactoring is in order.) // Called during taint-time. private void UpdateTerrain(uint id, float[] heightMap) { DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain,call,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id); if (m_terrain != null) { // There is already a terrain in this spot. Free the old and build the new. DetailLog("{0},BSTErrainManager.UpdateTerrain:UpdateExisting,call,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id); // Release any physical memory it may be using. m_terrain.Dispose(); m_terrain = BuildPhysicalTerrain(id, heightMap); m_terrainModified = true; } else { // We don't know about this terrain so either we are creating a new terrain or // our mega-prim child is giving us a new terrain to add to the phys world // if this is a child terrain, calculate a unique terrain id uint newTerrainID = id; if (newTerrainID >= BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID) { newTerrainID = ++m_terrainCount; } DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain:NewTerrain,taint,newID={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, newTerrainID); m_terrain = BuildPhysicalTerrain(id, heightMap); m_terrainModified = true; } }
// If called for terrain has has not been previously allocated, a new terrain will be built // based on the passed information. The 'id' should be either the terrain id or // BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID. If the latter, a new child terrain ID will be allocated and used. // The latter feature is for creating child terrains for mega-regions. // If there is an existing terrain body, a new // terrain shape is created and added to the body. // This call is most often used to update the heightMap and parameters of the terrain. // (The above does suggest that some simplification/refactoring is in order.) // Called during taint-time. private void UpdateTerrain(uint id, float[] heightMap, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords) { // Find high and low points of passed heightmap. // The min and max passed in is usually the area objects can be in (maximum // object height, for instance). The terrain wants the bounding box for the // terrain so replace passed min and max Z with the actual terrain min/max Z. float minZ = float.MaxValue; float maxZ = float.MinValue; foreach (float height in heightMap) { if (height < minZ) { minZ = height; } if (height > maxZ) { maxZ = height; } } if (minZ == maxZ) { // If min and max are the same, reduce min a little bit so a good bounding box is created. minZ -= BSTerrainManager.HEIGHT_EQUAL_FUDGE; } minCoords.Z = minZ; maxCoords.Z = maxZ; DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain,call,id={1},minC={2},maxC={3}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id, minCoords, maxCoords); Vector3 terrainRegionBase = new Vector3(minCoords.X, minCoords.Y, 0f); m_terrainsRwLock.AcquireReaderLock(-1); try { BSTerrainPhys terrainPhys; if (m_terrains.TryGetValue(terrainRegionBase, out terrainPhys)) { // There is already a terrain in this spot. Free the old and build the new. DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain:UpdateExisting,call,id={1},base={2},minC={3},maxC={4}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id, terrainRegionBase, minCoords, maxCoords); // Remove old terrain from the collection m_terrains.Remove(terrainRegionBase); // Release any physical memory it may be using. terrainPhys.Dispose(); if (MegaRegionParentPhysicsScene == null) { // This terrain is not part of the mega-region scheme. Create vanilla terrain. BSTerrainPhys newTerrainPhys = BuildPhysicalTerrain(terrainRegionBase, id, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords); LockCookie lc = m_terrainsRwLock.UpgradeToWriterLock(-1); try { m_terrains.Add(terrainRegionBase, newTerrainPhys); } finally { m_terrainsRwLock.DowngradeFromWriterLock(ref lc); } m_terrainModified = true; } else { // It's possible that Combine() was called after this code was queued. // If we are a child of combined regions, we don't create any terrain for us. DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain:AmACombineChild,taint", BSScene.DetailLogZero); // Get rid of any terrain that may have been allocated for us. ReleaseGroundPlaneAndTerrain(); // I hate doing this, but just bail return; } } else { // We don't know about this terrain so either we are creating a new terrain or // our mega-prim child is giving us a new terrain to add to the phys world // if this is a child terrain, calculate a unique terrain id uint newTerrainID = id; if (newTerrainID >= BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID) { newTerrainID = ++m_terrainCount; } DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain:NewTerrain,taint,newID={1},minCoord={2},maxCoord={3}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, newTerrainID, minCoords, maxCoords); BSTerrainPhys newTerrainPhys = BuildPhysicalTerrain(terrainRegionBase, id, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords); m_terrains.Add(terrainRegionBase, newTerrainPhys); m_terrainModified = true; } } finally { m_terrainsRwLock.ReleaseReaderLock(); } }
// Given an address, return 'true' of there is a description of that terrain and output // the descriptor class and the 'base' fo the addresses therein. private bool GetTerrainPhysicalAtXYZ(Vector3 pos, out BSTerrainPhys outPhysTerrain, out Vector3 outTerrainBase) { bool ret = false; Vector3 terrainBaseXYZ = Vector3.Zero; if (pos.X < 0f || pos.Y < 0f) { // We don't handle negative addresses so just make up a base that will not be found. terrainBaseXYZ = new Vector3(-DefaultRegionSize.X, -DefaultRegionSize.Y, 0f); } else { int offsetX = ((int)(pos.X / (int)DefaultRegionSize.X)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.X; int offsetY = ((int)(pos.Y / (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y; terrainBaseXYZ = new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0f); } BSTerrainPhys physTerrain = null; lock (m_terrains) { ret = m_terrains.TryGetValue(terrainBaseXYZ, out physTerrain); } outTerrainBase = terrainBaseXYZ; outPhysTerrain = physTerrain; return ret; }
// Given an address, return 'true' of there is a description of that terrain and output // the descriptor class and the 'base' fo the addresses therein. private bool GetTerrainPhysicalAtXYZ(Vector3 pos, out BSTerrainPhys outPhysTerrain, out Vector3 outTerrainBase) { int offsetX = ((int)(pos.X / (int)DefaultRegionSize.X)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.X; int offsetY = ((int)(pos.Y / (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y; Vector3 terrainBaseXYZ = new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0f); BSTerrainPhys physTerrain = null; lock (m_terrains) { m_terrains.TryGetValue(terrainBaseXYZ, out physTerrain); } outTerrainBase = terrainBaseXYZ; outPhysTerrain = physTerrain; return (physTerrain != null); }
// If called for terrain has has not been previously allocated, a new terrain will be built // based on the passed information. The 'id' should be either the terrain id or // BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID. If the latter, a new child terrain ID will be allocated and used. // The latter feature is for creating child terrains for mega-regions. // If there is an existing terrain body, a new // terrain shape is created and added to the body. // This call is most often used to update the heightMap and parameters of the terrain. // (The above does suggest that some simplification/refactoring is in order.) // Called during taint-time. private void UpdateTerrain(uint id, float[] heightMap) { DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain,call,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id); if (m_terrain != null) { // There is already a terrain in this spot. Free the old and build the new. DetailLog("{0},BSTErrainManager.UpdateTerrain:UpdateExisting,call,id={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, id); // Release any physical memory it may be using. m_terrain.Dispose(); m_terrain = BuildPhysicalTerrain(id, heightMap); m_terrainModified = true; } else { // We don't know about this terrain so either we are creating a new terrain or // our mega-prim child is giving us a new terrain to add to the phys world // if this is a child terrain, calculate a unique terrain id uint newTerrainID = id; if (newTerrainID >= BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID) newTerrainID = ++m_terrainCount; DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UpdateTerrain:NewTerrain,taint,newID={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, newTerrainID); m_terrain = BuildPhysicalTerrain(id, heightMap); m_terrainModified = true; } }