コード例 #1
        public CustomTerrainRenderer(World world)
            map         = world.Map;
            terrainInfo = map.Rules.TerrainInfo as CustomTerrain;
            if (terrainInfo == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("CustomTerrainRenderer can only be used with the CustomTerrain parser");

            tileCache = new CustomTileCache(terrainInfo);
コード例 #2
        public CustomTileCache(CustomTerrain terrainInfo, Action <uint, string> onMissingImage = null)
            sheetBuilders = new Cache <SheetType, SheetBuilder>(t => new SheetBuilder(t, terrainInfo.SheetSize));

            random = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);

            foreach (var t in terrainInfo.Templates)
                var variants     = new List <Sprite[]>();
                var templateInfo = (CustomTerrainTemplateInfo)t.Value;

                for (var ii = 0; ii < templateInfo.Images.Length; ii++)
                    var i = templateInfo.Images[ii];

                    ISpriteFrame[] allFrames;

                    if (onMissingImage != null)
                            allFrames = frameCache[i];
                        catch (FileNotFoundException)
                            onMissingImage(t.Key, i);
                        allFrames = frameCache[i];

                    var frameCount = allFrames.Length;
                    var indices    = templateInfo.Frames != null ? templateInfo.Frames : Exts.MakeArray(t.Value.TilesCount, j => j);

                    var start = indices.Min();
                    var end   = indices.Max();
                    if (start < 0 || end >= frameCount)
                        throw new YamlException("Template `{0}` uses frames [{1}..{2}] of {3}, but only [0..{4}] actually exist"
                                                .F(t.Key, start, end, i, frameCount - 1));

                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f    = allFrames[j];
                        var tile = t.Value.Contains(j) ? (CustomTerrainTileInfo)t.Value[j] : null;

                        // The internal z axis is inverted from expectation (negative is closer)
                        var zOffset = tile != null ? -tile.ZOffset : 0;
                        var zRamp   = tile != null ? tile.ZRamp : 1f;
                        var offset  = new float3(f.Offset, zOffset);
                        var type    = SheetBuilder.FrameTypeToSheetType(f.Type);

                        var s = sheetBuilders[type].Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, f.Data, f.Type);


                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into sprites
                if (terrainInfo.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, s.ZRamp, new float3(float2.Zero, s.Offset.Z), s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                if (onMissingImage != null && !variants.Any())

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Length, templateInfo.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            var missingDataLength = 1;
            var missingFrameType  = SpriteFrameType.Indexed8;
            var missingSheetType  = SheetType.Indexed;

            missingTile = sheetBuilders[missingSheetType].Add(new byte[missingDataLength], missingFrameType, new Size(1, 1));
            foreach (var sb in sheetBuilders.Values)