void hands_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { setPuntosManoActuales(e.Position); distanciaKinectReales(); if(!isActiveMainCamera()){ calculaMovimiento(); }else{ transform.position=new Vector3(xMedia,yMedia,zMedia); } }
void handsGenerator_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { //Trace.WriteLine("Hand updated at " + e.Position.X + ", " + e.Position.Y + ", " + e.Position.Z); //handPosition = new Point3D(e.Position.X + 320, 240 - e.Position.Y, e.Position.Z); if (HandUpdate != null) { HandUpdate(this, e); } }
void hands_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { //Debug.Log("Mano Update"); setPuntosManoActuales(e.Position); distanciaKinectReales(); calculaMovimiento(); }
void handsGenerator_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { Trace.WriteLine("Hand updated at " + e.Position.X + ", " + e.Position.Y + ", " + e.Position.Z); handPosition = new Point3D(e.Position.X + 320, 240 - e.Position.Y, e.Position.Z); }
void hands_HandUpdate(object Sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { lastRawPoint = e.Position; if (RotateToUser) { handPos = RotateHandPoint(e.Position); } else { handPos = e.Position; } // see if we're out of our session bounds if (SessionBoundingBox && !currentSessionBounds.Contains(Point3DToVector3(handPos))) { OpenNISessionManager.Instance.EndSession(); Debug.Log("Session Ended by out of Bounds"); return; } foreach (GameObject obj in new List<GameObject>(Listeners)) { if (!obj) continue; NotifyHandUpdate(obj, handPos); } }
void handsGenerator_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { // this.shouldDrawHands = true; //MessageBox.Show("Hand being updated"); List<Point3D> historyList = history[e.UserID]; historyList.Add(e.Position); while (historyList.Count > historySize) { //String text = historyList.ElementAt(0).ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(text); historyList.RemoveAt(0); } history.Remove(e.UserID); history.Add(e.UserID, historyList); this.lastPoint = e.Position; this.lastPalmPoint = convertPoint3D(e.Position); }
void hands_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { Debug.Log("Update"); List<Point3D> lista=tracking[e.UserID]; lista.Add(e.Position); if(lista.Count>trackingSize){ lista.RemoveAt(0); } }
void HandTracker_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate() { Ellipse ellipse; if (!handPoints.ContainsKey(e.UserID)) { ellipse = new Ellipse() { Width = 50, Height = 50, Fill = new SolidColorBrush(IntColorConverter.ToColor(e.UserID)), }; handPoints.Add(e.UserID, ellipse); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse); } else { ellipse = handPoints[e.UserID]; } Point3D pos = sensor.DepthGenerator.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(e.Position); Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, pos.X); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, pos.Y); }); }
void HandleHandsGeneratorHandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { // update the hand position handPosition = e.Position; DetectHand(); }
// 手の位置の更新 void hands_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { handStates = HandStatus.Update; handPoints.Enqueue(e.Position); }
void hands_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e) { }