コード例 #1
        private void OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest(UUID agentID, ref OSDMap features)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
            if (m_Helper.ShouldSend(agentID) && m_Helper.UserLevel(agentID) <= m_UserLevel)
                OSDMap extrasMap;
                if (features.ContainsKey("OpenSimExtras"))
                    extrasMap = (OSDMap)features["OpenSimExtras"];
                    extrasMap = new OSDMap();
                    features["OpenSimExtras"] = extrasMap;
                extrasMap["camera-only-mode"] = OSDMap.FromString("true");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: Sent in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);

                // Detaching attachments doesn't work for HG visitors,
                // so I'm giving that up.
                //Util.FireAndForget(delegate { DetachAttachments(agentID); });
                m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: NOT Sending camera-only-mode in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
コード例 #2
 // OBSOLETE: not used now that RestHandler does ParameterSets
 public OMVSD.OSD ProcessGet(Uri uri, string after)
     OMVSD.OSDMap ret = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     if (m_comm == null)
         m_log.Log(LogLevel.DBADERROR, "GET WITHOUT COMM CONNECTION!! URL=" + uri.ToString());
         return(new OMVSD.OSD());
     m_log.Log(LogLevel.DCOMMDETAIL, "Parameter request: {0}", uri.ToString());
     string[] segments = after.Split('/');
     // the after should be "/NAME/param" where "NAME" is my apiname. If 'param' is there return one
     if (segments.Length > 2)
         string paramName = segments[2];
         if (m_comm.ConnectionParams.HasParameter(paramName))
             ret.Add(paramName, new OMVSD.OSDString(m_comm.ConnectionParams.ParamString(paramName)));
         // they want the whole set
         ret = m_comm.ConnectionParams.GetDisplayable();
コード例 #3
 private OMVSD.OSDMap MapizeTheBody(string body)
     OMVSD.OSDMap retMap = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     if (body.Length > 0 && body.Substring(0, 1).Equals("{")) // kludge test for JSON formatted body
         try {
             retMap = (OMVSD.OSDMap)OMVSD.OSDParser.DeserializeJson(body);
         catch (Exception e) {
             m_log.Log(LogLevel.DREST, "Failed parsing of JSON body: " + e.ToString());
         try {
             string[] amp = body.Split('&');
             if (amp.Length > 0)
                 foreach (string kvp in amp)
                     string[] kvpPieces = kvp.Split('=');
                     if (kvpPieces.Length == 2)
                         retMap.Add(kvpPieces[0].Trim(), new OMVSD.OSDString(kvpPieces[1].Trim()));
         catch (Exception e) {
             m_log.Log(LogLevel.DREST, "Failed parsing of query body: " + e.ToString());
コード例 #4
        private string HandleUntrustedSimulatorMessage(string request,
                                                       string path, string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest,
                                                       IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            OSDMap osd = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);

            string message = osd["message"].AsString();

            if (message == "GodKickUser")
                OSDMap   body     = (OSDMap)osd["body"];
                OSDArray userInfo = (OSDArray)body["UserInfo"];
                OSDMap   userData = (OSDMap)userInfo[0];

                UUID          agentID      = userData["AgentID"].AsUUID();
                UUID          godID        = userData["GodID"].AsUUID();
                UUID          godSessionID = userData["GodSessionID"].AsUUID();
                uint          kickFlags    = userData["KickFlags"].AsUInteger();
                string        reason       = userData["Reason"].AsString();
                ScenePresence god          = m_scene.GetScenePresence(godID);
                if (god == null || god.ControllingClient.SessionId != godSessionID)

                KickUser(godID, godSessionID, agentID, kickFlags, Util.StringToBytes1024(reason));
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[GOD]: Unhandled UntrustedSimulatorMessage: {0}", message);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Posting to this communication instance. The URI comes in as "/api/MYNAME/ACTION" where
        /// ACTION is "login", "logout".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uri"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OMVSD.OSD ProcessPost(RestHandler handler, Uri uri, string after, OMVSD.OSD body)
            OMVSD.OSDMap ret = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
            if (m_comm == null)
                m_log.Log(LogLevel.DBADERROR, "POST WITHOUT COMM CONNECTION!! URL=" + uri.ToString());
                return(new OMVSD.OSD());
            m_log.Log(LogLevel.DCOMMDETAIL, "Post action: {0}", uri.ToString());
            switch (after)
            case "/login":
                ret = PostActionLogin(body);

            case "/teleport":
                ret = PostActionTeleport(body);

            case "/logout":
                ret = PostActionLogout(body);

            case "/exit":
                ret = PostActionExit(body);

                m_log.Log(LogLevel.DBADERROR, "UNKNOWN ACTION: " + uri.ToString());
                ret.Add(RestHandler.RESTREQUESTERRORCODE, new OMVSD.OSDInteger(1));
                ret.Add(RestHandler.RESTREQUESTERRORMSG, new OMVSD.OSDString("Unknown action"));
コード例 #6
 public ParameterSet()
     m_params           = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     m_paramDescription = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     ParamErrorMethod   = paramErrorType.eNullValue;
     m_runtimeValues    = new Dictionary <string, ParameterSetRuntimeValue>();
コード例 #7
        public string FetchInventoryRequest(string request, string path, string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
//            m_log.DebugFormat("[FETCH INVENTORY HANDLER]: Received FetchInventory capabilty request");

            OSDMap   requestmap     = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(Utils.StringToBytes(request));
            OSDArray itemsRequested = (OSDArray)requestmap["items"];

            string             reply;
            LLSDFetchInventory llsdReply = new LLSDFetchInventory();

            foreach (OSDMap osdItemId in itemsRequested)
                UUID itemId = osdItemId["item_id"].AsUUID();

                InventoryItemBase item = m_inventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(itemId, m_agentID));

                if (item != null)
                    // We don't know the agent that this request belongs to so we'll use the agent id of the item
                    // which will be the same for all items.
                    llsdReply.agent_id = item.Owner;


            reply = LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReply(llsdReply);

コード例 #8
        public static void GetMeshVertexCount(byte[] data, out int vertex_count)
            vertex_count = 0;

                long   start = 0;
                OSDMap map   = TryExtractOSDMapFromLLSDBinary(ref start, data);

                if (map.ContainsKey("high_lod"))
                    map = (OSDMap)map["high_lod"];
                    OSDArray lod_data = DecodeMeshLODArray(data, start, map);
                    foreach (OSD subMeshOsd in lod_data)
                        // We get a list of faces.  Sum each "face"
                        if (subMeshOsd is OSDMap)
                            vertex_count += DecodeMeshFace(subMeshOsd as OSDMap);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[MESH]: exception meshing object: {0}", e);
                vertex_count = 0;
コード例 #9
        private void OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest(UUID agentID, ref OSDMap features)
            if (!m_Enabled)

            m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
            if (m_Helper.UserLevel(agentID) <= m_UserLevel)
                OSDMap extrasMap;
                if (features.ContainsKey("OpenSimExtras"))
                    extrasMap = (OSDMap)features["OpenSimExtras"];
                    extrasMap = new OSDMap();
                    features["OpenSimExtras"] = extrasMap;
                extrasMap["camera-only-mode"] = OSDMap.FromString("true");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: Sent in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: NOT Sending camera-only-mode in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// A statistics collection returns an OSD structure which is a map
 /// of maps. The top level map are the individual counters and
 /// their value is a map of the variables that make up the counter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public OMVSD.OSDMap GetDisplayable()
     OMVSD.OSDMap values = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     foreach (ICounter cntr in m_counters)
         try {
             OMVSD.OSDMap ivals = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
             ivals.Add("count", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)cntr.Count));
             if (cntr is IIntervalCounter)
                 IIntervalCounter icntr = (IIntervalCounter)cntr;
                 ivals.Add("average", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Average));
                 ivals.Add("low", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Low));
                 ivals.Add("high", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.High));
                 ivals.Add("last", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Last));
                 ivals.Add("total", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Total));
             values.Add(cntr.Name, ivals);
         catch (Exception e) {
                                        "FAILURE getting Displayable value: n={0}, {1}", cntr.Name, e.ToString());
コード例 #11
        public string RenderMaterialsPostCap(string request, UUID agentID)
            OSDMap   req     = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
            OSDMap   resp    = new OSDMap();
            OSDArray respArr = new OSDArray();

            if (req.ContainsKey("Zipped"))
                byte[] inBytes = req["Zipped"].AsBinary();

                    OSD osd = ZDecompressBytesToOsd(inBytes);
                    if (osd == null)
                        m_log.Warn("[MaterialsModule]: Decoded Materials request is empty");
                    else if (osd is OSDArray) // assume array of MaterialIDs designating requested material entries
                        ReturnRequestedMaterials(ref respArr, osd as OSDArray);
                    else if (osd is OSDMap) // request to assign a material
                        AssignRequestedMaterials(osd as OSDMap, agentID);
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Warn("[RenderMaterials]: exception decoding zipped CAP payload: " + e.ToString());

            resp["Zipped"] = ZCompressOSD(respArr, false);
コード例 #12
        private OMVSD.OSD GetHandler(RestHandler handler, Uri uri, String after)
            OMVSD.OSDMap ret      = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
            string       lastDate = "xx";

            lock (m_chats) {
                while (m_chats.Count > 0)
                    ChatEntry    ce         = m_chats.Dequeue();
                    string       dateString = ce.time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff");
                    OMVSD.OSDMap chat       = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
                    chat.Add("Time", new OMVSD.OSDString(dateString));
                    chat.Add("From", new OMVSD.OSDString(ce.fromName));
                    chat.Add("Message", new OMVSD.OSDString(ce.message));
                    chat.Add("Type", new OMVSD.OSDString(ce.chatTypeString));
                    chat.Add("EntryType", new OMVSD.OSDString(ChatEntryTypeString[(int)ce.chatEntryType]));
                    chat.Add("Position", new OMVSD.OSDString(ce.position.ToString()));
                    if (ce.ownerID != null)
                        chat.Add("OwnerID", new OMVSD.OSDString(ce.ownerID.ToString()));
                    while (ret.ContainsKey(dateString))
                        dateString += "1";
                    ret.Add(dateString, chat);
                    lastDate = dateString;
コード例 #13
 public ParameterSet()
     m_params = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     m_paramDescription = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     ParamErrorMethod = paramErrorType.eNullValue;
     m_runtimeValues = new Dictionary<string, ParameterSetRuntimeValue>();
コード例 #14
        protected string GetObjectPhysicsDataHandler(string request, string path, string param, OSHttpRequest httpRequest, OSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // m_log.DebugFormat("[ASSETCAPS] Got a GetObjectPhysicsData Packet {0}.", request);

            OSDMap   resp           = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap   requestmap     = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(Utils.StringToBytes(request));
            OSDArray itemsRequested = (OSDArray)requestmap["object_ids"];

            foreach (OSDUUID osdItemId in itemsRequested)
                UUID            itemId = osdItemId.AsUUID();
                SceneObjectPart item   = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(itemId);

                if ((item != null) && (item.PhysActor != null))
                    Physics.Manager.IMaterial material = item.PhysActor.Properties.Material;
                    OSDMap object_data = new OSDMap();

                    object_data["PhysicsShapeType"]  = (byte)item.Shape.PreferredPhysicsShape;      // obj.PhysicsShapeType;
                    object_data["Density"]           = material.Density;                            // obj.Density;
                    object_data["Friction"]          = material.StaticFriction;                     // obj.Friction;
                    object_data["Restitution"]       = material.Restitution;                        // obj.Restitution;
                    object_data["GravityMultiplier"] = 1.0f;                                        // material.obj.GravityModifier;

                    resp[itemId.ToString()] = object_data;

            string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);

            // m_log.DebugFormat("[ASSETCAPS] Sending a GetObjectPhysicsData Response {0}.", response);
コード例 #15
        public static void GetMeshLODByteCounts(byte[] mesh_data, out int hibytes, out int midbytes, out int lowbytes, out int lowestbytes)
            hibytes     = 0;
            midbytes    = 0;
            lowbytes    = 0;
            lowestbytes = 0;

                long   start   = 0;
                OSDMap lodData = SceneObjectPartMeshCost.TryExtractOSDMapFromLLSDBinary(ref start, mesh_data);

                // Stash the data we need to recalculate streaming cost on scale changes.
                if (lodData.ContainsKey("high_lod"))
                    hibytes = ((OSDMap)lodData["high_lod"])["size"].AsInteger();
                if (lodData.ContainsKey("medium_lod"))
                    midbytes = ((OSDMap)lodData["medium_lod"])["size"].AsInteger();
                if (lodData.ContainsKey("low_lod"))
                    lowbytes = ((OSDMap)lodData["low_lod"])["size"].AsInteger();
                if (lodData.ContainsKey("lowest_lod"))
                    lowestbytes = ((OSDMap)lodData["lowest_lod"])["size"].AsInteger();
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[MESH]: exception extracting LOD ByteCounts: {0}", e);
コード例 #16
        private static OSDArray WrapOSDMap(OSDMap wrapMe)
            OSDArray array = new OSDArray();

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// A funny little static routine to read in a parameter set. You pass it the delegate
        /// that is called to actually add the key/value to the ParameterSet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inFile"></param>
        /// <param name="storeParam"></param>
        public static bool ReadParameterSet(string inFile, InsertParam storeParam)
            bool ret = true;

            if (File.Exists(inFile))
                try {
                    using (Stream inStream = new FileStream(inFile, FileMode.Open)) {
                        if (inFile.EndsWith(".json"))
                            // READ JSON
                            OMVSD.OSD parms = OMVSD.OSDParser.DeserializeJson(inStream);
                            if (parms.Type == OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDType.Map)
                                OMVSD.OSDMap mapParms = (OMVSD.OSDMap)parms;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OMVSD.OSD> kvp in mapParms)
                                    storeParam(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                                LogManager.Log.Log(LogLevel.DBADERROR, "AppParameters: CONFIG FILE WAS NOT A JSON MAP");
                                ret = false;
                            // READ INI
                            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(inStream)) {
                                string inLine;
                                while ((inLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    int    pos  = inLine.IndexOf(";");
                                    string desc = null;
                                    if (pos >= 0)
                                        desc   = inLine.Substring(pos + 1).Trim();
                                        inLine = inLine.Substring(0, pos);
                                    pos = inLine.IndexOf("=");
                                    if (pos >= 0)
                                        string key   = inLine.Substring(0, pos).Trim();
                                        string value = inLine.Substring(pos + 1).Trim();
                                        storeParam(key, new OMVSD.OSDString(value));
                catch (Exception e) {
                    LogManager.Log.Log(LogLevel.DBADERROR, "AppParameters: FAILURE PARSING CONFIG FILE'"
                                       + inFile + "':" + e.ToString());
                    ret = false;
コード例 #18
        public string FetchInventoryRequest(string request, string path, string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[FETCH INVENTORY HANDLER]: Received FetchInventory capability request {0}", request);

            OSDMap   requestmap     = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(Utils.StringToBytes(request));
            OSDArray itemsRequested = (OSDArray)requestmap["items"];

            string             reply;
            LLSDFetchInventory llsdReply = new LLSDFetchInventory();

            UUID[] itemIDs = new UUID[itemsRequested.Count];
            int    i       = 0;

            foreach (OSDMap osdItemId in itemsRequested)
                itemIDs[i++] = osdItemId["item_id"].AsUUID();

            InventoryItemBase[] items = null;

            if (m_agentID != UUID.Zero)
                items = m_inventoryService.GetMultipleItems(m_agentID, itemIDs);

                if (items == null)
                    // OMG!!! One by one!!! This is fallback code, in case the backend isn't updated
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[FETCH INVENTORY HANDLER]: GetMultipleItems failed. Falling back to fetching inventory items one by one.");
                    items = new InventoryItemBase[itemsRequested.Count];
                    foreach (UUID id in itemIDs)
                        items[i++] = m_inventoryService.GetItem(m_agentID, id);
                items = new InventoryItemBase[itemsRequested.Count];
                foreach (UUID id in itemIDs)
                    items[i++] = m_inventoryService.GetItem(UUID.Zero, id);

            foreach (InventoryItemBase item in items)
                if (item != null)
                    // We don't know the agent that this request belongs to so we'll use the agent id of the item
                    // which will be the same for all items.
                    llsdReply.agent_id = item.Owner;

            reply = LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReply(llsdReply);

コード例 #19
 public OMVSD.OSDMap GetDisplayable()
     OMVSD.OSDMap aMap = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     aMap.Add("Name", new OMVSD.OSDString(this.Name));
     aMap.Add("Total", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)this.TotalQueued));
     aMap.Add("Current", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)this.CurrentQueued));
コード例 #20
        public OSD HandleRemoteMapItemRequest(string path, OSD request, string endpoint)
            uint xstart = 0;
            uint ystart = 0;

            Utils.LongToUInts(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle, out xstart, out ystart);

            OSDMap responsemap               = new OSDMap();
            List <ScenePresence> avatars     = m_scene.GetAvatars();
            OSDArray             responsearr = new OSDArray(avatars.Count);
            OSDMap responsemapdata           = new OSDMap();
            int    tc = Environment.TickCount;

             * foreach (ScenePresence av in avatars)
             * {
             *  responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
             *  responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + av.AbsolutePosition.X));
             *  responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + av.AbsolutePosition.Y));
             *  responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
             *  responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString("TH");
             *  responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
             *  responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
             *  responsearr.Add(responsemapdata);
             * }
             * responsemap["1"] = responsearr;
            if (avatars.Count == 0)
                responsemapdata           = new OSDMap();
                responsemapdata["X"]      = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + 1));
                responsemapdata["Y"]      = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + 1));
                responsemapdata["ID"]     = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                responsemapdata["Name"]   = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                responsemapdata["Extra"]  = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);

                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;
                responsearr = new OSDArray(avatars.Count);
                foreach (ScenePresence av in avatars)
                    responsemapdata           = new OSDMap();
                    responsemapdata["X"]      = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + av.AbsolutePosition.X));
                    responsemapdata["Y"]      = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + av.AbsolutePosition.Y));
                    responsemapdata["ID"]     = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                    responsemapdata["Name"]   = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                    responsemapdata["Extra"]  = OSD.FromInteger(1);
                    responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;
コード例 #21
 public override void FromOSD(OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap map)
     GlobalPosX = map["GlobalPosX"];
     GlobalPosY = map["GlobalPosY"];
     LandData   = new LandData();
     RegionName = map["RegionName"];
     RegionType = map["RegionType"];
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the mapitem response to the IClientAPI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The OSDMap Response for the mapitem</param>
        private void RequestMapItemsCompleted(IAsyncResult iar)
            AsyncResult             result = (AsyncResult)iar;
            RequestMapItemsDelegate icon   = (RequestMapItemsDelegate)result.AsyncDelegate;

            OSDMap response = (OSDMap)icon.EndInvoke(iar);

            Interlocked.Decrement(ref nAsyncRequests);

            if (!response.ContainsKey("requestID"))

            UUID requestID = response["requestID"].AsUUID();

            if (requestID != UUID.Zero)
                MapRequestState mrs = new MapRequestState();
                mrs.agentID = UUID.Zero;
                lock (m_openRequests)
                    if (m_openRequests.ContainsKey(requestID))
                        mrs = m_openRequests[requestID];

                if (mrs.agentID != UUID.Zero)
                    ScenePresence av = null;
                    m_scene.TryGetScenePresence(mrs.agentID, out av);
                    if (av != null)
                        if (response.ContainsKey(mrs.itemtype.ToString()))
                            List <mapItemReply> returnitems = new List <mapItemReply>();
                            OSDArray            itemarray   = (OSDArray)response[mrs.itemtype.ToString()];
                            for (int i = 0; i < itemarray.Count; i++)
                                OSDMap       mapitem = (OSDMap)itemarray[i];
                                mapItemReply mi      = new mapItemReply();
                                mi.x      = (uint)mapitem["X"].AsInteger();
                                mi.y      = (uint)mapitem["Y"].AsInteger();
                                mi.id     = mapitem["ID"].AsUUID();
                                mi.Extra  = mapitem["Extra"].AsInteger();
                                mi.Extra2 = mapitem["Extra2"].AsInteger();
                                mi.name   = mapitem["Name"].AsString();
                            av.ControllingClient.SendMapItemReply(returnitems.ToArray(), mrs.itemtype, mrs.flags);
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive parcel voice cap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="error"></param>
        void pCap_OnComplete(OpenMetaverse.Http.CapsClient client,
                             OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSD result,
                             Exception error)
            parcelCap.OnComplete -=
                new OpenMetaverse.Http.CapsClient.CompleteCallback(pCap_OnComplete);
            parcelCap = null;

            if (error != null)
                Logger.Log("Region voice cap " + error.Message, Helpers.LogLevel.Error);

            OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap pMap = result as OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap;

            regionName = pMap["region_name"].AsString();

            if (pMap.ContainsKey("voice_credentials"))
                OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap cred =
                    pMap["voice_credentials"] as OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap;

                if (cred.ContainsKey("channel_uri"))
                    spatialUri = cred["channel_uri"].AsString();
                if (cred.ContainsKey("channel_credentials"))
                    spatialCredentials = cred["channel_credentials"].AsString();

            if (spatialUri == null || spatialUri == "")
                // "No voice chat allowed here");

            Logger.Log("Voice connecting for region " + regionName, Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

            // STEP 5
            int reqId = SessionCreate(
                spatialUri,         // uri
                "",                 // Channel name seems to be always null
                spatialCredentials, // spatialCredentials, // session password
                true,               // Join Audio
                false,              // Join Text

            if (reqId < 0)
                Logger.Log("Voice Session ReqID " + reqId.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Error);
コード例 #24
        protected override byte[] ProcessRequest(string path, Stream request, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
//            m_log.DebugFormat("[GET_DISPLAY_NAMES]: called {0}", httpRequest.Url.Query);

            NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(httpRequest.Url.Query);

            string[] ids = query.GetValues("ids");

            if (m_UserManagement == null)
                m_log.Error("[GET_DISPLAY_NAMES]: Cannot fetch display names without a user management component");
                httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                return(new byte[0]);

            OSDMap   osdReply = new OSDMap();
            OSDArray agents   = new OSDArray();

            osdReply["agents"] = agents;
            foreach (string id in ids)
                UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
                if (UUID.TryParse(id, out uuid))
                    string name = m_UserManagement.GetUserName(uuid);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        string[] parts   = name.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                        OSDMap   osdname = new OSDMap();
                        // a date that is valid
//                        osdname["display_name_next_update"] = OSD.FromDate(new DateTime(1970,1,1));
                        // but send one that blocks edition, since we actually don't suport this
                        osdname["display_name_next_update"] = OSD.FromDate(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(8));
                        osdname["display_name_expires"]     = OSD.FromDate(DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(1));
                        osdname["display_name"]             = OSD.FromString(name);
                        osdname["legacy_first_name"]        = parts[0];
                        osdname["legacy_last_name"]         = parts[1];
                        osdname["username"] = OSD.FromString(name);
                        osdname["id"]       = OSD.FromUUID(uuid);
                        osdname["is_display_name_default"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);


            // Full content request
            httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
            //httpResponse.ContentLength = ??;
            httpResponse.ContentType = "application/llsd+xml";

            string reply = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(osdReply);

コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign a single material value.  Based on the values passed we'll either set (or clear) the materials for a SOP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sop">The SOP being affected.</param>
        /// <param name="face">The face to assign, or -1 if the default texture is being set.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The ID assigned to this material.  Setting a Zero UUID clears it.</param>
        /// <param name="material">If not null, the material to set.  Otherwise we are clearing.</param>
        private void AssignSingleMaterial(SceneObjectPart sop, int face, OSDMap matData)
            UUID id = UUID.Zero;

            // If there is a material being set, see if we've seen it before.
            // If not we'll add it to the Shape RenderMaterials and the region cache
            if (matData != null)
                RenderMaterial material = RenderMaterial.FromOSD(matData);
                id = sop.Shape.RenderMaterials.AddMaterial(material);
                m_scene.EventManager.TriggerRenderMaterialAddedToPrim(sop, id, material);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[RenderMaterials]: SOP {0}, Face {1}, Adding RenderMaterial {2}",
                                  sop.LocalId, face, material.ToString());

            // If the new material is replacing one lets record it so we can clean up
            UUID oldMaterialID = UUID.Zero;

            /// Get a copy of the texture entry so we can make changes.
            var te = new Primitive.TextureEntry(sop.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, sop.Shape.TextureEntry.Length);

            // Set the Material ID in the TextureEntry. If face is ALL_SIDES then
            // set the default entry, otherwise fetch the face and set it there.
            if (face < 0)
                oldMaterialID = te.DefaultTexture.MaterialID;
                te.DefaultTexture.MaterialID = id;
                var faceEntry = te.CreateFace((uint)face);
                oldMaterialID        = faceEntry.MaterialID;
                faceEntry.MaterialID = id;

            // Update the texture entry which will force an update to connected clients

            // If the material has changed and it wasn't previously Zero
            // Deallocate the old value if its not in use and signal the change
            if ((oldMaterialID != id) &&
                (oldMaterialID != UUID.Zero))
                var currentMaterialIDs = sop.Shape.GetMaterialIDs();
                if (currentMaterialIDs.Contains(oldMaterialID) == false)
                    if (sop.Shape.RenderMaterials.ContainsMaterial(oldMaterialID) == true)

                    m_scene.EventManager.TriggerRenderMaterialRemovedFromPrim(sop, oldMaterialID);
コード例 #26
ファイル: EventDictionary.cs プロジェクト: careytews/ALIVE
        /// <summary>
        /// Fire the events registered for this event type asynchronously
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capsEvent">Capability name</param>
        /// <param name="body">Decoded event body</param>
        /// <param name="simulator">Reference to the simulator that
        /// generated this event</param>
        internal void BeginRaiseEvent(string capsEvent, StructuredData.OSD body, Simulator simulator)
            bool specialHandler = false;

            Caps.EventQueueCallback callback;

            // Default handler first, if one exists
            if (_EventTable.TryGetValue(String.Empty, out callback))
                if (callback != null)
                    CapsCallbackWrapper wrapper;
                    wrapper.Callback  = callback;
                    wrapper.CapsEvent = capsEvent;
                    wrapper.Body      = body;
                    wrapper.Simulator = simulator;
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ThreadPoolCallback, wrapper);

            // Generic parser next, don't generic parse events we've manually registered for
            if (body.Type == StructuredData.OSDType.Map && !_EventTable.ContainsKey(capsEvent))
                StructuredData.OSDMap map = (StructuredData.OSDMap)body;
                Packet packet             = Packet.BuildPacket(capsEvent, map);
                if (packet != null)
                    NetworkManager.IncomingPacket incomingPacket;
                    incomingPacket.Simulator = simulator;
                    incomingPacket.Packet    = packet;

                    Logger.DebugLog("Serializing " + packet.Type.ToString() + " capability with generic handler", Client);

                    specialHandler = true;

            // Explicit handler next
            if (_EventTable.TryGetValue(capsEvent, out callback) && callback != null)
                CapsCallbackWrapper wrapper;
                wrapper.Callback  = callback;
                wrapper.CapsEvent = capsEvent;
                wrapper.Body      = body;
                wrapper.Simulator = simulator;
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ThreadPoolCallback, wrapper);

                specialHandler = true;

            if (!specialHandler)
                Logger.Log("Unhandled CAPS event " + capsEvent, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, Client);
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign The requested materials to the specified part(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="materialsFromViewer"></param>
        private void AssignRequestedMaterials(OSDMap materialsFromViewer, UUID agentID)
            if (!(materialsFromViewer.ContainsKey("FullMaterialsPerFace") &&
                  (materialsFromViewer["FullMaterialsPerFace"] is OSDArray)))
                m_log.Warn("[RenderMaterials]: AssignRequestedMaterials - FullMaterialsPerFace not defined or incorrect type");

            OSDArray mats = materialsFromViewer["FullMaterialsPerFace"] as OSDArray;

            foreach (OSDMap matsMap in mats)
                uint   matLocalID = 0;
                int    face       = -1;
                OSDMap matData    = null;

                    matLocalID = matsMap["ID"].AsUInteger();

                    if (matsMap.ContainsKey("Face"))
                        face = matsMap["Face"].AsInteger();

                    if (matsMap.ContainsKey("Material"))
                        matData = matsMap["Material"] as OSDMap;
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Warn("[RenderMaterials]: cannot decode material from matsMap: " + e.Message);

                /// Look up the scene object this material pertains to.
                var sop = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(matLocalID);
                if (sop == null)
                    m_log.Warn("[RenderMaterials]: null SOP for localId: " + matLocalID.ToString());

                // Make sure we can modify it
                if (m_scene.Permissions.CanEditObject(sop.ParentGroup.UUID, agentID, (uint)PermissionMask.Modify) == false)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[RenderMaterials]: User {0} can't edit object {1} {2}",
                                     agentID, sop.ParentGroup.Name, sop.ParentGroup.UUID);

                AssignSingleMaterial(sop, face, matData);
コード例 #28
        public override OSD ToOSDMap()
            OSDMap map = new OSDMap();

            map["reason"]  = OSD.FromString(m_key);
            map["message"] = OSD.FromString(m_value);
            map["login"]   = OSD.FromString(m_login);

コード例 #29
        protected override byte[] ProcessRequest(string path, Stream request, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
//            m_log.DebugFormat("[GET_DISPLAY_NAMES]: called {0}", httpRequest.Url.Query);

            NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(httpRequest.Url.Query);
            string[] ids = query.GetValues("ids");

            if (m_UserManagement == null)
                m_log.Error("[GET_DISPLAY_NAMES]: Cannot fetch display names without a user management component");
                httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                return new byte[0];

            OSDMap osdReply = new OSDMap();
            OSDArray agents = new OSDArray();

            osdReply["agents"] = agents;
            foreach (string id in ids)
                UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
                if (UUID.TryParse(id, out uuid))
                    string name = m_UserManagement.GetUserName(uuid);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        string[] parts = name.Split(new char[] {' '});
                        OSDMap osdname = new OSDMap();
                        // a date that is valid
//                        osdname["display_name_next_update"] = OSD.FromDate(new DateTime(1970,1,1));
                        // but send one that blocks edition, since we actually don't suport this
                        osdname["display_name_next_update"] = OSD.FromDate(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(8));        
                        osdname["display_name_expires"] = OSD.FromDate(DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(1));
                        osdname["display_name"] = OSD.FromString(name);
                        osdname["legacy_first_name"] = parts[0];
                        osdname["legacy_last_name"] = parts[1];
                        osdname["username"] = OSD.FromString(name);
                        osdname["id"] = OSD.FromUUID(uuid);
                        osdname["is_display_name_default"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);


            // Full content request
            httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
            //httpResponse.ContentLength = ??;
            httpResponse.ContentType = "application/llsd+xml";

            string reply = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(osdReply);
            return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reply);

コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a list of primitives to an object that can be serialized
        /// with the LLSD system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prims">Primitives to convert to a serializable object</param>
        /// <returns>An object that can be serialized with LLSD</returns>
        public static StructuredData.OSD PrimListToOSD(List <Primitive> prims)
            StructuredData.OSDMap map = new OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap(prims.Count);

            foreach (Primitive prim in prims)
                map.Add(prim.LocalID.ToString(), prim.GetOSD());

コード例 #31
        public override OSD ToOSDMap()
            OSDMap map = new OSDMap();

            map["reason"] = OSD.FromString("rsa_request");
            map["key"]    = OSD.FromString(m_key);
            map["token"]  = OSD.FromString(m_password);
            map["login"]  = OSD.FromString("false");

コード例 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a list of primitives to an object that can be serialized
        /// with the LLSD system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prims">Primitives to convert to a serializable object</param>
        /// <returns>An object that can be serialized with LLSD</returns>
        public static StructuredData.OSD PrimListToOSD(List <Primitive> prims)
            StructuredData.OSDMap map = new OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap(prims.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < prims.Count; i++)
                map.Add(prims[i].LocalID.ToString(), prims[i].GetOSD());

コード例 #33
        private static OSDArray DecodeMeshLODArray(byte[] data, long start, OSDMap meshMap)
            int offset = meshMap["offset"].AsInteger() + (int)start;
            int size = meshMap["size"].AsInteger();

            if (offset < 0 || size == 0)
                return null; // no mesh data in asset

                using (MemoryStream inMs = new MemoryStream(data, offset, size))
                     * Skipping past the first two bytes, which are part of the zlib specification 
                     * (RFC 1950), not the deflate specification (RFC 1951). Those bytes contain 
                     * information about the compression method and flags.
                    int streamType = inMs.ReadByte();
                    int streamFlags = inMs.ReadByte();

                    using (MemoryStream outMs = new MemoryStream())
                        using (DeflateStream zOut = new DeflateStream(inMs, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                            byte[] decompressedBuf = outMs.ToArray();
                            return OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(decompressedBuf) as OSDArray;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[MESH]: exception decoding OSD: {0}", e);

            return null;
コード例 #34
 /// <summary>
 /// A statistics collection returns an OSD structure which is a map
 /// of maps. The top level map are the individual counters and
 /// their value is a map of the variables that make up the counter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public OMVSD.OSDMap GetDisplayable()
     OMVSD.OSDMap values = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
     foreach (ICounter cntr in m_counters) {
     try {
         OMVSD.OSDMap ivals = new OMVSD.OSDMap();
         ivals.Add("count", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)cntr.Count));
         if (cntr is IIntervalCounter) {
             IIntervalCounter icntr = (IIntervalCounter)cntr;
             ivals.Add("average", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Average));
             ivals.Add("low", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Low));
             ivals.Add("high", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.High));
             ivals.Add("last", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Last));
             ivals.Add("total", new OMVSD.OSDInteger((int)icntr.Total));
         values.Add(cntr.Name, ivals);
     catch (Exception e) {
             "FAILURE getting Displayable value: n={0}, {1}", cntr.Name, e.ToString());
     return values;
コード例 #35
        private void OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest(UUID agentID, ref OSDMap features)
            OSD menus = new OSDMap();
            if (features.ContainsKey("menus"))
                menus = features["menus"];

            OSDMap agent = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap world = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap tools = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap advanced = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap admin = new OSDMap();
            if (((OSDMap)menus).ContainsKey("agent"))
                agent = (OSDMap)((OSDMap)menus)["agent"];
            if (((OSDMap)menus).ContainsKey("world"))
                world = (OSDMap)((OSDMap)menus)["world"];
            if (((OSDMap)menus).ContainsKey("tools"))
                tools = (OSDMap)((OSDMap)menus)["tools"];
            if (((OSDMap)menus).ContainsKey("advanced"))
                advanced = (OSDMap)((OSDMap)menus)["advanced"];
            if (((OSDMap)menus).ContainsKey("admin"))
                admin = (OSDMap)((OSDMap)menus)["admin"];

            if (m_menuItems.ContainsKey(UUID.Zero))
                foreach (MenuItemData d in m_menuItems[UUID.Zero])
                    if (d.Mode == UserMode.God && (!m_scene.Permissions.IsGod(agentID)))

                    OSDMap loc = null;
                    switch (d.Location)
                    case InsertLocation.Agent:
                        loc = agent;
                    case InsertLocation.World:
                        loc = world;
                    case InsertLocation.Tools:
                        loc = tools;
                    case InsertLocation.Advanced:
                        loc = advanced;
                    case InsertLocation.Admin:
                        loc = admin;

                    if (loc == null)
                    loc[d.Title] = OSD.FromString(d.Title);

            if (m_menuItems.ContainsKey(agentID))
                foreach (MenuItemData d in m_menuItems[agentID])
                    if (d.Mode == UserMode.God && (!m_scene.Permissions.IsGod(agentID)))

                    OSDMap loc = null;
                    switch (d.Location)
                    case InsertLocation.Agent:
                        loc = agent;
                    case InsertLocation.World:
                        loc = world;
                    case InsertLocation.Tools:
                        loc = tools;
                    case InsertLocation.Advanced:
                        loc = advanced;
                    case InsertLocation.Admin:
                        loc = admin;

                    if (loc == null)
                    loc[d.Title] = OSD.FromString(d.Title);

            ((OSDMap)menus)["agent"] = agent;
            ((OSDMap)menus)["world"] = world;
            ((OSDMap)menus)["tools"] = tools;
            ((OSDMap)menus)["advanced"] = advanced;
            ((OSDMap)menus)["admin"] = admin;

            features["menus"] = menus;
コード例 #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the actual remote mapitem request
        /// This should be called from an asynchronous thread
        /// Request failures get blacklisted until region restart so we don't
        /// continue to spend resources trying to contact regions that are down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpserver">blank string, we discover this in the process</param>
        /// <param name="id">Agent ID that we are making this request on behalf</param>
        /// <param name="flags">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="EstateID">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="godlike">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="itemtype">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="regionhandle">Region we're looking up</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private OSDMap RequestMapItemsAsync(UUID id, uint flags,
            uint EstateID, bool godlike, uint itemtype, ulong regionhandle)
//            m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLDMAP]: RequestMapItemsAsync; region handle: {0} {1}", regionhandle, itemtype);

            string httpserver = "";
            bool blacklisted = false;
            lock (m_blacklistedregions)
                if (m_blacklistedregions.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                    if (Environment.TickCount > (m_blacklistedregions[regionhandle] + blacklistTimeout))
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Unblock blacklisted region {0}", regionhandle);

                        blacklisted = true;

            if (blacklisted)
                return new OSDMap();

            UUID requestID = UUID.Random();
            lock (m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress)
                if (m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                    httpserver = m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress[regionhandle];
            if (httpserver.Length == 0)
                uint x = 0, y = 0;
                Util.RegionHandleToWorldLoc(regionhandle, out x, out y);
                GridRegion mreg = m_scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(m_scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, (int)x, (int)y);

                if (mreg != null)
                    httpserver = mreg.ServerURI + "MAP/MapItems/" + regionhandle.ToString();
                    lock (m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress)
                        if (!m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                            m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress.Add(regionhandle, httpserver);
                    lock (m_blacklistedregions)
                        if (!m_blacklistedregions.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                            m_blacklistedregions.Add(regionhandle, Environment.TickCount);
                    //m_log.InfoFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Blacklisted region {0}", regionhandle.ToString());

            blacklisted = false;
            lock (m_blacklistedurls)
                if (m_blacklistedurls.ContainsKey(httpserver))
                    if (Environment.TickCount > (m_blacklistedurls[httpserver] + blacklistTimeout))
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Unblock blacklisted URL {0}", httpserver);

                        blacklisted = true;

            // Can't find the http server
            if (httpserver.Length == 0 || blacklisted)
                return new OSDMap();

            MapRequestState mrs = new MapRequestState();
            mrs.agentID = id;
            mrs.EstateID = EstateID;
            mrs.flags = flags;
            mrs.godlike = godlike;
            mrs.regionhandle = regionhandle;

            lock (m_openRequests)
                m_openRequests.Add(requestID, mrs);

            WebRequest mapitemsrequest = null;
                mapitemsrequest = WebRequest.Create(httpserver);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Access to {0} failed with {1}", httpserver, e);
                return new OSDMap();

            mapitemsrequest.Method = "POST";
            mapitemsrequest.ContentType = "application/xml+llsd";
            OSDMap RAMap = new OSDMap();

            // string RAMapString = RAMap.ToString();
            OSD LLSDofRAMap = RAMap; // RENAME if this works

            byte[] buffer = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(LLSDofRAMap);
            OSDMap responseMap = new OSDMap();
            responseMap["requestID"] = OSD.FromUUID(requestID);

            Stream os = null;
            { // send the Post
                mapitemsrequest.ContentLength = buffer.Length;   //Count bytes to send
                os = mapitemsrequest.GetRequestStream();
                os.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);         //Send it
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Getting MapItems from {0}", httpserver);
            catch (WebException ex)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Bad send on GetMapItems {0}", ex.Message);
                responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                lock (m_blacklistedurls)
                    if (!m_blacklistedurls.ContainsKey(httpserver))
                        m_blacklistedurls.Add(httpserver, Environment.TickCount);

                m_log.WarnFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Blacklisted {0}", httpserver);

                return responseMap;
                m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: RequestMapItems failed for {0}", httpserver);
                responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                return responseMap;
                if (os != null)

            string response_mapItems_reply = null;
                    using (WebResponse webResponse = mapitemsrequest.GetResponse())
                        if (webResponse != null)
                            using (Stream s = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
                                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
                                    response_mapItems_reply = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();
                            return new OSDMap();
                catch (WebException)
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                    lock (m_blacklistedurls)
                        if (!m_blacklistedurls.ContainsKey(httpserver))
                            m_blacklistedurls.Add(httpserver, Environment.TickCount);

                    m_log.WarnFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Blacklisted {0}", httpserver);

                    return responseMap;
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: RequestMapItems failed for {0}", httpserver);
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                    lock (m_blacklistedregions)
                        if (!m_blacklistedregions.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                            m_blacklistedregions.Add(regionhandle, Environment.TickCount);

                    return responseMap;

                OSD rezResponse = null;
                    rezResponse = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(response_mapItems_reply);

                    responseMap = (OSDMap)rezResponse;
                    responseMap["requestID"] = OSD.FromUUID(requestID);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[WORLD MAP]: exception on parse of RequestMapItems reply from {0}: {1}", httpserver, ex.Message);
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);

                    lock (m_blacklistedregions)
                        if (!m_blacklistedregions.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                            m_blacklistedregions.Add(regionhandle, Environment.TickCount);

                    return responseMap;

            if (!responseMap.ContainsKey(itemtype.ToString())) // remote sim doesnt have the stated region handle
                m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Remote sim does not have the stated region. Blacklisting.");
                lock (m_blacklistedregions)
                    if (!m_blacklistedregions.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                        m_blacklistedregions.Add(regionhandle, Environment.TickCount);

            return responseMap;
コード例 #37
        private void OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest(UUID agentID, ref OSDMap features)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[SPECIAL UI]: OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
            if (m_Helper.ShouldSend(agentID) && m_Helper.UserLevel(agentID) <= m_UserLevel)
                OSDMap extrasMap;
                OSDMap specialUI = new OSDMap();
                using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(VIEWER_SUPPORT_DIR, "panel_toolbar.xml")))
                    if (features.ContainsKey("OpenSimExtras"))
                        extrasMap = (OSDMap)features["OpenSimExtras"];
                        extrasMap = new OSDMap();
                        features["OpenSimExtras"] = extrasMap;

                    specialUI["toolbar"] = OSDMap.FromString(s.ReadToEnd());
                    extrasMap["special-ui"] = specialUI;
                m_log.DebugFormat("[SPECIAL UI]: Sending panel_toolbar.xml in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);

                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(VIEWER_SUPPORT_DIR, "Floaters")))
                    OSDMap floaters = new OSDMap();
                    uint n = 0;
                    foreach (String name in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(VIEWER_SUPPORT_DIR, "Floaters"), "*.xml"))
                        using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader(name))
                            string simple_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name);
                            OSDMap floater = new OSDMap();
                            floaters[simple_name] = OSDMap.FromString(s.ReadToEnd());
                    specialUI["floaters"] = floaters;
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[SPECIAL UI]: Sending {0} floaters", n);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[SPECIAL UI]: NOT Sending panel_toolbar.xml in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);

コード例 #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a list of primitives to an object that can be serialized
        /// with the LLSD system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prims">Primitives to convert to a serializable object</param>
        /// <returns>An object that can be serialized with LLSD</returns>
        public static StructuredData.OSD PrimListToOSD(List<Primitive> prims)
            StructuredData.OSDMap map = new OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap(prims.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < prims.Count; i++)
                map.Add(prims[i].LocalID.ToString(), prims[i].GetOSD());

            return map;
コード例 #39
        public string GetObjectPhysicsData(string request, string path,
                string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest,
                IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            OSDMap req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            OSDArray object_ids = (OSDArray)req["object_ids"];

            for (int i = 0 ; i < object_ids.Count ; i++)
                UUID uuid = object_ids[i].AsUUID();

                SceneObjectPart obj = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(uuid);
                if (obj != null)
                    OSDMap object_data = new OSDMap();

                    object_data["PhysicsShapeType"] = obj.PhysicsShapeType;
                    object_data["Density"] = obj.Density;
                    object_data["Friction"] = obj.Friction;
                    object_data["Restitution"] = obj.Restitution;
                    object_data["GravityMultiplier"] = obj.GravityModifier;

                    resp[uuid.ToString()] = object_data;

            string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);
            return response;
コード例 #40
 private static OSDArray WrapOSDMap(OSDMap wrapMe)
     OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
     return array;
コード例 #41
 public OSDArray ArrayListToOSDArray(ArrayList arrlst)
     OSDArray llsdBack = new OSDArray();
     foreach (Hashtable ht in arrlst)
         OSDMap mp = new OSDMap();
         foreach (DictionaryEntry deHt in ht)
             mp.Add((string)deHt.Key, OSDString.FromObject(deHt.Value));
     return llsdBack;
コード例 #42
        public override OSD ToOSDMap()
                OSDMap map = new OSDMap();

                map["first_name"] = OSD.FromString(Firstname);
                map["last_name"] = OSD.FromString(Lastname);
                map["agent_access"] = OSD.FromString(agentAccess);
                map["agent_access_max"] = OSD.FromString(agentAccessMax);

                map["sim_port"] = OSD.FromInteger(SimPort);
                map["sim_ip"] = OSD.FromString(SimAddress);

                map["agent_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(AgentID);
                map["session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SessionID);
                map["secure_session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SecureSessionID);
                map["circuit_code"] = OSD.FromInteger(CircuitCode);
                map["seconds_since_epoch"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds);

                #region Login Flags

                OSDMap loginFlagsLLSD = new OSDMap();
                loginFlagsLLSD["daylight_savings"] = OSD.FromString(DST);
                loginFlagsLLSD["stipend_since_login"] = OSD.FromString(StipendSinceLogin);
                loginFlagsLLSD["gendered"] = OSD.FromString(Gendered);
                loginFlagsLLSD["ever_logged_in"] = OSD.FromString(EverLoggedIn);
                map["login-flags"] = WrapOSDMap(loginFlagsLLSD);

                #endregion Login Flags

                #region Global Textures

                OSDMap globalTexturesLLSD = new OSDMap();
                globalTexturesLLSD["sun_texture_id"] = OSD.FromString(SunTexture);
                globalTexturesLLSD["cloud_texture_id"] = OSD.FromString(CloudTexture);
                globalTexturesLLSD["moon_texture_id"] = OSD.FromString(MoonTexture);

                map["global-textures"] = WrapOSDMap(globalTexturesLLSD);

                #endregion Global Textures

                map["seed_capability"] = OSD.FromString(seedCapability);

                map["event_categories"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(eventCategories);
                //map["event_notifications"] = new OSDArray(); // todo
                map["classified_categories"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(classifiedCategories);

                #region UI Config

                OSDMap uiConfigLLSD = new OSDMap();
                uiConfigLLSD["allow_first_life"] = OSD.FromString(allowFirstLife);
                map["ui-config"] = WrapOSDMap(uiConfigLLSD);

                #endregion UI Config

                #region Inventory

                map["inventory-skeleton"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(agentInventory);

                map["inventory-skel-lib"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryLibrary);
                map["inventory-root"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryRoot); ;
                map["inventory-lib-root"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryLibRoot);
                map["inventory-lib-owner"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryLibraryOwner);

                #endregion Inventory

                map["gestures"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(activeGestures);

                map["initial-outfit"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(initialOutfit);
                map["start_location"] = OSD.FromString(startLocation);

                map["seed_capability"] = OSD.FromString(seedCapability);
                map["home"] = OSD.FromString(home);
                map["look_at"] = OSD.FromString(lookAt);
                map["max-agent-groups"] = OSD.FromInteger(MaxAgentGroups);
                map["message"] = OSD.FromString(welcomeMessage);
                map["region_x"] = OSD.FromInteger(RegionX);
                map["region_y"] = OSD.FromInteger(RegionY);

                if (mapTileURL != String.Empty)
                    map["map-server-url"] = OSD.FromString(mapTileURL);

                if (profileURL != String.Empty)
                    map["profile-server-url"] = OSD.FromString(profileURL);

                if (openIDURL != String.Empty)
                    map["openid_url"] = OSD.FromString(openIDURL);

                if (searchURL != String.Empty)
                    map["search"] = OSD.FromString(searchURL);

                if (ClassifiedFee != String.Empty)
                    map["classified_fee"] = OSD.FromString(ClassifiedFee);

                if (m_buddyList != null)
                    map["buddy-list"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(m_buddyList.ToArray());

                map["login"] = OSD.FromString("true");

                return map;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.Warn("[CLIENT]: LoginResponse: Error creating LLSD Response: " + e.Message);

                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError.ToOSDMap();
コード例 #43
        public override OSD ToOSDMap()
            OSDMap map = new OSDMap();

            map["reason"] = OSD.FromString(m_key);
            map["message"] = OSD.FromString(m_value);
            map["login"] = OSD.FromString(m_login);

            return map;
コード例 #44
        public OSD RezAvatarMethod(string path, OSD request)
            m_log.WarnFormat("[REZAVATAR]: {0}", request.ToString());

            OSDMap responseMap = new OSDMap();

            AgentCircuitData userData = null;

            // Only people we've issued a cap can go further
            if (TryGetAgentCircuitData(path,out userData))
                OSDMap requestMap = (OSDMap)request;

                // take these values to start.  There's a few more
                UUID SecureSessionID=requestMap["secure_session_id"].AsUUID();
                UUID SessionID = requestMap["session_id"].AsUUID();
                int circuitcode = requestMap["circuit_code"].AsInteger();
                OSDArray Parameter = new OSDArray();
                if (requestMap.ContainsKey("parameter"))
                   Parameter = (OSDArray)requestMap["parameter"];

                //int version = 1;
                int estateID = 1;
                int parentEstateID = 1;
                UUID regionID = UUID.Zero;
                bool visibleToParent = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < Parameter.Count; i++)
                    OSDMap item = (OSDMap)Parameter[i];
//                    if (item.ContainsKey("version"))
//                    {
//                        version = item["version"].AsInteger();
//                    }
                    if (item.ContainsKey("estate_id"))
                        estateID = item["estate_id"].AsInteger();
                    if (item.ContainsKey("parent_estate_id"))
                        parentEstateID = item["parent_estate_id"].AsInteger();

                    if (item.ContainsKey("region_id"))
                        regionID = item["region_id"].AsUUID();

                    if (item.ContainsKey("visible_to_parent"))
                        visibleToParent = item["visible_to_parent"].AsBoolean();
                //Update our Circuit data with the real values
                userData.SecureSessionID = SecureSessionID;
                userData.SessionID = SessionID;

                OGPState userState = GetOGPState(userData.AgentID);

                // Locate a home scene suitable for the user.
                Scene homeScene = null;

                homeScene = GetScene(userState.teleported_into_region);
                if (homeScene == null)
                    homeScene = GetRootScene();

                if (homeScene != null)
                    // Get a referenceokay -  to their Cap object so we can pull out the capobjectroot
                    Caps userCap 
                        = homeScene.CapsModule.GetCapsHandlerForUser(userData.AgentID);

                    //Update the circuit data in the region so this user is authorized

                    // Load state

                    // Keep state changes
                    userState.first_name = requestMap["first_name"].AsString();
                    userState.secure_session_id = requestMap["secure_session_id"].AsUUID();
                    userState.age_verified = requestMap["age_verified"].AsBoolean();
                    userState.region_id = homeScene.RegionInfo.originRegionID; // replace 0000000 with our regionid
                    userState.transacted = requestMap["transacted"].AsBoolean();
                    userState.agent_access = requestMap["agent_access"].AsBoolean();
                    userState.inventory_host = requestMap["inventory_host"].AsString();
                    userState.identified = requestMap["identified"].AsBoolean();
                    userState.session_id = requestMap["session_id"].AsUUID();
                    userState.god_level = (uint)requestMap["god_level"].AsInteger();
                    userState.last_name = requestMap["last_name"].AsString();
                    userState.god_overide = requestMap["god_override"].AsBoolean();
                    userState.circuit_code = (uint)requestMap["circuit_code"].AsInteger();
                    userState.limited_to_estate = requestMap["limited_to_estate"].AsInteger();
                    userState.src_estate_id = estateID;
                    userState.region_id = regionID;
                    userState.src_parent_estate_id = parentEstateID;
                    userState.visible_to_parent = visibleToParent;

                    // Save state changes
                    UpdateOGPState(userData.AgentID, userState);

                    // Get the region information for the home region.
                    RegionInfo reg = homeScene.RegionInfo;

                    // Dummy positional and look at info..  we don't have it.
                    OSDArray PositionArray = new OSDArray();

                    OSDArray LookAtArray = new OSDArray();

                    // Our region's X and Y position in OpenSimulator space.
                    uint fooX = reg.RegionLocX;
                    uint fooY = reg.RegionLocY;
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: region x({0}) region y({1})", fooX, fooY);
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: region http {0} {1}", reg.ServerURI, reg.HttpPort);
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[OGO]: region UUID {0} ", reg.RegionID);

                    // Convert the X and Y position to LL space
                    responseMap["region_x"] = OSD.FromInteger(fooX * (uint)Constants.RegionSize); // convert it to LL X
                    responseMap["region_y"] = OSD.FromInteger(fooY * (uint)Constants.RegionSize); // convert it to LL Y

                    // Give em a new seed capability
                    responseMap["seed_capability"] = OSD.FromString("http://" + reg.ExternalHostName + ":" + reg.HttpPort + "/CAPS/" + userCap.CapsObjectPath + "0000/");
                    responseMap["region"] = OSD.FromUUID(reg.originRegionID);
                    responseMap["look_at"] = LookAtArray;

                    responseMap["sim_port"] = OSD.FromInteger(reg.InternalEndPoint.Port);
                    responseMap["sim_host"] = OSD.FromString(reg.ExternalHostName);// + ":" + reg.InternalEndPoint.Port.ToString());
                    // DEPRECATED
                    responseMap["sim_ip"] = OSD.FromString(Util.GetHostFromDNS(reg.ExternalHostName).ToString());

                    responseMap["session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SessionID);
                    responseMap["secure_session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SecureSessionID);
                    responseMap["circuit_code"] = OSD.FromInteger(circuitcode);

                    responseMap["position"] = PositionArray;

                    responseMap["region_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(reg.originRegionID);

                    responseMap["sim_access"] = OSD.FromString("Mature");

                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);


                    m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: host: {0}, IP {1}", responseMap["sim_host"].ToString(), responseMap["sim_ip"].ToString());

            return responseMap;
コード例 #45
ファイル: WorldMapModule.cs プロジェクト: pluraldj/opensim
        public OSD HandleRemoteMapItemRequest(string path, OSD request, string endpoint)
            uint xstart = 0;
            uint ystart = 0;

            Utils.LongToUInts(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle,out xstart,out ystart);

            // Service 6 (MAP_ITEM_AGENTS_LOCATION; green dots)

            OSDMap responsemap = new OSDMap();
            int tc = Environment.TickCount;
            if (m_scene.GetRootAgentCount() == 0)
                OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + 1));
                responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + 1));
                responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray();

                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;
                OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray(m_scene.GetRootAgentCount());
                m_scene.ForEachRootScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence sp)
                    OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                    responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + sp.AbsolutePosition.X));
                    responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + sp.AbsolutePosition.Y));
                    responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                    responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                    responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(1);
                    responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;

            // Service 7 (MAP_ITEM_LAND_FOR_SALE)

            ILandChannel landChannel = m_scene.LandChannel;
            List<ILandObject> parcels = landChannel.AllParcels();

            if ((parcels == null) || (parcels.Count == 0))
                OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + 1));
                responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + 1));
                responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString("");
                responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray();

                responsemap["7"] = responsearr;
                OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray(m_scene.GetRootAgentCount());
                foreach (ILandObject parcel_interface in parcels)
                    // Play it safe
                    if (!(parcel_interface is LandObject))

                    LandObject land = (LandObject)parcel_interface;
                    LandData parcel = land.LandData;

                    // Show land for sale
                    if ((parcel.Flags & (uint)ParcelFlags.ForSale) == (uint)ParcelFlags.ForSale)
                        Vector3 min = parcel.AABBMin;
                        Vector3 max = parcel.AABBMax;
                        float x = (min.X+max.X)/2;
                        float y = (min.Y+max.Y)/2;

                        OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                        responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + x));
                        responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + y));
                        // responsemapdata["Z"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)m_scene.GetGroundHeight(x,y));
                        responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(parcel.GlobalID);
                        responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(parcel.Name);
                        responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(parcel.Area);
                        responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(parcel.SalePrice);
                responsemap["7"] = responsearr;

            if (m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject != UUID.Zero)
                SceneObjectGroup sog = m_scene.GetSceneObjectGroup(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject);
                if (sog != null)
                    OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray();
                    OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                    responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + sog.AbsolutePosition.X));
                    responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + sog.AbsolutePosition.Y));
                    // responsemapdata["Z"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)m_scene.GetGroundHeight(x,y));
                    responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(sog.UUID);
                    responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(sog.Name);
                    responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(0); // color (unused)
                    responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0); // 0 = telehub / 1 = infohub

                    responsemap["1"] = responsearr;

            return responsemap;
コード例 #46
        public string GetObjectCost(string request, string path,
                string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest,
                IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            OSDMap req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            OSDArray object_ids = (OSDArray)req["object_ids"];

            for (int i = 0; i < object_ids.Count; i++)
                UUID uuid = object_ids[i].AsUUID();
                SceneObjectPart part = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(uuid);
                SceneObjectGroup grp = null;
                if (part != null)
                    grp = part.ParentGroup;
                if (grp != null)
                    float linksetCost;
                    float linksetPhysCost;
                    float partCost;
                    float partPhysCost;

                    grp.GetResourcesCosts(part,out linksetCost,out linksetPhysCost,out partCost,out partPhysCost);

                    OSDMap object_data = new OSDMap();
                    object_data["linked_set_resource_cost"] = linksetCost;
                    object_data["resource_cost"] = partCost;
                    object_data["physics_cost"] = partPhysCost;
                    object_data["linked_set_physics_cost"] = linksetPhysCost;
                    object_data["resource_limiting_type"] = "legacy";
                    resp[uuid.ToString()] = object_data;
            if(resp.Count == 0)
                OSDMap object_data = new OSDMap();
                object_data["linked_set_resource_cost"] = 0;
                object_data["resource_cost"] = 0;
                object_data["physics_cost"] = 0;
                object_data["linked_set_physics_cost"] = 0;
                resp[UUID.Zero.ToString()] = object_data;
            string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);
            return response; 
コード例 #47
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] SerializeAttachment()
            if (OwnerID == UUID.Zero || AttachmentID == UUID.Zero)
                return Utils.EmptyBytes;

            OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap att = new OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap();
            att.Add("item_id", OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSD.FromUUID(AttachmentID));
            att.Add("owner_id", OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSD.FromUUID(OwnerID));

            return OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(att);

            //I guess this is how this works, no gaurentees
            string lsd = "<llsd><item_id>" + AttachmentID.ToString() + "</item_id><owner_id>"
                + OwnerID.ToString() + "</owner_id></llsd>";
            return Utils.StringToBytes(lsd);
コード例 #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the mapitem response to the IClientAPI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The OSDMap Response for the mapitem</param>
        private void RequestMapItemsCompleted(OSDMap response)
            UUID requestID = response["requestID"].AsUUID();

            if (requestID != UUID.Zero)
                MapRequestState mrs = new MapRequestState();
                mrs.agentID = UUID.Zero;
                lock (m_openRequests)
                    if (m_openRequests.ContainsKey(requestID))
                        mrs = m_openRequests[requestID];

                if (mrs.agentID != UUID.Zero)
                    ScenePresence av = null;
                    m_scene.TryGetScenePresence(mrs.agentID, out av);
                    if (av != null)
                        if (response.ContainsKey(mrs.itemtype.ToString()))
                            List<mapItemReply> returnitems = new List<mapItemReply>();
                            OSDArray itemarray = (OSDArray)response[mrs.itemtype.ToString()];
                            for (int i = 0; i < itemarray.Count; i++)
                                OSDMap mapitem = (OSDMap)itemarray[i];
                                mapItemReply mi = new mapItemReply();
                                mi.x = (uint)mapitem["X"].AsInteger();
                                mi.y = (uint)mapitem["Y"].AsInteger();
                                mi.id = mapitem["ID"].AsUUID();
                                mi.Extra = mapitem["Extra"].AsInteger();
                                mi.Extra2 = mapitem["Extra2"].AsInteger();
                                mi.name = mapitem["Name"].AsString();
                            av.ControllingClient.SendMapItemReply(returnitems.ToArray(), mrs.itemtype, mrs.flags);
コード例 #49
        private void OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest(UUID agentID, ref OSDMap features)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: OnSimulatorFeaturesRequest in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
            if (m_Helper.ShouldSend(agentID) && m_Helper.UserLevel(agentID) <= m_UserLevel)
                OSDMap extrasMap;
                if (features.ContainsKey("OpenSimExtras"))
                    extrasMap = (OSDMap)features["OpenSimExtras"];
                    extrasMap = new OSDMap();
                    features["OpenSimExtras"] = extrasMap;
                extrasMap["camera-only-mode"] = OSDMap.FromString("true");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: Sent in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);

                // Detaching attachments doesn't work for HG visitors,
                // so I'm giving that up.
                //Util.FireAndForget(delegate { DetachAttachments(agentID); });
                m_log.DebugFormat("[CAMERA-ONLY MODE]: NOT Sending camera-only-mode in {0}", m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
コード例 #50
        public OSD HandleRemoteMapItemRequest(string path, OSD request, string endpoint)
            uint xstart = 0;
            uint ystart = 0;

            Utils.LongToUInts(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle,out xstart,out ystart);

            OSDMap responsemap = new OSDMap();
            int tc = Environment.TickCount;
            if (m_scene.GetRootAgentCount() == 0)
                OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + 1));
                responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + 1));
                responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray();

                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;
                OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray(m_scene.GetRootAgentCount());
                m_scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence sp)
                    OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                    responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + sp.AbsolutePosition.X));
                    responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + sp.AbsolutePosition.Y));
                    responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                    responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                    responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(1);
                    responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;
            return responsemap;
コード例 #51
ファイル: WorldMapModule.cs プロジェクト: BogusCurry/halcyon
        public OSD HandleRemoteMapItemRequest(string path, OSD request, IPEndPoint endpoint)
            uint xstart = 0;
            uint ystart = 0;

            Utils.LongToUInts(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle,out xstart,out ystart);

            OSDMap responsemap = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
            int tc = Environment.TickCount;

            List<ScenePresence> avatars = m_scene.GetAvatars();
            OSDArray responsearr = new OSDArray(avatars.Count);

            if (avatars.Count == 0)
                responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + 1));
                responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + 1));
                responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);

                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;
                responsearr = new OSDArray(avatars.Count);
                foreach (ScenePresence av in avatars)
                    Vector3 avpos;
                    if (av.HasSafePosition(out avpos))
                        responsemapdata = new OSDMap();
                        responsemapdata["X"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(xstart + avpos.X));
                        responsemapdata["Y"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(ystart + avpos.Y));
                        responsemapdata["ID"] = OSD.FromUUID(UUID.Zero);
                        responsemapdata["Name"] = OSD.FromString(Util.Md5Hash(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + tc.ToString()));
                        responsemapdata["Extra"] = OSD.FromInteger(1);
                        responsemapdata["Extra2"] = OSD.FromInteger(0);
                responsemap["6"] = responsearr;
            return responsemap;
コード例 #52
        private OSDMap invokeRezAvatarCap(OSDMap responseMap, string CapAddress, OGPState userState)
            Scene reg = GetRootScene();

            WebRequest DeRezRequest = WebRequest.Create(CapAddress);
            DeRezRequest.Method = "POST";
            DeRezRequest.ContentType = "application/xml+llsd";

            OSDMap RAMap = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap AgentParms = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap RegionParms = new OSDMap();

            OSDArray Parameter = new OSDArray(2);

            OSDMap version = new OSDMap();
            version["version"] = OSD.FromInteger(userState.src_version);

            OSDMap SrcData = new OSDMap();
            SrcData["estate_id"] = OSD.FromInteger(reg.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateID);
            SrcData["parent_estate_id"] = OSD.FromInteger((reg.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.ParentEstateID == 100 ? 1 : reg.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.ParentEstateID));
            SrcData["region_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(reg.RegionInfo.originRegionID);
            SrcData["visible_to_parent"] = OSD.FromBoolean(userState.visible_to_parent);

            AgentParms["first_name"] = OSD.FromString(userState.first_name);
            AgentParms["last_name"] = OSD.FromString(userState.last_name);
            AgentParms["agent_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(userState.agent_id);
            RegionParms["region_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(userState.region_id);
            AgentParms["circuit_code"] = OSD.FromInteger(userState.circuit_code);
            AgentParms["secure_session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(userState.secure_session_id);
            AgentParms["session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(userState.session_id);
            AgentParms["agent_access"] = OSD.FromBoolean(userState.agent_access);
            AgentParms["god_level"] = OSD.FromInteger(userState.god_level);
            AgentParms["god_overide"] = OSD.FromBoolean(userState.god_overide);
            AgentParms["identified"] = OSD.FromBoolean(userState.identified);
            AgentParms["transacted"] = OSD.FromBoolean(userState.transacted);
            AgentParms["age_verified"] = OSD.FromBoolean(userState.age_verified);
            AgentParms["limited_to_estate"] = OSD.FromInteger(userState.limited_to_estate);
            AgentParms["inventory_host"] = OSD.FromString(userState.inventory_host);

            // version 1
            RAMap = AgentParms;

            // Planned for version 2
            // RAMap["agent_params"] = AgentParms;

            RAMap["region_params"] = RegionParms;
            RAMap["parameter"] = Parameter;

            string RAMapString = RAMap.ToString();
            m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP] RAMap string {0}", RAMapString);
            OSD LLSDofRAMap = RAMap; // RENAME if this works

            m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: LLSD of map as string  was {0}", LLSDofRAMap.ToString());
            //m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: LLSD+XML: {0}", LLSDParser.SerializeXmlString(LLSDofRAMap));
            byte[] buffer = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(LLSDofRAMap);

            //string bufferDump = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);
            //m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: buffer form is {0}",bufferDump);
            //m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: LLSD of map was {0}",buffer.Length);

            Stream os = null;
            { // send the Post
                DeRezRequest.ContentLength = buffer.Length;   //Count bytes to send
                os = DeRezRequest.GetRequestStream();
                os.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);         //Send it
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: Derez Avatar Posted Rez Avatar request to remote sim {0}", CapAddress);
            catch (WebException ex)
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP] Bad send on de_rez_avatar {0}", ex.Message);
                responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);

                return responseMap;

            m_log.Info("[OGP] waiting for a reply after rez avatar send");
            string rez_avatar_reply = null;
            { // get the response
                    WebResponse webResponse = DeRezRequest.GetResponse();
                    if (webResponse == null)
                        m_log.Info("[OGP:] Null reply on rez_avatar post");

                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
                    rez_avatar_reply = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: rez_avatar reply was {0} ", rez_avatar_reply);

                catch (WebException ex)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: exception on read after send of rez avatar {0}", ex.Message);
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);

                    return responseMap;
                OSD rezResponse = null;
                    rezResponse = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(rez_avatar_reply);

                    responseMap = (OSDMap)rezResponse;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: exception on parse of rez reply {0}", ex.Message);
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);

                    return responseMap;
            return responseMap;
コード例 #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the actual remote mapitem request
        /// This should be called from an asynchronous thread
        /// Request failures get blacklisted until region restart so we don't
        /// continue to spend resources trying to contact regions that are down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpserver">blank string, we discover this in the process</param>
        /// <param name="id">Agent ID that we are making this request on behalf</param>
        /// <param name="flags">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="EstateID">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="godlike">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="itemtype">passed in from packet</param>
        /// <param name="regionhandle">Region we're looking up</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private OSDMap RequestMapItemsAsync(string httpserver, UUID id, uint flags,
            uint EstateID, bool godlike, uint itemtype, ulong regionhandle)
            bool blacklisted = false;
            lock (m_blacklistedregions)
                if (m_blacklistedregions.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                    blacklisted = true;

            if (blacklisted)
                return new OSDMap();

            UUID requestID = UUID.Random();
            lock (m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress)
                if (m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                    httpserver = m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress[regionhandle];
            if (httpserver.Length == 0)
                uint x = 0, y = 0;
                Utils.LongToUInts(regionhandle, out x, out y);
                GridRegion mreg = m_scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(m_scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, (int)x, (int)y); 

                if (mreg != null)
                    httpserver = "http://" + mreg.ExternalEndPoint.Address.ToString() + ":" + mreg.HttpPort + "/MAP/MapItems/" + regionhandle.ToString();
                    lock (m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress)
                        if (!m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                            m_cachedRegionMapItemsAddress.Add(regionhandle, httpserver);
                    lock (m_blacklistedregions)
                        if (!m_blacklistedregions.ContainsKey(regionhandle))
                            m_blacklistedregions.Add(regionhandle, Environment.TickCount);
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Blacklisted region {0}", regionhandle.ToString());

            blacklisted = false;
            lock (m_blacklistedurls)
                if (m_blacklistedurls.ContainsKey(httpserver))
                    blacklisted = true;

            // Can't find the http server
            if (httpserver.Length == 0 || blacklisted)
                return new OSDMap();

            MapRequestState mrs = new MapRequestState();
            mrs.agentID = id;
            mrs.EstateID = EstateID;
            mrs.flags = flags;
            mrs.godlike = godlike;
            mrs.regionhandle = regionhandle;

            lock (m_openRequests)
                m_openRequests.Add(requestID, mrs);

            WebRequest mapitemsrequest = WebRequest.Create(httpserver);
            mapitemsrequest.Method = "POST";
            mapitemsrequest.ContentType = "application/xml+llsd";
            OSDMap RAMap = new OSDMap();

            // string RAMapString = RAMap.ToString();
            OSD LLSDofRAMap = RAMap; // RENAME if this works

            byte[] buffer = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(LLSDofRAMap);
            OSDMap responseMap = new OSDMap();
            responseMap["requestID"] = OSD.FromUUID(requestID);

            Stream os = null;
            { // send the Post
                mapitemsrequest.ContentLength = buffer.Length;   //Count bytes to send
                os = mapitemsrequest.GetRequestStream();
                os.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);         //Send it
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Getting MapItems from Sim {0}", httpserver);
            catch (WebException ex)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Bad send on GetMapItems {0}", ex.Message);
                responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                lock (m_blacklistedurls)
                    if (!m_blacklistedurls.ContainsKey(httpserver))
                        m_blacklistedurls.Add(httpserver, Environment.TickCount);

                m_log.WarnFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Blacklisted {0}", httpserver);

                return responseMap;

            string response_mapItems_reply = null;
            { // get the response
                    WebResponse webResponse = mapitemsrequest.GetResponse();
                    if (webResponse != null)
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
                        response_mapItems_reply = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();
                        return new OSDMap();
                catch (WebException)
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                    lock (m_blacklistedurls)
                        if (!m_blacklistedurls.ContainsKey(httpserver))
                            m_blacklistedurls.Add(httpserver, Environment.TickCount);

                    m_log.WarnFormat("[WORLD MAP]: Blacklisted {0}", httpserver);

                    return responseMap;
                OSD rezResponse = null;
                    rezResponse = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(response_mapItems_reply);

                    responseMap = (OSDMap)rezResponse;
                    responseMap["requestID"] = OSD.FromUUID(requestID);
                catch (Exception)
                    //m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: exception on parse of rez reply {0}", ex.Message);
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);

                    return responseMap;
            return responseMap;
コード例 #54
        public OSD RequestRezAvatarMethod(string path, OSD request)
            //m_log.Debug("[REQUESTREZAVATAR]: " + request.ToString());

            OSDMap requestMap = (OSDMap)request;

            Scene homeScene = null;

            lock (m_loginToRegionState)
                if (m_loginToRegionState.ContainsKey(path))
                    homeScene = GetScene(m_loginToRegionState[path]);

                    if (homeScene == null)
                        homeScene = GetRootScene();
                    homeScene = GetRootScene();

            // Homescene is still null, we must have no regions that are up
            if (homeScene == null)
                return GenerateNoHandlerMessage();

            RegionInfo reg = homeScene.RegionInfo;
            ulong regionhandle = GetOSCompatibleRegionHandle(reg);
            //string RegionURI = reg.ServerURI;
            //int RegionPort = (int)reg.HttpPort;

            UUID RemoteAgentID = requestMap["agent_id"].AsUUID();
            // will be used in the future.  The client always connects with the aditi agentid currently
            UUID LocalAgentID = RemoteAgentID;

            string FirstName = requestMap["first_name"].AsString();
            string LastName = requestMap["last_name"].AsString();

            FirstName = FirstNamePrefix + FirstName;
            LastName = LastName + LastNameSuffix;

            OGPState userState = GetOGPState(LocalAgentID);

            userState.first_name = requestMap["first_name"].AsString();
            userState.last_name = requestMap["last_name"].AsString();
            userState.age_verified = requestMap["age_verified"].AsBoolean();
            userState.transacted = requestMap["transacted"].AsBoolean();
            userState.agent_access = requestMap["agent_access"].AsBoolean();
            userState.allow_redirect = requestMap["allow_redirect"].AsBoolean();
            userState.identified = requestMap["identified"].AsBoolean();
            userState.god_level = (uint)requestMap["god_level"].AsInteger();
            userState.sim_access = requestMap["sim_access"].AsString();
            userState.agent_id = RemoteAgentID;
            userState.limited_to_estate = requestMap["limited_to_estate"].AsInteger();
            userState.src_can_see_mainland = requestMap["src_can_see_mainland"].AsBoolean();
            userState.src_estate_id = requestMap["src_estate_id"].AsInteger();
            userState.local_agent_id = LocalAgentID;
            userState.teleported_into_region = reg.RegionName.ToLower();

            UpdateOGPState(LocalAgentID, userState);

            OSDMap responseMap = new OSDMap();

            if (RemoteAgentID == UUID.Zero)
                responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                responseMap["message"] = OSD.FromString("No agent ID was specified in rez_avatar/request");
                m_log.Error("[OGP]: rez_avatar/request failed because no avatar UUID was provided in the request body");
                return responseMap;

            responseMap["sim_host"] = OSD.FromString(reg.ExternalHostName);
            // DEPRECATED
            responseMap["sim_ip"] = OSD.FromString(Util.GetHostFromDNS(reg.ExternalHostName).ToString());
            responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
            responseMap["sim_port"] = OSD.FromInteger(reg.InternalEndPoint.Port);
            responseMap["region_x"] = OSD.FromInteger(reg.RegionLocX * (uint)Constants.RegionSize); // LLX
            responseMap["region_y"] = OSD.FromInteger(reg.RegionLocY * (uint)Constants.RegionSize); // LLY
            responseMap["region_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(reg.originRegionID);

            if (reg.RegionSettings.Maturity == 1)
                responseMap["sim_access"] = OSD.FromString("Mature");
            else if (reg.RegionSettings.Maturity == 2)
                responseMap["sim_access"] = OSD.FromString("Adult");
                responseMap["sim_access"] = OSD.FromString("PG");

            // Generate a dummy agent for the user so we can get back a CAPS path
            AgentCircuitData agentData = new AgentCircuitData();
            agentData.AgentID = LocalAgentID;
            agentData.BaseFolder = UUID.Zero;
            agentData.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
            agentData.child = false;
            agentData.circuitcode = (uint)(Util.RandomClass.Next());
            agentData.firstname = FirstName;
            agentData.lastname = LastName;
            agentData.SecureSessionID = UUID.Random();
            agentData.SessionID = UUID.Random();
            agentData.startpos = new Vector3(128f, 128f, 100f);

            // Pre-Fill our region cache with information on the agent.
            UserAgentData useragent = new UserAgentData();
            useragent.AgentIP = "unknown";
            useragent.AgentOnline = true;
            useragent.AgentPort = (uint)0;
            useragent.Handle = regionhandle;
            useragent.InitialRegion = reg.originRegionID;
            useragent.LoginTime = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
            useragent.LogoutTime = 0;
            useragent.Position = agentData.startpos;
            useragent.Region = reg.originRegionID;
            useragent.SecureSessionID = agentData.SecureSessionID;
            useragent.SessionID = agentData.SessionID;

            UserProfileData userProfile = new UserProfileData();
            userProfile.AboutText = "OGP User";
            userProfile.CanDoMask = (uint)0;
            userProfile.Created = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
            userProfile.CurrentAgent = useragent;
            userProfile.CustomType = "OGP";
            userProfile.FirstLifeAboutText = "I'm testing OpenGrid Protocol";
            userProfile.FirstLifeImage = UUID.Zero;
            userProfile.FirstName = agentData.firstname;
            userProfile.GodLevel = 0;
            userProfile.HomeLocation = agentData.startpos;
            userProfile.HomeLocationX = agentData.startpos.X;
            userProfile.HomeLocationY = agentData.startpos.Y;
            userProfile.HomeLocationZ = agentData.startpos.Z;
            userProfile.HomeLookAt = Vector3.Zero;
            userProfile.HomeLookAtX = userProfile.HomeLookAt.X;
            userProfile.HomeLookAtY = userProfile.HomeLookAt.Y;
            userProfile.HomeLookAtZ = userProfile.HomeLookAt.Z;
            userProfile.HomeRegion = reg.RegionHandle;
            userProfile.HomeRegionID = reg.originRegionID;
            userProfile.HomeRegionX = reg.RegionLocX;
            userProfile.HomeRegionY = reg.RegionLocY;
            userProfile.ID = agentData.AgentID;
            userProfile.Image = UUID.Zero;
            userProfile.LastLogin = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
            userProfile.Partner = UUID.Zero;
            userProfile.PasswordHash = "$1$";
            userProfile.PasswordSalt = "";
            userProfile.SurName = agentData.lastname;
            //userProfile.UserAssetURI = homeScene.CommsManager.NetworkServersInfo.AssetURL;
            userProfile.UserFlags = 0;
            //userProfile.UserInventoryURI = homeScene.CommsManager.NetworkServersInfo.InventoryURL;
            userProfile.WantDoMask = 0;
            userProfile.WebLoginKey = UUID.Random();

            // !!! REFACTORING PROBLEM. This needs to be changed for 0.7
            //// Do caps registration
            //// get seed capagentData.firstname = FirstName;agentData.lastname = LastName;
            //if (homeScene.CommsManager.UserService.GetUserProfile(agentData.AgentID) == null && !GridMode)
            //    homeScene.CommsManager.UserAdminService.AddUser(
            //        agentData.firstname, agentData.lastname, CreateRandomStr(7), "", 
            //        homeScene.RegionInfo.RegionLocX, homeScene.RegionInfo.RegionLocY, agentData.AgentID);
            //    UserProfileData userProfile2 = homeScene.CommsManager.UserService.GetUserProfile(agentData.AgentID);
            //    if (userProfile2 != null)
            //    {
            //        userProfile = userProfile2;
            //        userProfile.AboutText = "OGP USER";
            //        userProfile.FirstLifeAboutText = "OGP USER";
            //        homeScene.CommsManager.UserService.UpdateUserProfile(userProfile);
            //    }
            //// Stick our data in the cache so the region will know something about us

            // Call 'new user' event handler
            string reason;
            if (!homeScene.NewUserConnection(agentData, (uint)TeleportFlags.ViaLogin, out reason))
                responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(false);
                responseMap["message"] = OSD.FromString(String.Format("Connection refused: {0}", reason));
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[OGP]: rez_avatar/request failed: {0}", reason);
                return responseMap;

            //string raCap = string.Empty;

            UUID AvatarRezCapUUID = LocalAgentID;
            string rezAvatarPath = "/agent/" + AvatarRezCapUUID + "/rez_avatar/rez";
            string derezAvatarPath = "/agent/" + AvatarRezCapUUID + "/rez_avatar/derez";
            // Get a reference to the user's cap so we can pull out the Caps Object Path
            Caps userCap 
                = homeScene.CapsModule.GetCapsHandlerForUser(agentData.AgentID);

            string rezHttpProtocol = "http://";
            string regionCapsHttpProtocol = "http://";
            string httpaddr = reg.ExternalHostName;
            string urlport = reg.HttpPort.ToString();

            if (httpSSL)
                rezHttpProtocol = "https://";
                regionCapsHttpProtocol = "https://";
                urlport = httpsslport.ToString();

                if (httpsCN.Length > 0)
                    httpaddr = httpsCN;
            // DEPRECATED
                = OSD.FromString(
                    regionCapsHttpProtocol + httpaddr + ":" + reg.HttpPort + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(userCap.CapsObjectPath));
            // REPLACEMENT
                = OSD.FromString(
                    regionCapsHttpProtocol + httpaddr + ":" + reg.HttpPort + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(userCap.CapsObjectPath));

            responseMap["rez_avatar"] = OSD.FromString(rezHttpProtocol + httpaddr + ":" + urlport + rezAvatarPath);
            responseMap["rez_avatar/rez"] = OSD.FromString(rezHttpProtocol + httpaddr + ":" + urlport + rezAvatarPath);
            responseMap["rez_avatar/derez"] = OSD.FromString(rezHttpProtocol + httpaddr + ":" + urlport + derezAvatarPath);

            // Add the user to the list of CAPS that are outstanding.
            // well allow the caps hosts in this dictionary
            lock (CapsLoginID)
                if (CapsLoginID.ContainsKey(rezAvatarPath))
                    CapsLoginID[rezAvatarPath] = agentData;
                    // This is a joke, if you didn't notice...  It's so unlikely to happen, that I'll print this message if it does occur!
                    m_log.Error("[OGP]: Holy anomoly batman! Caps path already existed!  All the UUID Duplication worries were founded!");
                    CapsLoginID.Add(rezAvatarPath, agentData);
            //m_log.Debug("Response:" + responseMap.ToString());
            return responseMap;
コード例 #55
        public string ResourceCostSelected(string request, string path,
                string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest,
                IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            OSDMap req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            float phys=0;
            float stream=0;
            float simul=0;

            if (req.ContainsKey("selected_roots"))
                OSDArray object_ids = (OSDArray)req["selected_roots"];

                // should go by SOG suming costs for all parts
                // ll v3 works ok with several objects select we get the list and adds ok
                // FS calls per object so results are wrong guess fs bug
                for (int i = 0; i < object_ids.Count; i++)
                    UUID uuid = object_ids[i].AsUUID();
                    float Physc;
                    float simulc;
                    float streamc;

                    SceneObjectGroup grp = m_Scene.GetGroupByPrim(uuid);
                    if (grp != null)
                        grp.GetSelectedCosts(out Physc, out streamc, out simulc);
                        phys += Physc;
                        stream += streamc;
                        simul += simulc;
            else if (req.ContainsKey("selected_prims"))
                OSDArray object_ids = (OSDArray)req["selected_prims"];

                // don't see in use in any of the 2 viewers
                // guess it should be for edit linked but... nothing
                // should go to SOP per part
                for (int i = 0; i < object_ids.Count; i++)
                    UUID uuid = object_ids[i].AsUUID();

                    SceneObjectPart part = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(uuid);
                    if (part != null)
                        phys += part.PhysicsCost;
                        stream += part.StreamingCost;
                        simul += part.SimulationCost;

            OSDMap object_data = new OSDMap();

            object_data["physics"] = phys;
            object_data["streaming"] = stream;
            object_data["simulation"] = simul;

            resp["selected"] = object_data;
//            resp["transaction_id"] = "undef";
            string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);
            return response; 
コード例 #56
        public OSD DerezAvatarMethod(string path, OSD request)
            m_log.ErrorFormat("DerezPath: {0}, Request: {1}", path, request.ToString());

            //LLSD llsdResponse = null;
            OSDMap responseMap = new OSDMap();

            string[] PathArray = path.Split('/');
            m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: prefix {0}, uuid {1}, suffix {2}", PathArray[1], PathArray[2], PathArray[3]);
            string uuidString = PathArray[2];
            m_log.InfoFormat("[OGP]: Request to Derez avatar with UUID {0}", uuidString);
            UUID userUUID = UUID.Zero;
            if (UUID.TryParse(uuidString, out userUUID))
                UUID RemoteID = (UUID)uuidString;
                UUID LocalID = RemoteID;
                // FIXME: TODO: Routine to map RemoteUUIDs to LocalUUIds
                //         would be done already..  but the client connects with the Aditi UUID
                //         regardless over the UDP stack

                OGPState userState = GetOGPState(LocalID);
                if (userState.agent_id != UUID.Zero)
                    //OSDMap outboundRequestMap = new OSDMap();
                    OSDMap inboundRequestMap = (OSDMap)request;
                    string rezAvatarString = inboundRequestMap["rez_avatar"].AsString();
                    if (rezAvatarString.Length == 0)
                        rezAvatarString = inboundRequestMap["rez_avatar/rez"].AsString();
                    OSDArray LookAtArray = new OSDArray();

                    OSDArray PositionArray = new OSDArray();

                    OSDArray lookArray = new OSDArray();

                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);// it's okay to give this user up
                    responseMap["look_at"] = LookAtArray;

                    m_log.WarnFormat("[OGP]: Invoking rez_avatar on host:{0} for avatar: {1} {2}", rezAvatarString, userState.first_name, userState.last_name);

                    OSDMap rezResponseMap = invokeRezAvatarCap(responseMap, rezAvatarString,userState);

                    // If invoking it returned an error, parse and end
                    if (rezResponseMap.ContainsKey("connect"))
                        if (rezResponseMap["connect"].AsBoolean() == false)
                            return responseMap;

                    string rezRespSeedCap = "";

                    // DEPRECATED
                    if (rezResponseMap.ContainsKey("seed_capability"))
                        rezRespSeedCap = rezResponseMap["seed_capability"].AsString();
                    // REPLACEMENT
                    if (rezResponseMap.ContainsKey("region_seed_capability"))
                        rezRespSeedCap = rezResponseMap["region_seed_capability"].AsString();

                    // REPLACEMENT
                    if (rezResponseMap.ContainsKey("rez_avatar/rez"))
                        rezRespSeedCap = rezResponseMap["rez_avatar/rez"].AsString();

                    // DEPRECATED
                    string rezRespSim_ip = rezResponseMap["sim_ip"].AsString();
                    string rezRespSim_host = rezResponseMap["sim_host"].AsString();

                    int rrPort = rezResponseMap["sim_port"].AsInteger();
                    int rrX = rezResponseMap["region_x"].AsInteger();
                    int rrY = rezResponseMap["region_y"].AsInteger();
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("X:{0}, Y:{1}", rrX, rrY);
                    UUID rrRID = rezResponseMap["region_id"].AsUUID();
                    OSDArray RezResponsePositionArray = null;
                    string rrAccess = rezResponseMap["sim_access"].AsString();
                    if (rezResponseMap.ContainsKey("position"))
                        RezResponsePositionArray = (OSDArray)rezResponseMap["position"];
                    // DEPRECATED
                    responseMap["seed_capability"] = OSD.FromString(rezRespSeedCap);
                    // REPLACEMENT r3
                    responseMap["region_seed_capability"] = OSD.FromString(rezRespSeedCap);

                    // DEPRECATED
                    responseMap["sim_ip"] = OSD.FromString(Util.GetHostFromDNS(rezRespSim_ip).ToString());
                    responseMap["sim_host"] = OSD.FromString(rezRespSim_host);
                    responseMap["sim_port"] = OSD.FromInteger(rrPort);
                    responseMap["region_x"] = OSD.FromInteger(rrX);
                    responseMap["region_y"] = OSD.FromInteger(rrY);
                    responseMap["region_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(rrRID);
                    responseMap["sim_access"] = OSD.FromString(rrAccess);

                    if (RezResponsePositionArray != null)
                        responseMap["position"] = RezResponsePositionArray;
                    responseMap["look_at"] = lookArray;
                    responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);

                    Console.WriteLine("RESPONSEDEREZ: " + responseMap.ToString());
                    return responseMap;
                    return GenerateNoStateMessage(LocalID);
                return GenerateNoHandlerMessage();

            //return responseMap;
コード例 #57
        public string UpdateAgentInformation(string request, string path,
                string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest,
                IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
//            OSDMap req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            OSDMap accessPrefs = new OSDMap();
            accessPrefs["max"] = "A";

            resp["access_prefs"] = accessPrefs;

            string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);
            return response; 
コード例 #58
        private OSD GenerateRezAvatarRequestMessage(string regionname)
            Scene region = null;
            bool usedroot = false;

            if (regionname.Length == 0)
                region = GetRootScene();
                usedroot = true;
                region = GetScene(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(regionname).ToLower());

            // this shouldn't happen since we don't listen for a region that is down..   but 
            // it might if the region was taken down or is in the middle of restarting

            if (region == null)
                region = GetRootScene();
                usedroot = true;
            UUID statekeeper = UUID.Random();


            RegionInfo reg = region.RegionInfo;

            OSDMap responseMap = new OSDMap();
            string rezHttpProtocol = "http://";
            //string regionCapsHttpProtocol = "http://";
            string httpaddr = reg.ExternalHostName;
            string urlport = reg.HttpPort.ToString();
            string requestpath = "/agent/" + statekeeper + "/rez_avatar/request";

            if (!usedroot)
                lock (m_loginToRegionState)
                    if (!m_loginToRegionState.ContainsKey(requestpath))
                        m_loginToRegionState.Add(requestpath, region.RegionInfo.RegionName.ToLower());

            if (httpSSL)
                rezHttpProtocol = "https://";
                //regionCapsHttpProtocol = "https://";
                urlport = httpsslport.ToString();

                if (httpsCN.Length > 0)
                    httpaddr = httpsCN;

            responseMap["connect"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
            OSDMap capabilitiesMap = new OSDMap();
            capabilitiesMap["rez_avatar/request"] = OSD.FromString(rezHttpProtocol + httpaddr + ":" + urlport + requestpath);
            responseMap["capabilities"] = capabilitiesMap;
            return responseMap;