コード例 #1
        protected override bool DoInsertData(DataAction action, MarkupPointer begin, MarkupPointer end)
            // get the table and its cells
            IHTMLTable             sourceTable = GetSourceTable(DataMeister);
            IHTMLElementCollection cells       = (sourceTable as IHTMLElement2).getElementsByTagName("td");

            // single-cell tables just get the innerHTML of the cell pasted at the selection
            if (cells.length == 1)
                IHTMLElement cell = cells.item(0, 0) as IHTMLElement;
                EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, cell.innerHTML, UrlHelper.GetBaseUrl(DataMeister.HTMLData.SourceURL));
                // if we are inside a table
                TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(begin, end));
                if (tableSelection.Table != null)
                    // paste the source cells into the table
                    PasteCellsIntoTable(sourceTable, tableSelection);
                    // get table html (make sure width matches # of rows selected)
                    string html = (sourceTable as IHTMLElement).outerHTML;

                    // insert the html (nests within an undo unit)
                    EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, html, UrlHelper.GetBaseUrl(DataMeister.HTMLData.SourceURL));

コード例 #2
        protected override bool DoInsertData(DataAction action, MarkupPointer begin, MarkupPointer end)
            // get the table and its cells
            IHTMLTable sourceTable = GetSourceTable(DataMeister);
            IHTMLElementCollection cells = (sourceTable as IHTMLElement2).getElementsByTagName("td");

            // single-cell tables just get the innerHTML of the cell pasted at the selection
            if (cells.length == 1)
                IHTMLElement cell = cells.item(0, 0) as IHTMLElement;
                EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, cell.innerHTML, UrlHelper.GetBaseUrl(DataMeister.HTMLData.SourceURL));
                // if we are inside a table
                TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(begin, end));
                if (tableSelection.Table != null)
                    // paste the source cells into the table
                    PasteCellsIntoTable(sourceTable, tableSelection);
                    // get table html (make sure width matches # of rows selected)
                    string html = (sourceTable as IHTMLElement).outerHTML;

                    // insert the html (nests within an undo unit)
                    EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, html, UrlHelper.GetBaseUrl(DataMeister.HTMLData.SourceURL));

            return true;
コード例 #3
        private void commandClearCell_Execute(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(_editorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);

            if (tableSelection.Table != null)
                MarkupRange tableMarkupRange = _editorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(tableSelection.Table as IHTMLElement);
                using (_editorContext.DamageServices.CreateDamageTracker(tableMarkupRange, false))
コード例 #4
        public void EditorSelectionChanged(TableSelection tableSelection)
            // list of currently selected cells (default to none)
            ArrayList selectedCells = new ArrayList();

            if (tableSelection != null && tableSelection.HasContiguousSelection)
                selectedCells = tableSelection.SelectedCells;

            // build hashtables of element behaviors for our selected and unselected cells
            Hashtable selectedCellBehaviors = new Hashtable();

            foreach (IHTMLElement cellElement in selectedCells)
                TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(cellElement);
                if (cellBehavior != null)
                    selectedCellBehaviors[cellElement.sourceIndex] = cellBehavior;
            Hashtable lastSelectedCellBehaviors = new Hashtable();

            foreach (IHTMLElement cellElement in _lastSelectedCells)
                TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(cellElement);
                if (cellBehavior != null)
                    lastSelectedCellBehaviors[cellElement.sourceIndex] = cellBehavior;

            // unselect cells that should no longer be selected
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in lastSelectedCellBehaviors)
                if (!selectedCellBehaviors.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    (entry.Value as TableCellEditingElementBehavior).DrawSelectionBorder = false;

            // select cells that are joining the selection
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in selectedCellBehaviors)
                if (!lastSelectedCellBehaviors.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    (entry.Value as TableCellEditingElementBehavior).DrawSelectionBorder = true;

            // update the last selected cells
            _lastSelectedCells = selectedCells;
コード例 #5
        internal void ManageCommands()
            // state variables
            bool editableTableSelected, multipleRowsSelected, multipleColumnsSelected, multipleCellsSelected;

            if (_editorContext.EditMode)
                // analyze selection
                TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(_editorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);
                editableTableSelected   = (tableSelection.Table != null) && (tableSelection.Table as IHTMLElement3).isContentEditable;
                multipleRowsSelected    = editableTableSelected && !tableSelection.SingleRowSelected;
                multipleColumnsSelected = editableTableSelected && !tableSelection.SingleColumnSelected;
                multipleCellsSelected   = editableTableSelected && tableSelection.HasContiguousSelection;
                editableTableSelected = multipleRowsSelected = multipleColumnsSelected = multipleCellsSelected = false;

            commandTableProperties.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandDeleteTable.Enabled     = editableTableSelected;

            commandRowProperties.Enabled  = editableTableSelected && !multipleRowsSelected;
            commandInsertRowAbove.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandInsertRowBelow.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandMoveRowUp.Enabled      = editableTableSelected && !multipleRowsSelected;
            commandMoveRowDown.Enabled    = editableTableSelected && !multipleRowsSelected;
            commandDeleteRow.Enabled      = editableTableSelected;
//			commandDeleteRow.MenuFormatArgs = new object[] { multipleRowsSelected ? "s" : String.Empty };

            commandColumnProperties.Enabled  = editableTableSelected && !multipleColumnsSelected;
            commandInsertColumnLeft.Enabled  = editableTableSelected;
            commandInsertColumnRight.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandMoveColumnLeft.Enabled    = editableTableSelected && !multipleColumnsSelected;
            commandMoveColumnRight.Enabled   = editableTableSelected && !multipleColumnsSelected;
            commandDeleteColumn.Enabled      = editableTableSelected;
//			commandDeleteColumn.MenuFormatArgs = new object[] { multipleColumnsSelected ? "s" : String.Empty };

            commandCellProperties.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleCellsSelected;
            commandClearCell.Enabled      = editableTableSelected;
//			commandClearCell.MenuFormatArgs = new object[] { multipleCellsSelected ? "s" : String.Empty } ;
コード例 #6
 protected override bool QueryElementSelected()
     if (_tableIsEditable)
         TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(EditorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);
         if ((tableSelection.Table != null) && HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(HTMLElement, tableSelection.Table as IHTMLElement))
             _currentTableSelection = tableSelection;
             _currentTableSelection = null;
コード例 #7
 protected override bool QueryElementSelected()
     if (_tableIsEditable)
         TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(EditorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);
         if ((tableSelection.Table != null) && HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(HTMLElement, tableSelection.Table as IHTMLElement))
             _currentTableSelection = tableSelection;
             return true;
             _currentTableSelection = null;
             return false;
         return false;
コード例 #8
        public void EditorSelectionChanged(TableSelection tableSelection)
            // list of currently selected cells (default to none)
            ArrayList selectedCells = new ArrayList();
            if (tableSelection != null && tableSelection.HasContiguousSelection)
                selectedCells = tableSelection.SelectedCells;

            // build hashtables of element behaviors for our selected and unselected cells
            Hashtable selectedCellBehaviors = new Hashtable();
            foreach (IHTMLElement cellElement in selectedCells)
                TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(cellElement);
                if (cellBehavior != null)
                    selectedCellBehaviors[cellElement.sourceIndex] = cellBehavior;
            Hashtable lastSelectedCellBehaviors = new Hashtable();
            foreach (IHTMLElement cellElement in _lastSelectedCells)
                TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(cellElement);
                if (cellBehavior != null)
                    lastSelectedCellBehaviors[cellElement.sourceIndex] = cellBehavior;

            // unselect cells that should no longer be selected
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in lastSelectedCellBehaviors)
                if (!selectedCellBehaviors.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    (entry.Value as TableCellEditingElementBehavior).DrawSelectionBorder = false;

            // select cells that are joining the selection
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in selectedCellBehaviors)
                if (!lastSelectedCellBehaviors.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    (entry.Value as TableCellEditingElementBehavior).DrawSelectionBorder = true;

            // update the last selected cells
            _lastSelectedCells = selectedCells;
コード例 #9
        private void PasteCellsIntoTable(IHTMLTable sourceTable, TableSelection tableSelection)
            // collect up the top level cells we are pasting
            ArrayList cellsToPaste = new ArrayList();

            foreach (IHTMLTableRow row in sourceTable.rows)
                foreach (IHTMLElement cell in row.cells)

            // get the list of cells we are pasting into
            int       appendRows  = 0;
            int       cellsPerRow = 0;
            ArrayList targetCells;

            if (tableSelection.SelectedCells.Count > 1)
                targetCells = tableSelection.SelectedCells;
                targetCells = new ArrayList();
                bool accumulatingCells = false;
                foreach (IHTMLTableRow row in tableSelection.Table.rows)
                    cellsPerRow = row.cells.length;
                    foreach (IHTMLElement cell in row.cells)
                        if (!accumulatingCells && HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(cell, tableSelection.BeginCell as IHTMLElement))
                            accumulatingCells = true;

                        if (accumulatingCells)

                // if the target cells aren't enough to paste all of the cells, then
                // calculate the number of rows we need to append to fit all of the
                // cells being pasted
                int cellGap = cellsToPaste.Count - targetCells.Count;
                if (cellGap > 0 && cellsPerRow > 0)
                    appendRows = cellGap / cellsPerRow + (cellGap % cellsPerRow == 0 ? 0 : 1);

            // perform the paste
            using (IUndoUnit undoUnit = EditorContext.CreateUndoUnit())
                // append rows if needed
                if (appendRows > 0)
                    // see if we can cast our editor context to the one required
                    // by the table editor
                    IHtmlEditorComponentContext editorContext = EditorContext as IHtmlEditorComponentContext;
                    if (editorContext != null)
                        // markup range based on last target cell
                        IHTMLElement lastCell      = targetCells[targetCells.Count - 1] as IHTMLElement;
                        MarkupRange  lastCellRange = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(lastCell);
                        for (int i = 0; i < appendRows; i++)
                            IHTMLTableRow row = TableEditor.InsertRowBelow(editorContext, lastCellRange);
                            foreach (IHTMLElement cell in row.cells)
                            lastCellRange = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(row as IHTMLElement);
                        Debug.Fail("Couldn't cast EditorContext!");

                // do the paste
                for (int i = 0; i < cellsToPaste.Count && i < targetCells.Count; i++)
                    (targetCells[i] as IHTMLElement).innerHTML = (cellsToPaste[i] as IHTMLElement).innerHTML;
コード例 #10
        private void PasteCellsIntoTable(IHTMLTable sourceTable, TableSelection tableSelection)
            // collect up the top level cells we are pasting
            ArrayList cellsToPaste = new ArrayList();
            foreach (IHTMLTableRow row in sourceTable.rows)
                foreach (IHTMLElement cell in row.cells)

            // get the list of cells we are pasting into
            int appendRows = 0;
            int cellsPerRow = 0;
            ArrayList targetCells;
            if (tableSelection.SelectedCells.Count > 1)
                targetCells = tableSelection.SelectedCells;
                targetCells = new ArrayList();
                bool accumulatingCells = false;
                foreach (IHTMLTableRow row in tableSelection.Table.rows)
                    cellsPerRow = row.cells.length;
                    foreach (IHTMLElement cell in row.cells)
                        if (!accumulatingCells && HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(cell, tableSelection.BeginCell as IHTMLElement))
                            accumulatingCells = true;

                        if (accumulatingCells)

                // if the target cells aren't enough to paste all of the cells, then
                // calculate the number of rows we need to append to fit all of the
                // cells being pasted
                int cellGap = cellsToPaste.Count - targetCells.Count;
                if (cellGap > 0 && cellsPerRow > 0)
                    appendRows = cellGap / cellsPerRow + (cellGap % cellsPerRow == 0 ? 0 : 1);

            // perform the paste
            using (IUndoUnit undoUnit = EditorContext.CreateUndoUnit())
                // append rows if needed
                if (appendRows > 0)
                    // see if we can cast our editor context to the one required
                    // by the table editor
                    IHtmlEditorComponentContext editorContext = EditorContext as IHtmlEditorComponentContext;
                    if (editorContext != null)
                        // markup range based on last target cell
                        IHTMLElement lastCell = targetCells[targetCells.Count - 1] as IHTMLElement;
                        MarkupRange lastCellRange = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(lastCell);
                        for (int i = 0; i < appendRows; i++)
                            IHTMLTableRow row = TableEditor.InsertRowBelow(editorContext, lastCellRange);
                            foreach (IHTMLElement cell in row.cells)
                            lastCellRange = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(row as IHTMLElement);
                        Debug.Fail("Couldn't cast EditorContext!");

                // do the paste
                for (int i = 0; i < cellsToPaste.Count && i < targetCells.Count; i++)
                    (targetCells[i] as IHTMLElement).innerHTML = (cellsToPaste[i] as IHTMLElement).innerHTML;

コード例 #11
        protected override bool ContentIsDeletableForInsert(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end)
            // if a table element is contained within the selection then it is not deleteable for insert
            TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(start, end));
            bool contentIsDeletableForInsert = !tableSelection.HasContiguousSelection;

            // allow either our logic or the base class to veto deletion
            return contentIsDeletableForInsert && base.ContentIsDeletableForInsert(start, end);
コード例 #12
        public virtual void UpdateContextAvailability()
            commandImageContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;
            commandFormatImageTab.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;

            commandMapContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;
            commandFormatMapTab.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;

            commandTagContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;
            commandFormatTagTab.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;

            commandVideoContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;
            commandFormatVideoTab.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;

            // No contextual tabs in plain text or preview mode
            if (CurrentEditingMode == EditingMode.PlainText || CurrentEditingMode == EditingMode.Preview)

            bool initialInsertion = _makingInitialInsertion > 0;

            // We want this to get the source ids for any "containing" smart content.
            IHtmlEditorComponentContext componentContext = _currentEditor as IHtmlEditorComponentContext;
            MarkupRange selection = componentContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange;
            IHTMLElement smartContentElement = ContentSourceManager.GetContainingSmartContentElement(selection);

            string contentSourceId = smartContentElement != null ? smartContentElement.id : null;

            if (contentSourceId != null)
                string sourceId;
                string contentBlockId;
                ContentSourceManager.ParseContainingElementId(contentSourceId, out sourceId, out contentBlockId);

                if (sourceId == MapContentSource.ID)
                    if (ApplicationDiagnostics.TestMode)
                        commandMapContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;
                        commandFormatMapTab.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;
                else if (sourceId == TagContentSource.ID)
                    if (ApplicationDiagnostics.TestMode)
                        commandTagContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;
                        commandFormatTagTab.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;
                else if (sourceId == VideoContentSource.ID)
                    commandVideoContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;
                    commandFormatVideoTab.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;

            bool imageSelected = componentContext.Selection.SelectedImage != null &&
                                 EmoticonsManager.GetEmoticon(componentContext.Selection.SelectedControl) == null;
            if (imageSelected)
                commandImageContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;
                commandImageContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;
            commandFormatImageTab.ContextAvailability = commandImageContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability;

            TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(selection);
            bool tableSelected = ((tableSelection.Table != null) &&
                                  (tableSelection.Table as IHTMLElement3).isContentEditable);
            if (tableSelected)
                commandTableContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = initialInsertion ? ContextAvailability.Active : ContextAvailability.Available;
                commandTableContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability = ContextAvailability.NotAvailable;
            commandFormatTableTab.ContextAvailability = commandTableContextTabGroup.ContextAvailability;
コード例 #13
        private void commandInsertTable_Execute(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Insert gestures are only supported in the body, so force focus to the body

            using (TablePropertiesForm tableForm = new TablePropertiesForm())
                // show the dialog
                TableCreationParameters tableCreationParameters = tableForm.CreateTable(_mainFrameWindow);

                // insert
                if (tableCreationParameters != null)
                    using (new WaitCursor())
                        // fixup bizzaro table selections
                        IHtmlEditorComponentContext editorContext = _currentEditor as IHtmlEditorComponentContext;
                        if (editorContext != null)
                            // check for a discontigous selection of cells within an existing table and
                            // "fix" the selection accordingly so the editor doesn't barf on it
                            TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(editorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);
                            if (tableSelection.HasContiguousSelection && !tableSelection.EntireTableSelected)
                                TableEditor.SelectCell(editorContext, tableSelection.BeginCell);

                        // insert the table
                        TableEditor.InsertTable(_currentEditor, editorContext, tableCreationParameters);

                // focus the editor so we see the cursor in the first cell

コード例 #14
 private void commandClearCell_Execute(object sender, EventArgs e)
     TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(_editorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);
     if (tableSelection.Table != null)
         MarkupRange tableMarkupRange = _editorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(tableSelection.Table as IHTMLElement);
         using (_editorContext.DamageServices.CreateDamageTracker(tableMarkupRange, false))
コード例 #15
        internal void ManageCommands()
            // state variables
            bool editableTableSelected, multipleRowsSelected, multipleColumnsSelected, multipleCellsSelected;

            if (_editorContext.EditMode)
                // analyze selection
                TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(_editorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);
                editableTableSelected = (tableSelection.Table != null) && (tableSelection.Table as IHTMLElement3).isContentEditable;
                multipleRowsSelected = editableTableSelected && !tableSelection.SingleRowSelected;
                multipleColumnsSelected = editableTableSelected && !tableSelection.SingleColumnSelected;
                multipleCellsSelected = editableTableSelected && tableSelection.HasContiguousSelection;
                editableTableSelected = multipleRowsSelected = multipleColumnsSelected = multipleCellsSelected = false;

            commandTableProperties.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandDeleteTable.Enabled = editableTableSelected;

            commandRowProperties.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleRowsSelected;
            commandInsertRowAbove.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandInsertRowBelow.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandMoveRowUp.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleRowsSelected;
            commandMoveRowDown.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleRowsSelected;
            commandDeleteRow.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            //			commandDeleteRow.MenuFormatArgs = new object[] { multipleRowsSelected ? "s" : String.Empty };

            commandColumnProperties.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleColumnsSelected;
            commandInsertColumnLeft.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandInsertColumnRight.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            commandMoveColumnLeft.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleColumnsSelected;
            commandMoveColumnRight.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleColumnsSelected;
            commandDeleteColumn.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            //			commandDeleteColumn.MenuFormatArgs = new object[] { multipleColumnsSelected ? "s" : String.Empty };

            commandCellProperties.Enabled = editableTableSelected && !multipleCellsSelected;
            commandClearCell.Enabled = editableTableSelected;
            //			commandClearCell.MenuFormatArgs = new object[] { multipleCellsSelected ? "s" : String.Empty } ;