public static CommandEndpoint GetEndpoint(string path, string[] enabledLanguages) { _path = path; _interpreters = new Interpreters(_path); ProcessExtensions.GetInterpreter = (file) => { var interpreters = _interpreters .GetInterpreterFor(Path.GetExtension(file)); return interpreters; }; _cache = new TypeCache(); _crawlHandler = new CrawlHandler(_cache, (s) => Logger.Write(s)); _pluginLocator = new PluginLocator( enabledLanguages, new ProfileLocator(_path), (msg) => {}); initPlugins(_pluginLocator, _crawlHandler); _eventEndpoint = new EventEndpoint(_path, _pluginLocator); _eventEndpoint.Start(); Logger.Write("Event endpoint listening on port: {0}", _eventEndpoint.Port); Logger.Write("Creating plugin file tracker"); _tracker = new PluginFileTracker(); Logger.Write("Starting plugin file tracker"); _tracker.Start( _path, _cache, _cache, _pluginLocator, _eventEndpoint); Logger.Write("Plugin file tracker started"); _endpoint = new CommandEndpoint(_path, _cache, _eventEndpoint); _endpoint.AddHandler(messageHandler); _handlers.AddRange(new IHandler[] { new GetProjectsHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GetFilesHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GetCodeRefsHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GetSignatureRefsHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GoToDefinitionHandler(_endpoint, _cache, _pluginLocator), new FindTypeHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new SnippetEditHandler(_endpoint, _cache, _path), new SnippetDeleteHandler(_cache, _path), new GetRScriptStateHandler(_endpoint, _eventEndpoint), // Make sure this handler is the last one since the command can be file extension or language name new LanguageCommandHandler(_endpoint, _cache, _pluginLocator) }); Logger.Write("Command endpoint started"); return _endpoint; }
public static CommandEndpoint GetEndpoint(string path, string[] enabledLanguages) { _path = path; var reader = new ConfigReader(_path); _interpreters = new Interpreters(_path); ProcessExtensions.GetInterpreter = (file) => { var interpreters = _interpreters .GetInterpreterFor(Path.GetExtension(file)); return interpreters; }; _cache = new TypeCache(); _outputEndpoint = new OutputEndpoint(_path); Logger.Write("Event endpoint serving on port: {0}", _outputEndpoint.Port); var responseDispatcher = new ResponseDispatcher( _path, false, "language-output ", (p, m) => _outputEndpoint.Send(p, m), (m) => _endpoint.Handle(m), (m) => {} ); responseDispatcher.OnlyCommands(); _pluginLocator = new PluginLocator( enabledLanguages, new ProfileLocator(_path), (msg) => { responseDispatcher.Handle(false, msg); } ); initPlugins(_pluginLocator); _eventEndpoint = new EventEndpoint(_path, _pluginLocator, _outputEndpoint); _eventEndpoint.Start(); Logger.Write("Event endpoint listening on port: {0}", _eventEndpoint.Port); Logger.Write("Creating plugin file tracker"); _tracker = new PluginFileTracker(); Logger.Write("Starting plugin file tracker"); var ignoreDirSetting = reader.Get("oi.ignore.directories"); var ignoreDirectories = new string[] {}; if (ignoreDirSetting != null) { ignoreDirectories = ignoreDirSetting .Split(new[] {','}) .Select(x => { if (Path.IsPathRooted(x)) { return x; } return Path.Combine(_path, x); }) .ToArray(); } _tracker.Start( _path, _cache, _cache, _pluginLocator, _eventEndpoint, ignoreDirectories); Logger.Write("Plugin file tracker started"); _endpoint = new CommandEndpoint(_path, _cache, _eventEndpoint); _endpoint.AddHandler(messageHandler); _handlers.AddRange(new IHandler[] { new GetProjectsHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GetFilesHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GetCodeRefsHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GetSignatureRefsHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new GoToDefinitionHandler(_endpoint, _cache, _pluginLocator), new FindTypeHandler(_endpoint, _cache), new SnippetEditHandler(_endpoint, _cache, _path), new SnippetDeleteHandler(_cache, _path), new GetRScriptStateHandler(_endpoint, _eventEndpoint), new CompleteSnippetHandler(_cache, _path, _endpoint), new WriteOutputHandler(_eventEndpoint), new GetTokenPathHandler(_endpoint), // Make sure this handler is the last one since the command can be file extension or language name new LanguageCommandHandler(_endpoint, _cache, _pluginLocator) }); Logger.Write("Command endpoint started"); return _endpoint; }
public static void Initialize() { Settings = new AppSettings( Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), getDefaultHandlers, getLanguageHandlers); _interpreters = new Interpreters(Environment.CurrentDirectory); ProcessExtensions.GetInterpreter = (file) => { return _interpreters .GetInterpreterFor(Path.GetExtension(file)); }; _container = new DIContainer(Settings); }