コード例 #1
        public AMD0FCPU(string name, uint family, uint model, uint stepping,
                        uint[,] cpuidData, uint[,] cpuidExtData)
            this.name = name;
            this.icon = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            uint coreCount = 1;

            if (cpuidExtData.GetLength(0) > 8)
                coreCount = (cpuidExtData[8, 2] & 0xFF) + 1;

            // max two cores
            coreCount = coreCount > 2 ? 2 : coreCount;

            totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);

            offset = -49.0f;

            // AM2+ 65nm +21 offset
            if (model >= 0x69 && model != 0xc1 && model != 0x6c && model != 0x7c)
                offset += 21;

            coreTemperatures = new Sensor[coreCount];
            coreLoads        = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreCount; i++)
                coreTemperatures[i] =
                    new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i, SensorType.Temperature, this);
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i + 1, null,
                                          SensorType.Load, this, new ParameterDescription[] {
                    new ParameterDescription("Offset",
                                             "Temperature offset of the thermal sensor.\n" +
                                             "Temperature = Value + Offset.", offset)

            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(coreCount, 1);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)

            pciAddress = WinRing0.FindPciDeviceById(PCI_AMD_VENDOR_ID,
                                                    PCI_AMD_0FH_MISCELLANEOUS_DEVICE_ID, 0);

コード例 #2
        public AMD10CPU(string name, uint family, uint model, uint stepping,
                        uint[,] cpuidData, uint[,] cpuidExtData)
            this.name = name;
            this.icon = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            uint coreCount = 1;

            if (cpuidExtData.GetLength(0) > 8)
                coreCount = (cpuidExtData[8, 2] & 0xFF) + 1;

            totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);

            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreCount; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this);

            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(coreCount, 1);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)

            // AMD family 10h processors support only one temperature sensor
            coreTemperature = new Sensor(
                "Core" + (coreCount > 1 ? " #1 - #" + coreCount : ""), 0, null,
                SensorType.Temperature, this, new ParameterDescription[] {
                new ParameterDescription("Offset", "Temperature offset.", 0)

            pciAddress = WinRing0.FindPciDeviceById(PCI_AMD_VENDOR_ID,
                                                    PCI_AMD_10H_MISCELLANEOUS_DEVICE_ID, 0);
            if (pciAddress == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                pciAddress = WinRing0.FindPciDeviceById(PCI_AMD_VENDOR_ID,
                                                        PCI_AMD_11H_MISCELLANEOUS_DEVICE_ID, 0);

コード例 #3
        public AMD10CPU(int processorIndex, CPUID[][] cpuid)
            this.processorIndex = processorIndex;
            this.name           = cpuid[0][0].Name;
            this.icon           = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            int coreCount = cpuid.Length;

            totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);

            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreCount; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this);

            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(cpuid);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)

            // AMD family 10h processors support only one temperature sensor
            coreTemperature = new Sensor(
                "Core" + (coreCount > 1 ? " #1 - #" + coreCount : ""), 0, null,
                SensorType.Temperature, this, new ParameterDescription[] {
                new ParameterDescription("Offset", "Temperature offset.", 0)

            pciAddress = WinRing0.FindPciDeviceById(PCI_AMD_VENDOR_ID,
                                                    PCI_AMD_10H_MISCELLANEOUS_DEVICE_ID, (byte)processorIndex);
            if (pciAddress == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                pciAddress = WinRing0.FindPciDeviceById(PCI_AMD_VENDOR_ID,
                                                        PCI_AMD_11H_MISCELLANEOUS_DEVICE_ID, (byte)processorIndex);

コード例 #4
        public IntelCPU(int processorIndex, CPUID[][] cpuid)
            this.processorIndex = processorIndex;
            this.cpuid          = cpuid;
            this.coreCount      = cpuid.Length;
            this.name           = cpuid[0][0].Name;
            this.icon           = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            this.family   = cpuid[0][0].Family;
            this.model    = cpuid[0][0].Model;
            this.stepping = cpuid[0][0].Stepping;

            float[] tjMax;
            switch (family)
            case 0x06: {
                switch (model)
                case 0x0F: // Intel Core (65nm)
                    switch (stepping)
                    case 0x06: // B2
                        switch (coreCount)
                        case 2:
                            tjMax = Floats(80 + 10); break;

                        case 4:
                            tjMax = Floats(90 + 10); break;

                            tjMax = Floats(85 + 10); break;
                        tjMax = Floats(80 + 10); break;

                    case 0x0B: // G0
                        tjMax = Floats(90 + 10); break;

                    case 0x0D: // M0
                        tjMax = Floats(85 + 10); break;

                        tjMax = Floats(85 + 10); break;

                case 0x17: // Intel Core (45nm)
                    tjMax = Floats(100); break;

                case 0x1C: // Intel Atom (45nm)
                    switch (stepping)
                    case 0x02: // C0
                        tjMax = Floats(90); break;

                    case 0x0A: // A0, B0
                        tjMax = Floats(100); break;

                        tjMax = Floats(90); break;

                case 0x1A: // Intel Core i7 LGA1366 (45nm)
                case 0x1E: // Intel Core i5, i7 LGA1156 (45nm)
                case 0x25: // Intel Core i3, i5, i7 LGA1156 (32nm)
                case 0x2C: // Intel Core i7 LGA1366 (32nm) 6 Core
                    uint eax, edx;
                    tjMax = new float[coreCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < coreCount; i++)
                        if (WinRing0.RdmsrTx(IA32_TEMPERATURE_TARGET, out eax,
                                             out edx, (UIntPtr)(1L << cpuid[i][0].Thread)))
                            tjMax[i] = (eax >> 16) & 0xFF;
                            tjMax[i] = 100;
                    if (WinRing0.Rdmsr(MSR_PLATFORM_INFO, out eax, out edx))
                        maxNehalemMultiplier = (eax >> 8) & 0xff;

                    tjMax = Floats(100); break;
            } break;

            default: tjMax = Floats(100); break;

            // check if processor supports a digital thermal sensor
            if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 6 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].Data[6, 0] & 1) != 0)
                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[coreCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < coreTemperatures.Length; i++)
                    coreTemperatures[i] = new Sensor(CoreString(i), i,
                                                     SensorType.Temperature, this, new ParameterDescription[] {
                        new ParameterDescription(
                            "TjMax [°C]", "TjMax temperature of the core.\n" +
                            "Temperature = TjMax - TSlope * Value.", tjMax[i]),
                        new ParameterDescription("TSlope [°C]",
                                                 "Temperature slope of the digital thermal sensor.\n" +
                                                 "Temperature = TjMax - TSlope * Value.", 1)
                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[0];

            if (coreCount > 1)
                totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);
                totalLoad = null;
            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreLoads.Length; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor(CoreString(i), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this);
            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(cpuid);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)
                if (totalLoad != null)

            // check if processor has TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x10) != 0)
                hasTSC = true;
                hasTSC = false;

            // check if processor supports invariant TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].ExtData.GetLength(0) > 7 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].ExtData[7, 3] & 0x100) != 0)
                invariantTSC = true;
                invariantTSC = false;

            // preload the function

            // estimate the max clock in MHz
            List <double> estimatedMaxClocks = new List <double>(3);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                estimatedMaxClocks.Add(1e-6 * EstimateMaxClock(0.025));
            estimatedMaxClock = estimatedMaxClocks[1];

            lastTimeStampCount = 0;
            lastTime           = 0;
            busClock           = new Sensor("Bus Speed", 0, SensorType.Clock, this);
            coreClocks         = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreClocks.Length; i++)
                coreClocks[i] =
                    new Sensor(CoreString(i), i + 1, SensorType.Clock, this);
                if (hasTSC)

コード例 #5
        public IntelCPU(string name, uint family, uint model, uint stepping,
                        uint[,] cpuidData, uint[,] cpuidExtData)
            this.name = name;
            this.icon = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            this.family   = family;
            this.model    = model;
            this.stepping = stepping;

            logicalProcessors = 0;
            if (cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 0x0B)
                uint eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
                WinRing0.CpuidEx(0x0B, 0, out eax, out ebx, out ecx, out edx);
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = ebx & 0xFF;
                if (logicalProcessorsPerCore > 0)
                    WinRing0.CpuidEx(0x0B, 1, out eax, out ebx, out ecx, out edx);
                    logicalProcessors = ebx & 0xFF;
            if (logicalProcessors <= 0 && cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 0x04)
                logicalProcessors        = ((cpuidData[4, 0] >> 26) & 0x3F) + 1;
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = 1;
            if (logicalProcessors <= 0)
                logicalProcessors        = 1;
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = 1;

            coreCount = logicalProcessors / logicalProcessorsPerCore;

            // check if processor supports a digital thermal sensor
            if (cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 6 && (cpuidData[6, 0] & 1) != 0)
                switch (family)
                case 0x06: {
                    switch (model)
                    case 0x0F: // Intel Core 65nm
                        switch (stepping)
                        case 0x06: // B2
                            switch (coreCount)
                            case 2:
                                tjMax = 80; break;

                            case 4:
                                tjMax = 90; break;

                                tjMax = 85; break;
                            tjMax = 80; break;

                        case 0x0B: // G0
                            tjMax = 90; break;

                        case 0x0D: // M0
                            tjMax = 85; break;

                            tjMax = 85; break;

                    case 0x17: // Intel Core 45nm
                        tjMax = 100; break;

                    case 0x1C: // Intel Atom
                        tjMax = 90; break;

                    case 0x1A: // Intel Core i7
                    case 0x1E: // Intel Core i5
                        uint eax, edx;
                        if (WinRing0.Rdmsr(IA32_TEMPERATURE_TARGET, out eax, out edx))
                            tjMax = (eax >> 16) & 0xFF;
                            tjMax = 100;

                        tjMax = 100; break;
                } break;

                default: tjMax = 100; break;

                if (family == 0x06 && model >= 0x1A) // Core i5, i7
                    uint eax, edx;
                    if (WinRing0.Rdmsr(MSR_PLATFORM_INFO, out eax, out edx))
                        maxNehalemMultiplier = (eax >> 8) & 0xff;

                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[coreCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < coreTemperatures.Length; i++)
                    coreTemperatures[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i, tjMax,
                                                     SensorType.Temperature, this);
                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[0];

            totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);
            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreLoads.Length; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this);
            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(coreCount, logicalProcessorsPerCore);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)

            lastCount  = 0;
            lastTime   = 0;
            busClock   = new Sensor("Bus Speed", 0, SensorType.Clock, this);
            coreClocks = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreClocks.Length; i++)
                coreClocks[i] =
                    new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i + 1, SensorType.Clock, this);

コード例 #6
        public IntelCPU(string name, uint family, uint model, uint stepping,
                        uint[,] cpuidData, uint[,] cpuidExtData)
            this.name = name;
            this.icon = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            logicalProcessors = 0;
            if (cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 0x0B)
                uint eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
                WinRing0.CpuidEx(0x0B, 0, out eax, out ebx, out ecx, out edx);
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = ebx & 0xFF;
                if (logicalProcessorsPerCore > 0)
                    WinRing0.CpuidEx(0x0B, 1, out eax, out ebx, out ecx, out edx);
                    logicalProcessors = ebx & 0xFF;
            if (logicalProcessors <= 0 && cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 0x04)
                logicalProcessors        = ((cpuidData[4, 0] >> 26) & 0x3F) + 1;
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = 1;
            if (logicalProcessors <= 0)
                logicalProcessors        = 1;
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = 1;

            coreCount = logicalProcessors / logicalProcessorsPerCore;

            switch (family)
            case 0x06: {
                switch (model)
                case 0x0F: // Intel Core 65nm
                    switch (stepping)
                    case 0x06: // B2
                        switch (coreCount)
                        case 2:
                            tjMax = 80; break;

                        case 4:
                            tjMax = 90; break;

                            tjMax = 85; break;
                        tjMax = 80; break;

                    case 0x0B: // G0
                        tjMax = 90; break;

                    case 0x0D: // M0
                        tjMax = 85; break;

                        tjMax = 85; break;

                case 0x17: // Intel Core 45nm
                    tjMax = 100; break;

                case 0x1C: // Intel Atom
                    tjMax = 90; break;

                case 0x1A:
                    uint eax = 0, edx = 0;
                    if (WinRing0.RdmsrPx(
                            IA32_TEMPERATURE_TARGET, ref eax, ref edx, (UIntPtr)1))
                        tjMax = (eax >> 16) & 0xFF;
                        tjMax = 100;

                    tjMax = 100; break;
            } break;

            default: tjMax = 100; break;

            totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);

            coreTemperatures = new Sensor[coreCount];
            coreLoads        = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreTemperatures.Length; i++)
                coreTemperatures[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i, tjMax,
                                                 SensorType.Temperature, this);
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this);

            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(coreCount, logicalProcessorsPerCore);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)

コード例 #7
ファイル: GenericCPU.cs プロジェクト: fkpwolf/tinyFan
        public GenericCPU(int processorIndex, CPUID[][] cpuid, ISettings settings)
            : base(cpuid[0][0].Name, CreateIdentifier(cpuid[0][0].Vendor, 
      processorIndex), settings)
            this.cpuid = cpuid;

              this.vendor = cpuid[0][0].Vendor;

              this.family = cpuid[0][0].Family;
              this.model = cpuid[0][0].Model;
              this.stepping = cpuid[0][0].Stepping;

              this.processorIndex = processorIndex;
              this.coreCount = cpuid.Length;

              // check if processor has MSRs
              if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1
            && (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x20) != 0)
            hasModelSpecificRegisters = true;
            hasModelSpecificRegisters = false;

              // check if processor has a TSC
              if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1
            && (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x10) != 0)
            hasTimeStampCounter = true;
            hasTimeStampCounter = false;

              // check if processor supports an invariant TSC
              if (cpuid[0][0].ExtData.GetLength(0) > 7
            && (cpuid[0][0].ExtData[7, 3] & 0x100) != 0)
            isInvariantTimeStampCounter = true;
            isInvariantTimeStampCounter = false;

              if (coreCount > 1)
            totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this, settings);
            totalLoad = null;
              coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
              for (int i = 0; i < coreLoads.Length; i++)
            coreLoads[i] = new Sensor(CoreString(i), i + 1,
              SensorType.Load, this, settings);
              cpuLoad = new CPULoad(cpuid);
              if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable) {
            foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)
            if (totalLoad != null)

              if (hasTimeStampCounter) {
            ulong mask = ThreadAffinity.Set(1UL << cpuid[0][0].Thread);

              out estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency,
              out estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequencyError);

              } else {
            estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency = 0;

              timeStampCounterFrequency = estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency;
コード例 #8
        public IntelCPU(string name, uint family, uint model, uint stepping,
                        uint[,] cpuidData, uint[,] cpuidExtData)
            this.name = name;
            this.icon = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            this.family   = family;
            this.model    = model;
            this.stepping = stepping;

            logicalProcessors = 0;
            if (cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 0x0B)
                uint eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
                WinRing0.CpuidEx(0x0B, 0, out eax, out ebx, out ecx, out edx);
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = ebx & 0xFF;
                if (logicalProcessorsPerCore > 0)
                    WinRing0.CpuidEx(0x0B, 1, out eax, out ebx, out ecx, out edx);
                    logicalProcessors = ebx & 0xFF;
            if (logicalProcessors <= 0 && cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 0x04)
                uint coresPerPackage   = ((cpuidData[4, 0] >> 26) & 0x3F) + 1;
                uint logicalPerPackage = (cpuidData[1, 1] >> 16) & 0xFF;
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = logicalPerPackage / coresPerPackage;
                logicalProcessors        = logicalPerPackage;
            if (logicalProcessors <= 0 && cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 0x01)
                uint logicalPerPackage = (cpuidData[1, 1] >> 16) & 0xFF;
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = logicalPerPackage;
                logicalProcessors        = logicalPerPackage;
            if (logicalProcessors <= 0)
                logicalProcessors        = 1;
                logicalProcessorsPerCore = 1;

            IntPtr processMask, systemMask;

                                   out processMask, out systemMask);
            affinityMask = (ulong)systemMask;

            // correct values in case HypeThreading is disabled
            if (logicalProcessorsPerCore > 1)
                ulong affinity = affinityMask;
                int   availableLogicalProcessors = 0;
                while (affinity != 0)
                    if ((affinity & 0x1) > 0)
                    affinity >>= 1;
                while (logicalProcessorsPerCore > 1 &&
                       availableLogicalProcessors < logicalProcessors)
                    logicalProcessors        >>= 1;
                    logicalProcessorsPerCore >>= 1;

            coreCount = logicalProcessors / logicalProcessorsPerCore;

            float tjMax;

            switch (family)
            case 0x06: {
                switch (model)
                case 0x0F: // Intel Core (65nm)
                    switch (stepping)
                    case 0x06: // B2
                        switch (coreCount)
                        case 2:
                            tjMax = 80 + 10; break;

                        case 4:
                            tjMax = 90 + 10; break;

                            tjMax = 85 + 10; break;
                        tjMax = 80 + 10; break;

                    case 0x0B: // G0
                        tjMax = 90 + 10; break;

                    case 0x0D: // M0
                        tjMax = 85 + 10; break;

                        tjMax = 85 + 10; break;

                case 0x17: // Intel Core (45nm)
                    tjMax = 100; break;

                case 0x1C: // Intel Atom
                    tjMax = 90; break;

                case 0x1A: // Intel Core i7 LGA1366 (45nm)
                case 0x1E: // Intel Core i5, i7 LGA1156 (45nm)
                case 0x25: // Intel Core i3, i5, i7 LGA1156 (32nm)
                    uint eax, edx;
                    if (WinRing0.Rdmsr(IA32_TEMPERATURE_TARGET, out eax, out edx))
                        tjMax = (eax >> 16) & 0xFF;
                        tjMax = 100;
                    if (WinRing0.Rdmsr(MSR_PLATFORM_INFO, out eax, out edx))
                        maxNehalemMultiplier = (eax >> 8) & 0xff;

                    tjMax = 100; break;
            } break;

            default: tjMax = 100; break;

            // check if processor supports a digital thermal sensor
            if (cpuidData.GetLength(0) > 6 && (cpuidData[6, 0] & 1) != 0)
                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[coreCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < coreTemperatures.Length; i++)
                    coreTemperatures[i] = new Sensor(CoreString(i), i, tjMax,
                                                     SensorType.Temperature, this, new ParameterDescription[] {
                        new ParameterDescription(
                            "TjMax", "TjMax temperature of the core.\n" +
                            "Temperature = TjMax - TSlope * Value.", tjMax),
                        new ParameterDescription(
                            "TSlope", "Temperature slope of the digital thermal sensor.\n" +
                            "Temperature = TjMax - TSlope * Value.", 1)
                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[0];

            if (coreCount > 1)
                totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);
                totalLoad = null;
            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreLoads.Length; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor(CoreString(i), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this);
            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(coreCount, logicalProcessorsPerCore);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)
                if (totalLoad != null)

            lastCount  = 0;
            lastTime   = 0;
            busClock   = new Sensor("Bus Speed", 0, SensorType.Clock, this);
            coreClocks = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreClocks.Length; i++)
                coreClocks[i] =
                    new Sensor(CoreString(i), i + 1, SensorType.Clock, this);

コード例 #9
ファイル: GenericCPU.cs プロジェクト: cupid0426/MyProject
        public GenericCPU(int processorIndex, CPUID[][] cpuid, ISettings settings) : base(cpuid[0][0].Name, CreateIdentifier(cpuid[0][0].Vendor, processorIndex), settings)
            this.cpuid = cpuid;

            this.vendor = cpuid[0][0].Vendor;

            this.family   = cpuid[0][0].Family;
            this.model    = cpuid[0][0].Model;
            this.stepping = cpuid[0][0].Stepping;

            this.processorIndex = processorIndex;
            this.coreCount      = cpuid.Length;

            // check if processor has MSRs
            if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1 && (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x20) != 0)
                hasModelSpecificRegisters = true;
                hasModelSpecificRegisters = false;

            // check if processor has a TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1 && (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x10) != 0)
                hasTimeStampCounter = true;
                hasTimeStampCounter = false;

            // check if processor supports an invariant TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].ExtData.GetLength(0) > 7 && (cpuid[0][0].ExtData[7, 3] & 0x100) != 0)
                isInvariantTimeStampCounter = true;
                isInvariantTimeStampCounter = false;

            if (coreCount > 1)
                totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this, settings);
                totalLoad = null;
            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreLoads.Length; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor(CoreString(i), i + 1, SensorType.Load, this, settings);
            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(cpuid);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)
                if (totalLoad != null)

            if (hasTimeStampCounter)
                ulong mask = ThreadAffinity.Set(1UL << cpuid[0][0].Thread);

                EstimateTimeStampCounterFrequency(out estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency, out estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequencyError);

                estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency = 0;

            timeStampCounterFrequency = estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency;
コード例 #10
        public GenericCPU(int processorIndex, CPUID[][] cpuid, ISettings settings)
            this.cpuid = cpuid;

            this.vendor = cpuid[0][0].Vendor;

            this.family   = cpuid[0][0].Family;
            this.model    = cpuid[0][0].Model;
            this.stepping = cpuid[0][0].Stepping;

            this.processorIndex = processorIndex;
            this.coreCount      = cpuid.Length;
            this.name           = cpuid[0][0].Name;

            // check if processor has a TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x10) != 0)
                hasTimeStampCounter = true;
                hasTimeStampCounter = false;

            // check if processor supports an invariant TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].ExtData.GetLength(0) > 7 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].ExtData[7, 3] & 0x100) != 0)
                isInvariantTimeStampCounter = true;
                isInvariantTimeStampCounter = false;

            if (coreCount > 1)
                totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this, settings);
                totalLoad = null;
            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreLoads.Length; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor(CoreString(i), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this, settings);
            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(cpuid);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)
                if (totalLoad != null)

            if (hasTimeStampCounter)
                estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency =

                // set initial values
                uint lsb, msb;
                WinRing0.RdtscTx(out lsb, out msb, (UIntPtr)1);
                lastTime           = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                lastTimeStampCount = ((ulong)msb << 32) | lsb;
                estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency = 0;

                lastTime           = 0;
                lastTimeStampCount = 0;

            timeStampCounterFrequency = estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency;
コード例 #11
        public AMD0FCPU(int processorIndex, CPUID[][] cpuid)
            this.processorIndex = processorIndex;
            this.name           = cpuid[0][0].Name;
            this.icon           = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("cpu.png");

            int coreCount = cpuid.Length;

            totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this);

            float offset = -49.0f;

            // AM2+ 65nm +21 offset
            uint model = cpuid[0][0].Model;

            if (model >= 0x69 && model != 0xc1 && model != 0x6c && model != 0x7c)
                offset += 21;

            // check if processor supports a digital thermal sensor
            if (cpuid[0][0].ExtData.GetLength(0) > 7 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].ExtData[7, 3] & 1) != 0)
                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[coreCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < coreCount; i++)
                    coreTemperatures[i] =
                        new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i, null, SensorType.Temperature,
                                   this, new ParameterDescription[] {
                        new ParameterDescription("Offset [°C]",
                                                 "Temperature offset of the thermal sensor.\n" +
                                                 "Temperature = Value + Offset.", offset)
                coreTemperatures = new Sensor[0];

            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreCount; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor("Core #" + (i + 1), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this);

            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(cpuid);
            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)

            pciAddress = WinRing0.FindPciDeviceById(PCI_AMD_VENDOR_ID,
                                                    PCI_AMD_0FH_MISCELLANEOUS_DEVICE_ID, (byte)processorIndex);

コード例 #12
        public GenericCPU(int processorIndex, CPUID[][] cpuid, ISettings settings, ISensorConfig config)
            : base(cpuid[0][0].Name, CreateIdentifier(cpuid[0][0].Vendor, processorIndex), settings)
            this.sensorConfig = config;
            this.cpuid        = cpuid;

            this.vendor = cpuid[0][0].Vendor;

            this.family   = cpuid[0][0].Family;
            this.model    = cpuid[0][0].Model;
            this.stepping = cpuid[0][0].Stepping;

            Log.Logger.Information("CPUID core count: {coreCount}.", cpuid.Length);
            Log.Logger.Information("CPUID thread count per core: {coreThreadCount}.", cpuid[0].Length);

            this.processorIndex  = processorIndex;
            this.coreCount       = cpuid.Length;
            this.coreThreadCount = cpuid[0].Length;

            // check if processor has MSRs
            if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x20) != 0)
                HasModelSpecificRegisters = true;
                HasModelSpecificRegisters = false;

            // check if processor has a TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].Data.GetLength(0) > 1 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].Data[1, 3] & 0x10) != 0)
                HasTimeStampCounter = true;
                HasTimeStampCounter = false;

            // check if processor supports an invariant TSC
            if (cpuid[0][0].ExtData.GetLength(0) > 7 &&
                (cpuid[0][0].ExtData[7, 3] & 0x100) != 0)
                isInvariantTimeStampCounter = true;
                isInvariantTimeStampCounter = false;

            if (coreCount > 1 || coreThreadCount > 1)
                totalLoad = new Sensor("CPU Total", 0, SensorType.Load, this, settings);
                totalLoad = null;
            coreLoads = new Sensor[coreCount * coreThreadCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < coreLoads.Length; i++)
                coreLoads[i] = new Sensor(CoreThreadString(i), i + 1,
                                          SensorType.Load, this, settings);
            maxLoad = new Sensor("CPU Max", coreLoads.Length + 1, SensorType.Load, this, settings);
            cpuLoad = new CPULoad(cpuid);

            if (cpuLoad.IsAvailable)
                foreach (Sensor sensor in coreLoads)
                if (totalLoad != null)
                if (maxLoad != null)

            if (HasTimeStampCounter)
                var previousAffinity = ThreadAffinity.Set(cpuid[0][0].Affinity);

                    out estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency,
                    out estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequencyError);

                estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency = 0;

            TimeStampCounterFrequency = estimatedTimeStampCounterFrequency;