コード例 #1
        private void buttonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.textBoxQID.Text)
                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.textBoxQText.Text))
                Mbox.ShowSimpleMsgBoxError("Required data missing!");

            q = new question();
            q.id = this.textBoxQID.Text;
            questionText qt = new questionText();
            qt.Value = this.textBoxQText.Text;
            q.text = qt;

            // Responses
            response responses = new response();
            q.response = responses;

            if (this.radioButtonMCYes.Checked)
                // MCQ: display response form
                responseFixed responseFixed = new responseFixed();
                responses.Item = responseFixed;
                FormResponses formResponses = new FormResponses(responseFixed);

                // TODO - handle cancel
                // Not MCQ
                responseFree responseFree = new responseFree();
                responses.Item = responseFree;

                // Free - just text for now
                // later, configure type
                responseFree.format = responseFreeFormat.text;

            // Finally, add to part

コード例 #2
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Generate a simple ID
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //private string generateId()
        //    int i = this.answerID.Count;
        //    do
        //    {
        //        i++;
        //    } while (this.answerID.Contains("rpt" + i));
        //    return "rpt" + i;
        private void buttonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int min = 1;
            int defautlVal = 2;
            int max = 4;
            int step = 1;

            //log.Info(".Text:" + answerID.Text);
            //log.Info(".SelectedText:" + answerID.SelectedText);

            //log.Info(".textBoxQuestionText:" + textBoxQuestionText.Text);

            if (//string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.answerID.Text) ||
                Mbox.ShowSimpleMsgBoxError("Required data missing!");
                DialogResult = DialogResult.None; // or use on closing event; see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2499644/preventing-a-dialog-from-closing-in-the-buttons-click-event-handler
            String repeatName = this.textBoxQuestionText.Text.Trim();

                string foo = repeatNameToIdMap[repeatName];

                Mbox.ShowSimpleMsgBoxError("You already have a repeat named '" + repeatName
                    + "' . Click the 're-use' tab to re-use it, or choose another name.");
                DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
            catch (KeyNotFoundException knfe)
                // Good

            // Basic data validation
                min = int.Parse(this.textBoxMin.Text);
                defautlVal = int.Parse(this.textBoxDefault.Text);
                max = int.Parse(this.textBoxMax.Text);
                step = int.Parse(this.textBoxRangeStep.Text);
            } catch (Exception) {
                log.Warn("Repeat range val didn't parse to int properly");
            if (min < 0) min = 0;
            if (min > 20) min = 20;
            if (max < min) max = min + 4;
            if (max > 30) max = 30;
            int av = (int)Math.Round((min + max) / 2.0);
            if (defautlVal < min || defautlVal > max)
                defautlVal = av;
            if (step > av) step = 1;

            TagData td;

            // Work out where to put this repeat
            // It will just go in /answers, unless it
            // has a repeat ancestor.
            // So look for one...
            Word.ContentControl repeatAncestor = null;
            Word.ContentControl currentCC = cc.ParentContentControl;
            while (repeatAncestor == null && currentCC != null)
                if (currentCC.Tag.Contains("od:repeat"))
                    repeatAncestor = currentCC;
                currentCC = currentCC.ParentContentControl;

            // Generate a nice ID
            // .. first we need a list of existing IDs
            List<string> reserved = new List<string>();
            foreach (question qx in questionnaire.questions)
            ID = IdHelper.SuggestID(repeatName, reserved) + "_" + IdHelper.GenerateShortID(2);

            string xpath;
            if (repeatAncestor == null)
                // create it in /answers
                Office.CustomXMLNode node = answersPart.SelectSingleNode("/oda:answers");
                //string xml = "<repeat qref=\"" + ID + "\" xmlns=\"http://opendope.org/answers\"><row/></repeat>";
                string xml = "<oda:repeat qref=\"" + ID + "\" xmlns:oda=\"http://opendope.org/answers\" ><oda:row/></oda:repeat>";

                xpath = "/oda:answers/oda:repeat[@qref='" + ID + "']/oda:row"; // avoid trailing [1]

            } else
                td = new TagData(repeatAncestor.Tag);
                string ancestorRepeatXPathID = td.getRepeatID();

                // Get the XPath, to find the question ID,
                // which is what we use to find the repeat answer.
                xpathsXpath xp = xppe.getXPathByID(ancestorRepeatXPathID);

                Office.CustomXMLNode node = answersPart.SelectSingleNode("//oda:repeat[@qref='" + xp.questionID + "']/oda:row");

                string parentXPath = NodeToXPath.getXPath(node);

                //string xml = "<repeat qref=\"" + ID + "\" xmlns=\"http://opendope.org/answers\"><row/></repeat>";
                string xml = "<oda:repeat qref=\"" + ID + "\"  xmlns:oda=\"http://opendope.org/answers\" ><oda:row/></oda:repeat>";


                xpath = parentXPath + "/oda:repeat[@qref='" + ID + "']/oda:row"; // avoid trailing [1]


            // Question
            q = new question();
            //q.id = this.answerID.Text; // not SelectedText
            q.id = ID;
            q.text = repeatName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.textBoxHelp.Text))
                q.help = this.textBoxHelp.Text;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.textBoxHint.Text))
                q.hint = this.textBoxHint.Text;

            if (this.isAppearanceCompact())
                q.appearance = appearanceType.compact;
                q.appearanceSpecified = true;
                q.appearanceSpecified = false;


            // Bind to answer XPath
            xpathsXpath xpathEntry = xppe.setup("", answersPart.Id, xpath, null, false);
            xpathEntry.questionID = q.id;
            xpathEntry.dataBinding.prefixMappings = "xmlns:oda='http://opendope.org/answers'";
            xpathEntry.type = "nonNegativeInteger";

            // Repeat
            td = new TagData("");
            td.set("od:repeat", xppe.xpathId);
            cc.Tag = td.asQueryString();

            // At this point, answer should be present.  Sanity check!

            cc.Title = "REPEAT " + repeatName;
            cc.SetPlaceholderText(null, null, "Repeating content goes here.");

            //Not for wdContentControlRichText!
            //cc.XMLMapping.SetMapping(xpath, null, model.userParts[0]);

            // Responses
            response responses = q.response;
            if (responses == null)
                responses = new response();
                q.response = responses;

            // MCQ: display response form
            responseFixed responseFixed = new responseFixed();
            responses.Item = responseFixed;

            //for (int i = min; i<=max; i=i+step)
            //    responseFixedItem item = new OpenDoPEModel.responseFixedItem();

            //    item.value = ""+i;
            //    item.label = "" + i;

            //    responseFixed.item.Add(item);

            responseFixed.canSelectMany = false;

            // Finally, add to part

コード例 #3
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out response obj)
     System.Exception exception = null;
     return LoadFromFile(fileName, out obj, out exception);
コード例 #4
 public question()
     this.responseField = new response();
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes xml markup from file into an response object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">string xml file to load and deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output response object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this XmlSerializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out response obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(response);
         obj = LoadFromFile(fileName);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;
コード例 #6
 public static bool Deserialize(string xml, out response obj)
     System.Exception exception = null;
     return Deserialize(xml, out obj, out exception);
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes workflow markup into an response object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xml">string workflow markup to deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output response object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this XmlSerializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool Deserialize(string xml, out response obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(response);
         obj = Deserialize(xml);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;