コード例 #1
        public void identifyLogic(Word.Range range)
            foreach (Word.ContentControl cc in range.ContentControls)
                if (cc.Tag == null)
                    // Its just some content control we don't care about

                TagData td = new TagData(cc.Tag);
                if (cc.Tag.Contains("od:xpath"))
                    xpathsXpath xp = srcXppe.getXPathByID( td.getXPathID() );
                    identifyLogicInXPath(xp, range, cc);
                else if (cc.Tag.Contains("od:repeat"))
                    testOldestRepeatIncluded(range, cc);

                    xpathsXpath xp = srcXppe.getXPathByID(td.getRepeatID());

                    // TODO: Clone, so we can write source to just the clone
                    // TODO consider cloning issue further.  I've implemented it
                    // below for xpaths, but since we're throwing the objects
                    // away, it doesn't matter that we're altering them?


                    string questionID = xp.questionID;
                    question q = srcQuestionnaire.getQuestion(questionID);

                    // Answer - just need to do this for the outermost repeat
                    Word.ContentControl oldestRepeat = RepeatHelper.getOldestRepeatAncestor(cc);
                    if (oldestRepeat.ID.Equals(cc.ID))
                        foreach (object o in srcAnswers.Items)
                            if (o is repeat)
                                repeat a = (repeat)o;
                                if (a.qref.Equals(questionID)) // question ID == answer ID
                                    log.Debug("Added outermost repeat!");
                else if (cc.Tag.Contains("od:condition"))
                    // Add the condition
                    condition c = srcCpe.getConditionByID(td.getConditionID());

                    // Find and add questions and xpaths used within it
                    //List<xpathsXpath> xpaths = ConditionsPartEntry.getXPathsUsedInCondition(c, srcXppe);
                    List<xpathsXpath> xpaths = new List<xpathsXpath>();
                    c.listXPaths(xpaths, srcCpe.conditions, srcXppe.getXPaths());

                    foreach (xpathsXpath xp in xpaths)
                        identifyLogicInXPath(xp, range, cc);