コード例 #1
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (textChargeAmt.errorProvider1.GetError(textChargeAmt) != "" ||
         textDateStart.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateStart) != "" ||
         textDateStop.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateStop) != "" ||
         textBillingDay.errorProvider1.GetError(textBillingDay) != ""
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Please fix data entry errors first.");
     if (textDateStart.Text == "")
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Start date cannot be left blank.");
     if (PIn.Date(textDateStart.Text) != RepeatCur.DateStart)           //if the user changed the date
         if (PIn.Date(textDateStart.Text) < DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3)) //and if the date the user entered is more than three days in the past
             MsgBox.Show(this, "Start date cannot be more than three days in the past.  You should enter previous charges manually in the account.");
     if (textDateStop.Text.Trim() != "" && PIn.Date(textDateStart.Text) > PIn.Date(textDateStop.Text))
         if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "The start date is after the stop date.  Continue?"))
     if (_isErx && !Regex.IsMatch(textNpi.Text, "^[0-9]{10}$"))
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Invalid NPI.  Must be 10 digits.");
     if (_isErx && textErxAccountId.Text != "" && !Regex.IsMatch(textErxAccountId.Text, "^[0-9]+\\-[a-zA-Z0-9]{5}$"))
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Invalid ErxAccountId.");
     if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BillingUseBillingCycleDay) && textBillingDay.Text != "")
         Patient patOld = Patients.GetPat(RepeatCur.PatNum);
         Patient patNew = patOld.Copy();
         patNew.BillingCycleDay = PIn.Int(textBillingDay.Text);
         Patients.Update(patNew, patOld);
     RepeatCur.ProcCode       = textCode.Text;
     RepeatCur.ChargeAmt      = PIn.Double(textChargeAmt.Text);
     RepeatCur.DateStart      = PIn.Date(textDateStart.Text);
     RepeatCur.DateStop       = PIn.Date(textDateStop.Text);
     RepeatCur.Npi            = textNpi.Text;
     RepeatCur.ErxAccountId   = textErxAccountId.Text;
     RepeatCur.Note           = textNote.Text;
     RepeatCur.ProviderName   = textProvName.Text;
     RepeatCur.CopyNoteToProc = checkCopyNoteToProc.Checked;
     RepeatCur.IsEnabled      = checkIsEnabled.Checked;
     RepeatCur.CreatesClaim   = checkCreatesClaim.Checked;
     RepeatCur.UsePrepay      = checkUsePrepay.Checked;
     if (IsNew)
         if (!RepeatCharges.ActiveRepeatChargeExists(RepeatCur.PatNum) &&
             (textBillingDay.Text == "" || textBillingDay.Text == "0"))
             Patient patOld = Patients.GetPat(RepeatCur.PatNum);
             Patient patNew = patOld.Copy();
             patNew.BillingCycleDay = PIn.Date(textDateStart.Text).Day;
             Patients.Update(patNew, patOld);
         if (PrefC.IsODHQ)
     else              //not a new repeat charge
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
コード例 #2
        private void butProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "This will add a new repeating charge for each provider in the list above"
                             + " who is new (does not already have a repeating charge), based on PatNum and NPI.  Continue?"))
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            List <NewCropCharge> listAddedCharges = new List <NewCropCharge>();
            int           numSkipped         = 0;
            StringBuilder strBldArchivedPats = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (NewCropCharge charge in _listNewCropCharges)
                if (charge.repeatCharge == null)               //No such repeating charge exists yet for the given npi.
                //We consider the provider a new provider and create a new repeating charge.
                    int dayOtherCharges = GetChargeDayOfMonth(charge.PatNumForRegKey);                  //The day of the month that the customer already has other repeating charges. Keeps their billing simple (one bill per month for all charges).
                    int daysInMonth     = DateTime.DaysInMonth(_dateBillingMonthYear.Year, _dateBillingMonthYear.Month);
                    if (dayOtherCharges > daysInMonth)
                        //The day that the user used eRx (signed up) was in a month that does not have the day of the other monthly charges in it.
                        //E.g.  dayOtherCharges = 31 and the user started a new eRx account in a month without 31 days.
                        //Therefore, we have to use the last day of the month that they started.
                        //This can introduce multiple statements being sent out which can potentially delay us (HQ) from getting paid in a timely fashion.
                        //A workaround for this would be to train our techs to never run billing after the 28th of every month that way incomplete statements are not sent.
                        dayOtherCharges = daysInMonth;
                    DateTime dateErxCharge = new DateTime(_dateBillingMonthYear.Year, _dateBillingMonthYear.Month, dayOtherCharges);
                    if (dateErxCharge < DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-3))                   //Just in case the user runs an older report.
                    charge.repeatCharge                = new RepeatCharge();
                    charge.repeatCharge.IsNew          = true;
                    charge.repeatCharge.PatNum         = charge.PatNumForRegKey;
                    charge.repeatCharge.ProcCode       = GetProcCodeForNewCharge(charge.PatNumForRegKey);
                    charge.repeatCharge.ChargeAmt      = 15;             //15$/month
                    charge.repeatCharge.DateStart      = dateErxCharge;
                    charge.repeatCharge.Npi            = charge.NPI;
                    charge.repeatCharge.ErxAccountId   = charge.AccountId;
                    charge.repeatCharge.ProviderName   = charge.FirstName + " " + charge.LastName;
                    charge.repeatCharge.IsEnabled      = true;
                    charge.repeatCharge.CopyNoteToProc = true;                  //Copy the billing note to the procedure note by default so that the customer can see the NPI the charge corresponds to. Can be unchecked by user if a private note is added later (rare).
                    if (!RepeatCharges.ActiveRepeatChargeExists(charge.repeatCharge.PatNum))
                        //Set the patient's billing day to the start day on the repeat charge
                        Patient patOld = Patients.GetPat(charge.repeatCharge.PatNum);
                        Patient patNew = patOld.Copy();
                        //Check the patients status and move them to Archived if they are currently deleted.
                        if (patOld.PatStatus == PatientStatus.Deleted)
                            patNew.PatStatus = PatientStatus.Archived;
                        //Notify the user about any deleted or archived patients that were just given a new repeating charge.
                        if (patOld.PatStatus == PatientStatus.Archived || patOld.PatStatus == PatientStatus.Deleted)
                            strBldArchivedPats.AppendLine("#" + patOld.PatNum + " - " + patOld.GetNameLF());
                        patNew.BillingCycleDay = charge.repeatCharge.DateStart.Day;
                        Patients.Update(patNew, patOld);
                else                   //The repeating charge for eRx billing already exists for the given npi.
                    DateTime dateEndLastMonth = (new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1)).AddDays(-1);
                    if (charge.repeatCharge.DateStop.Year > 2010)                   //eRx support for this provider was disabled at one point, but has been used since.
                        if (charge.repeatCharge.DateStop < dateEndLastMonth)        //If the stop date is in the future or already at the end of the month, then we cannot presume that there will be a charge next month.
                            charge.repeatCharge.DateStop = dateEndLastMonth;        //Make sure the recent use is reflected in the end date.
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            StringBuilder sbMsg = new StringBuilder();

            if (numSkipped > 0)
                sbMsg.AppendLine("Number skipped due to old DateBilling (over 3 months ago): " + numSkipped);
            if (listAddedCharges.Count > 0)
                const int colNameWidth         = 62;
                const int colErxAccountIdWidth = 18;
                const int colNpiWidth          = 10;
                sbMsg.AppendLine("Added the following new repeating charges (" + listAddedCharges.Count + " total):");
                sbMsg.Append("  ");
                sbMsg.Append("NAME".PadRight(colNameWidth, ' '));
                sbMsg.Append("ERXACCOUNTID".PadRight(colErxAccountIdWidth, ' '));
                sbMsg.AppendLine("NPI".PadRight(colNpiWidth, ' '));
                foreach (NewCropCharge charge in listAddedCharges)
                    string firstLastName = charge.FirstName + " " + charge.LastName;
                    if (firstLastName.Length > colNameWidth)
                        firstLastName = firstLastName.Substring(0, colNameWidth);
                    sbMsg.Append("  ");
                    sbMsg.Append(firstLastName.PadRight(colNameWidth, ' '));
                    sbMsg.Append(charge.AccountId.PadRight(colErxAccountIdWidth, ' '));
                    sbMsg.AppendLine(charge.NPI.PadRight(colNpiWidth, ' '));
            if (strBldArchivedPats.Length > 0)
                sbMsg.AppendLine("Archived patients that had a repeating charge created:");
            MsgBoxCopyPaste msgBoxCP = new MsgBoxCopyPaste(sbMsg.ToString());

            msgBoxCP.ShowDialog();            //Must be modal, because non-modal does not display here for some reason.
コード例 #3
        private void FormRepeatChargeEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsNew)
                FormProcCodes FormP = new FormProcCodes();
                FormP.IsSelectionMode = true;
                if (FormP.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
                ProcedureCode procCode = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(FormP.SelectedCodeNum);
                if (procCode.TreatArea != TreatmentArea.Mouth &&
                    procCode.TreatArea != TreatmentArea.None)
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Procedure codes that require tooth numbers are not allowed.");
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
                RepeatCur.ProcCode     = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(FormP.SelectedCodeNum);
                RepeatCur.IsEnabled    = true;
                RepeatCur.CreatesClaim = false;
            textCode.Text      = RepeatCur.ProcCode;
            textDesc.Text      = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(RepeatCur.ProcCode).Descript;
            textChargeAmt.Text = RepeatCur.ChargeAmt.ToString("F");
            if (RepeatCur.DateStart.Year > 1880)
                textDateStart.Text = RepeatCur.DateStart.ToShortDateString();
            if (RepeatCur.DateStop.Year > 1880)
                textDateStop.Text = RepeatCur.DateStop.ToShortDateString();
            textNote.Text = RepeatCur.Note;
            _isErx        = false;
            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.DistributorKey) && Regex.IsMatch(RepeatCur.ProcCode, "^Z[0-9]{3,}$"))            //Is eRx if HQ and a using an eRx Z code.
                _isErx = true;
                labelPatNum.Visible       = true;
                textPatNum.Visible        = true;
                butMoveTo.Visible         = true;
                labelNpi.Visible          = true;
                textNpi.Visible           = true;
                labelProviderName.Visible = true;
                textProvName.Visible      = true;
                labelErxAccountId.Visible = true;
                textErxAccountId.Visible  = true;
                if (!IsNew)                 //Existing eRx repeating charge.
                    textNpi.Text              = RepeatCur.Npi;
                    textErxAccountId.Text     = RepeatCur.ErxAccountId;
                    textProvName.Text         = RepeatCur.ProviderName;
                    textNpi.ReadOnly          = true;
                    textErxAccountId.ReadOnly = true;
                    textProvName.ReadOnly     = true;
            checkCopyNoteToProc.Checked = RepeatCur.CopyNoteToProc;
            checkCreatesClaim.Checked   = RepeatCur.CreatesClaim;
            checkIsEnabled.Checked      = RepeatCur.IsEnabled;
            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.DistributorKey))             //OD HQ disable the IsEnabled and CreatesClaim checkboxes
                checkCreatesClaim.Enabled = false;
                checkIsEnabled.Enabled    = false;
            if (PrefC.IsODHQ && EServiceCodeLink.IsProcCodeAnEService(RepeatCur.ProcCode))
                if (IsNew)
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "You cannot manually create any eService repeating charges.\r\n"
                                + "Use the Signup Portal instead.\r\n\r\n"
                                + "The Charge Amount can be manually edited after the Signup Portal has created the desired eService repeating charge.");
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort;
                //The only things that users should be able to do for eServices are:
                //1. Change the repeating charge amount.
                //2. Manipulate the Start Date.
                //3. Manipulate the Note.
                //4. Manipulate Billing Day because not all customers will have a non-eService repeating charge in order to manipulate.
                //This is because legacy users (versions prior to 17.1) need the ability to manually set their monthly charge amount, etc.
                SetFormReadOnly(this, butOK, butCancel
                                , textChargeAmt, labelChargeAmount
                                , textDateStart, labelDateStart
                                , textNote, labelNote
                                , textBillingDay, labelBillingCycleDay);
            Patient pat = Patients.GetPat(RepeatCur.PatNum);          //pat should never be null. If it is, this will fail.

            //If this is a new repeat charge and no other active repeat charges exist, set the billing cycle day to today
            if (IsNew && !RepeatCharges.ActiveRepeatChargeExists(RepeatCur.PatNum))
                textBillingDay.Text = DateTimeOD.Today.Day.ToString();
                textBillingDay.Text = pat.BillingCycleDay.ToString();
            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BillingUseBillingCycleDay))
                labelBillingCycleDay.Visible = true;
                textBillingDay.Visible       = true;
            checkUsePrepay.Checked = RepeatCur.UsePrepay;