private void FormQBAccountSelect_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _listDepositAccountsQB = Accounts.GetDepositAccountsQB(); for (int i = 0; i < _listDepositAccountsQB.Count; i++) { comboDepositAccount.Items.Add(_listDepositAccountsQB[i]); } comboDepositAccount.SelectedIndex = 0; _listIncomeAccountsQB = Accounts.GetIncomeAccountsQB(); for (int i = 0; i < _listIncomeAccountsQB.Count; i++) { comboIncomeAccountQB.Items.Add(_listIncomeAccountsQB[i]); } comboIncomeAccountQB.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void FormDepositEdit_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (IsNew) { if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.DepositSlips, DateTime.Today)) { //we will check the date again when saving DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; return; } } else { //We enforce security here based on date displayed, not date entered if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.DepositSlips, DepositCur.DateDeposit)) { butOK.Enabled = false; butDelete.Enabled = false; } } if (IsNew) { textDateStart.Text = PIn.Date(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.DateDepositsStarted)).ToShortDateString(); if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.EasyNoClinics)) { comboClinic.Visible = false; labelClinic.Visible = false; } comboClinic.Items.Clear(); comboClinic.Items.Add(Lan.g(this, "all")); comboClinic.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Clinics.List.Length; i++) { comboClinic.Items.Add(Clinics.List[i].Description); } for (int i = 0; i < DefC.Short[(int)DefCat.PaymentTypes].Length; i++) { listPayType.Items.Add(DefC.Short[(int)DefCat.PaymentTypes][i].ItemName); listPayType.SetSelected(i, true); } textDepositAccount.Visible = false; //this is never visible for new. It's a description if already attached. if (Accounts.DepositsLinked()) { if (PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.AccountingSoftware) == (int)AccountingSoftware.QuickBooks) { DepositAccountsQB = Accounts.GetDepositAccountsQB(); for (int i = 0; i < DepositAccountsQB.Count; i++) { comboDepositAccount.Items.Add(DepositAccountsQB[i]); } } else { DepositAccounts = Accounts.GetDepositAccounts(); for (int i = 0; i < DepositAccounts.Length; i++) { comboDepositAccount.Items.Add(Accounts.GetDescript(DepositAccounts[i])); } } comboDepositAccount.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { labelDepositAccount.Visible = false; comboDepositAccount.Visible = false; } } else { groupSelect.Visible = false; gridIns.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.None; gridPat.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.None; //we never again let user change the deposit linking again from here. //They need to detach it from within the transaction //Might be enhanced later to allow, but that's very complex. Transaction trans = Transactions.GetAttachedToDeposit(DepositCur.DepositNum); if (trans == null) { labelDepositAccount.Visible = false; comboDepositAccount.Visible = false; textDepositAccount.Visible = false; } else { comboDepositAccount.Enabled = false; labelDepositAccount.Text = Lan.g(this, "Deposited into Account"); List <JournalEntry> jeL = JournalEntries.GetForTrans(trans.TransactionNum); for (int i = 0; i < jeL.Count; i++) { if (Accounts.GetAccount(jeL[i].AccountNum).AcctType == AccountType.Asset) { comboDepositAccount.Items.Add(Accounts.GetDescript(jeL[i].AccountNum)); comboDepositAccount.SelectedIndex = 0; textDepositAccount.Text = jeL[i].DateDisplayed.ToShortDateString() + " " + jeL[i].DebitAmt.ToString("c"); break; } } } } textDate.Text = DepositCur.DateDeposit.ToShortDateString(); textAmount.Text = DepositCur.Amount.ToString("F"); textBankAccountInfo.Text = DepositCur.BankAccountInfo; FillGrids(); if (IsNew) { gridPat.SetSelected(true); gridIns.SetSelected(true); } ComputeAmt(); }