///<summary>Sets EmailSendStatus to SendFailed if isForEmail is true. Sets SmsSendStatus to SendFailed if IsForSms is true.</summary> public static void MarkSendFailed(WebSchedRecall webSchedRecall, DateTime dateSendFailed) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. webSchedRecall.DateTimeSendFailed = dateSendFailed; if (webSchedRecall.IsForEmail) { webSchedRecall.EmailSendStatus = AutoCommStatus.SendFailed; } else if (webSchedRecall.IsForSms) { webSchedRecall.SmsSendStatus = AutoCommStatus.SendFailed; } WebSchedRecalls.Update(webSchedRecall); }
///<summary>Updates DateTimeReminderSent and makes EmailSendStatus to SendSuccessful if IsForEmail is true and SmsSendStatus if IsForSms is ///true.</summary> public static void MarkReminderSent(WebSchedRecall webSchedRecall, DateTime dateTimeReminderSent) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. webSchedRecall.DateTimeReminderSent = dateTimeReminderSent; if (webSchedRecall.IsForEmail) { webSchedRecall.EmailSendStatus = AutoCommStatus.SendSuccessful; } else if (webSchedRecall.IsForSms) { webSchedRecall.SmsSendStatus = AutoCommStatus.SendSuccessful; } WebSchedRecalls.Update(webSchedRecall); }