コード例 #1
        public static void SendWelcomeMessage(long webChatSessionNum)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            WebChatMessage welcomeMessage = new WebChatMessage();

            welcomeMessage.WebChatSessionNum = webChatSessionNum;
            welcomeMessage.UserName          = WebChatPrefs.GetString(WebChatPrefName.SystemName);
            welcomeMessage.MessageText       = WebChatPrefs.GetString(WebChatPrefName.SystemWelcomeMessage);
            welcomeMessage.MessageType       = WebChatMessageType.System;
コード例 #2
 ///<summary>Sets the DateTend field to now and inserts a message into the chat so all users can see the session has ended.</summary>
 public static void EndSession(long webChatSessionNum)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), webChatSessionNum);
     WebChatMisc.DbAction(delegate() {
         string command = "UPDATE webchatsession SET DateTend=NOW() WHERE WebChatSessionNum=" + POut.Long(webChatSessionNum);
         //Last message just after session ended, in case someone types another message into the thread just as the thread is ending.
         //This way the end session message is guaranteed to be last, since the timestamp on it is after the session technically ended.
         WebChatMessage endSessionMessage    = new WebChatMessage();
         endSessionMessage.WebChatSessionNum = webChatSessionNum;
         endSessionMessage.UserName          = WebChatPrefs.GetString(WebChatPrefName.SystemName);
         endSessionMessage.MessageText       = WebChatPrefs.GetString(WebChatPrefName.SystemSessionEndMessage);
         endSessionMessage.MessageType       = WebChatMessageType.EndSession;