///<summary>Helper method that copies existing Faq's (and their links) for the most recent version ///and inserts them for the new specified version. This is how Jordan handles releases in the manual publisher. ///Faq must follow this pattern as well. PageForVersionExists() should be called before this method.</summary> public static void CreateFaqsForNewVersion(int newVersion) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no direct calls to the Db from this method. string version = VersionReleases.GetLastReleases(2); string[] versionParts = version.Split('.'); int lastStableVersion = PIn.Int(versionParts[0] + versionParts[1]); List <Faq> listFaqs = GetAllForVersion(lastStableVersion); foreach (Faq faq in listFaqs) { List <string> listPagesLinkedToFaq = GetLinkedManualPages(faq.FaqNum); Faq faqNew = faq.Copy(); faqNew.ManualVersion = newVersion; long faqNewNum = Insert(faqNew); //Attach the manual pages from the beta version to the new version. CreateManualPageLinks(faqNew.FaqNum, listPagesLinkedToFaq, faqNew.ManualVersion); } }
public static Bug GetNewBugForUser() { Bug bug = new Bug(); bug.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; bug.Status_ = BugStatus.None; switch (System.Environment.MachineName) { case "ANDREW": case "ANDREW1": bug.Submitter = 29; //Andrew break; case "JORDANS": case "JORDANS3": bug.Submitter = 4; //jsparks break; case "JASON": bug.Submitter = 18; //jsalmon break; case "DAVID": bug.Submitter = 27; //david break; case "DEREK": bug.Submitter = 1; //grahamde break; case "SAM": bug.Submitter = 25; //sam break; case "RYAN": case "RYAN1": bug.Submitter = 20; //Ryan break; case "CAMERON": bug.Submitter = 21; //Cameron break; case "TRAVIS": bug.Submitter = 22; //tgriswold break; case "ALLEN": bug.Submitter = 24; //allen break; case "JOSH": bug.Submitter = 26; //josh break; case "JOE": bug.Submitter = 28; //joe break; case "CHRISM": bug.Submitter = 30; //chris break; case "SAUL": bug.Submitter = 31; //saul break; case "MATHERINL": bug.Submitter = 32; //matherinl break; case "LINDSAYS": bug.Submitter = 33; //linsdays break; case "BRENDANB": bug.Submitter = 34; //brendanb break; case "KENDRAS": bug.Submitter = 35; //kendras break; case "STEVENS": bug.Submitter = 37; //stevens break; case "LUKEM": bug.Submitter = 41; //lukem break; default: bug.Submitter = 2; //Tech Support break; } bug.Type_ = BugType.Bug; bug.VersionsFound = VersionReleases.GetLastReleases(2); return(bug); }