コード例 #1
        ///<summary>Inserts a new RepeatCharge if none found for patNum/procCode. Otherwise updates existing.
        ///If dateStart is not explicitly provided, then it will default to DateTime.Today.
        ///If RepeatCharge already exists then chargeAmt, dateStart, createsClaim, copyNoteToProc inputs will be ignored and RepeatCharge will simply be re-enabled.
        ///Use RepeatCharges.Update() if you want to specify new input values.</summary>
        public static void EnableRepeatCharge(long patNum, float chargeAmt, string procCode, DateTime dateStart = new DateTime(), bool createsClaim = false, bool copyNoteToProc = false)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), patNum, chargeAmt, procCode, dateStart, createsClaim, copyNoteToProc);
            if (dateStart.Year < 1880)            //Default to today if none provided.
                dateStart = DateTime.Today;
            RepeatCharge[] repeateCharges = RepeatCharges.Refresh(patNum);
            RepeatCharge   repeatCharge   = null;

            if (repeateCharges != null)
                repeatCharge = repeateCharges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProcCode == procCode);
            if (repeatCharge == null)
                repeatCharge                 = new RepeatCharge();
                repeatCharge.ProcCode        = procCode;
                repeatCharge.PatNum          = patNum;
                repeatCharge.IsEnabled       = true;
                repeatCharge.DateStart       = dateStart;
                repeatCharge.CreatesClaim    = createsClaim;
                repeatCharge.CopyNoteToProc  = copyNoteToProc;
                repeatCharge.ChargeAmt       = chargeAmt;
                repeatCharge.RepeatChargeNum = RepeatCharges.Insert(repeatCharge);
            repeatCharge.IsEnabled = true;
            repeatCharge.DateStop  = System.DateTime.MinValue;
コード例 #2
        ///<summary>Should only be called if ODHQ.</summary>
        public static List <Procedure> AddEServiceRepeatingChargesHelper(DateTime dateRun, List <RepeatCharge> listRepeatCharges)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <Procedure> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateRun, listRepeatCharges));
            DateTime monthRun = new DateTime(dateRun.Year, dateRun.Month, 1);
            //Get all bills that are due to be posted as of this date.
            string command = "SELECT * FROM eservicebilling " +
                             "WHERE DateOfBill <= " + POut.Date(dateRun.Date, true) + " AND DateTimeProceduresPosted = '0001-01-01 00:00:00'";
            List <EServiceBilling> listBillsDue = Crud.EServiceBillingCrud.SelectMany(command);

            //This table will all ProcedureCodes which are included in the EServiceCodeLink table.
            command = "SELECT * FROM procedurecode "
                      + "INNER JOIN eservicecodelink ON procedurecode.CodeNum=eservicecodelink.CodeNum";
            List <ProcedureCode> listProcCodes = OpenDentBusiness.Crud.ProcedureCodeCrud.TableToList(DataCore.GetTable(command));
            //Get completed procedures that have already been posted.
            List <Procedure> listProcsComplete = Procedures.GetCompletedForDateRange(monthRun, dateRun, listProcCodes.Select(x => x.CodeNum).ToList());
            List <Procedure> retVal            = new List <Procedure>();

            foreach (EServiceBilling eServiceBilling in listBillsDue)
                //List of procedures for this billing cycle was serialized to EServiceBilling.ProceduresJson by AccountMaint thread. Deserialize and post them.
                List <Procedure> listProcs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Procedure> >(eServiceBilling.ProceduresJson);
                foreach (Procedure proc in listProcs)
                    //For a short time in May 2017 this procedure would have been checked against procedures already posted for the same month for the same eService.
                    //If a duplicate was found then this procedure would have been skipped. This blocking code was removed and now a similar procedure can be posted on the same month.
                    //This needs to be allowed to happen so that the first month can have 2 charges.
                    //1) For the pro-rated few days until their next BillingCycleDay is reached.
                    //     Note, pro-rating is a future feature that may be allowed to happen via the signup portal. It is not currently but this particular code would no longer prevent it.
                    //2) For their typicaly BillingCycleDay charge.
                    RepeatCharge repeatCharge = listRepeatCharges.Where(x => x.PatNum == proc.PatNum)
                                                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProcCode == ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(proc.CodeNum, listProcCodes));
                    if (repeatCharge != null)
                        RepeatCharges.AllocateUnearned(repeatCharge, proc, dateRun);
                eServiceBilling.DateTimeProceduresPosted = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>Runs repeating charges for the date passed in, usually today. Can't use 'out' variables because this runs over Middle Tier.</summary>
 public static RepeatChargeResult RunRepeatingCharges(DateTime dateRun)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         return(Meth.GetObject <RepeatChargeResult>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateRun));
     Prefs.UpdateDateT(PrefName.RepeatingChargesBeginDateTime, dateRun);
     try {
         RepeatChargeResult  result = new RepeatChargeResult();
         List <RepeatCharge> listRepeatingCharges = RepeatCharges.Refresh(0).ToList();
         if (PrefC.IsODHQ)
             //Remove all eService repeating charges.
             //EService charges have already been calculated and stored in EServiceBilling table. Add those here.
             List <string> listEServiceCodes = EServiceCodeLink.GetProcCodesForAll();
             listRepeatingCharges.RemoveAll(x => listEServiceCodes.Contains(x.ProcCode));
             result.ProceduresAddedCount += EServiceBillings.AddEServiceRepeatingChargesHelper(dateRun).Count;
         DateTime startedUsingFKs = UpdateHistories.GetDateForVersion(new Version(""));              //We started using FKs from procs to repeat charges in 16.1.
         foreach (RepeatCharge repeatCharge in listRepeatingCharges)
             if (!repeatCharge.IsEnabled || (repeatCharge.DateStop.Year > 1880 && repeatCharge.DateStop.AddMonths(3) < dateRun))
                 continue;                        //This repeating charge is too old to possibly create a new charge. Not precise but greatly reduces calls to DB.
                 //We will filter by more stringently on the DateStop later on.
             long codeNum = ProcedureCodes.GetCodeNum(repeatCharge.ProcCode);
             //Must contain all procedures that affect the date range.
             DateTime         procRangeStart    = repeatCharge.DateStart.AddMonths(-1);       //Minus 1 month to catch accounts that have changed their billing date
             List <Procedure> listExistingProcs = Procedures.GetCompletedForDateRange(procRangeStart, dateRun,
                                                                                      new List <long> {
                                                                                      new List <long> {
             for (int j = listExistingProcs.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)               //iterate backwards to remove elements
                 Procedure proc = listExistingProcs[j];
                 if (((proc.RepeatChargeNum == repeatCharge.RepeatChargeNum)                      //Check the procedure's FK first
                      //Use the old logic without matching FKs only if the procedure was added before updating to 16.1
                      //Match patnum, codenum, fee, year, and month (IsRepeatDateHelper uses special logic to determine correct month)
                      //Procedures with the ProcDate prior to the RepeatCharge.StartDate should not be considered as valid procedures
                      //associated to the current repeat charge.
                      || ((proc.ProcDate < startedUsingFKs || startedUsingFKs.Year < 1880) &&
                          proc.PatNum == repeatCharge.PatNum &&
                          proc.CodeNum == codeNum &&
                          proc.ProcFee.IsEqual(repeatCharge.ChargeAmt))) &&
                     (proc.ProcDate >= repeatCharge.DateStart ||                           //Consider procedures that fall on or after the repeat charge start date.
                      proc.ProcDate.Day != repeatCharge.DateStart.Day)) //Consider procs only when days are not the same. Catches procs that have changed their billing date
                     continue;                                          //This existing procedure needs to be counted for this repeat charge.
                 listExistingProcs.RemoveAt(j);                         //Removing so that another repeat charge of the same code, date, and amount will be added.
             List <DateTime> listBillingDates;                          //This list will have 1 or 2 dates where a repeating charge might be added
             if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BillingUseBillingCycleDay))
                 listBillingDates = GetBillingDatesHelper(repeatCharge.DateStart, repeatCharge.DateStop, dateRun, listExistingProcs, repeatCharge,
                 listBillingDates = GetBillingDatesHelper(repeatCharge.DateStart, repeatCharge.DateStop, dateRun, listExistingProcs, repeatCharge);
             listBillingDates.RemoveAll(x => x.Date > DateTime.Today.Date && !PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.FutureTransDatesAllowed));
             //If any billing dates have not been filtered out, add a repeating charge on those dates
             foreach (DateTime billingDate in listBillingDates)
                 Procedure    procAdded       = AddRepeatingChargeHelper(repeatCharge, billingDate, dateRun);
                 List <Claim> listClaimsAdded = new List <Claim>();
                 if (repeatCharge.CreatesClaim && !ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(repeatCharge.ProcCode).NoBillIns)
                     listClaimsAdded = AddClaimsHelper(repeatCharge, procAdded);
                 result.ClaimsAddedCount += listClaimsAdded.Count;
     finally {
         Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.RepeatingChargesBeginDateTime, "");
コード例 #4
ファイル: RepeatCharges.cs プロジェクト: royedwards/DRDNet
 /// <summary>Runs repeating charges for the date passed in, usually today. Can't use 'out' variables because this runs over Middle Tier.</summary>
 public static RepeatChargeResult RunRepeatingCharges(DateTime dateRun)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         return(Meth.GetObject <RepeatChargeResult>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateRun));
     Prefs.UpdateDateT(PrefName.RepeatingChargesBeginDateTime, dateRun);
     try {
         RepeatChargeResult  result = new RepeatChargeResult();
         List <RepeatCharge> listRepeatingCharges = RepeatCharges.Refresh(0).ToList();
         if (PrefC.IsODHQ)
             //Remove all eService repeating charges.
             //EService charges have already been calculated and stored in EServiceBilling table. Add those here.
             List <string> listEServiceCodes = EServiceCodeLink.GetProcCodesForAll();
             listRepeatingCharges.RemoveAll(x => listEServiceCodes.Contains(x.ProcCode));
             result.ProceduresAddedCount += EServiceBillings.AddEServiceRepeatingChargesHelper(dateRun).Count;
         //Must contain all procedures that affect the date range, safe to contain too many, bad to contain too few.
         List <Procedure> listExistingProcs = Procedures.GetCompletedForDateRange(dateRun.AddMonths(-3), dateRun.AddDays(1),
                                                                                  listRepeatingCharges.Select(x => x.ProcCode).Distinct().Select(x => ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(x).CodeNum).ToList());
         DateTime startedUsingFKs = UpdateHistories.GetDateForVersion(new Version(""));              //We started using FKs from procs to repeat charges in 16.1.
         foreach (RepeatCharge repeatCharge in listRepeatingCharges)
             if (!repeatCharge.IsEnabled || (repeatCharge.DateStop.Year > 1880 && repeatCharge.DateStop.AddMonths(3) < dateRun))
                 continue;                        //This repeating charge is too old to possibly create a new charge. Not precise but greatly reduces calls to DB.
                 //We will filter by more stringently on the DateStop later on.
             Patient         pat = null;
             List <DateTime> listBillingDates;                   //This list will have 1 or 2 dates where a repeating charge might be added
             if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BillingUseBillingCycleDay))
                 pat = Patients.GetPat(repeatCharge.PatNum);
                 listBillingDates = GetBillingDatesHelper(repeatCharge.DateStart, repeatCharge.DateStop, dateRun, pat.BillingCycleDay);
                 listBillingDates = GetBillingDatesHelper(repeatCharge.DateStart, repeatCharge.DateStop, dateRun);
             long codeNum = ProcedureCodes.GetCodeNum(repeatCharge.ProcCode);
             //Remove billing dates if there is a procedure from this repeat charge in that month and year
             for (int i = listBillingDates.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)             //iterate backwards to remove elements
                 DateTime billingDate = listBillingDates[i];
                 for (int j = listExistingProcs.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)                 //iterate backwards to remove elements
                     Procedure proc = listExistingProcs[j];
                     if ((proc.RepeatChargeNum == repeatCharge.RepeatChargeNum &&                       //Check the procedure's FK first
                          IsRepeatDateHelper(repeatCharge, billingDate, proc.ProcDate, pat))
                         //Use the old logic without matching FKs only if the procedure was added before updating to 16.1
                         //Match patnum, codenum, fee, year, and month (IsRepeatDateHelper uses special logic to determine correct month)
                         || ((proc.ProcDate < startedUsingFKs || startedUsingFKs.Year < 1880) &&
                             proc.PatNum == repeatCharge.PatNum &&
                             proc.CodeNum == codeNum &&
                             IsRepeatDateHelper(repeatCharge, billingDate, proc.ProcDate, pat) &&
                         //This is a match to an existing procedure.
                         listBillingDates.RemoveAt(i);         //Removing so that a procedure will not get added on this date.
                         listExistingProcs.RemoveAt(j);        //Removing so that another repeat charge of the same code, date, and amount will be added.
                         break;                                //Go to the next billing date
             //If any billing dates have not been filtered out, add a repeating charge on those dates
             foreach (DateTime billingDate in listBillingDates)
                 Procedure    procAdded       = AddRepeatingChargeHelper(repeatCharge, billingDate, dateRun);
                 List <Claim> listClaimsAdded = new List <Claim>();
                 if (repeatCharge.CreatesClaim && !ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(repeatCharge.ProcCode).NoBillIns)
                     listClaimsAdded = AddClaimsHelper(repeatCharge, procAdded);
                 result.ClaimsAddedCount += listClaimsAdded.Count;
     finally {
         Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.RepeatingChargesBeginDateTime, "");