コード例 #1
        ///<summary>Attempts to submit an exception to HQ.
        ///Checks PrefName.SendUnhandledExceptionsToHQ prior to web call.</summary>
        public static BugSubmissionResult SubmitException(Exception ex, out string displayMsg, string threadName = "", long patNumCur = -1, string moduleName = "")
            //No remoting role check; no call to db
            displayMsg = null;
            if (MockBugSubmissions != null)
                return(MockBugSubmissions.SubmitException(ex, threadName, patNumCur, moduleName));
            //Default SendUnhandledExceptionsToHQ to true if the preference cache is null or the preference was not found.
            //There might not be a database connection yet, therefore the preference cache could be null.
            //HQ needs to know more information regarding unhandled exceptions prior to setting a database connection (.NET issue, release issue, etc).
            if (!PrefC.GetBoolSilent(PrefName.SendUnhandledExceptionsToHQ, true))
            BugSubmission bugSubmission   = new BugSubmission(ex, threadName, patNumCur, moduleName);
            string        registrationKey = null;
            string        practiceTitle   = null;
            string        practicePhone   = null;
            string        programVersion  = null;
            string        webServiceHqURL = "";

            if (bugSubmission.RegKey == "7E57-1NPR-0DUC-710N")
                registrationKey = bugSubmission.RegKey;
                practiceTitle   = "Unknown";
                practicePhone   = "Unknown";
                programVersion  = bugSubmission.Info.OpenDentBusinessVersion;
                webServiceHqURL = "https://www.patientviewer.com:49997/OpenDentalWebServiceHQ/WebServiceMainHQ.asmx";
                               PayloadHelper.CreatePayloadContent(bugSubmission, "bugSubmission"), eServiceCode.BugSubmission, registrationKey, practiceTitle, practicePhone, programVersion
                       , out displayMsg