///<summary>Efficiently queries DB to fill all in memory lists for all jobs passed in.</summary> public static void FillInMemoryLists(List <Job> listJobsAll) { //No need for remoting call here. List <long> jobNums = listJobsAll.Select(x => x.JobNum).ToList(); Dictionary <long, List <JobLink> > listJobLinksAll = JobLinks.GetJobLinksForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); Dictionary <long, List <JobNote> > listJobNotesAll = JobNotes.GetJobNotesForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); Dictionary <long, List <JobReview> > listJobReviewsAll = JobReviews.GetReviewsForJobs(jobNums.ToArray()).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); Dictionary <long, List <JobReview> > listJobTimeLogsAll = JobReviews.GetTimeLogsForJobs(jobNums.ToArray()).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); Dictionary <long, List <JobQuote> > listJobQuotesAll = JobQuotes.GetJobQuotesForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); Dictionary <long, List <JobLog> > listJobLogsAll = JobLogs.GetJobLogsForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); for (int i = 0; i < listJobsAll.Count; i++) { Job job = listJobsAll[i]; if (!listJobLinksAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobLinks)) { job.ListJobLinks = new List <JobLink>(); //empty list if not found } if (!listJobNotesAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobNotes)) { job.ListJobNotes = new List <JobNote>(); //empty list if not found } if (!listJobReviewsAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobReviews)) { job.ListJobReviews = new List <JobReview>(); //empty list if not found } if (!listJobTimeLogsAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobTimeLogs)) { job.ListJobTimeLogs = new List <JobReview>(); //empty list if not found } if (!listJobQuotesAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobQuotes)) { job.ListJobQuotes = new List <JobQuote>(); //empty list if not found } if (!listJobLogsAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobLogs)) { job.ListJobLogs = new List <JobLog>(); //empty list if not found } } }
///<summary>Removes invalid jobs from the list of jobs passed in and then queries the DB to fill corresponding in-memory lists for remaining jobs. ///Set isForSearch true in order to only fill in-memory lists that are required for the Job Search window.</summary> public static void FillInMemoryLists(List <Job> listJobsAll, bool isForSearch = false) { //No need for remoting call here. listJobsAll.RemoveAll(x => x == null || x.JobNum == 0); List <long> jobNums = listJobsAll.Select(x => x.JobNum).ToList(); Dictionary <long, List <JobLink> > dictJobLinksAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobLink> >(); Dictionary <long, List <JobNote> > dictJobNotesAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobNote> >(); Dictionary <long, List <JobReview> > dictJobReviewsAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobReview> >(); Dictionary <long, List <JobReview> > dictJobTimeLogsAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobReview> >(); Dictionary <long, List <JobQuote> > dictJobQuotesAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobQuote> >(); Dictionary <long, List <JobLog> > dictJobLogsAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobLog> >(); Dictionary <long, List <JobNotification> > dictJobNotificationsAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobNotification> >(); Dictionary <long, List <JobActiveLink> > dictJobActiveLinksAll = new Dictionary <long, List <JobActiveLink> >(); //The job search only needs ListJobLinks and ListJobReviews to be filled. dictJobLinksAll = JobLinks.GetJobLinksForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); dictJobReviewsAll = JobReviews.GetReviewsForJobs(jobNums.ToArray()).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); //Fill all other dictionaries when not filling in-memory lists for job search results (saves db calls and memory usage). if (!isForSearch) { dictJobNotesAll = JobNotes.GetJobNotesForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); dictJobTimeLogsAll = JobReviews.GetTimeLogsForJobs(jobNums.ToArray()).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); dictJobQuotesAll = JobQuotes.GetJobQuotesForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); dictJobLogsAll = JobLogs.GetJobLogsForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); dictJobNotificationsAll = JobNotifications.GetNotificationsForJobs(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); dictJobActiveLinksAll = JobActiveLinks.GetJobActiveLinksForJobNums(jobNums).GroupBy(x => x.JobNum).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); } foreach (Job job in listJobsAll) { if (!dictJobLinksAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobLinks)) { job.ListJobLinks = new List <JobLink>(); //empty list if not found } if (!dictJobNotesAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobNotes)) { job.ListJobNotes = new List <JobNote>(); //empty list if not found } if (!dictJobReviewsAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobReviews)) { job.ListJobReviews = new List <JobReview>(); //empty list if not found } if (!dictJobTimeLogsAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobTimeLogs)) { job.ListJobTimeLogs = new List <JobReview>(); //empty list if not found } if (!dictJobQuotesAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobQuotes)) { job.ListJobQuotes = new List <JobQuote>(); //empty list if not found } if (!dictJobLogsAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobLogs)) { job.ListJobLogs = new List <JobLog>(); //empty list if not found } if (!dictJobNotificationsAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobNotifications)) { job.ListJobNotifications = new List <JobNotification>(); //empty list if not found } if (!dictJobActiveLinksAll.TryGetValue(job.JobNum, out job.ListJobActiveLinks)) { job.ListJobActiveLinks = new List <JobActiveLink>(); //empty list if not found } } }