public static Texture2D TexturaNoSave(Mat mat) { var textura = new Texture2D(mat.Width, mat.Height); textura.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor; OCVUnity.MatToTexture(mat, textura); return(textura); }
public Texture2D ExtraerSprite(Mat matOriginal, Contorno contorno, int ajustarRotacion) { var matTexturaAlfa = new Mat(contorno.BoundingRect.Height, contorno.BoundingRect.Width, MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar()); Cv2.DrawContours(matTexturaAlfa, new[] { contorno.contorno }, 0, ProcesarRecuadros.ColEscalarBlanco, -1, LineTypes.AntiAlias, null, 0, -contorno.BoundingRect.TopLeft); var matTexturaColor = new Mat(matOriginal, contorno.BoundingRect); if (equalizarHistograma || ajusteTresh > 0f || equalizarHistogramaDeSat) { var convertMat = new Mat(); Cv2.CvtColor(matTexturaColor, convertMat, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2HSV); var splits = convertMat.Split(); if (equalizarHistograma || equalizarHistogramaDeSat) { var clahe = Cv2.CreateCLAHE(); if (equalizarHistograma) { Cv2.FastNlMeansDenoising(splits[2], splits[2]); clahe.Apply(splits[2], splits[2]); } if (equalizarHistogramaDeSat) { Cv2.FastNlMeansDenoising(splits[1], splits[1]); clahe.Apply(splits[1], splits[1]); } } // Cv2.Threshold(splits[2],splits[1],ajusteTresh,255,ThresholdTypes.TozeroInv); if (ajusteTresh > 0) { Cv2.Threshold(splits[1], splits[1], ajusteTresh, 255, ThresholdTypes.Tozero); } // clahe.Apply(splits[1],splits[1]); // clahe.Apply(splits[2],splits[2]); // Cv2. EqualizeHist(splits[2],splits[2]); Cv2.Merge(splits, matTexturaColor = convertMat); Cv2.CvtColor(matTexturaColor, matTexturaColor, ColorConversionCodes.HSV2BGR); } var textura = new Texture2D(matTexturaAlfa.Width, matTexturaAlfa.Height); textura.alphaIsTransparency = true; textura.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor; Cv2.Merge(matTexturaColor.Split().Concat(new[] { matTexturaAlfa }).ToArray(), matTexturaAlfa); if (ajustarRotacion > 0) { Cv2.Rotate(matTexturaAlfa, matTexturaAlfa, (RotateFlags)(ajustarRotacion - 1)); } textura = OCVUnity.MatToTexture(matTexturaAlfa, textura); return(textura); }
private void ChangeTarget(int targetIndex) { maxRate = 0; currentTargetIndex = targetIndex % targetList.Length; if (targetImage.texture != null) { //Resources.UnloadAsset(targetImage.texture); } var data = File.ReadAllBytes(targetList[currentTargetIndex]); var texture = new Texture2D(4, 4); texture.LoadImage(data); targetImage.texture = texture; targetImage.GetComponent <AspectRatioFitter>().aspectRatio = (float)targetImage.texture.width / targetImage.texture.height; if (targetMat != null) { targetMat.Dispose(); } targetMat = new Mat(); Mat targetColorMat = CvUnity.TextureToMat((Texture2D)targetImage.texture); Cv2.CvtColor(targetColorMat, targetMat, ColorConversionCodes.BGRA2GRAY); if (targetMat.Width > 512) { var size = new Size(512, (double)targetMat.Height / targetMat.Width * 512); targetMat = targetMat.Resize(size); } targetPixelCount = 0; for (int y = 0; y < targetMat.Height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < targetMat.Width; ++x) { int index = targetMat.Width * y + x; unsafe { byte val = *(targetMat.DataPointer + index); if (val == 0) { targetPixelCount++; } } } } UpdateLine(highLine, 0); }
private void UpdateBackground() { Mat cameraMat = CvUnity.TextureToMat(webCamTexture, webCamParams); if (cameraMat.Width > 512) { var size = new Size(512, (double)cameraMat.Height / cameraMat.Width * 512); cameraMat = cameraMat.Resize(size); } backgroundMat = cameraMat.Clone(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var coso = target as ProcesarRecuadros; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var texturaPrueba = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Textura De Prueba", coso.texturaPrueba, typeof(Texture2D), true) as Texture2D; var rawImgPrueba = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Salida De Prueba", coso.rawImgPrueba, typeof(UnityEngine.UI.RawImage), true) as UnityEngine.UI.RawImage; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(coso, "Coso"); coso.texturaPrueba = texturaPrueba; coso.rawImgPrueba = rawImgPrueba; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!coso.texturaPrueba || !coso.rawImgPrueba || coso.rawImgPrueba.gameObject.scene.rootCount == 0); if (GUILayout.Button("Probar")) { var matDebug = coso.ProcesarTextura(coso.texturaPrueba); var matdraw = matDebug; // var matdraw = OCVUnity.TextureToMat(coso.texturaPrueba); var escala = matdraw.Width / (double)matDebug.Width; if (matdraw.Channels() == 1) { Cv2.CvtColor(matdraw, matdraw, ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR); } // Cv2.DrawContours(matdraw, coso.contornosRecuadrables.Select(c => c.padre.contorno.Select(p => p * escala)), -1, ProcesarRecuadros.ColEscalarVerde); // Cv2.DrawContours(matdraw, coso.contornosRecuadrables.Select(c => c.contorno.Select(p => p * escala)), -1, ProcesarRecuadros.ColEscalarAzul); foreach (var rec in coso.recuadros) { // rec.DibujarDebug(matdraw, ColEscalarRojo, escala); // var rect = Cv2.MinAreaRect(rec.contornoOriginal); // Cv2.Polylines(matdraw, new[] { rect.Points().Select(e => new Point(e.X, e.Y)) }, true, ColEscalarRojo, 3); } var textura = new Texture2D(matdraw.Width, matdraw.Height); textura.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor; OCVUnity.MatToTexture(matdraw, textura); coso.rawImgPrueba.texture = textura; coso.rawImgPrueba.SetNativeSize(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); DrawDefaultInspector(); // EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(coso.Recuadros == null); // if (verRecs = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(verRecs && coso.Recuadros != null, "Ver Recuadros")) // { // foreach (var rec in coso.Recuadros) // { // GUILayout.Label($"{rec.indiceContorno} - {rec.escalaContornos.X}x{rec.escalaContornos.Y}\n{rec.anchoSupuesto}x{rec.altoSupuesto}"); // } // } // EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); }
private void MatToImage(Mat mat, RawImage image, ref Texture2D texture) { if (mat == null) { return; } texture = CvUnity.MatToTexture(mat, texture); if (image.texture != texture) { image.texture = texture; image.GetComponent <AspectRatioFitter>().aspectRatio = (float)texture.width / texture.height; } }
public void Extraer() { if (recuadros == null && (recuadros = FindObjectOfType <EncontrarRecuadros>()) == null) { return; } if (recuadros.recuadros.Count == 0) { return; } ClearTexturas(); Point[][] contornos = recuadros.contornos; HierarchyIndex[] jerarquias = recuadros.jerarquiaContornos; Recuadro recuadro = recuadros.recuadros[indiceRecuadroSel % recuadros.recuadros.Count]; HierarchyIndex jerarquia = jerarquias[recuadro.indiceContorno]; Mat matUmbral = recuadros.matUmbralEscalado.Clone(); Cv2.Dilate(matUmbral, matUmbral, new Mat(), null, 3); Cv2.Erode(matUmbral, matUmbral, new Mat(), null, 2); Cv2.CvtColor(matUmbral, matUmbral, ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR); List <int> hijosDirectos = new List <int>(); int hijo = jerarquia.Child; while (hijo != -1) { if (contornos[hijo].Length > 1) { hijosDirectos.Add(hijo); } hijo = jerarquias[hijo].Next; } Debug.Log(hijosDirectos.Aggregate("", (s, e) => $"{e}({contornos[e].Length})-{s}")); foreach (var i in hijosDirectos) { Cv2.DrawContours(matUmbral, contornos, i, colRojo); Cv2.Polylines(matUmbral, new Point[][] { Cv2.ConvexHull(contornos[i]) }, true, colVerde); } var texturaObjetos = OCVUnity.MatToTexture(matUmbral, GenerarTextura(matUmbral.Width, matUmbral.Height)); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var coso = target as ExtraerSprites; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var rawImgPrueba = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Salida De Prueba", coso.rawImgPrueba, typeof(UnityEngine.UI.RawImage), true) as UnityEngine.UI.RawImage; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(coso, "Coso"); coso.rawImgPrueba = rawImgPrueba; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!coso.rawImgPrueba || coso.rawImgPrueba.gameObject.scene.rootCount == 0); { mostrarAlfa = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mostrar Alfa", mostrarAlfa); if (GUILayout.Button("Probar")) { coso.Extraer(); var matdraw = coso.matRecuadro; if (matdraw != null) { if (!mostrarAlfa) { matdraw = coso.procesarRecuadros.Recuadros[0].matRecuadroNormalizado.Clone(); //matdraw.SetTo(new Scalar(0)); for (int i = 0; i < coso.contornos.Count; i++) { Cv2.DrawContours(matdraw, coso.contornos.Select(c => c.contorno), i, Scalar.RandomColor(), 7); Cv2.Polylines(matdraw, new[] { coso.contornos[i].BoundingRect.ToArray() }, true, Scalar.RandomColor(), 5); } } var textura = new Texture2D(matdraw.Width, matdraw.Height); textura.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor; OCVUnity.MatToTexture(matdraw, textura); coso.rawImgPrueba.texture = textura; coso.rawImgPrueba.SetNativeSize(); } } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); DrawDefaultInspector(); }
private void UpdateImages() { if (backgroundMat == null) { return; } Mat cameraMat = CvUnity.TextureToMat(webCamTexture, webCamParams); if (cameraMat.Width > 512) { var size = new Size(512, (double)cameraMat.Height / cameraMat.Width * 512); cameraMat = cameraMat.Resize(size); } var width = cameraMat.Width - cameraOffset.left - cameraOffset.right; var height = cameraMat.Height - - cameraOffset.bottom; var posX = cameraOffset.left; var posY =; var cameraRect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(posX, posY, width, height); cameraMat = cameraMat.Clone(cameraRect); Mat trimBgMat = backgroundMat.Clone(cameraRect); Mat diffBgMat = cameraMat.Clone(); Cv2.Absdiff(diffBgMat, trimBgMat, diffBgMat); Mat grayscaleMat = new Mat(); Cv2.CvtColor(diffBgMat, grayscaleMat, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY); //Mat blurMat = new Mat(); //Cv2.GaussianBlur(grayscaleMat, blurMat, new Size(5, 5), 0); Mat maskMat = new Mat(); Cv2.Threshold(grayscaleMat, maskMat, maskThreshold, maskMaxVal, ThresholdTypes.BinaryInv); //Cv2.Threshold(blurMat, maskMat, maskThreshold, maskMaxVal, ThresholdTypes.BinaryInv); Mat dilateMat = maskMat.Dilate(new Mat(), null, smoothIterationCount); Mat erodeMat = dilateMat.Erode(new Mat(), null, smoothIterationCount); Mat outputMat = erodeMat.Clone(); float targetAspectRatio = (float)targetMat.Width / targetMat.Height; float outputAspectRatio = (float)erodeMat.Width / erodeMat.Height; if (targetMat.Height != outputMat.Height) { var rate = (double)targetMat.Height / outputMat.Height; var size = new Size(outputMat.Width * rate, outputMat.Height * rate); outputMat = outputMat.Resize(size); } var rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect((outputMat.Width - targetMat.Width) / 2, 0, targetMat.Width, targetMat.Height); Mat resizeMat = outputMat.Clone(rect); Mat diffMat = new Mat(); Cv2.Absdiff(targetMat, resizeMat, diffMat); Mat resultColorMat = new Mat(resizeMat.Rows, resizeMat.Cols, MatType.CV_8UC4); CountDiff(resizeMat, targetMat, resultColorMat); MatToImage(cameraMat, cameraImage, ref cameraTexture); //MatToImage(backgroundMat, backgroundImage, ref backgroundTexture); //MatToImage(resizeMat, outputImage, ref outputTexture); //MatToImage(diffMat, diffImage, ref diffTexture); MatToImage(resultColorMat, diffImage, ref diffTexture); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Mat mat = Unity.TextureToMat(this.texture); float[] results = new float[256]; float[,] grs = new float[mat.Height, mat.Width]; for (int yi = 0; yi < mat.Height; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < mat.Width; xi++) { Vec3b v = mat.At <Vec3b>(yi, xi); float gr = 0.2126f * v[2] + 0.7152f * v[1] + 0.0722f * v[0]; grs[yi, xi] = gr; } } for (int thi = 1; thi < 255; thi++) { int w0 = 0; int w1 = 0; float M0 = 0; float M1 = 0; foreach (float gr in grs) { if (gr < thi) { w0++; M0 += gr; } else { w1++; M1 += gr; } } Debug.Log(w0 + w1); float tmp0 = w0 == 0 ? 0 : M0 / w0; float tmp1 = w1 == 0 ? 0 : M1 / w1; results[thi] = ((float)w0 / (mat.Height * mat.Width)) * ((float)w1 / (mat.Height * mat.Width)) * Mathf.Pow(tmp0 - tmp1, 2); } int z = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++) { if (results[i] > results[z]) { z = i; } } for (int yi = 0; yi < mat.Height; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < mat.Width; xi++) { if (grs[yi, xi] < z) { Vec3b v = new Vec3b(); v[0] = (byte)0; v[1] = (byte)0; v[2] = (byte)0; mat.Set <Vec3b>(yi, xi, v); } else { Vec3b v = new Vec3b(); v[0] = (byte)255; v[1] = (byte)255; v[2] = (byte)255; mat.Set <Vec3b>(yi, xi, v); } } } Texture2D changedTex = Unity.MatToTexture(mat); GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = changedTex; }
//OpenCVを使用して、座標を求める。 void OpenCVTexture(Texture2D texture) { Mat newMat = Unity.TextureToMat(texture); //画像をCv2.Equalsで変化があるかグローバルのoldMatと比較して検知しようとしたが、できなかった。 //Convert image to grayscale Mat imgGray = new Mat(); Cv2.CvtColor(newMat, imgGray, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY); //Debug.Log(Cv2.Equals(imgGray, imgGray)); // Clean up image using Gaussian Blur Mat imgGrayBlur = new Mat(); Cv2.GaussianBlur(imgGray, imgGrayBlur, new Size(5, 5), 0); //Extract edges Mat cannyEdges = new Mat(); Cv2.Canny(imgGrayBlur, cannyEdges, 10.0, 70.0); //Do an invert binarize the image Mat mask = new Mat(); Cv2.Threshold(cannyEdges, mask, 70.0, 255.0, ThresholdTypes.BinaryInv); // Extract Contours Point[][] contours; //特徴点が格納される変数。 HierarchyIndex[] hierarchy; //特徴点の階層が格納される。 Cv2.FindContours(cannyEdges, out contours, out hierarchy, RetrievalModes.Tree, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple, null); //特徴点を検出する。 PointChangeNumSendUDP(contours); //Pointが変化しなければ送信を実装しようとしている途中。 //StartCoroutine(udpSendCoroutine(contours)); //輪郭描画 int width = (int)transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x; int height = (int)transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y; Mat Contours = new Mat(width, height, MatType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0)); //初期値として黒い画面を作成する。 Cv2.DrawContours(Contours, contours, -1, new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 255), 1); //MatにCountours(特徴点)を描画する。 Texture2D changedTex = Unity.MatToTexture(Contours); //MatをTexture2Dへ変更 GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = changedTex; //RaxImageにTexture2Dを書き込み。 //MatをDisposeする。 newMat.Dispose(); imgGray.Dispose(); imgGrayBlur.Dispose(); cannyEdges.Dispose(); mask.Dispose(); Contours.Dispose(); //TextureをDestryしないとメモリーリークを送りました。 MonoBehaviour.Destroy(texture); if (changedTex != oldChangedTex) { MonoBehaviour.Destroy(oldChangedTex); oldChangedTex = changedTex; } }