Dilate() public static method

Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
public static Dilate ( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray element, System.Point anchor = null, int iterations = 1, BorderTypes borderType = BorderTypes.Constant, Scalar borderValue = null ) : void
src InputArray The source image
dst OutputArray The destination image. It will have the same size and the same type as src
element InputArray The structuring element used for dilation. If element=new Mat() , a 3x3 rectangular structuring element is used
anchor System.Point Position of the anchor within the element. The default value (-1, -1) means that the anchor is at the element center
iterations int The number of times dilation is applied. [By default this is 1]
borderType BorderTypes The pixel extrapolation method. [By default this is BorderType.Constant]
borderValue Scalar The border value in case of a constant border. The default value has a special meaning. [By default this is CvCpp.MorphologyDefaultBorderValue()]
return void
コード例 #1
ファイル: ImageEngine.cs プロジェクト: ultranoobian/Rosetta
        public static int ExtractTables(Image img)
            //Delete this after
            Bitmap bit;

            List <Rectangle> AreasOfInterest = new List <Rectangle>();
            Bitmap           bitmap          = (Bitmap)img;

            Mat srcImg = OCS.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToMat(bitmap);

            if (srcImg.Data == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Image has nothing?");

            //Resize into smaller size
            Mat rsz = new Mat();

            OpenCvSharp.Size size = new OpenCvSharp.Size(4000, 2828);
            Cv2.Resize(srcImg, rsz, size);

            // Convert to greyscale if it has more than one channel
            // else just leave it alone
            Mat grey = new Mat();

            Cv2.CvtColor(rsz, grey, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            Cv2.ImShow("grey", grey);

            //Apply adaptive thresholding to get negative
            Mat bw = new Mat();
            Cv2.AdaptiveThreshold(~grey, bw, 255, AdaptiveThresholdTypes.MeanC, ThresholdTypes.Binary, 15, -2);
            bit = OCS.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(bw);
            bit.Save("bw.tiff", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff);

            // Create two new masks cloned from bw.

            Mat horizontal = bw.Clone();
            Mat vertical   = bw.Clone();

            // adjust this for number of lines
            int scale = 10;


            // Specify size on horizontal axis
            int horizontalsize = horizontal.Cols / scale;

            // Create structure element for extracting horizontal lines through morphology operations
            //Mat horizontalStructure = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(horizontalsize, 1));
            Mat horizontalStructure = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Rect, new OCS.Size(horizontalsize, 1));

            // Apply morphology operations
            //erode(horizontal, horizontal, horizontalStructure, Point(-1, -1));
            Cv2.Erode(horizontal, horizontal, horizontalStructure, new OCS.Point(-1, -1));
            //dilate(horizontal, horizontal, horizontalStructure, Point(-1, -1));
            Cv2.Dilate(horizontal, horizontal, horizontalStructure, new OCS.Point(-1, -1));

            //    dilate(horizontal, horizontal, horizontalStructure, Point(-1, -1)); // expand horizontal lines

            // Show extracted horizontal lines
            Cv2.ImShow("horizontal", horizontal);
            bit = OCS.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(horizontal);
            bit.Save("horizontal.tiff", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff);

            // Specify size on vertical axis
            int verticalsize = vertical.Rows / scale;

            // Create structure element for extracting vertical lines through morphology operations
            //Mat verticalStructure = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(1, verticalsize));
            Mat verticalStructure = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Rect, new OCS.Size(1, verticalsize));

            // Apply morphology operations
            //erode(vertical, vertical, verticalStructure, Point(-1, -1));
            Cv2.Erode(vertical, vertical, verticalStructure, new OCS.Point(-1, -1));
            //dilate(vertical, vertical, verticalStructure, Point(-1, -1));
            Cv2.Dilate(vertical, vertical, verticalStructure, new OCS.Point(-1, -1));

            // Show extracted vertical lines
            Cv2.ImShow("vertical", vertical);
            bit = OCS.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(vertical);
            bit.Save("vertical.tiff", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff);

            // create a mask which includes the tables
            Mat mask = horizontal + vertical;
            Cv2.ImShow("mask", mask);

            // find the joints between the lines of the tables, we will use this information in order to descriminate tables from pictures (tables will contain more than 4 joints while a picture only 4 (i.e. at the corners))
            Mat joints = new Mat();
            //bitwise_and(horizontal, vertical, joints);
            Cv2.BitwiseAnd(horizontal, vertical, joints);

            //Cv2.ImShow("joints", joints);
            bit = OCS.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(joints);
            bit.Save("joints.tiff", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff);
            Cv2.ImShow("a", joints);


            // Find external contours from the mask, which most probably will belong to tables or to images
            //vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
            //std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
            OCS.HierarchyIndex[] hierarchy;
            //List<List<OCS.Point>> contours = new List<List<OCS.Point>>;
            OCS.Point[][] contours;
            //cv::findContours(mask, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0));
            Cv2.FindContours(mask, out contours, out hierarchy, OCS.RetrievalModes.External, OCS.ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple, new OCS.Point(0, 0));

            //////vector<vector<Point>> contours_poly(contours.size() );
            //////vector<Rect> boundRect(contours.size() );
            //////vector<Mat> rois;
            List <List <OCS.Point> > contours_poly = new List <List <OCS.Point> >(contours.Length);
            List <OCS.Rect>          boundRect     = new List <OCS.Rect>(contours.Length);
            List <Mat> rois = new List <Mat>();

            ////for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
            ////    // find the area of each contour
            ////    double area = contourArea(contours[i]);
            ////    //        // filter individual lines of blobs that might exist and they do not represent a table
            ////    if (area < 100) // value is randomly chosen, you will need to find that by yourself with trial and error procedure
            ////        continue;
            ////    approxPolyDP(Mat(contours[i]), contours_poly[i], 3, true);
            ////    boundRect[i] = boundingRect(Mat(contours_poly[i]));
            ////    // find the number of joints that each table has
            ////    Mat roi = joints(boundRect[i]);
            ////    vector<vector<Point>> joints_contours;
            ////    findContours(roi, joints_contours, RETR_CCOMP, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
            ////    // if the number is not more than 5 then most likely it not a table
            ////    if (joints_contours.size() <= 4)
            ////        continue;
            ////    rois.push_back(rsz(boundRect[i]).clone());
            ////    //drawContours( rsz, contours, i, Scalar(0, 0, 255), CV_FILLED, 8, vector<Vec4i>(), 0, Point() );
            ////    rectangle(rsz, boundRect[i].tl(), boundRect[i].br(), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, 8, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Length; i++)
                double area = Cv2.ContourArea(contours[i]);
                if (area < 100.0)
                    // Skip because its not likely such a small area is a cell
                // contours_poly is null at runtime. so we create a new entry and exit array
                contours_poly.Add(new List <OCS.Point>());
                OutputArray contour_poly_output = OutputArray.Create(contours_poly[i]);

                InputArray contour_poly_input = InputArray.Create(contours[i]);
                Cv2.ApproxPolyDP(InputArray.Create(contours[i]), contour_poly_output, 0.0, true);
                Rect boundingRect = Cv2.BoundingRect(InputArray.Create(contours_poly[i]));
                //boundRect[i] = Cv2.BoundingRect(InputArray.Create(contours_poly[i]));
                //OCS.Mat roi = Cv2.joints()
            Cv2.NamedWindow("Output", WindowMode.KeepRatio);
            Cv2.Rectangle(rsz, boundRect.ElementAt(0), Scalar.Red, 10);
            Cv2.ImShow("Output", rsz);
            ////for (size_t i = 0; i < rois.size(); ++i)
            ////    /* Now you can do whatever post process you want
            ////     * with the data within the rectangles/tables. */
            ////    imshow("roi", rois[i]);
            ////    waitKey();
