// unregister textures private static void UnregisterTextures() { for (int i = 0; i < Characters.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Characters[i].Length; j++) { TextureManager.UnregisterTexture(ref Characters[i][j].Texture); } } }
internal static void keyDownEvent(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { double speedModified = (ShiftPressed ? 2.0 : 1.0) * (ControlPressed ? 4.0 : 1.0) * (AltPressed ? 8.0 : 1.0); switch (e.Key) { case Key.ShiftLeft: case Key.ShiftRight: ShiftPressed = true; break; case Key.ControlLeft: case Key.ControlRight: ControlPressed = true; break; case Key.LAlt: case Key.RAlt: AltPressed = true; break; case Key.F5: if (CurrentRoute != null && CurrentlyLoading == false) { CurrentlyLoading = true; Renderer.OptionInterface = false; if (!Interface.CurrentOptions.LoadingBackground) { Renderer.RenderScene(0.0); currentGameWindow.SwapBuffers(); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Renderer.ScreenWidth, Renderer.ScreenHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); BitmapData bData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bitmap.PixelFormat); GL.ReadPixels(0, 0, Renderer.ScreenWidth, Renderer.ScreenHeight, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, bData.Scan0); bitmap.UnlockBits(bData); bitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY); Renderer.TextureLoadingBkg = TextureManager.RegisterTexture(bitmap, false); bitmap.Dispose(); } World.CameraAlignment a = World.CameraCurrentAlignment; if (LoadRoute()) { World.CameraCurrentAlignment = a; TrackManager.UpdateTrackFollower(ref World.CameraTrackFollower, -1.0, true, false); TrackManager.UpdateTrackFollower(ref World.CameraTrackFollower, a.TrackPosition, true, false); World.CameraAlignmentDirection = new World.CameraAlignment(); World.CameraAlignmentSpeed = new World.CameraAlignment(); ObjectManager.UpdateVisibility(a.TrackPosition, true); ObjectManager.UpdateAnimatedWorldObjects(0.0, true); } CurrentlyLoading = false; Renderer.OptionInterface = true; TextureManager.UnregisterTexture(ref Renderer.TextureLoadingBkg); } break; case Key.F7: if (CurrentlyLoading == true) { break; } OpenFileDialog Dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); Dialog.CheckFileExists = true; Dialog.Filter = "CSV/RW files|*.csv;*.rw|All files|*"; if (Dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Application.DoEvents(); CurrentlyLoading = true; CurrentRoute = Dialog.FileName; LoadRoute(); ObjectManager.UpdateAnimatedWorldObjects(0.0, true); CurrentlyLoading = false; UpdateCaption(); } else { if (Program.CurrentlyRunOnMono) { //HACK: Dialog doesn't close properly when pressing the ESC key under Mono //Avoid calling Application.DoEvents() unless absolutely necessary though! Application.DoEvents(); } } Dialog.Dispose(); break; case Key.F8: if (Program.CurrentlyLoading == true) { //Don't allow the user to update the settings during loading, bad idea.... break; } if (formOptions.ShowOptions() == DialogResult.OK) { UpdateGraphicsSettings(); } Application.DoEvents(); break; case Key.F9: if (Interface.MessageCount != 0) { formMessages.ShowMessages(); Application.DoEvents(); } break; case Key.F10: Renderer.RenderStatsOverlay = !Renderer.RenderStatsOverlay; break; case Key.A: case Key.Keypad4: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Position.X = -World.CameraExteriorTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.D: case Key.Keypad6: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Position.X = World.CameraExteriorTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Keypad2: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Position.Y = -World.CameraExteriorTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Keypad8: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Position.Y = World.CameraExteriorTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.W: case Key.Keypad9: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.TrackPosition = World.CameraExteriorTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.S: case Key.Keypad3: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.TrackPosition = -World.CameraExteriorTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Left: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Yaw = -World.CameraExteriorTopAngularSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Right: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Yaw = World.CameraExteriorTopAngularSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Up: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Pitch = World.CameraExteriorTopAngularSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Down: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Pitch = -World.CameraExteriorTopAngularSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.KeypadDivide: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Roll = -World.CameraExteriorTopAngularSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.KeypadMultiply: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Roll = World.CameraExteriorTopAngularSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Keypad0: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Zoom = World.CameraZoomTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.KeypadPeriod: World.CameraAlignmentDirection.Zoom = -World.CameraZoomTopSpeed * speedModified; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Keypad1: Game.ApplyPointOfInterest(-1, true); CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Keypad7: Game.ApplyPointOfInterest(1, true); CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.PageUp: JumpToStation(1); CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.PageDown: JumpToStation(-1); CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Keypad5: World.CameraCurrentAlignment.Yaw = 0.0; World.CameraCurrentAlignment.Pitch = 0.0; World.CameraCurrentAlignment.Roll = 0.0; World.CameraCurrentAlignment.Position = new Vector3(0.0, 2.5, 0.0); World.CameraCurrentAlignment.Zoom = 0.0; World.CameraAlignmentDirection = new World.CameraAlignment(); World.CameraAlignmentSpeed = new World.CameraAlignment(); World.VerticalViewingAngle = World.OriginalVerticalViewingAngle; UpdateViewport(); World.UpdateAbsoluteCamera(0.0); World.UpdateViewingDistances(); CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.F: Renderer.OptionWireframe = !Renderer.OptionWireframe; CpuReducedMode = false; if (Renderer.OptionWireframe) { GL.PolygonMode(MaterialFace.FrontAndBack, PolygonMode.Line); } else { GL.PolygonMode(MaterialFace.FrontAndBack, PolygonMode.Fill); } break; case Key.N: Renderer.OptionNormals = !Renderer.OptionNormals; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.E: Renderer.OptionEvents = !Renderer.OptionEvents; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.C: CpuAutomaticMode = !CpuAutomaticMode; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.I: Renderer.OptionInterface = !Renderer.OptionInterface; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.M: //SoundManager.Mute = !SoundManager.Mute; break; case Key.Plus: case Key.KeypadPlus: if (!JumpToPositionEnabled) { JumpToPositionEnabled = true; JumpToPositionValue = "+"; CpuReducedMode = false; } break; case Key.Minus: case Key.KeypadMinus: if (!JumpToPositionEnabled) { JumpToPositionEnabled = true; JumpToPositionValue = "-"; CpuReducedMode = false; } break; case Key.Number0: case Key.Number1: case Key.Number2: case Key.Number3: case Key.Number4: case Key.Number5: case Key.Number6: case Key.Number7: case Key.Number8: case Key.Number9: if (!JumpToPositionEnabled) { JumpToPositionEnabled = true; JumpToPositionValue = string.Empty; } JumpToPositionValue += char.ConvertFromUtf32(48 + e.Key - Key.Number0); CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Period: if (!JumpToPositionEnabled) { JumpToPositionEnabled = true; JumpToPositionValue = "0."; } else if (JumpToPositionValue.IndexOf('.') == -1) { JumpToPositionValue += "."; } CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.BackSpace: if (JumpToPositionEnabled && JumpToPositionValue.Length != 0) { JumpToPositionValue = JumpToPositionValue.Substring(0, JumpToPositionValue.Length - 1); CpuReducedMode = false; } break; case Key.Enter: if (JumpToPositionEnabled) { if (JumpToPositionValue.Length != 0) { int direction; if (JumpToPositionValue[0] == '-') { JumpToPositionValue = JumpToPositionValue.Substring(1); direction = -1; } else if (JumpToPositionValue[0] == '+') { JumpToPositionValue = JumpToPositionValue.Substring(1); direction = 1; } else { direction = 0; } double value; if (double.TryParse(JumpToPositionValue, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value)) { if (value < TrackManager.CurrentTrack.Elements[TrackManager.CurrentTrack.Elements.Length - 1].StartingTrackPosition + 100 && value > MinimumJumpToPositionValue - 100) { if (direction != 0) { value = World.CameraTrackFollower.TrackPosition + (double)direction * value; } TrackManager.UpdateTrackFollower(ref World.CameraTrackFollower, value, true, false); World.CameraCurrentAlignment.TrackPosition = value; World.UpdateAbsoluteCamera(0.0); World.UpdateViewingDistances(); } } } } JumpToPositionEnabled = false; CpuReducedMode = false; break; case Key.Escape: JumpToPositionEnabled = false; CpuReducedMode = false; break; } }