コード例 #1
        public void testCreateMappings()
            // Create the root instance
            Mappings root = new Mappings();
            // Create the default set of universal mappings
            Mappings defaults = new Mappings( root, "Default" );
            root.AddChild( defaults );

            // Create an ObjectMapping for StudentPersonal
            ObjectMapping studentMappings = new ObjectMapping( "StudentPersonal" );
            defaults.AddRules( studentMappings );
            // Add field rules
            studentMappings.AddRule( new FieldMapping( "FIRSTNAME",
                                                       "Name[@Type='04']/FirstName" ) );
            studentMappings.AddRule( new FieldMapping( "LASTNAME",
                                                       "Name[@Type='04']/LastName" ) );

            // Create a set of mappings for the state of Wisconsin
            Mappings wisconsin = new Mappings( defaults, "Wisconsin" );
            defaults.AddChild( wisconsin );
            // Create a set of mappings for the Neillsville School District
            Mappings neillsville = new Mappings( wisconsin, "Neillsville" );

            wisconsin.AddChild( neillsville );

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument( );
            doc.LoadXml( "<agent/>");

            XmlElement n = root.ToDom( doc );
            debug( doc );
コード例 #2
  * @param mappings
  * @param direction
  * @param version
  * @param elementType
 private MappingsContext(
     Mappings mappings,
     MappingDirection direction,
     SifVersion version,
     IElementDef elementType)
     fMappings = mappings;
     fDirection = direction;
     fSIFVersion = version;
     fElementDef = elementType;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ValueSet.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
        public virtual ValueSet Copy( Mappings newParent )
            ValueSet copy = new ValueSet( fId, fTitle );
            if ( fNode != null && newParent.fNode != null )
                XmlElement newNode = (XmlElement) newParent.fNode.OwnerDocument.ImportNode( fNode, true );
                newParent.fNode.AppendChild( newNode );
                copy.fNode = newNode;

            //	Copy the ValueSetEntry's
            ValueSetEntry[] entries = Entries;
            for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++ )
                copy.Define( entries[i].Name, entries[i].Value, entries[i].Title );

            if (fDefaultAppEntry != null)
                copy.SetAppDefault(fDefaultAppEntry.Name, fRenderAppDefaultIfNull);
            if (fDefaultSifEntry != null)
                copy.SetSifDefault(fDefaultSifEntry.Value, fRenderSifDefaultIfNull);

            return copy;
コード例 #4
        private Mappings buildMappings1()
            // root
            Mappings root = new Mappings();

            // root.Default
            Mappings defaults = new Mappings( root, "Default", null, null, null );
            root.AddChild( defaults );

            // root.Default.StudentPersonal
            ObjectMapping studentMappings = new ObjectMapping( "StudentPersonal" );
            defaults.AddRules( studentMappings );
            studentMappings.AddRule( new FieldMapping( "REFID", "@RefId" ) );

            // root.Default.MA
            Mappings massachusetts = new Mappings( defaults, "MA", null, null, null );
            defaults.AddChild( massachusetts );

            // root.Default.MA.StudentPersonal
            studentMappings = new ObjectMapping( "StudentPersonal" );
            massachusetts.AddRules( studentMappings );
            studentMappings.AddRule( new FieldMapping( "LOCALID", "LocalId" ) );
            studentMappings.AddRule( new FieldMapping( "FIRSTNAME",
                                                       "Name[@Type='01']/FirstName" ) );
            studentMappings.AddRule( new FieldMapping( "LASTNAME",
                                                       "Name[@Type='01']/LastName" ) );

            // root.Default.MA.Boston
            Mappings boston = new Mappings( massachusetts, "Boston", null, "Boston",
                                            null );
            massachusetts.AddChild( boston );

            // root.Default.MA.Boston.StudentPersonal
            studentMappings = new ObjectMapping( "StudentPersonal" );
            boston.AddRules( studentMappings );
            studentMappings.AddRule( new FieldMapping( "BIRTHDAY",
                                                       "Demographics/BirthDate" ) );

            return root;
コード例 #5
 private void dumpMappings( Mappings root )
     string line = root.Id + " (" + root.ChildCount + ") v="
                   + root.SIFVersionFilterString + " s="
                   + root.SourceIdFilterString + " z="
                   + root.ZoneIdFilterString;
     logger.Debug( INDENT.Substring( 0, indent ) + line );
     indent += 2;
     foreach ( Mappings child in root.Children )
         dumpMappings( child );
     indent -= 2;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
        /// <summary> 	Create a Mappings child </summary>
        public Mappings CreateChild(string id)
            Mappings m = new Mappings(this, id);

                if (fNode != null)
                    m.fNode = m.ToDom(fNode.OwnerDocument);
            catch (Exception se)
                throw new AdkMappingException(se.Message, null, se);


            return m;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
        /// <summary>  Creates a copy of this Mappings object and adds the copy as a child of
        /// the specified parent. Note the root Mappings container cannot be copied. 
        /// If this method is called on the root an exception is raised.
        /// This method performs a "deep copy", such that a copy is made of each 
        /// child Mappings, ObjectMapping, FieldMapping, ValueSet, and Property 
        /// instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newParent">The parent Mappings instance
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> A "deep copy" of this root Mappings object
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="OpenADK.Library.Tools.Mapping.AdkMappingException"> AdkMappingException thrown if this method is not called on the
        /// root Mappings container
        /// </exception>
        public Mappings Copy(Mappings newParent)
            if (IsRoot())
                throw new AdkMappingException
                    ("Mappings.copy cannot be called on the root Mappings container", null);

            //	Create a new Mappings instance
            Mappings m = new Mappings(newParent, fId);

            //	Copy the DOM XmlElement if there is one
            if (fNode != null && newParent.fNode != null)
                m.fNode = (XmlElement) newParent.fNode.OwnerDocument.ImportNode( fNode, false );
             newParent.AddChild( m );

            //	Copy the filters

            //  Copy all Mappings children
            if (fChildren != null)
                foreach (string key in fChildren.Keys)
                    Mappings ch = fChildren[key];

            //  Copy all ObjectMapping children
            if (fObjRules != null)
                foreach (string key in fObjRules.Keys)
                    ObjectMapping ch = fObjRules[key];
                    ObjectMapping copy = ch.Copy(m);
                    m.AddRules(copy, false);
                    //				if( m.fNode != null )
                    //					m.fNode.AppendChild( copy.fNode );

            //  Copy fValueSets
            if (fValueSets != null)
                foreach (string key in fValueSets.Keys)
                    ValueSet vs = fValueSets[key];

            //	Copy properties
            if (fProps != null)
                foreach (string key in fProps.Keys)
                    string val = fProps[key];
                    m.SetProperty(key, val);

            return m;
コード例 #8
         * Returns a new mappings root, with the passed-in Mappings copied into it
         * as a child, obtained by using the Mappings.copy() method
         * @param mappingSet
         *            The set of mappings to be copied into the new root
         * @return
        private Mappings getCopy( Mappings mappingSet )
            XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();
            dom.LoadXml( "<mappings/>" );
            Mappings newRoot = new Mappings();
            newRoot.XmlElement = dom.DocumentElement;
            mappingSet.Copy( newRoot );

            debug( dom );

            return newRoot;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>  Creates a copy this ObjectMapping instance.
        /// This method performs a "deep copy", such that a clone is made of each 
        /// child FieldMapping. The parent of the new ObjectMapping will be the 
        /// Mappings object passed to this function. Any DOM Nodes assigned to this
        /// object or its children are cloned and appended to the parent Mappings's
        /// DOM XmlElement if one exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> A "deep copy" of this object
        /// </returns>
        public ObjectMapping Copy(Mappings newParent)
            //	Create a new ObjectMapping instance
            ObjectMapping m = new ObjectMapping(fObjType);

            //  Copy the DOM XmlElement
            if (fNode != null)
                if (newParent.fNode != null)
                    XmlElement newNode = (XmlElement) newParent.fNode.OwnerDocument.ImportNode( fNode, false );
                    newParent.fNode.AppendChild( newNode );
                    m.fNode = newNode;

            //  Copy fFieldRules
            if (fFieldRules != null)
                if (m.fFieldRules == null)
                    m.fFieldRules = new List<FieldMapping>();

                for (int i = 0; i < fFieldRules.Count; i++)
                    FieldMapping copy = (fFieldRules[i]).Copy(m);

            return m;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
 /// <summary>  Constructs a child Mappings object with optional filters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The root Mappings object
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="id">A unique identifier for this Mappings object
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="sourceIdFilter">A comma-delimited list of SourceIds or null if no
 /// SourceId filter should be applied to this Mappings object
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="zoneIdFilter">A comma-delimited list of ZoneIds or null if no
 /// SourceId filter should be applied to this Mappings object
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="sifVersionFilter">A comma-delimited list of SIF Versions, in the
 /// form "1.0r1", or null if no SIF Version filter should be applied to
 /// this Mappings object
 /// </param>
 public Mappings(Mappings parent,
                 string id,
                 string sourceIdFilter,
                 string zoneIdFilter,
                 string sifVersionFilter)
     fParent = parent;
     fId = id;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
 /// <summary>  Recursively adds all children of the Mappings to the supplied Vector</summary>
 private void GroupDescendents(Mappings m,
                               List<Mappings> v)
     if (m.fChildren != null)
         foreach (Mappings ch in m.fChildren.Values)
             GroupDescendents(ch, v);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
 /// <summary>  Constructs a child Mappings object with no filters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent Mappings object
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="id">A unique string ID for this Mappings object
 /// </param>
 public Mappings(Mappings parent,
                 string id)
     : this(parent, id, null, null, null)
コード例 #13
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
        protected internal void Populate(XmlElement node,
                                         Mappings parent)
            // TODO: We should probably be using a GetElementsby name query here
            // I think the java implementation might have been doing a recursive search here
            foreach (XmlElement n in new XmlUtils.XmlElementEnumerator(node))
                if (n.Name.ToUpper() == XML_MAPPINGS.ToUpper())
                    //  Get the ID
                    string id = n.GetAttribute("id");

                    //  Create a new child Mappings object
                    Mappings mappings = new Mappings(parent, id);
                    mappings.XmlElement = n;
                    if (parent.fChildren == null)
                        parent.fChildren = new Dictionary<String, Mappings>();
                    parent.fChildren[mappings.Id] = mappings;

                    //  Set a SifVersion filter if present
                    string ver = n.GetAttribute("sifVersion");
                    if (ver.Trim().Length > 0)

                    //  Set a ZoneId filter if present
                    string zoneIds = n.GetAttribute("zoneId");
                    if (zoneIds.Trim().Length > 0)

                    //  Set a SourceId filter if present
                    string sourceIds = n.GetAttribute("sourceId");
                    if (sourceIds.Trim().Length > 0)

                    //  Populate the Mappings object with rules
                    Populate(n, mappings);
                    if (n.Name.ToUpper() == XML_OBJECT.ToUpper())
                        if (n.ParentNode.Name == XML_MAPPINGS)
                            string obj = n.GetAttribute(XML_OBJECT);
                            if (obj == null)
                                throw new AdkConfigException
                                    ("<object> element must have an object attribute");

                            ObjectMapping om = new ObjectMapping(obj);
                            om.XmlElement = n;
                            parent.AddRules(om, false);
                            PopulateObject(n, om);
                        if (n.Name.ToUpper() == "PROPERTY")
                            if (n.ParentNode.Name == XML_MAPPINGS)
                            if (n.Name.ToUpper() == "VALUESET")
                                if (n.ParentNode.Name == XML_MAPPINGS)
                                    ValueSet set_Renamed =
                                        new ValueSet
                                            (n.GetAttribute("id"), n.GetAttribute("title"), n);
                                    PopulateValueSet(n, set_Renamed);
                                Populate(n, parent);
コード例 #14
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
 /// <summary>  Removes a Mappings child</summary>
 public void RemoveChild(Mappings m)
     if (fChildren != null)
     //	If there is a DOM XmlElement associated with this Mappings, and the new child
     //	also has a XmlElement, detatch it
     if (fNode != null && m.fNode != null)
コード例 #15
         * Returns a new mappings root, with the passed-in Mappings copied into it
         * as a child, obtained by using the Mappings.copy() method
         * @param root
         *            The set of mappings to be copied into the new root
         * @return
        private Mappings getCopyFromDOM( Mappings mappingSet )
            XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();
            dom.LoadXml( "<agent/>" );
            XmlNode mappingsNode = dom.ImportNode( mappingSet.XmlElement, true );
            dom.DocumentElement.AppendChild( mappingsNode );

            Mappings newRoot = new Mappings();
            newRoot.Populate( dom, (XmlElement) mappingsNode );
            return newRoot;
コード例 #16
  * Creates a MappingsContext instance to handle a set of mappings operations using
  * the same parameters
  * @param m The mappings instance to use
  * @param direction The mappings direction
  * @param version The version of SIF to use for evaluating rule filters on field mappings
  * @param elementDef The ElementDef representing the object type being mapped
  * @return A new MappingsContext, initialized to map using the specified parameters
 public static MappingsContext Create(Mappings m, MappingDirection direction, SifVersion version,
                                      IElementDef elementDef)
     // Get the rules associated with the element type
     MappingsContext mc = new MappingsContext(m, direction, version, elementDef);
     ObjectMapping om = m.GetRules(elementDef.Name, true);
     return mc;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
            public Candidate(Mappings m)
                fMapping = m;

                //  The "restrictiveness" score is based on a count of all filters
                string[] f = m.GetZoneIdFilter();
                if (f != null)
                    restrictiveness += f.Length;
                f = m.GetSourceIdFilter();
                if (f != null)
                    restrictiveness += f.Length;
                SifVersion[] v = m.GetSIFVersionFilter();
                if (v != null)
                    restrictiveness += v.Length;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Mappings.cs プロジェクト: rafidzal/OpenADK-csharp
        /// <summary>  Adds a Mappings child</summary>
        public void AddChild(Mappings m)
            if (fChildren == null)
                fChildren = new Dictionary<String, Mappings>();

            fChildren[m.Id] = m;

            //	If there is a DOM XmlElement associated with this Mappings, and the new child
            //	also has a XmlElement, attach it
            if (fNode != null && m.fNode != null)
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>  Read a configuration file into memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The path to the configuration file
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="validate">true to validate the configuration file
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> A DOM Document encapsulating the configuration file. This
        /// object may also be obtained by calling <c>getDocument</c>
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">  thrown if an error occurs reading the file
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="AdkMappingException">  thrown if an error occurs parsing any
        /// <c>&lt;mappings&gt;</c> elements
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="AdkConfigException">  thrown if the configuration file fails
        /// to parse or is not valid when validation is turned on
        /// </exception>
        /// <seealso cref="Document">
        /// </seealso>
        public virtual XmlDocument Read( string file,
                                         bool validate )
            try {
                fSrc = new FileInfo( file );
                // TODO: Implement validation if the validate flag is true
                if ( validate ) {
                    throw new NotImplementedException
                        ( "Document validation is not yet implemented" );
                else {
                    fDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    fDoc.Load( fSrc.FullName );
            catch ( Exception ex ) {
                throw new AdkConfigException( ex.Message, ex );

            //  Build the Mappings object
            fMappings = new Mappings();
            fMappings.Populate( fDoc, RootNode );
            return fDoc;
コード例 #20
         * Asserts that the provided set of Mappings matches the one that was
         * created in createMappings();
        private void assertMappings( Mappings m )
            Mappings test = m.GetMappings( "Test" );
            Assertion.AssertNotNull( "Test mappings is not present", test );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Should have a single Object Mapping", 1, test.GetObjectMappings().Length );

            // TODO: Test the version and sourceId filters more carefully
             * Assertion.AssertEquals( "SifVersion attr should be empty", 0,
             * test.SifVersionFilter().Length ); Assertion.AssertEquals( "SourceId attr
             * should be empty", 0, test.SourceIdFilter().Length ); Assertion.AssertEquals(
             * "Zone attr should be empty", 0, test.ZoneIdFilter().Length );

            // assert the object mapping
            ObjectMapping om = test.GetObjectMapping( "StudentPersonal", false );
            Assertion.AssertNotNull( "StudentPersonal mappings", om );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "There should be five rules", 5, om.RuleCount );
            IList<FieldMapping> rules = om.GetRulesList( false );

            // Field 1
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD1 name", "FIELD1", rules[0].FieldName );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD1 rule", "Name/FirstName", rules[0].GetRule().ToString() );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD1 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullUnspecified, rules[0].NullBehavior );

            // Field 2
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD2 name", "FIELD2", rules[1].FieldName );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD2 rule", "Name/LastName", rules[1].GetRule().ToString() );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD2 valueset", "VS1", rules[1].ValueSetID );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD2 alias", "ALIAS1", rules[1].Alias );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD2 default", "DEFAULT1", rules[1].DefaultValue );
            MappingsFilter filter = rules[1].Filter;
            Assertion.AssertNotNull( "FIELD2 filter is null", filter );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "filter direction", MappingDirection.Inbound, filter
                                                                                      .Direction );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "filter sif version", "=" + SifVersion.SIF11.ToString(),
                                    filter.SifVersion );

            // Field 3
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD3 name", "FIELD3", rules[2].FieldName );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD3 rule", "Name/MiddleName", rules[2].GetRule().ToString() );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD3 valueset", "VS2", rules[2].ValueSetID );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD3 alias", "ALIAS2", rules[2].Alias );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD3 default", "DEFAULT2", rules[2].DefaultValue );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD3 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullDefault, rules[2].NullBehavior );
            MappingsFilter filter2 = rules[2].Filter;
            Assertion.AssertNotNull( "FIELD3 filter is null", filter2 );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "filter2 direction", MappingDirection.Outbound, filter2.Direction );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "filter2 sif version",
                                    "=" + SifVersion.SIF15r1.ToString(), filter2.SifVersion );

            // Field 4
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD4 name", "FIELD4", rules[3].FieldName );
            Assertion.AssertNull( "FIELD4 valueset", rules[3].ValueSetID );
            Assertion.AssertNull( "FIELD4 alias", rules[3].Alias );
            Assertion.AssertNull( "FIELD4 default", rules[3].DefaultValue );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD4 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullSuppress, rules[3].NullBehavior );
            Rule r = rules[3].GetRule();
            Assertion.Assert( "Rule should be OtherIdRule", r is OtherIdRule );

            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD5 name", "FIELD5", rules[4].FieldName );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "FIELD5 datatype", SifDataType.Date, rules[4]
                                                                             .DataType );

            // TODO: The OtherIdRule doesn't have an API to get at the
            // OtherIdMapping. For now, just
            // convert it to a string and assert the results
            String ruleStr = r.ToString();
            Assertion.Assert( "prefix should be BUSROUTE", ruleStr
                                                               .IndexOf( "prefix='BUSROUTE'" ) > 1 );
            Assertion.Assert( "type should be ZZ", ruleStr.IndexOf( "type='ZZ'" ) > 1 );

            ValueSet vs = test.GetValueSet( "VS1", false );
            Assertion.AssertNotNull( "ValueSet VS1 should not be null", vs );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "VS1 should have 12 entries", 12, vs.Entries.Length );
            for ( int a = 0; a < 10; a++ )
                Assertion.AssertEquals( "Mapping by appvalue", "SifValue" + a, vs.Translate( "Value" + a ) );
                Assertion.AssertEquals( "Mapping by sifvalue", "Value" + a, vs.TranslateReverse( "SifValue" + a ) );
            // Test the default value entries
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs.TranslateReverse( "abcdefg" ) );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs.TranslateReverse( null ) );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Expecting sif default value", "SifDefault", vs.Translate( "abcdefg" ) );
            Assertion.AssertNull( "Expecting NULL value", vs.Translate( null ) );

            vs = test.GetValueSet( "VS2", false );
            Assertion.AssertNotNull( "ValueSet VS2 should not be null", vs );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "VS2 should have 4 entries", 4, vs.Entries.Length );
            for ( int a = 0; a < 3; a++ )
                Assertion.AssertEquals( "Mapping by appvalue", "w" + a, vs.Translate( "q" + a ) );
                Assertion.AssertEquals( "Mapping by sifvalue", "q" + a, vs
                                                                            .TranslateReverse( "w" + a ) );
            // Test the default value entries
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs
                                                                                     .TranslateReverse( "abcdefg" ) );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs
                                                                                     .TranslateReverse( null ) );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Expecting sif default value", "0000", vs
                                                                               .Translate( "abcdefg" ) );
            Assertion.AssertEquals( "Expecting sif default value", "0000", vs.Translate( null ) );