コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Data node in the server which registers ourselves with IoT Hub when this node is written.
        /// </summary>
        public ServiceResult OnConnectionStringWrite(ISystemContext context, NodeState node, NumericRange indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, ref object value, ref StatusCode statusCode, ref DateTime timestamp)
            var connectionString = value as string;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString))
                Trace("ConnectionStringWrite: Invalid Argument!");
                return(ServiceResult.Create(StatusCodes.BadArgumentsMissing, "Please provide all arguments as strings!"));

            statusCode = StatusCodes.Bad;
            timestamp  = DateTime.Now;

            // read current connection string and compare to the one passed in
            string currentConnectionString = SecureIoTHubToken.Read(OpcConfiguration.ApplicationName, IotDeviceCertStoreType, IotDeviceCertStorePath);

            if (string.Equals(connectionString, currentConnectionString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Trace("ConnectionStringWrite: Connection string up to date!");
                return(ServiceResult.Create(StatusCodes.Bad, "Connection string already up-to-date!"));

            Trace($"ConnectionStringWrite: Attempting to configure publisher with connection string: {connectionString}");

            // configure publisher and write connection string
            catch (Exception e)
                statusCode = StatusCodes.Bad;
                Trace(e, $"ConnectionStringWrite: Exception while trying to create IoTHub client and store device connection string in cert store");
                return(ServiceResult.Create(StatusCodes.Bad, "Publisher registration failed: " + e.Message));

            statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
            Trace("ConnectionStringWrite: Success!");

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the communication with secrets and details for (batched) send process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Init(string iotHubOwnerConnectionString, uint maxSizeOfIoTHubMessageBytes, int defaultSendIntervalSeconds)
            _maxSizeOfIoTHubMessageBytes = maxSizeOfIoTHubMessageBytes;
            _defaultSendIntervalSeconds  = defaultSendIntervalSeconds;

                // check if we also received an owner connection string
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iotHubOwnerConnectionString))
                    Trace("IoT Hub owner connection string not passed as argument.");

                    // check if we have an environment variable to register ourselves with IoT Hub
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("_HUB_CS")))
                        iotHubOwnerConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("_HUB_CS");
                        Trace("IoT Hub owner connection string read from environment.");

                // register ourselves with IoT Hub
                string deviceConnectionString;
                Trace($"IoTHub device cert store type is: {IotDeviceCertStoreType}");
                Trace($"IoTHub device cert path is: {IotDeviceCertStorePath}");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iotHubOwnerConnectionString))
                    Trace("IoT Hub owner connection string not specified. Assume device connection string already in cert store.");
                    Trace($"Attempting to register ourselves with IoT Hub using owner connection string: {iotHubOwnerConnectionString}");
                    RegistryManager manager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(iotHubOwnerConnectionString);

                    // remove any existing device
                    Device existingDevice = manager.GetDeviceAsync(ApplicationName).Result;
                    if (existingDevice != null)
                        Trace($"Device '{ApplicationName}' found in IoTHub registry. Remove it.");

                    Trace($"Adding device '{ApplicationName}' to IoTHub registry.");
                    Device newDevice = manager.AddDeviceAsync(new Device(ApplicationName)).Result;
                    if (newDevice != null)
                        string hostname = iotHubOwnerConnectionString.Substring(0, iotHubOwnerConnectionString.IndexOf(";"));
                        deviceConnectionString = hostname + ";DeviceId=" + ApplicationName + ";SharedAccessKey=" + newDevice.Authentication.SymmetricKey.PrimaryKey;
                        Trace($"Device connection string is: {deviceConnectionString}");
                        Trace($"Adding it to device cert store.");
                        SecureIoTHubToken.Write(ApplicationName, deviceConnectionString, IotDeviceCertStoreType, IotDeviceCertStorePath);
                        Trace($"Could not register ourselves with IoT Hub using owner connection string: {iotHubOwnerConnectionString}");

                // try to read connection string from secure store and open IoTHub client
                Trace($"Attempting to read device connection string from cert store using subject name: {ApplicationName}");
                deviceConnectionString = SecureIoTHubToken.Read(ApplicationName, IotDeviceCertStoreType, IotDeviceCertStorePath);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionString))
                    Trace($"Create Publisher IoTHub client with device connection string: '{deviceConnectionString}' using '{IotHubProtocol}' for communication.");
                    _iotHubClient             = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(deviceConnectionString, IotHubProtocol);
                    _iotHubClient.RetryPolicy = RetryPolicyType.Exponential_Backoff_With_Jitter;
                    Trace("Device connection string not found in secure store. Could not connect to IoTHub.");

                // start up task to send telemetry to IoTHub.
                _dequeueAndSendTask = null;
                _tokenSource        = new CancellationTokenSource();

                Trace("Creating task to send OPC UA messages in batches to IoT Hub...");
                _dequeueAndSendTask = Task.Run(() => DeQueueMessagesAsync(_tokenSource.Token), _tokenSource.Token);
            catch (Exception e)
                Trace(e, "Error during IoTHub messaging initialization.");