コード例 #1
        public OpcPublisherFixture()
            // init publisher logging
            //LogLevel = "debug";
            LogLevel = "info";
            if (Logger == null)

            // init publisher application configuration
            AutoAcceptCerts = true;
            // mitigation for bug in .NET Core 2.1
            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                OpcOwnCertStoreType = CertificateStoreType.X509Store;
                OpcOwnCertStorePath = OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault;
            if (_opcApplicationConfiguration == null)
                _opcApplicationConfiguration = new OpcApplicationConfiguration();

            // configure hub communication
            HubCommunicationBase.DefaultSendIntervalSeconds = 0;
            HubCommunicationBase.HubMessageSize             = 0;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronous part of the main method of the app.
        /// </summary>
        public async static Task MainAsync(string[] args)
                var shouldShowHelp = false;

                // Shutdown token sources.
                ShutdownTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // detect the runtime environment. either we run standalone (native or containerized) or as IoT Edge module (containerized)
                // check if we have an environment variable containing an IoT Edge connectionstring, we run as IoT Edge module
                if (IsIotEdgeModule)
                    WriteLine("IoTEdge detected.");

                // command line options
                Mono.Options.OptionSet options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet {
                    // Publisher configuration options
                    { "pf|publishfile=", $"the filename to configure the nodes to publish.\nDefault: '{PublisherNodeConfigurationFilename}'", (string p) => PublisherNodeConfigurationFilename = p },
                    { "tc|telemetryconfigfile=", $"the filename to configure the ingested telemetry\nDefault: '{PublisherTelemetryConfigurationFilename}'", (string p) => PublisherTelemetryConfigurationFilename = p },
                    { "s|site=", $"the site OPC Publisher is working in. if specified this domain is appended (delimited by a ':' to the 'ApplicationURI' property when telemetry is sent to IoTHub.\n" +
                      "The value must follow the syntactical rules of a DNS hostname.\nDefault: not set", (string s) => {
                          Regex siteNameRegex = new Regex("^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$");
                          if (siteNameRegex.IsMatch(s))
                              PublisherSite = s;
                              throw new OptionException("The shopfloor site is not a valid DNS hostname.", "site");
                      } },
                    { "ic|iotcentral", $"publisher will send OPC UA data in IoTCentral compatible format (DisplayName of a node is used as key, this key is the Field name in IoTCentral). you need to ensure that all DisplayName's are unique. (Auto enables fetch display name)\nDefault: {IotCentralMode}", b => IotCentralMode = FetchOpcNodeDisplayName = b != null },
                    { "sw|sessionconnectwait=", $"specify the wait time in seconds publisher is trying to connect to disconnected endpoints and starts monitoring unmonitored items\nMin: 10\nDefault: {SessionConnectWaitSec}", (int i) => {
                          if (i > 10)
                              SessionConnectWaitSec = i;
                              throw new OptionException("The sessionconnectwait must be greater than 10 sec", "sessionconnectwait");
                      } },
                    { "mq|monitoreditemqueuecapacity=", $"specify how many notifications of monitored items can be stored in the internal queue, if the data can not be sent quick enough to IoTHub\nMin: 1024\nDefault: {MonitoredItemsQueueCapacity}", (int i) => {
                          if (i >= 1024)
                              MonitoredItemsQueueCapacity = i;
                              throw new OptionException("The monitoreditemqueueitems must be greater than 1024", "monitoreditemqueueitems");
                      } },
                    { "di|diagnosticsinterval=", $"shows publisher diagnostic info at the specified interval in seconds (need log level info). 0 disables diagnostic output.\nDefault: {DiagnosticsInterval}", (uint u) => DiagnosticsInterval = u },

                    { "ns|noshutdown=", $"same as runforever.\nDefault: {_noShutdown}", (bool b) => _noShutdown = b },
                    { "rf|runforever", $"publisher can not be stopped by pressing a key on the console, but will run forever.\nDefault: {_noShutdown}", b => _noShutdown = b != null },

                    { "lf|logfile=", $"the filename of the logfile to use.\nDefault: './{_logFileName}'", (string l) => _logFileName = l },
                    { "lt|logflushtimespan=", $"the timespan in seconds when the logfile should be flushed.\nDefault: {_logFileFlushTimeSpanSec} sec", (int s) => {
                          if (s > 0)
                              _logFileFlushTimeSpanSec = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(s);
                              throw new Mono.Options.OptionException("The logflushtimespan must be a positive number.", "logflushtimespan");
                      } },
                    { "ll|loglevel=", $"the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose).\nDefault: info", (string l) => {
                          List <string> logLevels = new List <string> {
                              "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "verbose"
                          if (logLevels.Contains(l.ToLowerInvariant()))
                              _logLevel = l.ToLowerInvariant();
                              throw new Mono.Options.OptionException("The loglevel must be one of: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose", "loglevel");
                      } },
                    // IoTHub specific options
                    { "ih|iothubprotocol=", $"{(IsIotEdgeModule ? "not supported when running as IoT Edge module\n" : $"the protocol to use for communication with Azure IoTHub (allowed values: {string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(IotHubProtocol.GetType()))}).\nDefault: {Enum.GetName(IotHubProtocol.GetType(), IotHubProtocol)}")}",
                      (Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.TransportType p) => {
                          if (IsIotEdgeModule)
                              if (p != Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.TransportType.Mqtt_Tcp_Only)
                                  WriteLine("When running as IoTEdge module Mqtt_Tcp_Only is enforced.");
                                  IotHubProtocol = Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.TransportType.Mqtt_Tcp_Only;
                              IotHubProtocol = p;
                      } },
                    { "ms|iothubmessagesize=", $"the max size of a message which can be send to IoTHub. when telemetry of this size is available it will be sent.\n0 will enforce immediate send when telemetry is available\nMin: 0\nMax: {HubMessageSizeMax}\nDefault: {HubMessageSize}", (uint u) => {
                          if (u >= 0 && u <= HubMessageSizeMax)
                              HubMessageSize = u;
                              throw new OptionException("The iothubmessagesize must be in the range between 1 and 256*1024.", "iothubmessagesize");
                      } },
                    { "si|iothubsendinterval=", $"the interval in seconds when telemetry should be send to IoTHub. If 0, then only the iothubmessagesize parameter controls when telemetry is sent.\nDefault: '{DefaultSendIntervalSeconds}'", (int i) => {
                          if (i >= 0)
                              DefaultSendIntervalSeconds = i;
                              throw new OptionException("The iothubsendinterval must be larger or equal 0.", "iothubsendinterval");
                      } },
                    { "dc|deviceconnectionstring=", $"{(IsIotEdgeModule ? "not supported when running as IoTEdge module\n" : $"if publisher is not able to register itself with IoTHub, you can create a device with name <applicationname> manually and pass in the connectionstring of this device.\nDefault: none")}",
                      (string dc) => DeviceConnectionString = (IsIotEdgeModule ? null : dc) },
                    { "c|connectionstring=", $"the IoTHub owner connectionstring.\nDefault: none",
                      (string cs) => IotHubOwnerConnectionString = cs },

                    // opc server configuration options
                    { "pn|portnum=", $"the server port of the publisher OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: {ServerPort}", (ushort p) => ServerPort = p },
                    { "pa|path=", $"the enpoint URL path part of the publisher OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: '{ServerPath}'", (string a) => ServerPath = a },
                    { "lr|ldsreginterval=", $"the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0, then the registration is disabled.\nDefault: {LdsRegistrationInterval}", (int i) => {
                          if (i >= 0)
                              LdsRegistrationInterval = i;
                              throw new OptionException("The ldsreginterval must be larger or equal 0.", "ldsreginterval");
                      } },
                    { "ol|opcmaxstringlen=", $"the max length of a string opc can transmit/receive.\nDefault: {OpcMaxStringLength}", (int i) => {
                          if (i > 0)
                              OpcMaxStringLength = i;
                              throw new OptionException("The max opc string length must be larger than 0.", "opcmaxstringlen");
                      } },
                    { "ot|operationtimeout=", $"the operation timeout of the publisher OPC UA client in ms.\nDefault: {OpcOperationTimeout}", (int i) => {
                          if (i >= 0)
                              OpcOperationTimeout = i;
                              throw new OptionException("The operation timeout must be larger or equal 0.", "operationtimeout");
                      } },
                    { "oi|opcsamplinginterval=", "the publisher is using this as default value in milliseconds to request the servers to sample the nodes with this interval\n" +
                      "this value might be revised by the OPC UA servers to a supported sampling interval.\n" +
                      "please check the OPC UA specification for details how this is handled by the OPC UA stack.\n" +
                      "a negative value will set the sampling interval to the publishing interval of the subscription this node is on.\n" +
                      $"0 will configure the OPC UA server to sample in the highest possible resolution and should be taken with care.\nDefault: {OpcSamplingInterval}", (int i) => OpcSamplingInterval = i },
                    { "op|opcpublishinginterval=", "the publisher is using this as default value in milliseconds for the publishing interval setting of the subscriptions established to the OPC UA servers.\n" +
                      "please check the OPC UA specification for details how this is handled by the OPC UA stack.\n" +
                      $"a value less than or equal zero will let the server revise the publishing interval.\nDefault: {OpcPublishingInterval}", (int i) => {
                          if (i > 0 && i >= OpcSamplingInterval)
                              OpcPublishingInterval = i;
                              if (i <= 0)
                                  OpcPublishingInterval = 0;
                                  throw new OptionException($"The opcpublishinterval ({i}) must be larger than the opcsamplinginterval ({OpcSamplingInterval}).", "opcpublishinterval");
                      } },
                    { "ct|createsessiontimeout=", $"specify the timeout in seconds used when creating a session to an endpoint. On unsuccessful connection attemps a backoff up to {OpcSessionCreationBackoffMax} times the specified timeout value is used.\nMin: 1\nDefault: {OpcSessionCreationTimeout}", (uint u) => {
                          if (u > 1)
                              OpcSessionCreationTimeout = u;
                              throw new OptionException("The createsessiontimeout must be greater than 1 sec", "createsessiontimeout");
                      } },
                    { "ki|keepaliveinterval=", $"specify the interval in seconds the publisher is sending keep alive messages to the OPC servers on the endpoints it is connected to.\nMin: 2\nDefault: {OpcKeepAliveIntervalInSec}", (int i) => {
                          if (i >= 2)
                              OpcKeepAliveIntervalInSec = i;
                              throw new OptionException("The keepaliveinterval must be greater or equal 2", "keepalivethreshold");
                      } },
                    { "kt|keepalivethreshold=", $"specify the number of keep alive packets a server can miss, before the session is disconneced\nMin: 1\nDefault: {OpcKeepAliveDisconnectThreshold}", (uint u) => {
                          if (u > 1)
                              OpcKeepAliveDisconnectThreshold = u;
                              throw new OptionException("The keepalivethreshold must be greater than 1", "keepalivethreshold");
                      } },

                    { "aa|autoaccept", $"the publisher trusts all servers it is establishing a connection to.\nDefault: {AutoAcceptCerts}", b => AutoAcceptCerts = b != null },

                    // trust own public cert option
                    { "tm|trustmyself=", $"same as trustowncert.\nDefault: {TrustMyself}", (bool b) => TrustMyself = b },
                    { "to|trustowncert", $"the publisher certificate is put into the trusted certificate store automatically.\nDefault: {TrustMyself}", t => TrustMyself = t != null },
                    // read the display name of the nodes to publish from the server and publish them instead of the node id
                    { "fd|fetchdisplayname=", $"same as fetchname.\nDefault: {FetchOpcNodeDisplayName}", (bool b) => FetchOpcNodeDisplayName = IotCentralMode ? true : b },
                    { "fn|fetchname", $"enable to read the display name of a published node from the server. this will increase the runtime.\nDefault: {FetchOpcNodeDisplayName}", b => FetchOpcNodeDisplayName = IotCentralMode ? true : b != null },

                    // cert store options
                    { "at|appcertstoretype=", $"the own application cert store type. \n(allowed values: Directory, X509Store)\nDefault: '{OpcOwnCertStoreType}'", (string s) => {
                          if (s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.Directory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                              OpcOwnCertStoreType = s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? X509Store : CertificateStoreType.Directory;
                              OpcOwnCertStorePath = s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault : OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault;
                              throw new OptionException();
                      } },
                    { "ap|appcertstorepath=", $"the path where the own application cert should be stored\nDefault (depends on store type):\n" +
                      $"X509Store: '{OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault}'\n" +
                      $"Directory: '{OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcOwnCertStorePath = s },

                    { "tp|trustedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted cert store\nDefault: '{OpcTrustedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcTrustedCertStorePath = s },

                    { "rp|rejectedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the rejected cert store\nDefault '{OpcRejectedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcRejectedCertStorePath = s },

                    { "ip|issuercertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted issuer cert store\nDefault '{OpcIssuerCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcIssuerCertStorePath = s },

                    { "csr", $"show data to create a certificate signing request\nDefault '{ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo}'", c => ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo = c != null },

                    { "ab|applicationcertbase64=", $"update/set this applications certificate with the certificate passed in as bas64 string", (string s) =>
                          NewCertificateBase64String = s;
                      } },
                    { "af|applicationcertfile=", $"update/set this applications certificate with the certificate file specified", (string s) =>
                          if (File.Exists(s))
                              NewCertificateFileName = s;
                              throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "applicationcertfile");
                      } },

                    { "pb|privatekeybase64=", $"initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as base64 string", (string s) =>
                          PrivateKeyBase64String = s;
                      } },
                    { "pk|privatekeyfile=", $"initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as file", (string s) =>
                          if (File.Exists(s))
                              PrivateKeyFileName = s;
                              throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "privatekeyfile");
                      } },

                    { "cp|certpassword="******"the optional password for the PEM or PFX or the installed application certificate", (string s) =>
                          CertificatePassword = s;
                      } },

                    { "tb|addtrustedcertbase64=", $"adds the certificate to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) =>
                          TrustedCertificateBase64Strings = ParseListOfStrings(s);
                      } },
                    { "tf|addtrustedcertfile=", $"adds the certificate file(s) to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) =>
                          TrustedCertificateFileNames = ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addtrustedcertfile");
                      } },

                    { "ib|addissuercertbase64=", $"adds the specified issuer certificate to the applications trusted issuer cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) =>
                          IssuerCertificateBase64Strings = ParseListOfStrings(s);
                      } },
                    { "if|addissuercertfile=", $"adds the specified issuer certificate file(s) to the applications trusted issuer cert store (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) =>
                          IssuerCertificateFileNames = ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addissuercertfile");
                      } },

                    { "rb|updatecrlbase64=", $"update the CRL passed in as base64 string to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) =>
                          CrlBase64String = s;
                      } },
                    { "uc|updatecrlfile=", $"update the CRL passed in as file to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) =>
                          if (File.Exists(s))
                              CrlFileName = s;
                              throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "updatecrlfile");
                      } },

                    { "rc|removecert=", $"remove cert(s) with the given thumbprint(s) (multiple thumbprints supported)", (string s) =>
                          ThumbprintsToRemove = ParseListOfStrings(s);
                      } },

                    // device connection string cert store options
                    { "dt|devicecertstoretype=", $"the iothub device cert store type. \n(allowed values: Directory, X509Store)\nDefault: {IotDeviceCertStoreType}", (string s) => {
                          if (s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.Directory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                              IotDeviceCertStoreType = s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? X509Store : CertificateStoreType.Directory;
                              IotDeviceCertStorePath = s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? IotDeviceCertX509StorePathDefault : IotDeviceCertDirectoryStorePathDefault;
                              throw new OptionException();
                      } },
                    { "dp|devicecertstorepath=", $"the path of the iot device cert store\nDefault Default (depends on store type):\n" +
                      $"X509Store: '{IotDeviceCertX509StorePathDefault}'\n" +
                      $"Directory: '{IotDeviceCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => IotDeviceCertStorePath = s },

                    // misc
                    { "i|install", $"register OPC Publisher with IoTHub and then exits.\nDefault:  {_installOnly}", i => _installOnly = i != null },
                    { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => shouldShowHelp = h != null },

                    // all the following are only supported to not break existing command lines, but some of them are just ignored
                    { "st|opcstacktracemask=", $"ignored, only supported for backward comaptibility.", i => {} },
                    { "sd|shopfloordomain=", $"same as site option, only there for backward compatibility\n" +
                      "The value must follow the syntactical rules of a DNS hostname.\nDefault: not set", (string s) => {
                          Regex siteNameRegex = new Regex("^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$");
                          if (siteNameRegex.IsMatch(s))
                              PublisherSite = s;
                              throw new OptionException("The shopfloor domain is not a valid DNS hostname.", "shopfloordomain");
                      } },
                    { "vc|verboseconsole=", $"ignored, only supported for backward comaptibility.", b => {} },
                    { "as|autotrustservercerts=", $"same as autoaccept, only supported for backward cmpatibility.\nDefault: {AutoAcceptCerts}", (bool b) => AutoAcceptCerts = b },
                    { "tt|trustedcertstoretype=", $"ignored, only supported for backward compatibility. the trusted cert store will always reside in a directory.", s => { } },
                    { "rt|rejectedcertstoretype=", $"ignored, only supported for backward compatibility. the rejected cert store will always reside in a directory.", s => { } },
                    { "it|issuercertstoretype=", $"ignored, only supported for backward compatibility. the trusted issuer cert store will always reside in a directory.", s => { } },

                List <string> extraArgs = new List <string>();
                    // parse the command line
                    extraArgs = options.Parse(args);
                catch (OptionException e)
                    // initialize logging

                    // show message
                    Logger.Error(e, "Error in command line options");
                    Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {String.Join(" ", args)}");

                    // show usage

                // initialize logging

                // show usage if requested
                if (shouldShowHelp)

                // Validate and parse extra arguments.
                const int APP_NAME_INDEX = 0;
                const int CS_INDEX       = 1;
                switch (extraArgs.Count)
                case 0:
                    ApplicationName = Utils.GetHostName();

                case 1:
                    ApplicationName = extraArgs[APP_NAME_INDEX];

                case 2:
                    ApplicationName = extraArgs[APP_NAME_INDEX];
                    if (IsIotEdgeModule)
                        WriteLine($"Warning: connection string parameter is not supported in IoTEdge context, given parameter is ignored");
                        IotHubOwnerConnectionString = extraArgs[CS_INDEX];

                    Logger.Error("Error in command line options");
                    Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {String.Join(" ", args)}");

                // install only if requested
                if (_installOnly)
                    // initialize and start IoTHub communication
                    IotHubCommunication = new IotHubCommunication(ShutdownTokenSource.Token);
                    if (!await IotHubCommunication.InitAsync())
                    Logger.Information("Installation completed. Exiting...");

                // start operation
                Logger.Information("Publisher is starting up...");

                // allow canceling the application
                var quitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                    Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eArgs) =>
                        eArgs.Cancel = true;

                // init OPC configuration and tracing
                OpcApplicationConfiguration opcApplicationConfiguration = new OpcApplicationConfiguration();
                await opcApplicationConfiguration.ConfigureAsync();

                // log shopfloor site setting
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PublisherSite))
                    Logger.Information("There is no site configured.");
                    Logger.Information($"Publisher is in site '{PublisherSite}'.");

                // start our server interface
                    Logger.Information($"Starting server on endpoint {OpcApplicationConfiguration.ApplicationConfiguration.ServerConfiguration.BaseAddresses[0].ToString()} ...");
                    _publisherServer = new PublisherServer();
                    Logger.Information("Server started.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Fatal(e, "Failed to start Publisher OPC UA server.");

                // read telemetry configuration file
                if (!await PublisherTelemetryConfiguration.ReadConfigAsync())

                // read node configuration file
                if (!await PublisherNodeConfiguration.ReadConfigAsync())

                // initialize hub communication
                if (IsIotEdgeModule)
                    // initialize and start EdgeHub communication
                    IotEdgeHubCommunication = new IotEdgeHubCommunication(ShutdownTokenSource.Token);
                    if (!await IotEdgeHubCommunication.InitAsync())
                    // initialize and start IoTHub communication
                    IotHubCommunication = new IotHubCommunication(ShutdownTokenSource.Token);
                    if (!await IotHubCommunication.InitAsync())

                if (!await CreateOpcPublishingDataAsync())

                // kick off OPC session creation and node monitoring
                await SessionStartAsync();

                // Show notification on session events
                _publisherServer.CurrentInstance.SessionManager.SessionActivated += ServerEventStatus;
                _publisherServer.CurrentInstance.SessionManager.SessionClosing   += ServerEventStatus;
                _publisherServer.CurrentInstance.SessionManager.SessionCreated   += ServerEventStatus;

                // initialize publisher diagnostics

                // stop on user request
                if (_noShutdown)
                    // wait forever if asked to do so
                    Logger.Information("Publisher is running infinite...");
                    await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite);
                    Logger.Information("Publisher is running. Press CTRL-C to quit.");

                    // wait for Ctrl-C

                Logger.Information("Publisher is shutting down...");

                // stop the server

                // shutdown all OPC sessions
                await SessionShutdownAsync();

                // shutdown the IoTHub messaging
                await IotHubCommunication.ShutdownAsync();

                IotHubCommunication = null;

                // shutdown diagnostics
                await ShutdownAsync();

                // free resources
                ShutdownTokenSource = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Fatal(e, e.StackTrace);
                e = e.InnerException ?? null;
                while (e != null)
                    Logger.Fatal(e, e.StackTrace);
                    e = e.InnerException ?? null;
                Logger.Fatal("Publisher exiting... ");