private static IEnumerable <ChangeLog> GetChanges(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, IUserInfo userInfo)
            var exclusions = dbContext.ChangeLogExclusions.ToList();

            foreach (var entry in dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries())
                if (entry.State != EntityState.Modified)

                var entityType = entry.Entity.GetType();

                if (exclusions.Count(item => item.EntityName == entityType.Name && item.PropertyName == "*") == 1)
                    yield break;

                foreach (var property in entityType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties)
                    // Validate if there is an exclusion for *.Property
                    if (exclusions.Count(item => item.EntityName == "*" && string.Compare(item.PropertyName, property.Name, true) == 0) == 1)

                    // Validate if there is an exclusion for Entity.Property
                    if (exclusions.Count(item => item.EntityName == entityType.Name && string.Compare(item.PropertyName, property.Name, true) == 0) == 1)

                    var originalValue = entry.Property(property.Name).OriginalValue;
                    var currentValue  = entry.Property(property.Name).CurrentValue;

                    if (string.Concat(originalValue) == string.Concat(currentValue))

                    // todo: improve the way to retrieve primary key value from entity instance

                    var key = entry.Entity.GetType().GetProperties().First().GetValue(entry.Entity, null).ToString();

                    yield return(new ChangeLog
                        ClassName = entityType.Name,
                        PropertyName = property.Name,
                        Key = key,
                        OriginalValue = originalValue == null ? string.Empty : originalValue.ToString(),
                        CurrentValue = currentValue == null ? string.Empty : currentValue.ToString(),
                        UserName = userInfo.UserName,
                        ChangeDate = DateTime.Now
コード例 #2
        public static IQueryable <Product> GetProducts(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, int?productCategoryID = null)
            var query = dbContext.Products.AsQueryable();

            if (productCategoryID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.ProductCategoryID == productCategoryID);

コード例 #3
        public static IQueryable <ProductInventory> GetProductInventories(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, int?productID = null, string locationID = null)
            var query = dbContext.ProductInventories.AsQueryable();

            if (productID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.ProductID == productID);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationID))
                query = query.Where(item => item.LocationID == locationID);

        public static void Update <TEntity>(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, TEntity entity, IUserInfo userInfo) where TEntity : class, IAuditableEntity
            if (entity is IAuditableEntity cast)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cast.LastUpdateUser))
                    cast.LastUpdateUser = userInfo.UserName;

                if (!cast.LastUpdateDateTime.HasValue)
                    cast.LastUpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            dbContext.Set <TEntity>().Update(entity);
コード例 #5
        public static IQueryable <OrderInfo> GetOrders(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, short?orderStatusID = null, int?customerID = null, int?employeeID = null, int?shipperID = null, string currencyID = null, Guid?paymentMethodID = null)
            var query = from orderHeader in dbContext.OrderHeaders
                        join orderStatus in dbContext.OrderStatuses on orderHeader.OrderStatusID equals orderStatus.ID

                        join customer in dbContext.Customers on orderHeader.CustomerID equals customer.ID

                        join employeeJoin in dbContext.Employees on orderHeader.EmployeeID equals employeeJoin.ID into employeeTemp
                        from employee in employeeTemp.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        join currency in dbContext.Currencies on orderHeader.CurrencyID equals currency.ID

                        join paymentMethodJoin in dbContext.PaymentMethods on orderHeader.PaymentMethodID equals paymentMethodJoin.ID into paymentMethodTemp
                        from paymentMethod in paymentMethodTemp.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        join shipperJoin in dbContext.Shippers on orderHeader.ShipperID equals shipperJoin.ID into shipperTemp
                        from shipper in shipperTemp.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        select new OrderInfo
                OrderID            = orderHeader.ID,
                OrderStatusID      = orderHeader.OrderStatusID,
                CustomerID         = orderHeader.CustomerID,
                EmployeeID         = orderHeader.EmployeeID,
                ShipperID          = orderHeader.ShipperID,
                OrderDate          = orderHeader.OrderDate,
                Total              = orderHeader.Total,
                CurrencyID         = orderHeader.CurrencyID,
                PaymentMethodID    = orderHeader.PaymentMethodID,
                Comments           = orderHeader.Comments,
                DetailsCount       = orderHeader.DetailsCount,
                ReferenceOrderID   = orderHeader.ReferenceOrderID,
                CreationUser       = orderHeader.CreationUser,
                CreationDateTime   = orderHeader.CreationDateTime,
                LastUpdateUser     = orderHeader.LastUpdateUser,
                LastUpdateDateTime = orderHeader.LastUpdateDateTime,
                Timestamp          = orderHeader.Timestamp,

                OrderStatusDescription = orderStatus.Description,

                CustomerCompanyName = customer == null ? string.Empty : customer.CompanyName,
                CustomerContactName = customer == null ? string.Empty : customer.ContactName,

                EmployeeFirstName  = employee.FirstName,
                EmployeeMiddleName = employee == null ? string.Empty : employee.MiddleName,
                EmployeeLastName   = employee.LastName,
                EmployeeBirthDate  = employee.BirthDate,

                ShipperCompanyName = shipper == null ? string.Empty : shipper.CompanyName,
                ShipperContactName = shipper == null ? string.Empty : shipper.ContactName,

                CurrencyCurrencyName   = currency == null ? string.Empty : currency.CurrencyName,
                CurrencyCurrencySymbol = currency == null ? string.Empty : currency.CurrencySymbol,

                PaymentMethodPaymentMethodName        = paymentMethod == null ? string.Empty : paymentMethod.PaymentMethodName,
                PaymentMethodPaymentMethodDescription = paymentMethod == null ? string.Empty : paymentMethod.PaymentMethodDescription

            if (orderStatusID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrderStatusID == orderStatusID);

            if (customerID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.CustomerID == customerID);

            if (employeeID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.EmployeeID == employeeID);

            if (shipperID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.ShipperID == shipperID);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currencyID))
                query = query.Where(item => item.CurrencyID == currencyID);

            if (paymentMethodID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.PaymentMethodID == paymentMethodID);

コード例 #6
 public static async Task <Shipper> GetShipperAsync(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, Shipper entity)
 => await dbContext.Shippers.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.ID == entity.ID);
コード例 #7
 public static async Task <OrderStatus> GetOrderStatusAsync(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, OrderStatus entity)
 => await dbContext.OrderStatuses.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.ID == entity.ID);
コード例 #8
 public static async Task <Location> GetLocationAsync(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, Location entity)
 => await dbContext.Locations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.ID == entity.ID);
コード例 #9
 public static async Task <ProductInventory> GetProductInventoryAsync(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, ProductInventory entity)
 => await dbContext.ProductInventories.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.ID == entity.ID);
コード例 #10
 public static Product GetProductByName(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, string productName)
 => dbContext.Products.FirstOrDefault(item => item.ProductName == productName);
コード例 #11
 public static async Task <OrderHeader> GetOrderAsync(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, OrderHeader entity)
 => await dbContext.OrderHeaders.Include(p => p.OrderDetails).FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.ID == entity.ID);
コード例 #12
 public static async Task <Employee> GetEmployeeAsync(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, Employee entity)
 => await dbContext.Employees.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.ID == entity.ID);
 public static void Remove <TEntity>(this OnlineStoreDbContext dbContext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class, IAuditableEntity
 => dbContext.Set <TEntity>().Remove(entity);