public static bool ToLeaderOnChangedRate(LotModel model, string newLeader) { var membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(model.LeaderName); return membershipUser != null && SendEamil(membershipUser.Email, model.Name, String.Format( "Hello, {0} \r\n Your bid on lot <a href=\"{1}/Lot/Index/{2}\"> {3} </a>, was broken by <a href=\"{1}/localhost/OnlineAuction/Account/Profile?name={4}\"> {4} </a>", model.LeaderName, LOCAL, model.ID, model.Name, newLeader)); }
public static bool ToOwnerOnComplete(LotModel model) { var membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(model.OwnerName); return membershipUser != null && SendEamil(membershipUser.Email, model.Name, String.Format( "Hello, {0} \r\n Sorry, but your lot {1}, was removed from the auction. \r\n " , model.OwnerName, model.Name)); }
public static void MakeBet(LotModel model, string username) { if (model.LeaderName != null && username != model.LeaderName) { EmailSender.ToLeaderOnChangedRate(model, username); } dataAccess.MakeBet(model.ID, username, model.Currency); }
public static bool ToLeaderOnComplete(LotModel model) { var membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(model.LeaderName); return membershipUser != null && SendEamil(membershipUser.Email, model.Name, String.Format( "Hello, {0} \r\n Congratulations? you won lot {1} by $ {2}! \r\n " + "Wait until you contact the seller", model.LeaderName, model.Name, model.Currency)); }
public ActionResult DeleteLot( LotModel Model) { if (Auction.DeleteLot(Model)) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } ModelState.AddModelError("","Fail while model deleting."); return Index(Model); }
public static bool ToOwnerOnComplete(LotModel model, string leadername) { var membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(model.OwnerName); return membershipUser != null && SendEamil(membershipUser.Email, model.Name, String.Format( "Hello, {0} \r\n Your lot {1}, was won by the user {2} by $ {4}. \r\n " + "Contact them for contacts listed in the user's profile:" + " {3}/OnlineAuction/Account/Profile?name={2}", model.OwnerName, model.Name,leadername,LOCAL,model.Currency)); }
public ActionResult Index(LotModel model ) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Auction.MakeBet(model, HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Lot",new {id = model.ID}); } var restoreModel = dataAccess.GetViewModelById(model.ID); return View(restoreModel); }
public static bool DeleteLot(LotModel currentLot) { try { if (currentLot.LeaderName != null) { EmailSender.ToOwnerOnComplete(currentLot, currentLot.LeaderName); EmailSender.ToLeaderOnComplete(currentLot); } else { EmailSender.ToOwnerOnComplete(currentLot); } dataAccess.DeleteLot(currentLot.ID); return true; } catch (ArgumentException) { return false; } }
public LotModel ConvertToViewModel(Lot lot) { var model = new LotModel { ID = lot.ID, ActualDate = lot.ActualDate, Currency = lot.Currency, Description = lot.Description, Name = lot.Lotname, LeaderName = lot.LeaderName, OwnerName = lot.OwnerName }; return model; }