private void tbGuestName_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbGuestName.Text != "") { //Clears the error provider for guest name. epGuestName.Clear(); //New instance of UseDatabase class. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); //Connect database. useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); //Execute query to autofill room data from the room number provided. string queryString = "SELECT GuestName FROM [Guest] WHERE Guestname = '" + tbGuestName.Text + "'"; //Execute query to check for matches in the database. OleDbDataReader dbReader = useDb.ExecuteQuery(queryString); //If there are rows in the result from the ExecuteQuery then the check was successful meaning there was a match. if (dbReader != null && dbReader.HasRows) { epGuestName.Clear(); } else { epGuestName.SetError(tbGuestName, "Guest not found"); } } }
//Upon leaving focus of the Room number textbox. private void txtRoomNo_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtRoomNo.Text == "") { //Informs the user to enter a value in the Room Number field. epRoomNo.SetError(this.txtRoomNo, "Please enter a room number"); } else { epRoomNo.Clear(); //New instance of UseDatabase class. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); //Connect database. useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); //Execute query to autofill room data from the room number provided. string queryString = "SELECT GuestName, CheckInDate, NoOfDays, NoOfPeople, TotalDue FROM [CheckIn] WHERE RoomNum = '" + txtRoomNo.Text + "'"; //Execute query to check for matches in the database. OleDbDataReader dbReader = useDb.ExecuteQuery(queryString); //If there are rows in the result from the ExecuteQuery then the check was successful meaning there was a match. if (dbReader != null && dbReader.HasRows) { string queryString2 = "SELECT RoomType, RoomRate FROM [Room] WHERE RoomNumber = '" + txtRoomNo.Text + "'"; OleDbDataReader dbReader2 = useDb.ExecuteQuery(queryString2); //Checks for matches to the room no to get the rest of the info like guest name, room type, checkin date and total payment due. if (dbReader.Read()) { txtGuestName.Text = dbReader[0].ToString(); txtCheckIn.Text = dbReader[1].ToString(); txtNoDays.Text = dbReader[2].ToString(); txtNoPeople.Text = dbReader[3].ToString(); txtSubTotal.Text = dbReader[4].ToString(); } else { epGuest.SetError(this.txtGuestName, "Guest not checked in"); } if (dbReader2.Read()) { txtRoomType.Text = dbReader2[0].ToString(); txtRoomRate.Text = dbReader2[1].ToString(); } else { epRoomNo.SetError(this.txtRoomNo, "No room found for guest name provided"); } } else { //Informs the user if the room was not found. epRoomNo.SetError(this.txtRoomNo, "Guest not found"); } } }
private void btnReserve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //declaring variables used in the reservation form string guestName; string roomNum; string rType; string checkInDate; string checkOutDate; string noDays; string noOfPeople; DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; //initialising the variable2s used in the reservation form guestName = tbGuestName.Text; roomNum = tbRoomNum.Text.ToString(); rType = tbRoomType.Text; checkInDate = dtpCheckIn.Text; checkOutDate = dtpCheckOut.Text; noDays = tbNoDays.Text.ToString(); noOfPeople = numAdults.Text.ToString(); //subTotal = Convert.ToInt32(tbSubTotal.Text); subTotal = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Check whether text box fields have values entered. if ((epGuestName.GetError(this.tbGuestName).Length > 0) || ((epRoomNum.GetError(this.tbRoomNum).Length > 0))) { MessageBox.Show("Please attend to any errors", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { //Create a new instance of the UseDatabase case. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); string b = useDb.Reservation(guestName, roomNum, checkInDate, checkOutDate, noOfPeople, noDays, subTotal.ToString()); if (b == "success") { MessageBox.Show("Reservation successfull", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); File.AppendAllText("..\\..\\App_Data\\LogFiles\\Check-In.txt", "Guest : " + guestName + " Has made a reservation ,on : " + currentDate + Environment.NewLine); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fail"); } useDb.DisconnectDatabase(); } }
private void tbRoomNum_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbRoomNum.Text != string.Empty) { //New instance of the UseDatabase class UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); //Connect to the database useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); //Query to autofill the rooms data from the room number provided string queryString = "SELECT Status,RoomType, RoomRate FROM [Room] WHERE RoomNumber = '" + tbRoomNum.Text + "'"; //Execute Query to check for matches OleDbDataReader dbReader = useDb.ExecuteQuery(queryString); //If the query executed it means there was a match if (dbReader != null && dbReader.HasRows) { if (dbReader.Read()) { string roomStatus = dbReader[0].ToString(); if (roomStatus == "Available") { tbRoomType.Text = dbReader[1].ToString(); tbRoomRate.Text = dbReader[2].ToString(); roomRate = Convert.ToInt32(tbRoomRate.Text); tbSubTotal.Text = "R" + tbRoomRate.Text; subTotal = Convert.ToInt32(tbNoDays.Text) * roomRate; epStatus.Clear(); epGuestName.Clear(); epRoomNum.Clear(); } else { epStatus.SetError(tbRoomNum, "Room not available"); } } } else { epRoomNum.Clear(); epRoomNum.SetError(tbRoomNum, "Room number not found"); } } else { epRoomNum.SetError(tbRoomNum, "Please enter a room number"); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Declaring variables for use in the guest form. string sName = txtName.Text; string sSurname = txtSurname.Text; string sAddress = txtAddress.Text; string sNum = txtNum.Text; string sGender = cbGender.Text; string sEmail = txtEmail.Text; string sStatus = ""; DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; //Validates if all the fields are entered and that there are no error messages before saving the data to the database. if ((txtName.Text == "") || (txtSurname.Text == "") || (txtAddress.Text == "") || (txtNum.Text == "") || (txtEmail.Text == "")) { //Message box to inform the user of errors. MessageBox.Show("Please ensure all fields have values entered", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { if ((epContact.GetError(this.txtNum).Length > 0) || (epEmail.GetError(this.txtEmail).Length > 0)) { //Message box to inform the user of errors. MessageBox.Show("Please attend to any error messages", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { //Calls methods form the UseDatabase case to add a new quest. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); string b = useDb.addGuest(sName, sSurname, sAddress, sNum, sGender, sEmail, sStatus); useDb.DisconnectDatabase(); //Informs the user if the database was updated if (b == "success") { MessageBox.Show("A guest has been successfully added", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //Appends details to a log file. File.AppendAllText("..\\..\\App_Data\\LogFiles\\Guest.txt", "Guest : " + sName + " Has been added :" + currentDate + Environment.NewLine); } else { MessageBox.Show("There was a problem with inserting into the database", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } this.Close(); } } }
private void txtRoomNumber_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Checks if the room no field is empty. if (txtRoomNumber.Text != "") { epRoomNo.Clear(); //New instance of UseDatabase class. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); //Connect database. useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); //Execute query to autofill room data from the room number provided. string queryString = "SELECT RoomType, RoomRate FROM [Room] WHERE RoomNumber = '" + txtRoomNumber.Text + "'"; //Execute query to check for matches in the database. OleDbDataReader dbReader = useDb.ExecuteQuery(queryString); //If there are rows in the result from the ExecuteQuery then the check was successful meaning there was a match. if (dbReader != null && dbReader.HasRows) { //Checks for matches to the room no to get the room type and rate from the database. if (dbReader.Read()) { txtRoomType.Text = dbReader[0].ToString(); txtRoomRate.Text = dbReader[1].ToString(); roomRate = Convert.ToInt32(txtRoomRate.Text); txtSubTotal.Text = "R" + txtRoomRate.Text; subTotal = Convert.ToInt32(txtNoDays.Text) * roomRate; } } else { //Informs the user if the room was not found. epRoomNo.SetError(this.txtRoomNumber, "Room number not found"); } } else { //Asks the user to enter a room no. epRoomNo.SetError(this.txtRoomNumber, "Please enter a room number"); } }
private void btnCheckout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Checks if all text boxes are filled if (txtGuestName.Text == "" || txtRoomNo.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter all required fields", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { //Checks if any error messages are active before proceeding. if ((epGuest.GetError(this.txtGuestName).Length > 0) || (epRoomNo.GetError(this.txtRoomNo).Length > 0)) { MessageBox.Show("Please attend to any errors", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { //Initiates variables string guestName = txtGuestName.Text; string checkOutDate = txtCheckOut.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string roomNo = txtRoomNo.Text; //Create a new instance of the UseDatabase case. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); string b = useDb.CheckOut(guestName, roomNo, checkOutDate); //Informs user of success or failure of database entry. if (b == "success") { MessageBox.Show("User has been checked out successfully", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); File.AppendAllText("..\\..\\App_Data\\LogFiles\\Check-In.txt", "Guest : " + guestName + " Has been Checked-out ,on : " + checkOutDate + Environment.NewLine); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to check out user", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } useDb.DisconnectDatabase(); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Declaring variables used in the new room form string roomNum; string roomType; string roomRate; DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; //Initialising variables used in new room form roomNum = txtRoomNumber.Text; roomType = txtRoomType.Text; roomRate = txtRoomRate.Text.ToString(); if ((txtRoomNumber.Text == "") || (txtRoomType.Text == "") || (txtRoomRate.Text == "")) { //Message box to inform the user of errors. MessageBox.Show("Please ensure all fields have values entered", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { //creates new instance of the Usedatabase case. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); //Runs the method to add a room and returns a string as result. string b = useDb.addRoom(roomNum, roomType, roomRate); useDb.DisconnectDatabase(); //Informs the user if the room was added or if there was an error. if (b == "success") { MessageBox.Show("A Room has been successfully added", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); File.AppendAllText("..\\..\\App_Data\\LogFiles\\Room.txt", "Room : " + roomNum + " Has been added :" + currentDate + Environment.NewLine); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("There was a problem with inserting into the database", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Variables. string sName = txtUsername.Text; string sPassword = txtPassword.Text; //New instance of UseDatabase class. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); //Connect database. useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); //Generates a query for the database containing the username and password string queryString = "SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE Username = '******'AND Password = '******';"; //Execute query to check for matches in the database. OleDbDataReader dbReader = useDb.ExecuteQuery(queryString); //If there are rows in the result from the ExecuteQuery then the check was successful meaning there was a match. if (dbReader != null && dbReader.HasRows) { //Informs the user that the login was successfull with a warming message. this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("Welcome " + sName, "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); frmMain fM = new frmMain(txtUsername.Text); fM.ShowDialog(); } else { //Informs the user that either the username or password is incorrect. MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtUsername.Clear(); txtPassword.Clear(); } }
//When the Check-In button is clicked. private void btnCheckIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Declaring variables used in the check form. string guestName = txtGuestName.Text; string roomNum = txtRoomNumber.Text; string roomType = txtRoomType.Text; string numPeople = (numAdults.Value).ToString(); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Checks whether text box fields have values entered. if ((epGuestName.GetError(this.txtGuestName).Length > 0) || (epRoomNo.GetError(this.txtRoomNumber).Length > 0) || (epNumPeople.GetError(this.numAdults).Length > 0)) { MessageBox.Show("Please attend to any errors", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { //Create a new instance of the UseDatabase case. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase("..\\..\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); string b = useDb.CheckIn(guestName, d1.ToString(), roomNum, txtNoDays.Text, numPeople, subTotal); //Informs user of success or failure of database entry. if (b == "success") { MessageBox.Show("User has been checked in", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); File.AppendAllText("..\\..\\App_Data\\LogFiles\\Check-In.txt", "Guest : " + guestName + " Has been Checked-in ,on : " + currentDate + Environment.NewLine); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to check-in", "Fail", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } useDb.DisconnectDatabase(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbAdminPassword.Text == "") { epAdminPass.SetError(this.tbAdminPassword, "Please enter an admin password"); } else { String sPassword = tbAdminPassword.Text; //New instance of UseDatabase class. UseDatabase useDb = new UseDatabase(Application.StartupPath + "\\App_Data\\database.accdb"); //Connect database. useDb.ConnectToDatabase(); string queryString = "SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE Username = '******' AND Password = '******';"; //Execute query to check for matches. OleDbDataReader dbReader = useDb.ExecuteQuery(queryString); //If there are rows in the result from the ExecuteQuery then the check was successful. if (dbReader != null && dbReader.HasRows) { this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("Success!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); frmForgotPassword FP = new frmForgotPassword(); FP.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect password!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }