/// <summary> /// Load or reloads a subset of the chosen resultset returned by the stored procedure. /// You can specify which record you want to be checked by default. /// </summary> /// <param name="ArrayOf_PrimaryKeys">Primary keys of the records you want to be checked by default.</param> /// <param name="startRecord">The zero-based record number to start with.</param> /// <param name="maxRecords">The maximum number of records to retrieve.</param> public void RefreshData(object[] ArrayOf_PrimaryKeys, int startRecord, int maxRecords) { if (this.LastKnownConnectionType == OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.None) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You must call the 'Initialize' method before calling this method."); } this.param = new Params.spS_tblProduct(); switch (this.LastKnownConnectionType) { case OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.ConnectionString: this.param.SetUpConnection(this.connectionString); break; case OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.SqlConnection: this.param.SetUpConnection(this.sqlConnection); break; } this.param.CommandTimeOut = this.commandTimeOut; if (!this.param_Pro_GuidID.IsNull) { this.param.Param_Pro_GuidID = this.param_Pro_GuidID; } if (!this.param_Pro_LngCategoryID.IsNull) { this.param.Param_Pro_LngCategoryID = this.param_Pro_LngCategoryID; } System.Data.DataSet DS = null; SPs.spS_tblProduct SP = new SPs.spS_tblProduct(); if (SP.Execute(ref this.param, ref DS, startRecord, maxRecords)) { this.DataSource = DS.Tables[this.tableName].DefaultView; this.DataValueField = this.valueMember; this.DataTextField = this.displayMember; if (this.doDataBindAfterRefreshData) { this.DataBind(); } if (ArrayOf_PrimaryKeys != null) { this.SetRecordsChecked(ArrayOf_PrimaryKeys, true); } } else { SP.Dispose(); throw new OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.CustomException(this.param, "WebCheckBoxListCustom_spS_tblProduct", "RefreshData"); } }
/// <summary> /// Load or reloads a subset of the table content. In order to successfully call this method, you need to call first /// the Initialize method. /// </summary> /// <param name="startRecord">The zero-based record number to start with.</param> /// <param name="maxRecords">The maximum number of records to retrieve.</param> public void RefreshData(int startRecord, int maxRecords) { if (this.LastKnownConnectionType == OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.None) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You must call the 'Initialize' method before calling this method."); } this.param = new Params.spS_tblProduct(true); switch (this.LastKnownConnectionType) { case OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.ConnectionString: this.param.SetUpConnection(this.connectionString); break; case OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.SqlConnection: this.param.SetUpConnection(this.sqlConnection); break; } if (!this.FK_Pro_LngCategoryID.IsNull) { this.param.Param_Pro_LngCategoryID = this.FK_Pro_LngCategoryID; } System.Data.DataSet DS = null; SPs.spS_tblProduct SP = new SPs.spS_tblProduct(false); if (SP.Execute(ref this.param, ref DS, startRecord, maxRecords)) { this.DataSource = DS.Tables["spS_tblProduct"].DefaultView; this.DataKeyField = "Pro_GuidID"; if (this.doDataBindAfterRefreshData) { this.DataBind(); } SP.Dispose(); } else { SP.Dispose(); throw new OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.CustomException(this.param, "WebDataGrid_tblProduct : System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid", "RefreshData"); } }
/// <summary> /// Load or reloads a subset of the chosen resultset returned by the stored procedure. /// You can specify which record you want to be checked by default. /// </summary> /// <param name="PrimaryKey">Primary key of the record you want to be selected by default.</param> /// <param name="startRecord">The zero-based record number to start with.</param> /// <param name="maxRecords">The maximum number of records to retrieve.</param> public void RefreshData(object PrimaryKey, int startRecord, int maxRecords) { this.CreateControl(); if (this.LastKnownConnectionType == OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.None) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You must call the 'Initialize' method before calling this method."); } this.param = new Params.spS_tblProduct(); switch (this.LastKnownConnectionType) { case OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.ConnectionString: this.param.SetUpConnection(this.connectionString); break; case OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.ConnectionType.SqlConnection: this.param.SetUpConnection(this.sqlConnection); break; } this.param.CommandTimeOut = this.commandTimeOut; if (!this.param_Pro_GuidID.IsNull) { this.param.Param_Pro_GuidID = this.param_Pro_GuidID; } if (!this.param_Pro_LngCategoryID.IsNull) { this.param.Param_Pro_LngCategoryID = this.param_Pro_LngCategoryID; } System.Data.DataSet DS = null; SPs.spS_tblProduct SP = new SPs.spS_tblProduct(); if (SP.Execute(ref this.param, ref DS, startRecord, maxRecords)) { this.BeginUpdate(); this.bindingInProgress = true; this.DataSource = DS.Tables[this.tableName].DefaultView; this.ValueMember = this.valueMember; this.DisplayMember = this.displayMember; this.bindingInProgress = false; if (PrimaryKey != null) { this.SelectedValue = PrimaryKey; } else { base.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } this.EndUpdate(); SP.Dispose(); } else { SP.Dispose(); throw new OlymarsDemo.DataClasses.CustomException(this.param, "WinListBoxCustom_spS_tblProduct", "RefreshData"); } }