public override void OnMouseRightUp(System.Drawing.Point location) { if (drawing && !drawButton) { drawing = false; drawAction = null; } }
private void setTiles(System.Drawing.Point location, int[] setTo) { location = LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.ConvertToGrid(location); if (!IsValidTileCell(location)) return; // Check to see if all the tiles are already the same. int i = 0; bool skip = true; for (int x = 0; x < this.drawTilesWidth; x += 1) { for (int y = 0; y < this.drawTilesHeight; y += 1) { if (LayerEditor.Layer.Tiles[location.X + x, location.Y + y] != setTo[i]) { skip = false; break; } i += 1; } if (!skip) break; } if (skip) return; // Draw all of the tiles. if (drawAction == null) LevelEditor.Perform(drawAction = new TileDrawAreaAction(LayerEditor.Layer, location, new System.Drawing.Size(drawTilesWidth, drawTilesHeight), setTo)); else drawAction.DoAgain(location); }