コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: sasohail/PnP
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cmdlets = new List <CmdletInfo>();
            var inFile  = args[0];
            var outFile = args[1];

            // Specify an additional (third) parameter pointing to the Solution folder to generate Markdown. The markdown
            // will be created in the Documentation folder underneath the solution folder.
            bool   generateMarkdown = false;
            string solutionDir      = null;

            if (args.Length > 2)
                solutionDir      = args[2];
                generateMarkdown = true;

            var doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", string.Empty));

            XNamespace ns        = "http://msh";
            var        helpItems = new XElement(ns + "helpItems", new XAttribute("schema", "maml"));


            XNamespace maml    = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10";
            XNamespace command = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10";
            XNamespace dev     = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10";

            var mamlNsAttr    = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "maml", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10");
            var commandNsAttr = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "command", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10");
            var devNsAttr     = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "dev", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10");

            var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(inFile);
            var types    = assembly.GetTypes();

            foreach (var t in types)
                if (t.BaseType.Name == "SPOCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "PSCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "SPOWebCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "SPOAdminCmdlet")
                    //XElement examples = new XElement(command + "examples");

                    var verb                = string.Empty;
                    var noun                = string.Empty;
                    var description         = string.Empty;
                    var detaileddescription = string.Empty;
                    var copyright           = string.Empty;
                    var version             = string.Empty;
                    var attrs               = t.GetCustomAttributes();
                    var examples            = new List <CmdletExampleAttribute>();


                    foreach (var attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is CmdletAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletAttribute)attr;
                            verb = a.VerbName;
                            noun = a.NounName;
                        if (attr is CmdletHelpAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletHelpAttribute)attr;
                            description         = a.Description;
                            copyright           = a.Copyright;
                            version             = a.Version;
                            detaileddescription = a.DetailedDescription;
                        if (attr is CmdletExampleAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletExampleAttribute)attr;

                    var cmdletInfo = new CmdletInfo(verb, noun);
                    cmdletInfo.Description         = description;
                    cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription = detaileddescription;
                    cmdletInfo.Version             = version;
                    cmdletInfo.Copyright           = copyright;

                    var commandElement = new XElement(command + "command", mamlNsAttr, commandNsAttr, devNsAttr);
                    var detailsElement = new XElement(command + "details");

                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "name", string.Format("{0}-{1}", verb, noun)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", description)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "copyright", new XElement(maml + "para", copyright)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "verb", verb));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "noun", noun));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(dev + "version", version));

                    commandElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", detaileddescription)));

                    var syntaxElement = new XElement(command + "syntax");

                    var fields      = t.GetFields();
                    var syntaxItems = new List <SyntaxItem>();
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;

                                if (a.ParameterSetName != ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)
                                    var cmdletSyntax = cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ParameterSetName == a.ParameterSetName);
                                    if (cmdletSyntax == null)
                                        cmdletSyntax = new CmdletSyntax();
                                        cmdletSyntax.ParameterSetName = a.ParameterSetName;

                                    cmdletSyntax.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                        Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                    var syntaxItem = syntaxItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == a.ParameterSetName);
                                    if (syntaxItem == null)
                                        syntaxItem = new SyntaxItem(a.ParameterSetName);
                                    syntaxItem.Parameters.Add(new SyntaxItem.Parameter()
                                        Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                    // all parameters
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;
                                if (a.ParameterSetName == ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)
                                    foreach (var si in syntaxItems)
                                        si.Parameters.Add(new SyntaxItem.Parameter()
                                            Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                    if (cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.Count == 0)
                                        cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.Add(new CmdletSyntax()
                                            ParameterSetName = ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets
                                    foreach (var cmdletSyntax in cmdletInfo.Syntaxes)
                                        cmdletSyntax.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                            Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                    foreach (var syntaxItem in syntaxItems)
                        var syntaxItemElement = new XElement(command + "syntaxItem");

                        syntaxItemElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", string.Format("{0}-{1}", verb, noun)));
                        foreach (var parameter in syntaxItem.Parameters)
                            var parameterElement = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Required), new XAttribute("position", parameter.Position > 0 ? parameter.Position.ToString() : "named"));

                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", parameter.Name));

                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", parameter.Description)));
                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(command + "parameterValue", parameter.Type));


                    var parametersElement = new XElement(command + "parameters");

                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;

                                cmdletInfo.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                    Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                var parameter2Element = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", a.Mandatory), new XAttribute("position", a.Position > 0 ? a.Position.ToString() : "named"));

                                parameter2Element.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", field.Name));

                                parameter2Element.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", a.HelpMessage)));
                                var parameterValueElement = new XElement(command + "parameterValue", field.FieldType.Name, new XAttribute("required", a.Mandatory));

                                var devElement = new XElement(dev + "type");
                                devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", field.FieldType.Name));
                                devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "uri"));



                        new XElement(command + "inputTypes",
                                     new XElement(command + "inputType",
                                                  new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                               new XElement(maml + "name", "String"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                            new XElement(maml + "para", "description"))))));

                        new XElement(command + "returnValues",
                                     new XElement(command + "returnValue",
                                                  new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                               new XElement(maml + "name", "String"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                            new XElement(maml + "para", "description"))))));

                    var examplesElement = new XElement(command + "examples");
                    var exampleCount    = 1;
                    foreach (var exampleAttr in examples.OrderBy(e => e.SortOrder))
                        var example = new XElement(command + "example");
                        var title   = string.Format("------------------EXAMPLE {0}---------------------", exampleCount);
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "title", title));
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "introduction", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Introduction)));
                        example.Add(new XElement(dev + "code", exampleAttr.Code));
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "remarks", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Remarks)));
                        example.Add(new XElement(command + "commandLines",
                                                 new XElement(command + "commandLine",
                                                              new XElement(command + "commandText"))));

                    if (generateMarkdown)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.Verb) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.Noun))
                            using (var docfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(string.Format("{0}\\Documentation\\{1}{2}.md", solutionDir, cmdletInfo.Verb, cmdletInfo.Noun)))
                                docfile.WriteLine("#{0}", cmdletInfo.FullCommand);
                                docfile.WriteLine("*Topic automatically generated on: {0}*", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                                foreach (var cmdletSyntax in cmdletInfo.Syntaxes)
                                    var syntaxText = new StringBuilder();
                                    syntaxText.AppendFormat("    {0}", cmdletInfo.FullCommand);
                                    foreach (var par in cmdletSyntax.Parameters.OrderBy(p => p.Position))
                                        syntaxText.Append(" ");
                                        if (!par.Required)
                                        syntaxText.AppendFormat("-{0} [<{1}>]", par.Name, par.Type);
                                        if (!par.Required)
                                    // Add All ParameterSet ones

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription))
                                    docfile.WriteLine("##Detailed Description");
                                foreach (var par in cmdletInfo.Parameters.OrderBy(x => x.Name))
                                    docfile.WriteLine("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}", par.Name, par.Type, par.Required ? "True" : "False", par.Description);
                                if (examples.Any())
                                var examplesCount = 1;
                                foreach (var example in examples.OrderBy(e => e.SortOrder))
                                    docfile.WriteLine("###Example {0}", examplesCount);
                                    docfile.WriteLine("    {0}", example.Code);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: ytterstrom/PnP-PowerShell
        private static void GenerateMarkDown(List <CmdletInfo> toc, string solutionDir, List <CmdletExampleAttribute> examples, CmdletInfo cmdletInfo)
            var originalMd = string.Empty;
            var newMd      = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.Verb) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.Noun))
                string mdFilePath = string.Format("{0}\\Documentation\\{1}{2}.md", solutionDir, cmdletInfo.Verb, cmdletInfo.Noun);

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(mdFilePath))
                    originalMd = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(mdFilePath);
                var docBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                // Header

                docBuilder.AppendFormat("#{0}{1}", cmdletInfo.FullCommand, Environment.NewLine);

                // Body

                docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", cmdletInfo.Description, Environment.NewLine);
                docBuilder.AppendFormat("##Syntax{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                foreach (var cmdletSyntax in cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.OrderBy(s => s.ParameterSetName))
                    var syntaxText = new StringBuilder();
                    syntaxText.AppendFormat("```powershell\r\n{0}", cmdletInfo.FullCommand);
                    foreach (var par in cmdletSyntax.Parameters.OrderBy(p => p.Position))
                        syntaxText.Append(" ");
                        if (!par.Required)
                        if (par.Type == "SwitchParameter")
                            syntaxText.AppendFormat("-{0} [<{1}>]", par.Name, par.Type);
                            syntaxText.AppendFormat("-{0} <{1}>", par.Name, par.Type);
                        if (!par.Required)
                    // Add All ParameterSet ones

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription))
                    docBuilder.Append("##Detailed Description\n");
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}\n\n", cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription);
                foreach (var par in cmdletInfo.Parameters.OrderBy(x => x.Name))
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("|{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|\n", par.Name, par.Type, par.Required ? "True" : "False", par.Description);
                if (examples.Any())
                var examplesCount = 1;
                foreach (var example in examples.OrderBy(e => e.SortOrder))
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}\n", example.Introduction);
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("###Example {0}\n", examplesCount);
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("```powershell\n{0}\n```\n", example.Code);
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}\n", example.Remarks);

                newMd = docBuilder.ToString();

                DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch dmp = new DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch();

                var diffResults = dmp.diff_main(newMd, originalMd);

                foreach (var result in diffResults)
                    if (result.operation != DiffMatchPatch.Operation.EQUAL)
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(mdFilePath, docBuilder.ToString());
コード例 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cmdlets = new List <CmdletInfo>();
            var inFile  = args[0];
            var outFile = args[1];
            var toc     = new List <CmdletInfo>();

            // Specify an additional (third) parameter pointing to the Solution folder to generate Markdown. The markdown
            // will be created in the Documentation folder underneath the solution folder.
            bool   generateMarkdown = false;
            string solutionDir      = null;

            if (args.Length > 2)
                solutionDir      = args[2];
                generateMarkdown = true;
            var doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", string.Empty));

            XNamespace ns        = "http://msh";
            var        helpItems = new XElement(ns + "helpItems", new XAttribute("schema", "maml"));


            XNamespace maml    = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10";
            XNamespace command = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10";
            XNamespace dev     = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10";

            var mamlNsAttr    = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "maml", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10");
            var commandNsAttr = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "command", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10");
            var devNsAttr     = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "dev", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10");

            var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(inFile);
            var types    = assembly.GetTypes();

            foreach (var t in types)
                if (t.BaseType.Name == "SPOCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "PSCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "SPOWebCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "SPOAdminCmdlet")
                    //XElement examples = new XElement(command + "examples");

                    var verb                = string.Empty;
                    var noun                = string.Empty;
                    var description         = string.Empty;
                    var detaileddescription = string.Empty;
                    var copyright           = string.Empty;
                    var version             = string.Empty;
                    var category            = string.Empty;
                    var attrs               = t.GetCustomAttributes();
                    var examples            = new List <CmdletExampleAttribute>();
                    var relatedLinks        = new List <CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute>();

                    // Get info from attributes
                    foreach (var attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is CmdletAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletAttribute)attr;
                            verb = a.VerbName;
                            noun = a.NounName;
                        if (attr is CmdletHelpAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletHelpAttribute)attr;
                            description         = a.Description;
                            copyright           = a.Copyright;
                            version             = a.Version;
                            detaileddescription = a.DetailedDescription;
                            category            = ToEnumString(a.Category);
                        if (attr is CmdletExampleAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletExampleAttribute)attr;
                        if (attr is CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute)
                            var l = (CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute)attr;

                    // Store in CmdletInfo structure
                    var cmdletInfo = new CmdletInfo(verb, noun);
                    cmdletInfo.Description         = description;
                    cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription = detaileddescription;
                    cmdletInfo.Version             = version;
                    cmdletInfo.Copyright           = copyright;
                    cmdletInfo.Category            = category;

                    // Build XElement for command
                    var commandElement = new XElement(command + "command", mamlNsAttr, commandNsAttr, devNsAttr);
                    var detailsElement = new XElement(command + "details");

                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "name", string.Format("{0}-{1}", verb, noun)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", description)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "copyright", new XElement(maml + "para", copyright)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "verb", verb));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "noun", noun));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(dev + "version", version));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detaileddescription))
                        commandElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", detaileddescription)));
                    var syntaxElement = new XElement(command + "syntax");

                    // Store syntaxes in CmdletInfo structure (if not AllParameterSets), and also in all syntaxItems list
                    var fields      = t.GetFields();
                    var syntaxItems = new List <SyntaxItem>();
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var dontShow = false;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ObsoleteAttribute)
                                dontShow = true;

                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;

                                if (!dontShow)
                                    if (a.ParameterSetName != ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)
                                        var cmdletSyntax = cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ParameterSetName == a.ParameterSetName);
                                        if (cmdletSyntax == null)
                                            cmdletSyntax = new CmdletSyntax();
                                            cmdletSyntax.ParameterSetName = a.ParameterSetName;

                                        cmdletSyntax.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                            Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                        var syntaxItem = syntaxItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == a.ParameterSetName);
                                        if (syntaxItem == null)
                                            syntaxItem = new SyntaxItem(a.ParameterSetName);
                                        syntaxItem.Parameters.Add(new SyntaxItem.Parameter()
                                            Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                    // all parameters
                    // Add AllParameterSets to all CmdletInfo syntax sets and syntaxItems sets (first checking there is at least one, i.e. if all are marked AllParameterSets)
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var dontShow = false;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ObsoleteAttribute)
                                dontShow = true;

                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;
                                if (!dontShow)
                                    if (a.ParameterSetName == ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)
                                        if (syntaxItems.Count == 0)
                                            syntaxItems.Add(new SyntaxItem(ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets));
                                        foreach (var si in syntaxItems)
                                            si.Parameters.Add(new SyntaxItem.Parameter()
                                                Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                        if (cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.Count == 0)
                                            cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.Add(new CmdletSyntax()
                                                ParameterSetName = ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets
                                        foreach (var cmdletSyntax in cmdletInfo.Syntaxes)
                                            cmdletSyntax.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                                Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                    // Build XElement for parameters from syntaxItems list (note: syntax element is set above)
                    foreach (var syntaxItem in syntaxItems)
                        var syntaxItemElement = new XElement(command + "syntaxItem");

                        syntaxItemElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", string.Format("{0}-{1}", verb, noun)));
                        foreach (var parameter in syntaxItem.Parameters)
                            var parameterElement = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Required), new XAttribute("position", parameter.Position > 0 ? parameter.Position.ToString() : "named"));

                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", parameter.Name));

                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", parameter.Description)));
                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(command + "parameterValue", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Type != "SwitchParameter"), parameter.Type));


                    // Also store parameters in cmdletInfo.Parameters (all parameters) and XElement parameters
                    var parametersElement = new XElement(command + "parameters");

                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var dontShow = false;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ObsoleteAttribute)
                                dontShow = true;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;
                                if (!dontShow)
                                    cmdletInfo.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                        Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                    var parameter2Element = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", a.Mandatory), new XAttribute("position", a.Position > 0 ? a.Position.ToString() : "named"));

                                    parameter2Element.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", field.Name));

                                    parameter2Element.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", a.HelpMessage)));
                                    var parameterValueElement = new XElement(command + "parameterValue", field.FieldType.Name, new XAttribute("required", a.Mandatory));

                                    var devElement = new XElement(dev + "type");
                                    devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", field.FieldType.Name));
                                    devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "uri"));



                    // XElement inputTypes
                        new XElement(command + "inputTypes",
                                     new XElement(command + "inputType",
                                                  new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                               new XElement(maml + "name", "String"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                            new XElement(maml + "para", "description"))))));

                    // XElement return values
                        new XElement(command + "returnValues",
                                     new XElement(command + "returnValue",
                                                  new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                               new XElement(maml + "name", "String"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                            new XElement(maml + "para", "description"))))));

                    // XElement examples
                    var examplesElement = new XElement(command + "examples");
                    var exampleCount    = 1;
                    foreach (var exampleAttr in examples.OrderBy(e => e.SortOrder))
                        var example = new XElement(command + "example");
                        var title   = string.Format("------------------EXAMPLE {0}---------------------", exampleCount);
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "title", title));
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "introduction", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Introduction)));
                        example.Add(new XElement(dev + "code", exampleAttr.Code));
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "remarks", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Remarks)));
                        example.Add(new XElement(command + "commandLines",
                                                 new XElement(command + "commandLine",
                                                              new XElement(command + "commandText"))));

                    // Related links
                    var relatedLinksElement = new XElement(maml + "relatedLinks");
                    relatedLinks.Insert(0, new CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute()
                        Text = "Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices", Url = "http://aka.ms/officedevpnp"

                    foreach (var link in relatedLinks)
                        var navigationLinksElement = new XElement(maml + "navigationLink");
                        var linkText = new XElement(maml + "linkText");
                        linkText.Value = link.Text + ":";
                        var uriElement = new XElement(maml + "uri");
                        uriElement.Value = link.Url;


                    // Markdown from CmdletInfo
                    if (generateMarkdown)
                        var originalMd = string.Empty;
                        var newMd      = string.Empty;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.Verb) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.Noun))
                            string mdFilePath = string.Format("{0}\\Documentation\\{1}{2}.md", solutionDir, cmdletInfo.Verb, cmdletInfo.Noun);
                            //var existingHashCode = string.Empty;
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(mdFilePath))
                                originalMd = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(mdFilePath);
                            var docHeaderBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                            // Separate header from body to calculate the hashcode later
                            docHeaderBuilder.AppendFormat("#{0}{1}", cmdletInfo.FullCommand, Environment.NewLine);
                            docHeaderBuilder.AppendFormat("*Topic automatically generated on: {0}*{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd"), Environment.NewLine);

                            // Body
                            var docBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                            docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", cmdletInfo.Description, Environment.NewLine);
                            docBuilder.AppendFormat("##Syntax{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                            foreach (var cmdletSyntax in cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.OrderBy(s => s.ParameterSetName))
                                var syntaxText = new StringBuilder();
                                syntaxText.AppendFormat("```powershell\r\n{0}", cmdletInfo.FullCommand);
                                foreach (var par in cmdletSyntax.Parameters.OrderBy(p => p.Position))
                                    syntaxText.Append(" ");
                                    if (!par.Required)
                                    if (par.Type == "SwitchParameter")
                                        syntaxText.AppendFormat("-{0} [<{1}>]", par.Name, par.Type);
                                        syntaxText.AppendFormat("-{0} <{1}>", par.Name, par.Type);
                                    if (!par.Required)
                                // Add All ParameterSet ones

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription))
                                docBuilder.Append("##Detailed Description\n");
                                docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}\n\n", cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription);
                            foreach (var par in cmdletInfo.Parameters.OrderBy(x => x.Name))
                                docBuilder.AppendFormat("|{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|\n", par.Name, par.Type, par.Required ? "True" : "False", par.Description);
                            if (examples.Any())
                            var examplesCount = 1;
                            foreach (var example in examples.OrderBy(e => e.SortOrder))
                                docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}\n", example.Introduction);
                                docBuilder.AppendFormat("###Example {0}\n", examplesCount);
                                docBuilder.AppendFormat("```powershell\n{0}\n```\n", example.Code);
                                docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}\n", example.Remarks);

                            newMd = docBuilder.ToString();

                            DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch dmp = new DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch();

                            var diffResults = dmp.diff_main(newMd, originalMd);

                            foreach (var result in diffResults)
                                if (!result.text.Contains("*Topic automatically generated on"))
                                    if (result.operation != DiffMatchPatch.Operation.EQUAL)
                                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(mdFilePath, docHeaderBuilder.Append(docBuilder).ToString());

            if (generateMarkdown)
                var originalMd = string.Empty;
                var newMd      = string.Empty;

                // Create the readme.md
                var readmePath = string.Format("{0}\\Documentation\\readme.md", solutionDir);
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(readmePath))
                    originalMd = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readmePath);
                var docBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                docBuilder.AppendFormat("# Cmdlet Documentation #{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                docBuilder.AppendFormat("Below you can find a list of all the available cmdlets. Many commands provide built-in help and examples. Retrieve the detailed help with {0}", Environment.NewLine);
                docBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}```powershell{0}Get-Help Connect-SPOnline -Detailed{0}```{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);

                // Get all unique categories
                var categories = toc.Select(c => c.Category).Distinct();

                foreach (var category in categories.OrderBy(c => c))
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("##{0}{1}", category, Environment.NewLine);

                    docBuilder.AppendFormat("Cmdlet|Description{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                    docBuilder.AppendFormat(":-----|:----------{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                    foreach (var cmdletInfo in toc.Where(c => c.Category == category).OrderBy(c => c.Noun))
                        var description = cmdletInfo.Description.Replace("\r\n", " ");
                        docBuilder.AppendFormat("**[{0}]({1}{2}.md)** |{3}{4}", cmdletInfo.FullCommand.Replace("-", "&#8209;"), cmdletInfo.Verb, cmdletInfo.Noun, description, Environment.NewLine);

                newMd = docBuilder.ToString();
                DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch dmp = new DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch();

                var diffResults = dmp.diff_main(newMd, originalMd);

                foreach (var result in diffResults)
                    if (!result.text.Contains("*Topic automatically generated on"))
                        if (result.operation != DiffMatchPatch.Operation.EQUAL)
                            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(readmePath, docBuilder.ToString());

            DirectoryInfo di      = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("{0}\\Documentation", solutionDir));
            var           mdFiles = di.GetFiles("*.md");

            // Clean up old MD files
            foreach (var mdFile in mdFiles)
                if (mdFile.Name.ToLowerInvariant() != "readme.md")
                    var index = toc.FindIndex(t => string.Format("{0}{1}.md", t.Verb, t.Noun) == mdFile.Name);
                    if (index == -1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: ytterstrom/PnP-PowerShell
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cmdlets = new List <CmdletInfo>();
            var inFile  = args[0];
            var outFile = args[1];
            var toc     = new List <CmdletInfo>();

            // Specify an additional (third) parameter pointing to the Solution folder to generate Markdown. The markdown
            // will be created in the Documentation folder underneath the solution folder.
            bool   generateMarkdown = false;
            string solutionDir      = null;

            if (args.Length > 2)
                solutionDir      = args[2];
                generateMarkdown = true;

            var doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", string.Empty));

            XNamespace ns        = "http://msh";
            var        helpItems = new XElement(ns + "helpItems", new XAttribute("schema", "maml"));


            XNamespace maml    = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10";
            XNamespace command = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10";
            XNamespace dev     = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10";

            var mamlNsAttr    = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "maml", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10");
            var commandNsAttr = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "command", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10");
            var devNsAttr     = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "dev", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10");

            var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(inFile);
            var types    = assembly.GetTypes();

            //        System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch();

            foreach (var t in types)
                if (t.BaseType.Name == "SPOCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "PSCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "SPOWebCmdlet" || t.BaseType.Name == "SPOAdminCmdlet")
                    var verb                = string.Empty;
                    var noun                = string.Empty;
                    var description         = string.Empty;
                    var detaileddescription = string.Empty;
                    var copyright           = string.Empty;
                    var version             = string.Empty;
                    var category            = string.Empty;
                    var attrs               = t.GetCustomAttributes();
                    var examples            = new List <CmdletExampleAttribute>();
                    var relatedLinks        = new List <CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute>();

                    // Get info from attributes
                    foreach (var attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is CmdletAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletAttribute)attr;
                            verb = a.VerbName;
                            noun = a.NounName;
                        if (attr is CmdletHelpAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletHelpAttribute)attr;
                            description         = a.Description;
                            copyright           = a.Copyright;
                            version             = a.Version;
                            detaileddescription = a.DetailedDescription;
                            category            = ToEnumString(a.Category);
                        if (attr is CmdletExampleAttribute)
                            var a = (CmdletExampleAttribute)attr;
                        if (attr is CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute)
                            var l = (CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute)attr;

                    // Store in CmdletInfo structure
                    var cmdletInfo = new CmdletInfo(verb, noun);
                    cmdletInfo.Description         = description;
                    cmdletInfo.DetailedDescription = detaileddescription;
                    cmdletInfo.Version             = version;
                    cmdletInfo.Copyright           = copyright;
                    cmdletInfo.Category            = category;

                    // Build XElement for command
                    var commandElement = new XElement(command + "command", mamlNsAttr, commandNsAttr, devNsAttr);
                    var detailsElement = new XElement(command + "details");

                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "name", string.Format("{0}-{1}", verb, noun)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", description)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "copyright", new XElement(maml + "para", copyright)));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "verb", verb));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(command + "noun", noun));
                    detailsElement.Add(new XElement(dev + "version", version));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detaileddescription))
                        commandElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", detaileddescription)));
                    var syntaxElement = new XElement(command + "syntax");

                    // Store syntaxes in CmdletInfo structure (if not AllParameterSets), and also in all syntaxItems list
                    var fields = GetFields(t);
                    //var fields = t.GetFields();
                    var syntaxItems = new List <SyntaxItem>();
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var dontShow = false;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ObsoleteAttribute)
                                dontShow = true;

                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;

                                if (!dontShow)
                                    if (a.ParameterSetName != ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)
                                        var cmdletSyntax = cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ParameterSetName == a.ParameterSetName);
                                        if (cmdletSyntax == null)
                                            cmdletSyntax = new CmdletSyntax();
                                            cmdletSyntax.ParameterSetName = a.ParameterSetName;

                                        cmdletSyntax.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                            Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                        var syntaxItem = syntaxItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == a.ParameterSetName);
                                        if (syntaxItem == null)
                                            syntaxItem = new SyntaxItem(a.ParameterSetName);
                                        syntaxItem.Parameters.Add(new SyntaxItem.Parameter()
                                            Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                    // all parameters
                    // Add AllParameterSets to all CmdletInfo syntax sets and syntaxItems sets (first checking there is at least one, i.e. if all are marked AllParameterSets)
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var dontShow = false;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ObsoleteAttribute)
                                dontShow = true;

                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;
                                if (!dontShow)
                                    if (a.ParameterSetName == ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets)
                                        if (syntaxItems.Count == 0)
                                            syntaxItems.Add(new SyntaxItem(ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets));
                                        foreach (var si in syntaxItems)
                                            si.Parameters.Add(new SyntaxItem.Parameter()
                                                Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                        if (cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.Count == 0)
                                            cmdletInfo.Syntaxes.Add(new CmdletSyntax()
                                                ParameterSetName = ParameterAttribute.AllParameterSets
                                        foreach (var cmdletSyntax in cmdletInfo.Syntaxes)
                                            cmdletSyntax.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                                Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                    // Build XElement for parameters from syntaxItems list (note: syntax element is set above)
                    foreach (var syntaxItem in syntaxItems)
                        var syntaxItemElement = new XElement(command + "syntaxItem");

                        syntaxItemElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", string.Format("{0}-{1}", verb, noun)));
                        foreach (var parameter in syntaxItem.Parameters)
                            var parameterElement = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Required), new XAttribute("position", parameter.Position > 0 ? parameter.Position.ToString() : "named"));

                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", parameter.Name));

                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", parameter.Description)));
                            parameterElement.Add(new XElement(command + "parameterValue", new XAttribute("required", parameter.Type != "SwitchParameter"), parameter.Type));


                    // Also store parameters in cmdletInfo.Parameters (all parameters) and XElement parameters
                    var parametersElement = new XElement(command + "parameters");

                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var dontShow = false;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ObsoleteAttribute)
                                dontShow = true;
                        foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true))
                            if (attr is ParameterAttribute)
                                var a = (ParameterAttribute)attr;
                                if (!dontShow)
                                    cmdletInfo.Parameters.Add(new CmdletParameterInfo()
                                        Name = field.Name, Description = a.HelpMessage, Position = a.Position, Required = a.Mandatory, Type = field.FieldType.Name

                                    var parameter2Element = new XElement(command + "parameter", new XAttribute("required", a.Mandatory), new XAttribute("position", a.Position > 0 ? a.Position.ToString() : "named"));

                                    parameter2Element.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", field.Name));

                                    parameter2Element.Add(new XElement(maml + "description", new XElement(maml + "para", a.HelpMessage)));
                                    var parameterValueElement = new XElement(command + "parameterValue", field.FieldType.Name, new XAttribute("required", a.Mandatory));

                                    var devElement = new XElement(dev + "type");
                                    devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "name", field.FieldType.Name));
                                    devElement.Add(new XElement(maml + "uri"));



                    // XElement inputTypes
                        new XElement(command + "inputTypes",
                                     new XElement(command + "inputType",
                                                  new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                               new XElement(maml + "name", "String"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                            new XElement(maml + "para", "description"))))));

                    // XElement return values
                        new XElement(command + "returnValues",
                                     new XElement(command + "returnValue",
                                                  new XElement(dev + "type",
                                                               new XElement(maml + "name", "String"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "uri"),
                                                               new XElement(maml + "description",
                                                                            new XElement(maml + "para", "description"))))));

                    // XElement examples
                    var examplesElement = new XElement(command + "examples");
                    var exampleCount    = 1;
                    foreach (var exampleAttr in examples.OrderBy(e => e.SortOrder))
                        var example = new XElement(command + "example");
                        var title   = string.Format("------------------EXAMPLE {0}---------------------", exampleCount);
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "title", title));
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "introduction", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Introduction)));
                        example.Add(new XElement(dev + "code", exampleAttr.Code));
                        example.Add(new XElement(maml + "remarks", new XElement(maml + "para", exampleAttr.Remarks)));
                        example.Add(new XElement(command + "commandLines",
                                                 new XElement(command + "commandLine",
                                                              new XElement(command + "commandText"))));

                    // Related links
                    var relatedLinksElement = new XElement(maml + "relatedLinks");
                    relatedLinks.Insert(0, new CmdletRelatedLinkAttribute()
                        Text = "Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices", Url = "http://aka.ms/officedevpnp"

                    foreach (var link in relatedLinks)
                        var navigationLinksElement = new XElement(maml + "navigationLink");
                        var linkText = new XElement(maml + "linkText");
                        linkText.Value = link.Text + ":";
                        var uriElement = new XElement(maml + "uri");
                        uriElement.Value = link.Url;


                    // Markdown from CmdletInfo
                    if (generateMarkdown)
                        GenerateMarkDown(toc, solutionDir, examples, cmdletInfo);

            if (generateMarkdown)
                CreateReadme(toc, solutionDir);

            DirectoryInfo di      = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("{0}\\Documentation", solutionDir));
            var           mdFiles = di.GetFiles("*.md");

            // Clean up old MD files
            foreach (var mdFile in mdFiles)
                if (mdFile.Name.ToLowerInvariant() != "readme.md")
                    var index = toc.FindIndex(t => string.Format("{0}{1}.md", t.Verb, t.Noun) == mdFile.Name);
                    if (index == -1)