public override State handleLeft2BTNClick() { topupAmt = 50; State nextStep = this; if (session) { topupFromAcct = theCard.getAcctUsingAcctNo(acctNo); if (language.Equals("MALAY")) { if (topupFromAcct.getBalance() - topupAmt < 0) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Baki nilai tambah tidak mencukupi\nSila tekan semula jumlah bagi nilai tambah"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Tekan jumlah bagi nilai tambah"; } else { nextStep = new WaitForCashcardState(mainForm, language, acctNo, topupAmt); } } else if (language.Equals("CHINESE")) { if (topupFromAcct.getBalance() - topupAmt < 0) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "不足以弥补\n请重新输入充值的金额"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); bigDisplayLBL.Text = "输入充值的金额"; } else { nextStep = new WaitForCashcardState(mainForm, language, acctNo, topupAmt); } } else { if (topupFromAcct.getBalance() - topupAmt < 0) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Insufficent balance to Topup\nPlease re-enter amount to Topup"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Enter amount to Top up"; } else { nextStep = new WaitForCashcardState(mainForm, language, acctNo, topupAmt); } } } return(nextStep); }
public override State handleRight1BTNClick() //Ok button { double maxAmountAllowed = 100; double minAmountAllowed = 10; double validateAmt; State nextStep = this; if (session) { topupAmt = Convert.ToDouble(amountEnteredTxt); topupFromAcct = theCard.getAcctUsingAcctNo(acctNo); validateAmt = topupAmt % 10; //check amountEnteredTxt for valid amount and decimal value if (validateAmt == 0 && amountEnteredTxt.EndsWith("0")) { //check for min max amount allowed if (topupAmt <= maxAmountAllowed && topupAmt >= minAmountAllowed) { //check for valid balance before withdraw if (topupFromAcct.getBalance() - topupAmt < 0) { if (language.Equals("MALAY")) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Baki bagi nilai tambah tidak mencukupi \nTekan semula jumlah bagi niai tambah"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); } else if (language.Equals("CHINESE")) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "不足以弥补\n请重新输入充值的金额"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); } else { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Insufficent balance to Topup\nPlease re-enter amount to Topup"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); } } else { nextStep = new WaitForCashcardState(mainForm, language, acctNo, topupAmt); } } else { if (language.Equals("MALAY")) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Jumlah minimum dibenarkan sebanyak $20\nJumlah maksimum dibenarkan sebanyak $100"; pauseforMilliseconds(4000); resetDisplay(); } else if (language.Equals("CHINESE")) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "允许最低金额20美元\n最高允许金额为$ 100"; pauseforMilliseconds(4000); resetDisplay(); } else { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Minimum amount of $20 is allowed\nMaximum amount of $100 is allowed"; pauseforMilliseconds(4000); resetDisplay(); } } } else { if (language.Equals("MALAY")) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Jumlah dibenarkan bagi nilai tambah sebanyak $10 - $100 sahaja"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); } else if (language.Equals("CHINESE")) { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "只能充值$ 10 - $ 100"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); } else { bigDisplayLBL.Text = "Can only top-up $10 - $100 only"; pauseforMilliseconds(3000); resetDisplay(); } } } return(nextStep); }