public string JSONfromSQLnative(string queryin) { string resultout = ""; string truequery = queryin; CloseReaderifopen(); if (!(truequery.Contains("FOR JSON path, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES"))) { ; } { truequery = Regex.Replace(truequery, @";", ""); truequery = truequery + " FOR JSON path, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES"; } //string Rowcheck = RowsExist(truequery); //if (Rowcheck == "0") { return "No Rows Found in query"; } try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = truequery; cmd.Connection = DCdatbase; MasterReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (MasterReader.HasRows) { while (MasterReader.Read()) { resultout = MasterReader.GetString(0); } MasterReader.Close(); } else { resultout = "No Records Found"; } } catch (Exception ex) { using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { WindowsLogger EH1 = new WindowsLogger(); EH1.WriteErrorToWindowsApplicationLog(ex, this.GetType().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "queryin = " + @queryin); eventLog.Source = "Application"; } resultout = resultout = "Error occurred and was logged to the Windows Application Log"; } return(resultout); }
//************** END Constructor ******************************** public void NonQuery(string commandin) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandin, DCdatbase); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { WindowsLogger EH1 = new WindowsLogger(); EH1.WriteErrorToWindowsApplicationLog(ex, this.GetType().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "commandin = " + @commandin); eventLog.Source = "Application"; } } }
public string JSONfromSQL(string queryin) { string resultout = ""; string singlerowJSON = ""; string truequery = queryin; CloseReaderifopen(); //string Rowcheck = RowsExist(truequery); //if (Rowcheck == "0") { return "No Rows Found in query"; } try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = truequery; cmd.Connection = DCdatbase; MasterReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (MasterReader.HasRows) { resultout = "["; while (MasterReader.Read()) { singlerowJSON = "{"; for (int x = 0; x < MasterReader.FieldCount; x++) { if (x <= MasterReader.FieldCount) { singlerowJSON = singlerowJSON + "\"" + MasterReader.GetName(x) + "\":\"" + ConvertIfneeded(MasterReader, x) + "\","; } else { singlerowJSON = singlerowJSON + "\"" + MasterReader.GetName(x) + "\":\"" + ConvertIfneeded(MasterReader, x) + "\"}"; } } resultout = resultout + singlerowJSON; if (resultout.EndsWith(",")) { resultout = resultout.Remove(resultout.Length - 1, 1); resultout = resultout + "},"; } } if (resultout.EndsWith(",")) { resultout = resultout.Remove(resultout.Length - 1, 1); } MasterReader.Close(); resultout = resultout + "]"; } else { resultout = "No Records Found"; } } catch (Exception ex) { using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { WindowsLogger EH1 = new WindowsLogger(); EH1.WriteErrorToWindowsApplicationLog(ex, this.GetType().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "queryin = " + @queryin); eventLog.Source = "Application"; } resultout = resultout = "Error occurred and was logged to the Windows Application Log"; } return(resultout); }