コード例 #1
ファイル: ObiRopeHelper.cs プロジェクト: 17cuA/Docking_Game
        void Start()
            // Get all needed components and interconnect them:
            rope          = GetComponent <ObiRope>();
            path          = GetComponent <ObiCurve>();
            rope.Solver   = solver;
            rope.ropePath = path;
            //rope.section = section;
            GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material;

            // Calculate rope start/end and direction in local space:
            Vector3 localStart = transform.InverseTransformPoint(start.position);
            Vector3 localEnd   = transform.InverseTransformPoint(end.position);
            Vector3 direction  = (localEnd - localStart).normalized;

            // Generate rope path:
            path.controlPoints.Add(new ObiCurve.ControlPoint(localStart - direction, Vector3.up));
            path.controlPoints.Add(new ObiCurve.ControlPoint(localStart, Vector3.up));
            path.controlPoints.Add(new ObiCurve.ControlPoint(localEnd, Vector3.up));
            path.controlPoints.Add(new ObiCurve.ControlPoint(localEnd + direction, Vector3.up));

            // Setup the simulation:
コード例 #2
        static void CreateObiRope()
            GameObject c = new GameObject("Obi Rope");

            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(c, "Create Obi Rope");
            ObiRope   rope   = c.AddComponent <ObiRope>();
            ObiCurve  path   = c.AddComponent <ObiCurve>();
            ObiSolver solver = c.AddComponent <ObiSolver>();

            c.AddComponent <ObiRopeExtrudedRenderer>();

            rope.Solver   = solver;
            rope.ropePath = path;
コード例 #3
        public static void DrawSplineGizmos(ObiCurve curve, int resolution, Color color, Color culledColor, Color orientationColor, bool drawOrientation = true)
            if (curve == null || curve.GetNumSpans() == 0)

            Matrix4x4 prevMatrix = Handles.matrix;

            UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction oldZTest = Handles.zTest;
            Color oldColor = Handles.color;

            Handles.matrix = curve.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            Handles.color  = orientationColor;

            // Draw the curve:
            int curveSegments = curve.GetNumSpans() * resolution;

            Vector3[] samples = new Vector3[curveSegments + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i <= curveSegments; ++i)
                float mu = i / (float)curveSegments;
                samples[i] = curve.GetPositionAt(mu);

                if (drawOrientation)
                    Vector3 right     = Vector3.Cross(curve.GetFirstDerivativeAt(mu), curve.GetNormalAt(mu)).normalized;
                    Vector3 direction = Vector3.Cross(right, curve.GetFirstDerivativeAt(mu)).normalized;
                    Handles.DrawLine(samples[i], samples[i] + direction * 0.075f);

            Handles.color = color;
            Handles.zTest = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.LessEqual;

            Handles.color = culledColor;
            Handles.zTest = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Greater;

            Handles.color  = oldColor;
            Handles.matrix = prevMatrix;
            Handles.zTest  = oldZTest;
コード例 #4
        public static float ScreenPointToCurveMu(ObiCurve curve, Vector2 screenPoint, int samples = 30)
            if (curve.controlPoints.Count >= curve.MinPoints)
                samples = Mathf.Max(1, samples);
                float step = 1 / (float)samples;

                float closestMu   = 0;
                float minDistance = float.MaxValue;

                Matrix4x4 l2w = curve.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

                for (int k = 0; k < curve.GetNumSpans(); ++k)
                    Vector3 _p  = l2w.MultiplyPoint3x4(curve.controlPoints[k].position);
                    Vector3 p   = l2w.MultiplyPoint3x4(curve.controlPoints[k].GetOutTangent());
                    Vector3 p_  = l2w.MultiplyPoint3x4(curve.controlPoints[(k + 1) % curve.controlPoints.Count].GetInTangent());
                    Vector3 p__ = l2w.MultiplyPoint3x4(curve.controlPoints[(k + 1) % curve.controlPoints.Count].position);

                    Vector2 lastPoint = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(curve.Evaluate3D(_p, p, p_, p__, 0));
                    for (int i = 1; i <= samples; ++i)
                        Vector2 currentPoint = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(curve.Evaluate3D(_p, p, p_, p__, i * step));

                        float mu;
                        float distance = Vector2.SqrMagnitude((Vector2)ObiUtils.ProjectPointLine(screenPoint, lastPoint, currentPoint, out mu) - screenPoint);

                        if (distance < minDistance)
                            minDistance = distance;
                            closestMu   = (k + (i - 1) * step + mu / samples) / (float)curve.GetNumSpans();
                        lastPoint = currentPoint;

                Debug.LogWarning("Curve needs at least 2 control points to be defined.");
コード例 #5
 private static void DrawGizmosNonSelected(ObiCurve spline, GizmoType gizmoType)
     ObiEditorCurveDrawing.DrawSplineGizmos(spline, 30, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), new Color(1, 0, 0, 0.5f), Color.white, false);
コード例 #6
 public void OnEnable()
     spline         = (ObiCurve)target;
     selectedStatus = new bool[spline.controlPoints.Count];