public void ApplyDeltaQuaternion(quaternion rotation, quaternion delta, ref float4 angularDelta, float dt) { // convert quaternion delta to angular acceleration: quaternion newRotation = math.normalize(new quaternion(rotation.value + delta.value)); angularDelta += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(newRotation, rotation, dt); }
public static float4 GetParticleVelocityAtPoint(float4 position, float4 prevPosition, quaternion orientation, quaternion prevOrientation, float4 point, float dt) { // calculate both linear and angular velocities: float4 linearVelocity = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(position, prevPosition, dt); float4 angularVelocity = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientation, prevOrientation, dt); return(linearVelocity + new float4(math.cross(, (point - prevPosition).xyz), 0)); }
public static void ApplyDeltaQuaternion(int rigidbodyIndex, quaternion rotation, quaternion delta, NativeArray <float4> angularDeltas, BurstAffineTransform transform, float dt) { quaternion rotationWS = math.mul(transform.rotation, rotation); quaternion deltaWS = math.mul(transform.rotation, delta); // convert quaternion delta to angular acceleration: quaternion newRotation = math.normalize(new quaternion(rotationWS.value + deltaWS.value)); angularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(newRotation, rotationWS, dt); }
public void Update(float4 position, float4 scale, quaternion rotation, float dt) { prevFrame = frame; float4 prevVelocity = velocity; float4 prevAngularVelocity = angularVelocity; frame.translation = position; frame.rotation = rotation; frame.scale = scale; velocity = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(frame.translation, prevFrame.translation, dt); angularVelocity = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(frame.rotation, prevFrame.rotation, dt); acceleration = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(velocity, prevVelocity, dt); angularAcceleration = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(angularVelocity, prevAngularVelocity, dt); }
private float4 GetRelativeVelocity(int particleIndexA, int particleIndexB, ref BurstContact contact, ref float4 angularVelocityA, ref float4 angularVelocityB, ref float4 rA, ref float4 rB, bool rollingContacts) { // Initialize with particle linear velocity: float4 velA = (positions[particleIndexA] - prevPositions[particleIndexA]) / dt; float4 velB = (positions[particleIndexB] - prevPositions[particleIndexB]) / dt; // Consider angular velocities if rolling contacts are enabled: if (rollingContacts) { angularVelocityA = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndexA], prevOrientations[particleIndexA], dt); angularVelocityB = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndexB], prevOrientations[particleIndexB], dt); rA = contact.ContactPointA - prevPositions[particleIndexA]; rB = contact.ContactPointB - prevPositions[particleIndexB]; velA += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); velB += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } return(velA - velB); }
private float4 GetRelativeVelocity(int particleIndex, int rigidbodyIndex, ref BurstContact contact, ref float4 angularVelocityA, ref float4 rA, ref float4 rB, bool rollingContacts) { // Initialize with particle linear velocity: float4 relativeVelocity = (positions[particleIndex] - prevPositions[particleIndex]) / dt; // Add particle angular velocity if rolling contacts are enabled: if (rollingContacts) { angularVelocityA = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], dt); rA = contact.ContactPointA - prevPositions[particleIndex]; relativeVelocity += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } // Subtract rigidbody velocity: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { // Note: unlike rA, that is expressed in solver space, rB is expressed in world space. rB = inertialFrame.frame.TransformPoint(contact.ContactPointB) - rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].com; relativeVelocity -= BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], contact.ContactPointB, rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], inertialFrame.frame); } return(relativeVelocity); }
// The code actually running on the job public void Execute(int index) { int i = activeParticles[index]; // Project particles on the XY plane if we are in 2D mode: if (is2D) { // restrict position to the 2D plane float4 pos = positions[i]; pos[2] = previousPositions[i][2]; positions[i] = pos; // restrict rotation to the axis perpendicular to the 2D plane. quaternion swing, twist; BurstMath.SwingTwist(orientations[i], new float3(0, 0, 1), out swing, out twist); orientations[i] = twist; } if (inverseMasses[i] > 0) { velocities[i] = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(positions[i], previousPositions[i], deltaTime); } else { velocities[i] =; } if (inverseRotationalMasses[i] > 0) { angularVelocities[i] = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[i], previousOrientations[i], deltaTime); } else { angularVelocities[i] =; } }
public void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int start, end; batchData.GetConstraintRange(workItemIndex, out start, out end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; int simplexStartA = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyA, out int simplexSizeA); int simplexStartB = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyB, out int simplexSizeB); // Combine collision materials: BurstCollisionMaterial material = CombineCollisionMaterials(simplices[simplexStartA], simplices[simplexStartB]); float4 prevPositionA =; float4 linearVelocityA =; float4 angularVelocityA =; float4 invInertiaTensorA =; quaternion orientationA = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexRadiusA = 0; float4 prevPositionB =; float4 linearVelocityB =; float4 angularVelocityB =; float4 invInertiaTensorB =; quaternion orientationB = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexRadiusB = 0; for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; prevPositionA += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; linearVelocityA += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(positions[particleIndex], prevPositions[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointA[j]; angularVelocityA += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointA[j]; invInertiaTensorA += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; orientationA.value += orientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointA[j]; simplexRadiusA += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointA[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; prevPositionB += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; linearVelocityB += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(positions[particleIndex], prevPositions[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointB[j]; angularVelocityB += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointB[j]; invInertiaTensorB += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; orientationB.value += orientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointB[j]; simplexRadiusB += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointB[j]; } float4 rA =, rB =; // Consider angular velocities if rolling contacts are enabled: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { rA = -contact.normal * simplexRadiusA; rB = contact.normal * simplexRadiusB; linearVelocityA += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); linearVelocityB += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } // Calculate relative velocity: float4 relativeVelocity = linearVelocityA - linearVelocityB; // Calculate friction impulses (in the tangent and bitangent ddirections): float2 impulses = contact.SolveFriction(relativeVelocity, material.staticFriction, material.dynamicFriction, substepTime); // Apply friction impulses to both particles: if (math.abs(impulses.x) > BurstMath.epsilon || math.abs(impulses.y) > BurstMath.epsilon) { float4 tangentImpulse = impulses.x * contact.tangent; float4 bitangentImpulse = impulses.y * contact.bitangent; float4 totalImpulse = tangentImpulse + bitangentImpulse; float baryScale = BurstMath.BaryScale(contact.pointA); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; deltas[particleIndex] += (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassA + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassA) * substepTime * contact.pointA[j] * baryScale; counts[particleIndex]++; } baryScale = BurstMath.BaryScale(contact.pointB); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; deltas[particleIndex] -= (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassB + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassB) * substepTime * contact.pointB[j] * baryScale; counts[particleIndex]++; } // Rolling contacts: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { // Calculate angular velocity deltas due to friction impulse: float4x4 solverInertiaA = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensorA, orientationA); float4x4 solverInertiaB = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensorB, orientationB); float4 angVelDeltaA = math.mul(solverInertiaA, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); float4 angVelDeltaB = -math.mul(solverInertiaB, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); // Final angular velocities, after adding the deltas: angularVelocityA += angVelDeltaA; angularVelocityB += angVelDeltaB; // Calculate weights (inverse masses): float invMassA = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaA, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityA))); float invMassB = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaB, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityB))); // Calculate rolling axis and angular velocity deltas: float4 rollAxis =; float rollingImpulse = contact.SolveRollingFriction(angularVelocityA, angularVelocityB, material.rollingFriction, invMassA, invMassB, ref rollAxis); angVelDeltaA += rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassA; angVelDeltaB -= rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassB; // Apply orientation deltas to particles: quaternion orientationDeltaA = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientationA, angVelDeltaA, substepTime); quaternion orientationDeltaB = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientationB, angVelDeltaB, substepTime); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; quaternion qA = orientationDeltas[particleIndex]; qA.value += orientationDeltaA.value; orientationDeltas[particleIndex] = qA; orientationCounts[particleIndex]++; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; quaternion qB = orientationDeltas[particleIndex]; qB.value += orientationDeltaB.value; orientationDeltas[particleIndex] = qB; orientationCounts[particleIndex]++; } } } contacts[i] = contact; } }
public void Execute() { for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; // Get the indices of the particle and collider involved in this contact: int simplexStart = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyA, out int simplexSize); int colliderIndex = contact.bodyB; // Skip contacts involving triggers: if (shapes[colliderIndex].flags > 0) { continue; } // Get the rigidbody index (might be < 0, in that case there's no rigidbody present) int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[colliderIndex].rigidbodyIndex; // Combine collision materials (use material from first particle in simplex) BurstCollisionMaterial material = CombineCollisionMaterials(simplices[simplexStart], colliderIndex); // Calculate relative velocity: float4 rA =, rB =; float4 prevPositionA =; float4 linearVelocityA =; float4 angularVelocityA =; float4 invInertiaTensorA =; quaternion orientationA = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexRadiusA = 0; for (int j = 0; j < simplexSize; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStart + j]; prevPositionA += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; linearVelocityA += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(positions[particleIndex], prevPositions[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointA[j]; angularVelocityA += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointA[j]; invInertiaTensorA += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; orientationA.value += orientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointA[j]; simplexRadiusA += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointA[j]; } float4 relativeVelocity = linearVelocityA; // Add particle angular velocity if rolling contacts are enabled: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { rA = -contact.normal * simplexRadiusA; relativeVelocity += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } // Subtract rigidbody velocity: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { // Note: unlike rA, that is expressed in solver space, rB is expressed in world space. rB = inertialFrame.frame.TransformPoint(contact.pointB) - rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].com; relativeVelocity -= BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodyIndex, contact.pointB, rigidbodies, rigidbodyLinearDeltas, rigidbodyAngularDeltas, inertialFrame.frame); } // Determine impulse magnitude: float2 impulses = contact.SolveFriction(relativeVelocity, material.staticFriction, material.dynamicFriction, stepTime); if (math.abs(impulses.x) > BurstMath.epsilon || math.abs(impulses.y) > BurstMath.epsilon) { float4 tangentImpulse = impulses.x * contact.tangent; float4 bitangentImpulse = impulses.y * contact.bitangent; float4 totalImpulse = tangentImpulse + bitangentImpulse; float baryScale = BurstMath.BaryScale(contact.pointA); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSize; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStart + j]; //(tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassA + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassA) * dt; deltas[particleIndex] += (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassA + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassA) * substepTime * contact.pointA[j] * baryScale; counts[particleIndex]++; } if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { BurstMath.ApplyImpulse(rigidbodyIndex, -totalImpulse, contact.pointB, rigidbodies, rigidbodyLinearDeltas, rigidbodyAngularDeltas, inertialFrame.frame); } // Rolling contacts: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { // Calculate angular velocity deltas due to friction impulse: float4x4 solverInertiaA = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensorA, orientationA); float4 angVelDeltaA = math.mul(solverInertiaA, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); float4 angVelDeltaB =; // Final angular velocities, after adding the deltas: angularVelocityA += angVelDeltaA; float4 angularVelocityB =; // Calculate weights (inverse masses): float invMassA = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaA, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityA))); float invMassB = 0; if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { angVelDeltaB = math.mul(-rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].inverseInertiaTensor, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); angularVelocityB = rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].angularVelocity + angVelDeltaB; invMassB = math.length(math.mul(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].inverseInertiaTensor, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityB))); } // Calculate rolling axis and angular velocity deltas: float4 rollAxis =; float rollingImpulse = contact.SolveRollingFriction(angularVelocityA, angularVelocityB, material.rollingFriction, invMassA, invMassB, ref rollAxis); angVelDeltaA += rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassA; angVelDeltaB -= rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassB; // Apply orientation delta to particles: quaternion orientationDelta = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientationA, angVelDeltaA, substepTime); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSize; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStart + j]; quaternion qA = orientationDeltas[particleIndex]; qA.value += orientationDelta.value; orientationDeltas[particleIndex] = qA; orientationCounts[particleIndex]++; } // Apply angular velocity delta to rigidbody: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { float4 angularDelta = rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex]; angularDelta += angVelDeltaB; rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] = angularDelta; } } } contacts[i] = contact; } }