public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, int colliderIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, ref NativeArray <BurstDFNode> dfNodes, DistanceFieldHeader header, BurstAffineTransform colliderToSolver, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { float4 pos = colliderToSolver.InverseTransformPoint(position); BurstContact c = new BurstContact { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, }; float4 sample = DFTraverse(pos, 0, ref header, ref dfNodes); c.normal = new float4(math.normalize(, 0); c.point = pos - c.normal * sample[3]; c.normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.point = colliderToSolver.TransformPoint(c.point); c.distance = sample[3] * math.cmax( - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); }
public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, int colliderIndex, BurstAffineTransform transform, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { float4 center = * transform.scale; position = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(position) - center; float radius = shape.size.x * math.cmax(; float distanceToCenter = math.length(position); float4 normal = position / distanceToCenter; BurstContact c = new BurstContact { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, point = center + normal * radius, normal = normal, }; c.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(c.point); c.normal = transform.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.distance = distanceToCenter - radius - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); }
private static void BIHTraverse(int particleIndex, int colliderIndex, float4 particlePosition, quaternion particleOrientation, float4 particleVelocity, float4 particleRadii, ref BurstAabb particleBounds, int nodeIndex, ref NativeArray <BIHNode> bihNodes, ref NativeArray <Edge> edges, ref NativeArray <float2> vertices, ref EdgeMeshHeader header, ref BurstAffineTransform colliderToSolver, ref BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { var node = bihNodes[header.firstNode + nodeIndex]; // amount by which we should inflate aabbs: float offset = shape.contactOffset + particleRadii.x; if (node.firstChild >= 0) { // visit min node: if (particleBounds.min[node.axis] - offset <= node.min) { BIHTraverse(particleIndex, colliderIndex, particlePosition, particleOrientation, particleVelocity, particleRadii, ref particleBounds, node.firstChild, ref bihNodes, ref edges, ref vertices, ref header, ref colliderToSolver, ref shape, contacts); } // visit max node: if (particleBounds.max[node.axis] + offset >= node.max) { BIHTraverse(particleIndex, colliderIndex, particlePosition, particleOrientation, particleVelocity, particleRadii, ref particleBounds, node.firstChild + 1, ref bihNodes, ref edges, ref vertices, ref header, ref colliderToSolver, ref shape, contacts); } } else { // precalculate inverse of velocity vector for ray/aabb intersections: float4 invDir = math.rcp(particleVelocity); // contacts against all triangles: for (int i = node.start; i < node.start + node.count; ++i) { Edge t = edges[header.firstEdge + i]; float4 v1 = new float4(vertices[header.firstVertex + t.i1], 0, 0) * colliderToSolver.scale; float4 v2 = new float4(vertices[header.firstVertex + t.i2], 0, 0) * colliderToSolver.scale; BurstAabb aabb = new BurstAabb(v1, v2, 0.01f); aabb.Expand(new float4(offset)); // only generate a contact if the particle trajectory intersects its inflated aabb: if (aabb.IntersectsRay(particlePosition, invDir, true)) { float4 point = BurstMath.NearestPointOnEdge(v1, v2, particlePosition); float4 pointToTri = particlePosition - point; float distance = math.length(pointToTri); if (distance > BurstMath.epsilon) { BurstContact c = new BurstContact() { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, point = colliderToSolver.TransformPointUnscaled(point), normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(pointToTri / distance), }; c.distance = distance - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, particleOrientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); } } } } }
public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, int colliderIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, ref NativeArray <float> heightMap, HeightFieldHeader header, BurstAffineTransform colliderToSolver, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { float4 pos = colliderToSolver.InverseTransformPoint(position); BurstContact c = new BurstContact { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, }; int resolutionU = (int); int resolutionV = (int); // calculate terrain cell size: float cellWidth = shape.size.x / (resolutionU - 1); float cellHeight = shape.size.z / (resolutionV - 1); // calculate particle bounds min/max cells: int2 min = new int2((int)math.floor((pos[0] - radii[0]) / cellWidth), (int)math.floor((pos[2] - radii[0]) / cellHeight)); int2 max = new int2((int)math.floor((pos[0] + radii[0]) / cellWidth), (int)math.floor((pos[2] + radii[0]) / cellHeight)); for (int su = min[0]; su <= max[0]; ++su) { if (su >= 0 && su < resolutionU - 1) { for (int sv = min[1]; sv <= max[1]; ++sv) { if (sv >= 0 && sv < resolutionV - 1) { // calculate neighbor sample indices: int csu1 = math.clamp(su + 1, 0, resolutionU - 1); int csv1 = math.clamp(sv + 1, 0, resolutionV - 1); // sample heights: float h1 = heightMap[header.firstSample + sv * resolutionU + su] * shape.size.y; float h2 = heightMap[header.firstSample + sv * resolutionU + csu1] * shape.size.y; float h3 = heightMap[header.firstSample + csv1 * resolutionU + su] * shape.size.y; float h4 = heightMap[header.firstSample + csv1 * resolutionU + csu1] * shape.size.y; float min_x = su * shape.size.x / (resolutionU - 1); float max_x = csu1 * shape.size.x / (resolutionU - 1); float min_z = sv * shape.size.z / (resolutionV - 1); float max_z = csv1 * shape.size.z / (resolutionV - 1); // contact with the first triangle: float4 pointOnTri = BurstMath.NearestPointOnTri(new float4(min_x, h3, max_z, 0), new float4(max_x, h4, max_z, 0), new float4(min_x, h1, min_z, 0), pos); float4 normal = pos - pointOnTri; float distance = math.length(normal); if (distance > BurstMath.epsilon) { c.normal = normal / distance; c.point = pointOnTri; c.normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.point = colliderToSolver.TransformPoint(c.point); c.distance = distance - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); } // contact with the second triangle: pointOnTri = BurstMath.NearestPointOnTri(new float4(min_x, h1, min_z, 0), new float4(max_x, h4, max_z, 0), new float4(max_x, h2, min_z, 0), pos); normal = pos - pointOnTri; distance = math.length(normal); if (distance > BurstMath.epsilon) { c.normal = normal / distance; c.point = pointOnTri; c.normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.point = colliderToSolver.TransformPoint(c.point); c.distance = distance - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); } } } } } }
public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, int colliderIndex, BurstAffineTransform transform, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { BurstContact c = new BurstContact() { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, }; float4 center = * transform.scale; position = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(position) - center; int direction = (int)shape.size.z; float radius = shape.size.x * math.max(transform.scale[(direction + 1) % 3], transform.scale[(direction + 2) % 3]); float height = math.max(radius, shape.size.y * 0.5f * transform.scale[direction]); float d = position[direction]; float4 axisProj =; float4 cap =; axisProj[direction] = d; cap[direction] = height - radius; float4 centerToPoint; float centerToPointNorm; if (d > height - radius) { //one cap centerToPoint = position - cap; centerToPointNorm = math.length(centerToPoint); c.distance = centerToPointNorm - radius; c.normal = (centerToPoint / (centerToPointNorm + math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL)); c.point = cap + c.normal * radius; } else if (d < -height + radius) { // other cap centerToPoint = position + cap; centerToPointNorm = math.length(centerToPoint); c.distance = centerToPointNorm - radius; c.normal = (centerToPoint / (centerToPointNorm + math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL)); c.point = -cap + c.normal * radius; } else {//cylinder centerToPoint = position - axisProj; centerToPointNorm = math.length(centerToPoint); c.distance = centerToPointNorm - radius; c.normal = (centerToPoint / (centerToPointNorm + math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL)); c.point = axisProj + c.normal * radius; } c.point += center; c.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(c.point); c.normal = transform.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.distance -= shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); }
private float4 GetRelativeVelocity(int particleIndex, int rigidbodyIndex, ref BurstContact contact, ref float4 angularVelocityA, ref float4 rA, ref float4 rB, bool rollingContacts) { // Initialize with particle linear velocity: float4 relativeVelocity = (positions[particleIndex] - prevPositions[particleIndex]) / dt; // Add particle angular velocity if rolling contacts are enabled: if (rollingContacts) { angularVelocityA = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], dt); rA = contact.ContactPointA - prevPositions[particleIndex]; relativeVelocity += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } // Subtract rigidbody velocity: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { // Note: unlike rA, that is expressed in solver space, rB is expressed in world space. rB = inertialFrame.frame.TransformPoint(contact.ContactPointB) - rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].com; relativeVelocity -= BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], contact.ContactPointB, rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], inertialFrame.frame); } return(relativeVelocity); }
private float4 GetRelativeVelocity(int particleIndexA, int particleIndexB, ref BurstContact contact, ref float4 angularVelocityA, ref float4 angularVelocityB, ref float4 rA, ref float4 rB, bool rollingContacts) { // Initialize with particle linear velocity: float4 velA = (positions[particleIndexA] - prevPositions[particleIndexA]) / dt; float4 velB = (positions[particleIndexB] - prevPositions[particleIndexB]) / dt; // Consider angular velocities if rolling contacts are enabled: if (rollingContacts) { angularVelocityA = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndexA], prevOrientations[particleIndexA], dt); angularVelocityB = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndexB], prevOrientations[particleIndexB], dt); rA = contact.ContactPointA - prevPositions[particleIndexA]; rB = contact.ContactPointB - prevPositions[particleIndexB]; velA += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); velB += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } return(velA - velB); }
private float4 GetRelativeVelocity(int particleIndex, int rigidbodyIndex, ref BurstContact contact) { // Initialize with particle linear velocity: float4 relativeVelocity = (positions[particleIndex] - prevPositions[particleIndex]) / dt; // As we do not consider true ellipses for collision detection, particle contact points are never off-axis. // So particle angular velocity does not contribute to normal impulses, and we can skip it. // Subtract rigidbody velocity: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { relativeVelocity -= BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], contact.ContactPointB, rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], inertialFrame.frame); } return(relativeVelocity); }
public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, int colliderIndex, BurstAffineTransform transform, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { BurstContact c = new BurstContact() { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, }; float4 center = * transform.scale; float4 size = shape.size * transform.scale * 0.5f; position = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(position) - center; // Get minimum distance for each axis: float4 distances = size - math.abs(position); // if we are inside the box: if (distances.x >= 0 && distances.y >= 0 && distances.z >= 0) { // find minimum distance in all three axes and the axis index: float min = float.MaxValue; int axis = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (distances[i] < min) { min = distances[i]; axis = i; } } c.normal =; c.point = position; c.distance = -distances[axis]; c.normal[axis] = position[axis] > 0 ? 1 : -1; c.point[axis] = size[axis] * c.normal[axis]; } else // we are outside the box: { // clamp point to be inside the box: c.point = math.clamp(position, -size, size); // find distance and direction to clamped point: float4 diff = position - c.point; c.distance = math.length(diff); c.normal = diff / (c.distance + math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL); } c.point += center; c.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(c.point); c.normal = transform.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.distance -= shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); }