//private DependencyPropertyDescriptor dp = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty( //Ellipse.RenderTransformProperty, //typeof(Ellipse)); public EcosystemRelationLine(FrameworkElement parent, EcosystemControl aWorldObjectControl, EcosystemControl bWorldObjectControl, FrameworkElement frameworkElement, Panel panel, Point[] offsetA = null, Point[] offsetB = null) { Parent = parent; aControl = aWorldObjectControl; bControl = bWorldObjectControl; this.frameworkElement = frameworkElement; this.panel = panel; if (offsetA != null && offsetA.Length == 2) { this.offsetA = offsetA; } else { this.offsetA[0] = new Point(ellipseWidth, ellipseHeight / 2); this.offsetA[1] = new Point(100, 0); } if (offsetB != null && offsetB.Length == 2) { this.offsetB = offsetB; } else { this.offsetB[0] = new Point(0, 25); this.offsetB[1] = new Point(-100, 0); } }
public OWLOSNodeControl(OWLOSNodeWrapper nodeWrapper) { this.nodeWrapper = nodeWrapper; if (nodeWrapper != null) { nodeWrapper.node.OnNewDriver += Node_OnNewDriver; } InitializeComponent(); parentControl = new EcosystemControl(this); nodeShadowPath.Data = nodePath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius, 0, 359); insideNodePath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 80, 0, 359); insideNodePath2.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 120, 0, 359); freeHeapPathBack.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 20, 0, freeHeapAngelLimit); DrawFreeHeap(50); WiFiRSSIDPathBack.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 40, 0, WiFiRSSIDAngelLimit); DrawWiFiRSSID(-50); PowerPathBack.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 40, PowerAngeStart, PowerAngelLimit + PowerAngeStart); DrawPower(25000); scriptsPath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 40, 185, 300); script1Path.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 60, 190, 210); script2Path.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 60, 215, 235); script3Path.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 60, 240, 260); filesPath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 40, 302, 315); propertiesPath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 40, 317, 359); restFullPath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 100, 0, 40); MQTTPath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 100, 45, 85); UARTPath.Data = HudLibrary.DrawArc(350, 350, radius - 100, 90, 130); //RalationLines test /* * DoubleAnimation rotate = new DoubleAnimation * { * From = 0.0f, * To = 360.0f, * Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000)), * RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever, * EasingFunction = new BackEase() * //AutoReverse = true * }; * RotateTransform rotateTransform = new RotateTransform(); * this.RenderTransform = rotateTransform; * rotateTransform.BeginAnimation(RotateTransform.AngleProperty, rotate); * renderTransform.AddValueChanged(this, PositionChanged); * //nodeGrid.RenderTransform.Add */ }
public LogControl(OWLOSNodeWrapper nodeWrapper) { InitializeComponent(); parentControl = new EcosystemControl(this); this.nodeWrapper = nodeWrapper; if (nodeWrapper != null) { nodeWrapper.node.OnNewDriver += Node_NewDriver; } }
public OWLOSDriverControl(OWLOSDriver driver) { InitializeComponent(); parentControl = new EcosystemControl(this); this.driver = driver; driverName.Text = driver.name; if (driver != null) { driver.OnPropertyCreate += Driver_NewProperty; } }
public void Dispose() { if (IsDisposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Can't get access to disposed object."); } IsDisposed = true; RemoveRelationLine(); ecosystemPathLine = default(EcosystemPathLine); aControl = null; bControl = null; frameworkElement = null; panel = null; ellipse = null; curveLine = null; Parent = null; }
public EcosystemExplorerWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Admin admin = new Admin(); adminControl = new EcosystemControl(null); nodeGrid.Children.Add(adminControl); admin.OnNewNode += Admin_NewOWLOSNode; admin.Load(); nodeGrid.Width = nodeGrid.Height = cellSize; viewbox.Width = viewbox.Height = cellSize / 10; autoScrollImage.Tag = (int)0; drawCellImage.Tag = (int)1; // nodeGrid.Tag = nodeTreeView; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)DrawCell, DispatcherPriority.Send); double zoomTo = 10.0f; zoomTextBox.Text = (zoomTo).ToString(("F")); double zoom = zoomTo * (cellSize / 100); /* * NodeControl nodeCountrol2 = new NodeControl(); * nodeGrid.Children.Add(nodeCountrol2); * * NodeControl nodeCountrol3 = new NodeControl(); * nodeGrid.Children.Add(nodeCountrol3); */ }