コード例 #1
        // pass a pointer to a heightmap
        // when rendered, x pos will be multiplied by xscale, and y points by yscale
        public RenderableHeightMap(TerrainView terrainview, TerrainModel terrainmodel, int xscale, int yscale )
            this.terrainmodel = terrainmodel;
            this.terrainview = terrainview;

            this.heightmap = terrainmodel.Map;
            width = heightmap.GetLength(0) - 1;
            height = heightmap.GetLength(1) - 1;
            this.xscale = xscale;
            this.yscale = yscale;

            //maptexturestageviews = terrainview.maptexturestageviews;
            maptexturestagemodels = terrainmodel.texturestages;
            //    foreach (MapTextureStageView maptexturestageview in maptexturestageviews)
              //  {
            //    viewbymodel.Add( maptexturestageview.maptexturestagemodel, maptexturestageview );

            normalsperquad = new Vector3[width, height];
            terrain_HeightmapInPlaceEdited(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
            RendererFactory.GetInstance().WriteNextFrameEvent += new WriteNextFrameCallback(Render);
            terrainmodel.HeightmapInPlaceEdited += new TerrainModel.HeightmapInPlaceEditedHandler(terrain_HeightmapInPlaceEdited);
            terrainmodel.TerrainModified += new TerrainModel.TerrainModifiedHandler(terrain_TerrainModified);
            terrainmodel.BlendmapInPlaceEdited += new TerrainModel.BlendmapInPlaceEditedHandler(terrain_BlendmapInPlaceEdited);
コード例 #2
ファイル: WorldModel.cs プロジェクト: beyonddiana/osmp-cs
 public WorldModel(NetReplicationController netreplicationcontroller)
     this.netreplicationcontroller = netreplicationcontroller;
     entities = new List <Entity>();
     netreplicationcontroller.RegisterReplicatedObjectController(this, typeof(Entity));
     terrainmodel = new TerrainModel();
コード例 #3
ファイル: TerrainView.cs プロジェクト: beyonddiana/osmp-cs
        public TerrainView(TerrainModel terrainmodel)
            LogFile.WriteLine("TerrainView( " + terrainmodel + ")");

            this.terrainmodel = terrainmodel;

            terrainmodel.TerrainModified += new TerrainModel.TerrainModifiedHandler(terrainmodel_TerrainModified);

            GraphicsHelperGl g = new GraphicsHelperGl();

            foreach (MapTextureStageModel maptexturestagemodel in terrainmodel.texturestages)
                LogFile.WriteLine("create maptexturestageview for " + maptexturestagemodel);
                mapviewbymapmodel.Add(maptexturestagemodel, new MapTextureStageView(maptexturestagemodel));

            renderableheightmap = new RenderableHeightMap(this, terrainmodel, 1, 1);
            //renderableallfeatures = new RenderableAllFeatures(this);
            // water must be last, otherwise you cant see through it ;-)
            renderablewater = new RenderableWater(new Vector3(), new Vector2(terrainmodel.HeightMapWidth, terrainmodel.HeightMapHeight));
            // minimap last, covers everything else
            //renderableminimap = new RenderableMinimap(this, renderableheightmap);
コード例 #4
        public void ApplyBrush(IBrushShape brushshape, int brushsize, double brushcentre_x, double brushcentre_y, bool israising, double milliseconds)
            TerrainModel terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            double[,] mesh = terrain.Map;

            int x = (int)(brushcentre_x);
            int y = (int)(brushcentre_y);

            double timemultiplier = milliseconds * speed;
            int    meshsize       = mesh.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;

            for (int i = -brushsize; i <= brushsize; i++)
                for (int j = -brushsize; j <= brushsize; j++)
                    int thisx = x + i;
                    int thisy = y + j;
                    if (thisx >= 0 && thisy >= 0 && thisx < meshsize &&
                        thisy < meshsize)
                        double brushshapecontribution = brushshape.GetStrength((double)i / brushsize, (double)j / brushsize);
                        if (brushshapecontribution > 0)
                            mesh[thisx, thisy] = mesh[thisx, thisy] + (mesh[x, y] - mesh[thisx, thisy]) * brushshapecontribution * timemultiplier / 50;
            terrain.OnHeightMapInPlaceEdited(x - brushsize, y - brushsize, x + brushsize, y + brushsize);
コード例 #5
        // pass a pointer to a heightmap
        // when rendered, x pos will be multiplied by xscale, and y points by yscale
        public RenderableHeightMap(TerrainView terrainview, TerrainModel terrainmodel, int xscale, int yscale)
            this.terrainmodel = terrainmodel;
            this.terrainview  = terrainview;

            this.heightmap = terrainmodel.Map;
            width          = heightmap.GetLength(0) - 1;
            height         = heightmap.GetLength(1) - 1;
            this.xscale    = xscale;
            this.yscale    = yscale;

            //maptexturestageviews = terrainview.maptexturestageviews;
            maptexturestagemodels = terrainmodel.texturestages;
            //    foreach (MapTextureStageView maptexturestageview in maptexturestageviews)
            //  {
            //    viewbymodel.Add( maptexturestageview.maptexturestagemodel, maptexturestageview );

            normalsperquad = new Vector3[width, height];
            terrain_HeightmapInPlaceEdited(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
            RendererFactory.GetInstance().WriteNextFrameEvent += new WriteNextFrameCallback(Render);
            terrainmodel.HeightmapInPlaceEdited += new TerrainModel.HeightmapInPlaceEditedHandler(terrain_HeightmapInPlaceEdited);
            terrainmodel.TerrainModified        += new TerrainModel.TerrainModifiedHandler(terrain_TerrainModified);
            terrainmodel.BlendmapInPlaceEdited  += new TerrainModel.BlendmapInPlaceEditedHandler(terrain_BlendmapInPlaceEdited);
コード例 #6
        void GetDimensions()
            TerrainModel terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            windowwidth  = RendererFactory.GetInstance().WindowWidth;
            windowheight = RendererFactory.GetInstance().WindowHeight;

            mapwidth  = terrain.MapWidth;
            mapheight = terrain.MapHeight;

            double mapheightwidthratio = terrain.MapHeight / terrain.MapWidth;

            minimapwidth  = 0;
            minimapheight = 0;
            if (mapheightwidthratio > 1)
                minimapheight = minimapsize;
                minimapwidth  = (int)(minimapsize / mapheightwidthratio);
                minimapwidth  = minimapsize;
                minimapheight = (int)(minimapsize * mapheightwidthratio);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Sm3Persistence.cs プロジェクト: beyonddiana/osmp-cs
        List <MapTextureStageModel> LoadTextureStages(string sm3directory, TdfParser.Section terrainsection)
            int numstages = terrainsection.GetIntValue("numtexturestages");
            List <MapTextureStageModel> stages = new List <MapTextureStageModel>();
            TerrainModel terrainmodel          = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            for (int i = 0; i < numstages; i++)
                TdfParser.Section texstagesection    = terrainsection.SubSection("texstage" + i);
                string            texturename        = texstagesection.GetStringValue("source");
                string            blendertexturename = texstagesection.GetStringValue("blender");
                string            operation          = texstagesection.GetStringValue("operation").ToLower();

                int          tilesize;
                ImageWrapper splattexture = LoadSplatTexture(sm3directory, terrainsection, texturename, out tilesize);
                if (operation == "blend")
                    ImageWrapper blendtexture = LoadBlendTexture(sm3directory, terrainsection, blendertexturename);
                    stages.Add(new MapTextureStageModel(MapTextureStageModel.OperationType.Blend, tilesize, splattexture, blendtexture));
                else // todo: add other operations
                    stages.Add(new MapTextureStageModel(MapTextureStageModel.OperationType.Replace, tilesize, splattexture));
            terrainmodel.texturestages = stages;
コード例 #8
        void terrainmodel_TerrainModified()
            TerrainModel terrainmodel = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            WorldBoundingBoxMin = new Vector3(0, 0, terrainmodel.MinHeight);
            WorldBoundingBoxMax = new Vector3(terrainmodel.MapWidth, terrainmodel.MapHeight, terrainmodel.MaxHeight);
            LogFile.WriteLine("PlayerMovement, new boundingbox " + WorldBoundingBoxMin + " < (x,y,z0 < " + WorldBoundingBoxMax);
コード例 #9
        public RenderableMinimap(TerrainModel parent, RenderableHeightMap renderableheightmap)  // note could upgrade this to use Isomething later, but Terrain works for now
            this.parent = parent;
            this.renderableheightmap = renderableheightmap;

            Gl.glGenTextures(1, out minimaptexture);

            RendererSdl.GetInstance().WriteNextFrameEvent += new WriteNextFrameCallback(RenderableMinimap_WriteNextFrameEvent);
コード例 #10
        // note could upgrade this to use Isomething later, but Terrain works for now
        public RenderableMinimap(TerrainModel parent, RenderableHeightMap renderableheightmap )
            this.parent = parent;
            this.renderableheightmap = renderableheightmap;

            Gl.glGenTextures(1, out minimaptexture);

            RendererSdl.GetInstance().WriteNextFrameEvent += new WriteNextFrameCallback(RenderableMinimap_WriteNextFrameEvent);
コード例 #11
        void NewHeightMap(int heightmapwidth, int heightmapheight)
            TerrainModel terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            terrain.HeightMapWidth    = heightmapwidth;
            terrain.HeightMapHeight   = heightmapheight;
            terrain.Map               = new double[terrain.HeightMapWidth, terrain.HeightMapHeight];
            terrain.HeightmapFilename = "";
コード例 #12
ファイル: SquareBrush.cs プロジェクト: beyonddiana/osmp-cs
        public void Render(Vector3 intersectpos)
            double radius        = CurrentEditBrush.GetInstance().BrushSize;
            double displayradius = radius;

            TerrainModel terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            int numsegments = 16;

            // list four corner of square, in order
            List <Vector2> corners = new List <Vector2>();

            corners.Add(new Vector2(-1, -1));
            corners.Add(new Vector2(-1, 1));
            corners.Add(new Vector2(1, 1));
            corners.Add(new Vector2(1, -1));

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Vector2 startcorner = corners[i];
                Vector2 endcorner   = corners[(i + 1) % 4];
                double  startx      = intersectpos.x + startcorner.x * displayradius;
                double  starty      = intersectpos.y + startcorner.y * displayradius;
                startx = Math.Max(0, startx);
                startx = Math.Min(startx, terrain.MapWidth);
                starty = Math.Max(0, starty);
                starty = Math.Min(starty, terrain.MapHeight);

                double endx = intersectpos.x + endcorner.x * displayradius;
                double endy = intersectpos.y + endcorner.y * displayradius;
                endx = Math.Max(0, endx);
                endx = Math.Min(endx, terrain.MapWidth);
                endy = Math.Max(0, endy);
                endy = Math.Min(endy, terrain.MapHeight);

                for (int segment = 0; segment < numsegments; segment++)
                    double x = startx + (endx - startx) * segment / numsegments;
                    double y = starty + (endy - starty) * segment / numsegments;
                    double z = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel.Map[(int)(x),
                    z = Math.Max(0.1, z);   // make sure visible over sea
                    Gl.glVertex3d(x, y, z);
コード例 #13
        public void Render(Vector3 intersectpos)
            double       radius = CurrentEditBrush.GetInstance().BrushSize;
            int          segments = 32;
            double       anglestep = Math.PI * 2 / segments;
            TerrainModel terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;
            double       x, y, z;
            // outer radius
            double displayradius = radius;

            for (double angle = 0; angle < Math.PI * 2; angle += anglestep)
                x = intersectpos.x + displayradius * Math.Sin(angle);
                y = intersectpos.y + displayradius * Math.Cos(angle);
                x = Math.Max(0, x);
                x = Math.Min(x, terrain.MapWidth);
                y = Math.Max(0, y);
                y = Math.Min(y, terrain.MapHeight);
                z = terrain.Map[(int)(x),
                z = Math.Max(0.1, z);   // make sure visible over sea
                Gl.glVertex3d(x, y, z);
            // core radius
            displayradius = coresizevalue / 100 * radius;
            for (double angle = 0; angle < Math.PI * 2; angle += anglestep)
                x = intersectpos.x + displayradius * Math.Sin(angle);
                y = intersectpos.y + displayradius * Math.Cos(angle);
                x = Math.Max(0, x);
                x = Math.Min(x, terrain.MapWidth);
                y = Math.Max(0, y);
                y = Math.Min(y, terrain.MapHeight);
                z = terrain.Map[(int)(x),
                z = Math.Max(0.1, z);   // make sure visible over sea
                Gl.glVertex3d(x, y, z);
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Return current mouse intersect point to x-y plane on map, in display coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector3 GetIntersectPoint()
            // intersect mousevector with x-z plane.
            TerrainModel terrain     = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;
            Vector3      mousevector = GraphicsHelperFactory.GetInstance().GetMouseVector(
            Vector3 camerapos = Camera.GetInstance().CameraPos;
            int     width     = terrain.HeightMapWidth;
            int     height    = terrain.HeightMapHeight;

            //Vector3 planenormal = mvMath.ZAxis;
            if (mousevector.z < -0.0005)
                //Vector3 intersectionpoint = camerapos + mousevector * (Vector3.DotProduct(camerapos, planenormal) + 0) /
                //  (Vector3.DotProduct(mousevector, planenormal));
                Vector3 intersectpoint = camerapos - mousevector * (camerapos.z / mousevector.z);
                //Console.WriteLine("intersection: " + intersectionpoint.ToString());
                double heightmapx = intersectpoint.x;
                double heightmapy = intersectpoint.y;
                if (heightmapx >= 0 && heightmapy >= 0 &&
                    heightmapx < width && heightmapy < height)
                    intersectpoint.z = terrain.Map[(int)heightmapx, (int)heightmapy];
                //                Console.WriteLine("no intersection");
コード例 #15
        void MainUIWindow_TerrainModified()
            LogFile.WriteLine("MainUIWindow_TerrainModified() >>>");
            terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;
            heightmapfilename.Text = terrain.HeightmapFilename;
            string[] stagenames = new string[terrain.texturestages.Count];
            bool     currenttexturestagevalid = false;
            string   oldtexturestagecombotext = texturestagecombo.Entry.Text;

            for (int i = 0; i < terrain.texturestages.Count; i++)
                string maptexturestagename = "texstage" + (i + 1);
                stagenames[i] = maptexturestagename;
                if (oldtexturestagecombotext == maptexturestagename)
                    currenttexturestagevalid = true;
            LogFile.WriteLine("stage names: " + String.Join(",", stagenames));
            settingtexturestagecomboentry    = true;
            texturestagecombo.PopdownStrings = stagenames;
            if (!currenttexturestagevalid)
                LogFile.WriteLine("resetting currenttexturestage");
                texturestagecombo.Entry.Text = stagenames[0];
                on_texturestage_changed(null, null);
                //blendtexturefilename.Text = "";
                //texturefilenamelbl.Text = "";
                //operationcombo.Entry.Text = "";
                texturestagecombo.Entry.Text = oldtexturestagecombotext;
                on_texturestage_changed(null, null);
            settingtexturestagecomboentry = false;
            LogFile.WriteLine("MainUIWindow_TerrainModified() <<<");
コード例 #16
ファイル: Sm3Persistence.cs プロジェクト: beyonddiana/osmp-cs
        void LoadHeightMap(string sm3directory, TdfParser.Section terrainsection)
            TerrainModel terrainmodel = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            string filename     = Path.Combine(sm3directory, terrainsection.GetStringValue("heightmap"));
            double heightoffset = terrainsection.GetDoubleValue("heightoffset");
            double heightscale  = terrainsection.GetDoubleValue("heightscale");

            LogFile.WriteLine("heightoffset: " + heightoffset + " heightscale " + heightscale);
            terrainmodel.MinHeight = heightoffset;
            terrainmodel.MaxHeight = heightoffset + heightscale; // I guess???

            ImageWrapper image = new ImageWrapper(filename);
            //Bitmap bitmap = DevIL.DevIL.LoadBitmap(filename);
            int width  = image.Width;
            int height = image.Height;

            terrainmodel.HeightMapWidth  = width;
            terrainmodel.HeightMapHeight = height;
            terrainmodel.Map             = new double[width, height];
            LogFile.WriteLine("loaded bitmap " + width + " x " + height);
            double minheight        = terrainmodel.MinHeight;
            double maxheight        = terrainmodel.MaxHeight;
            double heightmultiplier = (maxheight - minheight) / 255;

            LogFile.WriteLine("heightmultiplier: " + heightmultiplier + " minheight: " + minheight);
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    terrainmodel.Map[i, j] =
                        (float)(minheight + heightmultiplier *
                                image.GetBlue(i, j));
            terrain.HeightmapFilename = filename;
コード例 #17
ファイル: TerrainView.cs プロジェクト: hughperkins/osmp-cs
        public TerrainView( TerrainModel terrainmodel )
            LogFile.WriteLine( "TerrainView( " + terrainmodel + ")" );

            this.terrainmodel = terrainmodel;

            terrainmodel.TerrainModified += new TerrainModel.TerrainModifiedHandler( terrainmodel_TerrainModified );

            GraphicsHelperGl g = new GraphicsHelperGl();
            foreach (MapTextureStageModel maptexturestagemodel in terrainmodel.texturestages)
                LogFile.WriteLine( "create maptexturestageview for " + maptexturestagemodel );
                mapviewbymapmodel.Add( maptexturestagemodel, new MapTextureStageView( maptexturestagemodel ) );

            renderableheightmap = new RenderableHeightMap( this, terrainmodel, 1, 1 );
            //renderableallfeatures = new RenderableAllFeatures(this);
            // water must be last, otherwise you cant see through it ;-)
            renderablewater = new RenderableWater(new Vector3(), new Vector2(terrainmodel.HeightMapWidth , terrainmodel.HeightMapHeight ));
            // minimap last, covers everything else
            //renderableminimap = new RenderableMinimap(this, renderableheightmap);
コード例 #18
        // note to self: move this to subscriber?
        void DrawMinimap()
            TerrainModel terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;

            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastMinimapUpdate).TotalMilliseconds > 1000)
            //if( true )
                List <RendererPass> rendererpasses = new List <RendererPass>();
                bool multipass = true; // force multipass for now for simplicity
                int  maxtexels = RendererSdl.GetInstance().MaxTexelUnits;
                if (multipass)
                    for (int i = 0; i < terrain.texturestages.Count; i++)
                        MapTextureStageModel maptexturestage = terrain.texturestages[i];
                        int numtexturestagesrequired         = maptexturestage.NumTextureStagesRequired;
                        if (numtexturestagesrequired > 0) // exclude Nops
                            RendererPass rendererpass = new RendererPass(maxtexels);
                            for (int j = 0; j < maptexturestage.NumTextureStagesRequired; j++)
                                rendererpass.AddStage(new RendererTextureStage(maptexturestage, j, true, mapwidth, mapheight));

                GraphicsHelperGl g = new GraphicsHelperGl();

                //g.ApplyOrtho(windowwidth, windowheight, RendererSdl.GetInstance().OuterWindowWidth, RendererSdl.GetInstance().OuterWindowHeight);


                int chunkwidth  = minimapwidth / numchunks;
                int chunkheight = minimapheight / numchunks;

                float[] ambientLight  = new float[] { 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f };
                float[] diffuseLight  = new float[] { 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
                float[] specularLight = new float[] { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f };
                float[] position      = new float[] { -1.0f, 0.2f, -0.4f, 1.0f };

                Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT0, Gl.GL_AMBIENT, ambientLight);
                Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT0, Gl.GL_DIFFUSE, diffuseLight);
                Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT0, Gl.GL_SPECULAR, specularLight);
                Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT0, Gl.GL_POSITION, position);

                foreach (RendererPass rendererpass in rendererpasses)

                    for (int x = 0; x + chunkwidth < minimapwidth; x += chunkwidth)
                        for (int y = 0; y + chunkheight < minimapheight; y += chunkheight)

                            //double ul = 0;
                            //double ur = mapwidth * Terrain.SquareSize;
                            //double vt = 0;
                            //double vb = mapheight * Terrain.SquareSize;
                            double ul = (double)x / minimapwidth * mapwidth;
                            double ur = (double)(x + chunkwidth) / minimapwidth * mapwidth;
                            double vt = (double)y / minimapheight * mapheight;
                            double vb = (double)(y + chunkheight) / minimapheight * mapheight;

                            double xl = minimapx + x;
                            double xr = minimapx + x + minimapwidth / (double)numchunks;
                            double yt = minimapy + y;
                            double yb = minimapy + y + minimapheight / (double)numchunks;

                            Gl.glTexCoord2d(ul, vt);
                            Gl.glMultiTexCoord2dARB(Gl.GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, ul, vt);
                            g.Normal(renderableheightmap.GetNormal(x * mapwidth / minimapwidth, y * mapheight / minimapheight));
                            //g.Normal(renderableheightmap.normalsperquad[, ]);
                            Gl.glVertex2d(xl, yt);

                            Gl.glTexCoord2d(ul, vb);
                            Gl.glMultiTexCoord2dARB(Gl.GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, ul, vb);
                            g.Normal(renderableheightmap.GetNormal(x * mapwidth / minimapwidth, (y + chunkheight) * mapheight / minimapheight));
                            //g.Normal( renderableheightmap.normalsperquad[x * mapwidth / minimapwidth, (y + 1) * mapheight / minimapheight ] );
                            Gl.glVertex2d(xl, yb);

                            Gl.glTexCoord2d(ur, vb);
                            Gl.glMultiTexCoord2dARB(Gl.GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, ur, vb);
                            g.Normal(renderableheightmap.GetNormal((x + chunkwidth) * mapwidth / minimapwidth, (y + chunkheight) * mapheight / minimapheight));
                            //g.Normal(renderableheightmap.normalsperquad[(x + 1) * mapwidth / minimapwidth, (y + 1) * mapheight / minimapheight]);
                            Gl.glVertex2d(xr, yb);

                            Gl.glTexCoord2d(ur, vt);
                            Gl.glMultiTexCoord2dARB(Gl.GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, ur, vt);
                            g.Normal(renderableheightmap.GetNormal((x + chunkwidth) * mapwidth / minimapwidth, y * mapheight / minimapheight));
                            //g.Normal(renderableheightmap.normalsperquad[(x + 1) * mapwidth / minimapwidth, y * mapheight / minimapheight]);
                            Gl.glVertex2d(xr, yt);


                Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, minimaptexture);
                Gl.glCopyTexImage2D(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, Gl.GL_RGBA8, minimapx,
                                    RendererSdl.GetInstance().WindowHeight - minimapy - minimapsize,
                                    minimapsize, minimapsize, 0);
                Gl.glTexParameteri(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, Gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, Gl.GL_NEAREST);
                LastMinimapUpdate = DateTime.Now;

//                g.RemoveOrtho();



                GraphicsHelperGl g = new GraphicsHelperGl();

                //Gl.glOrtho(0, windowwidth, windowheight - RendererSdl.GetInstance().OuterWindowHeight, 0, -1, 1); // we'll just draw the minimap directly onto our display
                //Gl.glOrtho(0, windowwidth, windowheight, windowheight - RendererSdl.GetInstance().OuterWindowHeight, -1, 1); // we'll just draw the minimap directly onto our display


                Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, minimaptexture);
                //Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, (terrain.texturestages[0].texture as GlTexture).GlReference);

                Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 1);
                Gl.glVertex2i(minimapx, minimapy);

                Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 1 - minimapwidth / (double)minimapsize);
                Gl.glVertex2i(minimapx, minimapy + minimapheight);

                Gl.glTexCoord2d(minimapwidth / (double)minimapsize, 1 - minimapheight / (double)minimapsize);
                Gl.glVertex2i(minimapx + minimapwidth, minimapy + minimapheight);

                Gl.glTexCoord2d(minimapwidth / (double)minimapsize, 1);
                Gl.glVertex2i(minimapx + minimapwidth, minimapy);



コード例 #19
ファイル: WorldModel.cs プロジェクト: hughperkins/osmp-cs
 public WorldModel( NetReplicationController netreplicationcontroller )
     this.netreplicationcontroller = netreplicationcontroller;
     entities = new List<Entity>();
     netreplicationcontroller.RegisterReplicatedObjectController(this, typeof(Entity));
     terrainmodel = new TerrainModel();
コード例 #20
ファイル: Sm3Persistence.cs プロジェクト: hughperkins/osmp-cs
 public Sm3Persistence()
     terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;
コード例 #21
 void MainUIWindow_TerrainModified()
     LogFile.WriteLine("MainUIWindow_TerrainModified() >>>");
     terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;
     heightmapfilename.Text = terrain.HeightmapFilename;
     string[] stagenames = new string[terrain.texturestages.Count];
     bool currenttexturestagevalid = false;
     string oldtexturestagecombotext = texturestagecombo.Entry.Text;
     for (int i = 0; i < terrain.texturestages.Count; i++)
         string maptexturestagename = "texstage" + (i + 1);
         stagenames[i] = maptexturestagename;
         if( oldtexturestagecombotext == maptexturestagename )
             currenttexturestagevalid = true;
     LogFile.WriteLine("stage names: " + String.Join(",", stagenames));
     settingtexturestagecomboentry = true;
     texturestagecombo.PopdownStrings = stagenames;
     if (!currenttexturestagevalid)
         LogFile.WriteLine("resetting currenttexturestage");
         texturestagecombo.Entry.Text = stagenames[0];
         on_texturestage_changed(null, null);
         //blendtexturefilename.Text = "";
         //texturefilenamelbl.Text = "";
         //operationcombo.Entry.Text = "";
         texturestagecombo.Entry.Text = oldtexturestagecombotext;
         on_texturestage_changed(null, null);
     settingtexturestagecomboentry = false;
     LogFile.WriteLine("MainUIWindow_TerrainModified() <<<");
コード例 #22
ファイル: Sm3Persistence.cs プロジェクト: beyonddiana/osmp-cs
 public Sm3Persistence()
     terrain = MetaverseClient.GetInstance().worldstorage.terrainmodel;