コード例 #1
 public RendererTextureStage(MapTextureStageView maptexturestage, int maptexturestagepass, bool UsingMultipass, int mapwidth, int mapheight)
     this.maptexturestage     = maptexturestage;
     this.maptexturestagepass = maptexturestagepass;
     this.mapwidth            = mapwidth;
     this.mapheight           = mapheight;
     this.UsingMultipass      = UsingMultipass;
コード例 #2
 public RendererTextureStage(MapTextureStageView maptexturestage, int maptexturestagepass, bool UsingMultipass, int mapwidth, int mapheight)
     this.maptexturestage = maptexturestage;
     this.maptexturestagepass = maptexturestagepass;
     this.mapwidth = mapwidth;
     this.mapheight = mapheight;
     this.UsingMultipass = UsingMultipass;
コード例 #3
        void terrain_BlendmapInPlaceEdited(MapTextureStageModel maptexturestagemodel, int xleft, int ytop, int xright, int ybottom)
            MapTextureStageView maptexturestageview = terrainview.mapviewbymapmodel[maptexturestagemodel];

            for (int chunkx = xleft / chunksize; chunkx <= xright / chunksize && chunkx < width / chunksize;
                for (int chunky = ytop / chunksize; chunky <= ybottom / chunksize && chunky < height / chunksize;
                    //    Console.WriteLine("chunk " + chunkx + " " + chunky);
                    //for (int texturestageindex = 0; texturestageindex < maptexturestages.GetLength(0); texturestageindex++)
//                        maptexturestage = maptexturestages[texturestageindex];
                    if (maptexturestagemodel.Operation == MapTextureStageModel.OperationType.Blend)
                        bool texturestageused = false;
                        // go through each point in chunk and check if texturestage is used
                        for (int mapx = chunkx * chunksize; mapx < (chunkx + 1) * chunksize && !texturestageused;
                            for (int mapy = chunky * chunksize; mapy < (chunky + 1) * chunksize && !texturestageused;
                                //if (mapx < width && mapy < height)
                                if (maptexturestagemodel.Affects(mapx, mapy, width, height))
                                    texturestageused = true;
                        chunkusestexturestage[maptexturestagemodel][chunkx, chunky] = texturestageused;
                        //  if (chunkusestexturestage[texturestageindex][chunkx, chunky])
                        //  Console.WriteLine("texturestage used: " + texturestageindex + " " + chunkx + " " + chunky);
                        chunkusestexturestage[maptexturestagemodel][chunkx, chunky] = true;
コード例 #4
        // determine which chunks are used by each texture stage
        // only affects blend really
        void CacheChunkTextureStageUsage()

            int numxchunks = width / chunksize;
            int numychunks = height / chunksize;

            chunkusestexturestage = new Dictionary <MapTextureStageModel, bool[, ]>();
            foreach (MapTextureStageModel maptexturestage in maptexturestagemodels)
                chunkusestexturestage.Add(maptexturestage, new bool[numxchunks, numychunks]);
            for (int chunkx = 0; chunkx < numxchunks; chunkx++)
                for (int chunky = 0; chunky < numychunks; chunky++)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("chunk " + chunkx + " " + chunky);
                    for (int texturestageindex = 0; texturestageindex < maptexturestagemodels.Count; texturestageindex++)
                        MapTextureStageModel texturestagemodel = maptexturestagemodels[texturestageindex];
                        //MapTextureStageView texturestageview = terrainview.mapviewbymapmodel[texturestagemodel];
                        //Console.WriteLine("texturestage " + texturestageindex + " " + texturestage.Operation );
                        if (texturestagemodel.Operation == MapTextureStageModel.OperationType.Blend)
                            bool texturestageused = false;
                            // go through each point in chunk and check if texturestage is used
                            for (int mapx = chunkx * chunksize; mapx < (chunkx + 1) * chunksize && !texturestageused;
                                for (int mapy = chunky * chunksize; mapy < (chunky + 1) * chunksize && !texturestageused;
                                    if (texturestagemodel.Affects(mapx, mapy, width, height))
                                        texturestageused = true;
                            chunkusestexturestage[texturestagemodel][chunkx, chunky] = texturestageused;
                            //  if (chunkusestexturestage[texturestageindex][chunkx, chunky])
                            //  Console.WriteLine("texturestage used: " + texturestageindex + " " + chunkx + " " + chunky);
                        else if (texturestagemodel.Operation == MapTextureStageModel.OperationType.Nop)
                            chunkusestexturestage[texturestagemodel][chunkx, chunky] = false;
                            //Console.WriteLine("RenderableHeightMap,, cache chunk usage, true");
                            chunkusestexturestage[texturestagemodel][chunkx, chunky] = true;
            maxtexels = RendererSdl.GetInstance().MaxTexelUnits;

            int totaltexturestagesneeded = 0;

            foreach (MapTextureStageModel maptexturestagemodel in maptexturestagemodels)
                totaltexturestagesneeded += terrainview.mapviewbymapmodel[maptexturestagemodel].NumTextureStagesRequired;

            multipass = false;
            if (totaltexturestagesneeded > maxtexels)
                multipass = true;
            rendererpasses = new List <RendererPass>();
            //maxtexels = 2;
            //int currenttexel = 0;

            multipass = true; // force multipass for now for simplicity
            LogFile.WriteLine("Adding rendererpasses");
            if (multipass)
                for (int i = 0; i < maptexturestagemodels.Count; i++)
                    MapTextureStageModel maptexturestagemodel = maptexturestagemodels[i];
                    MapTextureStageView  maptexturestage      = terrainview.mapviewbymapmodel[maptexturestagemodel];
                    int numtexturestagesrequired = maptexturestage.NumTextureStagesRequired;
                    if (numtexturestagesrequired > 0) // exclude Nops
                        RendererPass rendererpass = new RendererPass(maxtexels);
                        for (int j = 0; j < maptexturestage.NumTextureStagesRequired; j++)
                            rendererpass.AddStage(new RendererTextureStage(maptexturestage, j, true, width, height));
                        LogFile.WriteLine("Adding rendererpass: " + rendererpass);