public void PIPointSearchTest()
            PIServer piServer = PIFixture.PIServer;
            int      numberOfPointsToCreate = 10;
            var      pointPrefix            = "PIPointSearchTest_Point";

                // Create PI Points
                Output.WriteLine($"Creating PI Points with prefix [{pointPrefix}].");
                var points = PIFixture.CreatePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}#", numberOfPointsToCreate);

                // Assign range of values to defined tags
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)
                    points.ElementAt(i).UpdateValue(new AFValue(Math.Pow(-1, i + 1), null), 0);

                    // Set the Step attribute of half of the PI Points to true and half to false
                    points.ElementAt(i).SetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Step, Convert.ToBoolean(1 * ((i + 1) % 2)));

                // Search PI Points with queries
                var searchQuery = $"Name:'{pointPrefix}*' value:>0";
                Output.WriteLine($"Searching for PI Points with query [{searchQuery}].");
                var parsedQuery       = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(piServer, searchQuery);
                var searchPointsCount = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count();
                    () => PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count() == (numberOfPointsToCreate / 2),
                    $"The PI Points count do not match. Expected: {numberOfPointsToCreate / 2}, Actual: {searchPointsCount}.");

                searchQuery = $"Name:'{pointPrefix}*'";
                Output.WriteLine($"Searching for PI Points with query [{searchQuery}].");
                parsedQuery       = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(piServer, searchQuery);
                searchPointsCount = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count();
                    () => PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count() == numberOfPointsToCreate,
                    $"The PI Points count do not match. Expected: {numberOfPointsToCreate}, Actual: {searchPointsCount}.");

                searchQuery = $"Name:'{pointPrefix}*' step:=0";
                Output.WriteLine($"Searching for PI Points with query [{searchQuery}].");
                parsedQuery       = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(piServer, searchQuery);
                searchPointsCount = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count();
                    () => PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count() == (numberOfPointsToCreate / 2),
                    $"The PI Points count do not match. Expected: {numberOfPointsToCreate / 2}, Actual: {searchPointsCount}.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints("PIPointSearchTest_Point*", Output);
        public void PIPointsTest()
            PIServer piServer    = PIFixture.PIServer;
            int      count       = 10;
            var      pointPrefix = "PIPointsTest_Point";

                // Create PI Point and verify
                Output.WriteLine($"Creating PI Points with prefix [{pointPrefix}] with default attributes and verifying.");
                var points         = PIFixture.CreatePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}#", count);
                var returnedPoints = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, $"{pointPrefix}*");
                Assert.True(returnedPoints.Count() == count, $"Expected to find {count} PI Points on Data Archive [{piServer}], actually found {returnedPoints.Count()}.");

                var timestamp = new AFTime("*-10m");

                // Set Value of PI Points
                Output.WriteLine("Updating PI Points with new values.");
                for (int i = 0; i < returnedPoints.Count(); i++)
                    returnedPoints.ElementAt(i).UpdateValue(new AFValue(i, timestamp), AFUpdateOption.NoReplace);

                // Check for updated values
                Output.WriteLine("Checking PI Points were updated with new values.");
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    AssertEventually.Equals(returnedPoints.ElementAt(i).CurrentValue(), new AFValue(Convert.ToSingle(i), timestamp.ToPIPrecision()));

                // Delete PI Points and verify
                Output.WriteLine("Deleting PI Points that were created and verifying.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}*", Output);
                returnedPoints = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, $"{pointPrefix}*");
                Assert.True(returnedPoints.Count() == 0,
                            $"Expected to find no PI Points with prefix [{pointPrefix}], but {returnedPoints.Count()} were found.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}*", Output);
        public void PIDataPipeTimeSeriesTest(PIPointType piPointType, object[] eventValues)
            Contract.Requires(eventValues != null);

            const string PointName = "PIDataPipeTests_PIPoint";

            AFDatabase db         = AFFixture.AFDatabase;
            PIServer   piServer   = PIFixture.PIServer;
            var        piDataPipe = new PIDataPipe(AFDataPipeType.TimeSeries);

            var piPointList = new PIPointList();
            var now         = AFTime.NowInWholeSeconds;

                Output.WriteLine("Create the Future PI Points with Zero Compression and specified PI Point type.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints(PointName + "*", Output);
                var testPIPoints = PIFixture.CreatePIPoints(PointName + "###", eventValues.Length, new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { PICommonPointAttributes.PointType, piPointType },
                    { PICommonPointAttributes.ExceptionDeviation, 0 },
                    { PICommonPointAttributes.ExceptionMaximum, 0 },
                    { PICommonPointAttributes.Compressing, 0 },
                    { PICommonPointAttributes.DigitalSetName, "Phases" },
                    { PICommonPointAttributes.Future, true },
                Assert.True(testPIPoints.Count() == eventValues.Length, $"Unable to create all the test PI Points.");

                // Add the PI Point as sign up to the PIDataPipe.
                Output.WriteLine($"Sign up all PI Points with PIDataPipe.");
                var afErrors           = piDataPipe.AddSignups(piPointList);
                var prefixErrorMessage = "Adding sign ups to the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful.";
                Assert.True(afErrors == null,
                            userMessage: afErrors?.Errors.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] "));

                // Write one data value to each PI Point.
                var expectedAFValues = new AFValues();
                for (int i = 0; i < eventValues.Length; i++)
                    AFValue afValue   = null;
                    var     timestamp = now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(i - eventValues.Length);

                    // Special Handling of Input Data for Digital and Timestamp
                    switch (piPointType)
                    case PIPointType.Digital:
                        afValue = new AFValue(new AFEnumerationValue("Phases", (int)eventValues[i]), timestamp);

                    case PIPointType.Timestamp:
                        afValue = new AFValue(new AFTime(eventValues[i], now), timestamp);

                        afValue = new AFValue(eventValues[i], timestamp);

                    Output.WriteLine($"Writing Value [{eventValues[i]}] with Timestamp [{timestamp}] to PI Point [{piPointList[i].Name}].");
                    piPointList[i].UpdateValue(afValue, AFUpdateOption.InsertNoCompression);

                    // If writing digital states, we need to save the corresponding value for verification.
                    // Since we are using Phases, 0 ~ Phase1, 1 ~ Phase2, etc.
                    if (piPointType == PIPointType.Digital)
                        int input = (int)eventValues[i];
                        afValue = new AFValue(new AFEnumerationValue($"Phase{input + 1}", input), timestamp);

                    afValue.PIPoint = piPointList[i];

                // Retry assert to retrieve expected Update Events from the PIDataPipe
                var actualAFValues = new AFValues();
                Output.WriteLine($"Reading Events from the PI DataPipe.");
                AssertEventually.True(() =>
                    var updateEvents = piDataPipe.GetUpdateEvents(eventValues.Length);

                    prefixErrorMessage = "Retrieving Update Events from the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful.";
                                 userMessage: updateEvents.Errors?.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] "));

                    actualAFValues.AddRange(updateEvents.Results.Select(update => update.Value));
                    if (actualAFValues.Count >= expectedAFValues.Count)
                        // Verify that all expected update events are received from the PIDataPipe
                        Assert.True(expectedAFValues.Count == actualAFValues.Count, "PIDataPipe returned more events than expected. " +
                                    $"Expected Count: {expectedAFValues.Count}, Actual Count: {actualAFValues.Count}.");

                                      "Unable to retrieve events within the time frame.");

                // Verify all received events.
                Output.WriteLine($"Verifying all {actualAFValues.Count} events from the PI DataPipe.");
                for (int i = 0; i < actualAFValues.Count; i++)
                    // Special handling of Output events for Timestamp
                    if (piPointType == PIPointType.Timestamp)
                        actualAFValues[i].Value = new AFTime(actualAFValues[i].Value, now);

                    AFFixture.CheckAFValue(actualAFValues[i], expectedAFValues[i]);
                    Assert.True(object.Equals(actualAFValues[i].PIPoint, expectedAFValues[i].PIPoint),
                                $"Unexpected PI Point Association. Expected: [{expectedAFValues[i].PIPoint}], Actual: [{actualAFValues[i].PIPoint}].");

                // Remove all sign ups from the PIDataPipe
                Output.WriteLine($"Remove all PI Point sign ups from PIDataPipe.");
                afErrors           = piDataPipe.RemoveSignups(piPointList);
                prefixErrorMessage = "Removing sign ups to the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful.";
                Assert.True(afErrors == null,
                            userMessage: afErrors?.Errors.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] "));

                // Write dummy values to the PI Points and confirm PI DataPipe receives none.
                Output.WriteLine($"Write dummy values to the PI Points.");
                for (int i = 0; i < eventValues.Length; i++)
                    piPointList[i].UpdateValue(new AFValue(eventValues[i], now), AFUpdateOption.InsertNoCompression);

                Output.WriteLine($"Verify no events are received by the PIDataPipe.");
                var noEvents = piDataPipe.GetUpdateEvents(eventValues.Length);
                prefixErrorMessage = "Retrieving Update Events from the PIDataPipe was unsuccessful.";
                             userMessage: noEvents.Errors?.Aggregate(prefixErrorMessage, (msg, error) => msg += $" PI Point: [{error.Key.Name}] Error: [{error.Value.Message}] "));

                Assert.True(noEvents.Count == 0, "PIDataPipe received events even after removing all sign ups.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints(PointName + "*", Output);