コード例 #1
 public static void Main(string[] args)
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
         /*      Initialize srs                                                  */
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
         SpatialReference src = new SpatialReference("");
         src.ImportFromProj4("+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +no_defs");
         Console.WriteLine( "SOURCE IsGeographic:" + src.IsGeographic() + " IsProjected:" + src.IsProjected() );
         SpatialReference dst = new SpatialReference("");
         dst.ImportFromProj4("+proj=somerc +lat_0=47.14439372222222 +lon_0=19.04857177777778 +x_0=650000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=GRS67 +units=m +no_defs");
         Console.WriteLine( "DEST IsGeographic:" + dst.IsGeographic() + " IsProjected:" + dst.IsProjected() );
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
         /*      making the transform                                            */
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
         CoordinateTransformation ct = new CoordinateTransformation(src, dst);
         double[] p = new double[3];
         p[0] = 19; p[1] = 47; p[2] = 0;
         Console.WriteLine("x:" + p[0] + " y:" + p[1] + " z:" + p[2]);
         ct.TransformPoint(p, 19.2, 47.5, 0);
         Console.WriteLine("x:" + p[0] + " y:" + p[1] + " z:" + p[2]);
     catch (Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e.Message);
コード例 #2
        // private readonly TransformMethod _transform;

         * 功能
         * 参数
         * 返回值
         * 版本号 1.0
         * 作者 樊晓剑
         * 创建时间  2016年4月21日
         * 修改时间
        public Geometry projectionConvert(Geometry toConvert, OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference projection)
            double[] point   = new double[3];
            double[] topoint = new double[3];
            if (toConvert.GetSpatialReference().AutoIdentifyEPSG() != EPSG_ID)
                OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation transformation = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(toConvert.GetSpatialReference(), projection);

                for (int i = 0; i < toConvert.GetPointCount(); i++)
                    toConvert.GetPoint(i, point);

                    transformation.TransformPoint(topoint, point[0], point[1], point[2]);

                    Geometry geometry = new Geometry(wkbGeometryType.wkbPolygon);
                    geometry.AddPoint(topoint[0], topoint[1], topoint[2]);



コード例 #3
        public static Transform GetUserSRSToModelTransform(OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference userSRS)
            ///TODO: Check what units the userSRS is in and coordinate with the scaling function.  Currently only accounts for a userSRS in meters.
            ///TODO: translate or scale GCS (decimal degrees) to something like a Projectected Coordinate System.  Need to go dd to xy

            ///transform rhino EAP from rhinoSRS to userSRS
            double eapLat   = EarthAnchorPoint.EarthBasepointLatitude;
            double eapLon   = EarthAnchorPoint.EarthBasepointLongitude;
            double eapElev  = EarthAnchorPoint.EarthBasepointElevation;
            Plane  eapPlane = EarthAnchorPoint.GetEarthAnchorPlane(out Vector3d eapNorth);

            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference rhinoSRS = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");

            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(rhinoSRS, userSRS);
            OSGeo.OGR.Geometry userAnchorPointDD = Heron.Convert.Point3dToOgrPoint(new Point3d(eapLon, eapLat, eapElev));
            Transform          t = new Transform(1.0);


            Point3d userAnchorPointPT = Heron.Convert.OgrPointToPoint3d(userAnchorPointDD, t);

            ///setup userAnchorPoint plane for move and rotation
            double eapLatNorth = EarthAnchorPoint.EarthBasepointLatitude + 0.5;
            double eapLonEast  = EarthAnchorPoint.EarthBasepointLongitude + 0.5;

            OSGeo.OGR.Geometry userAnchorPointDDNorth = Heron.Convert.Point3dToOgrPoint(new Point3d(eapLon, eapLatNorth, eapElev));
            OSGeo.OGR.Geometry userAnchorPointDDEast  = Heron.Convert.Point3dToOgrPoint(new Point3d(eapLonEast, eapLat, eapElev));
            Point3d  userAnchorPointPTNorth = Heron.Convert.OgrPointToPoint3d(userAnchorPointDDNorth, t);
            Point3d  userAnchorPointPTEast  = Heron.Convert.OgrPointToPoint3d(userAnchorPointDDEast, t);
            Vector3d userAnchorNorthVec     = userAnchorPointPTNorth - userAnchorPointPT;
            Vector3d userAnchorEastVec      = userAnchorPointPTEast - userAnchorPointPT;

            Plane userEapPlane = new Plane(userAnchorPointPT, userAnchorEastVec, userAnchorNorthVec);

            ///shift (move and rotate) from userSRS EAP to 0,0 based on SRS north direction
            Transform scale = Transform.Scale(new Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1 / Rhino.RhinoMath.UnitScale(Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem, Rhino.UnitSystem.Meters)));

            if (userSRS.GetLinearUnitsName().ToUpper().Contains("FEET") || userSRS.GetLinearUnitsName().ToUpper().Contains("FOOT"))
                scale = Transform.Scale(new Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1 / Rhino.RhinoMath.UnitScale(Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem, Rhino.UnitSystem.Feet)));

            ///if SRS is geographic (ie WGS84) use Rhino's internal projection
            ///this is still buggy as it doesn't work with other geographic systems like NAD27
            if ((userSRS.IsProjected() == 0) && (userSRS.IsLocal() == 0))
                scale = WGSToXYZTransform();

            Transform shift = Transform.ChangeBasis(eapPlane, userEapPlane);

            Transform shiftScale = Transform.Multiply(scale, shift);

コード例 #4
ファイル: Osr.cs プロジェクト: jay1204/SOD-modeling-cpp
        public static CoordinateTransformation CreateCoordinateTransformation(SpatialReference src, SpatialReference dst)
            IntPtr cPtr = OsrPINVOKE.CreateCoordinateTransformation(SpatialReference.getCPtr(src), SpatialReference.getCPtr(dst));
            CoordinateTransformation ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new CoordinateTransformation(cPtr, true, ThisOwn_true());

            if (OsrPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw OsrPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #5
 public static HandleRef getCPtrAndSetReference(CoordinateTransformation obj, object parent) {
   if (obj != null)
     obj.swigParentRef = parent;
     return obj.swigCPtr;
     return new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
コード例 #6
 public static HandleRef getCPtrAndSetReference(CoordinateTransformation obj, object parent)
     if (obj != null)
         obj.swigParentRef = parent;
         return(new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple coordinate reprojection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EpsgIn"></param>
        /// <param name="EpsgOut"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[] ReprojectCoordinates(int EpsgIn, int EpsgOut, double x, double y, double z)
            var src = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference(EPSG2WKT(EpsgIn));

            logger.Trace($"SOURCE IsGeographic:" + src.IsGeographic() + " IsProjected:" + src.IsProjected());
            var dst = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference(EPSG2WKT(EpsgOut));

            logger.Trace("DEST IsGeographic:" + dst.IsGeographic() + " IsProjected:" + dst.IsProjected());
            var ct = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(src, dst);

            double[] p = new double[] { x, y, z };
            logger.Trace("From: x:" + p[0] + " y:" + p[1] + " z:" + p[2]);
            logger.Trace("To: x:" + p[0] + " y:" + p[1] + " z:" + p[2]);
コード例 #8
        private static NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point Wgs84ToWgs84UpsNorth(Point location)
            if (location.SRID != 4326)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported coordinate system: " + location.SRID);

            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference wgs84Src = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
            wgs84Src.ImportFromProj4("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs");

            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference stereoNorthPoleDest = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
            stereoNorthPoleDest.ImportFromProj4("+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=90 +lon_0=0 +k=0.994 +x_0=2000000 +y_0=2000000 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs");

            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation ct = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(wgs84Src, stereoNorthPoleDest);

            double[] point = new double[3];
            point[0] = location.X;
            point[1] = location.Y;
            point[2] = location.Z;


            return(new Point(point[0], point[1]));
コード例 #9
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <Curve> boundary = new List <Curve>();

            DA.GetDataList <Curve>(0, boundary);

            string shpFileLoc = "";

            DA.GetData <string>("Shapefile Location", ref shpFileLoc);

            ////int SRef = 3857;

            OSGeo.OGR.Driver     drv = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile");
            OSGeo.OGR.DataSource ds  = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.Open(shpFileLoc, 0);

            List <OSGeo.OGR.Layer> layerset = new List <OSGeo.OGR.Layer>();
            List <int>             fc       = new List <int>();

            for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < ds.GetLayerCount(); iLayer++)
                OSGeo.OGR.Layer layer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer);

                if (layer == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer " + iLayer);
                long count        = layer.GetFeatureCount(1);
                int  featureCount = System.Convert.ToInt32(count);

            //Get OGR envelope of Shapefile
            OSGeo.OGR.Envelope ext = new OSGeo.OGR.Envelope();
            layerset[0].GetExtent(ext, 1);
            Point3d extMin = new Point3d();
            Point3d extMax = new Point3d();

            extMin.X = ext.MinX;
            extMin.Y = ext.MinY;
            extMax.X = ext.MaxX;
            extMax.Y = ext.MaxY;

            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = layerset[0].GetSpatialRef();

            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference dst = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");

            //Get the spatial refernce of the input Shapefile
            string sRef;

            sr.ExportToWkt(out sRef);

            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(sr, dst);
            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation revTransform   = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(dst, sr);

            //Get bounding box of data in Shapefile
            double[] extMinPT = new double[3] {
                extMin.X, extMin.Y, extMin.Z
            double[] extMaxPT = new double[3] {
                extMax.X, extMax.Y, extMax.Z
            Point3d     extPTmin = new Point3d(extMinPT[0], extMinPT[1], extMinPT[2]);
            Point3d     extPTmax = new Point3d(extMaxPT[0], extMaxPT[1], extMaxPT[2]);
            Rectangle3d rec      = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(extPTmin), Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(extPTmax));

            //Declare trees
            GH_Structure <GH_String> fset    = new GH_Structure <GH_String>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Point>  gset    = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();
            GH_Structure <GH_String> layname = new GH_Structure <GH_String>();

            OSGeo.OGR.FeatureDefn def = layerset[0].GetLayerDefn();

            //Loop through input boundaries
            for (int i = 0; i < boundary.Count; i++)
                if (rec.BoundingBox.Contains(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Min) && (rec.BoundingBox.Contains(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Max)))
                    //Create bounding box for clipping geometry
                    Point3d  min   = Heron.Convert.ToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Min);
                    Point3d  max   = Heron.Convert.ToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Max);
                    double[] minpT = new double[3];
                    double[] maxpT = new double[3];

                    minpT[0] = min.X;
                    minpT[1] = min.Y;
                    minpT[2] = min.Z;
                    maxpT[0] = max.X;
                    maxpT[1] = max.Y;
                    maxpT[2] = max.Z;

                    OSGeo.OGR.Geometry bbox  = OSGeo.OGR.Geometry.CreateFromWkt("POLYGON((" + min.X + " " + min.Y + ", " + min.X + " " + max.Y + ", " + max.X + " " + max.Y + ", " + max.X + " " + min.Y + ", " + min.X + " " + min.Y + "))");
                    OSGeo.OGR.Geometry ebbox = OSGeo.OGR.Geometry.CreateFromWkt("POLYGON((" + minpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + ", " + minpT[0] + " " + maxpT[1] + ", " + maxpT[0] + " " + maxpT[1] + ", " + maxpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + ", " + minpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + "))");

                    //Clip Shapefile
                    OSGeo.OGR.Layer clipped_layer = layerset[0];

                    //Loop through geometry
                    OSGeo.OGR.Feature feat;
                    def = clipped_layer.GetLayerDefn();

                    int m = 0;
                    while ((feat = layerset[0].GetNextFeature()) != null)
                        if (feat.GetGeometryRef() != null)
                            //Get geometry points and field values
                            OSGeo.OGR.Geometry geom = feat.GetGeometryRef();
                            OSGeo.OGR.Geometry sub_geom;

                            //Start get points if open polylines and points
                            for (int gpc = 0; gpc < geom.GetPointCount(); gpc++)
                            { //Loop through geometry points
                                double[] pT = new double[3];
                                pT[0] = geom.GetX(gpc);
                                pT[1] = geom.GetY(gpc);
                                pT[2] = geom.GetZ(gpc);
                                if (Double.IsNaN(geom.GetZ(gpc)))
                                    pT[2] = 0;

                                Point3d pt3D = new Point3d();
                                pt3D.X = pT[0];
                                pt3D.Y = pT[1];
                                pt3D.Z = pT[2];

                                gset.Append(new GH_Point(Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt3D)), new GH_Path(i, m));
                                //End loop through geometry points

                                // Get Feature Values
                                if (fset.PathExists(new GH_Path(i, m)))
                                    fset.get_Branch(new GH_Path(i, m)).Clear();
                                for (int iField = 0; iField < feat.GetFieldCount(); iField++)
                                    OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iField);
                                    if (feat.IsFieldSet(iField))
                                        fset.Append(new GH_String(feat.GetFieldAsString(iField)), new GH_Path(i, m));
                                        fset.Append(new GH_String("null"), new GH_Path(i, m));
                                //End Get Feature Values
                            //End getting points if open polylines or points

                            //Start getting points if closed polylines and multipolygons
                            for (int gi = 0; gi < geom.GetGeometryCount(); gi++)
                                sub_geom = geom.GetGeometryRef(gi);
                                List <Point3d> geom_list = new List <Point3d>();

                                for (int ptnum = 0; ptnum < sub_geom.GetPointCount(); ptnum++)
                                    //Loop through geometry points
                                    double[] pT = new double[3];
                                    pT[0] = sub_geom.GetX(ptnum);
                                    pT[1] = sub_geom.GetY(ptnum);
                                    pT[2] = sub_geom.GetZ(ptnum);

                                    Point3d pt3D = new Point3d();
                                    pt3D.X = pT[0];
                                    pt3D.Y = pT[1];
                                    pt3D.Z = pT[2];

                                    gset.Append(new GH_Point(Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt3D)), new GH_Path(i, m, gi));
                                    //End loop through geometry points

                                    // Get Feature Values
                                    if (fset.PathExists(new GH_Path(i, m)))
                                        fset.get_Branch(new GH_Path(i, m)).Clear();
                                    for (int iField = 0; iField < feat.GetFieldCount(); iField++)
                                        OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iField);
                                        if (feat.IsFieldSet(iField))
                                            fset.Append(new GH_String(feat.GetFieldAsString(iField)), new GH_Path(i, m));
                                            fset.Append(new GH_String("null"), new GH_Path(i, m));
                                    //End Get Feature Values
                                //End getting points from closed polylines
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "One or more boundaries may be outside the bounds of the Shapefile dataset.");

            //Get the field names
            List <string> fieldnames = new List <string>();

            for (int iAttr = 0; iAttr < def.GetFieldCount(); iAttr++)
                OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iAttr);

            DA.SetData(0, def.GetName());
            DA.SetDataList(1, fc);
            DA.SetData(2, rec);
            DA.SetData(3, sRef);
            DA.SetDataList(4, fieldnames);
            DA.SetDataTree(5, fset);
            DA.SetDataTree(6, gset);
コード例 #10
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <Curve> boundary = new List <Curve>();

            DA.GetDataList <Curve>(0, boundary);

            string IMG_file = "";

            DA.GetData <string>("IMG Location", ref IMG_file);

             * //Does not work with HGT files
             * byte[] imageBuffer;
             * using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(IMG_file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
             * {
             *    using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs))
             *    {
             *        long numBytes = new FileInfo(IMG_file).Length;
             *        imageBuffer = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes);
             *        br.Close();
             *        fs.Close();
             *    }
             * }


            //string memFilename = "/vsimem/inmemfile";
            //Gdal.FileFromMemBuffer(memFilename, imageBuffer);

            Dataset ds = Gdal.Open(IMG_file, Access.GA_ReadOnly);

            OSGeo.GDAL.Driver drv = ds.GetDriver();

            if (ds == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "The vector datasource was unreadable by this component. It may not a valid file type for this component or otherwise null/empty.");

            ///Get the spatial reference of the input raster file and set to WGS84 if not known
            ///Set up transform from source to WGS84
            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(Osr.SRS_WKT_WGS84);
            if (ds.GetProjection() == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is missing.  CRS set automatically set to WGS84.");

                sr = new SpatialReference(ds.GetProjection());
                if (sr.Validate() != 0)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is unknown or unsupported.  CRS set automatically set to WGS84.");

                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Data source SRS: EPSG:" + sr.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1));

            //OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(ds.GetProjection());
            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference dst = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(sr, dst);
            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation revTransform   = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(dst, sr);

            double[] adfGeoTransform = new double[6];
            double[] invTransform    = new double[6];
            Gdal.InvGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, invTransform);
            Band band = ds.GetRasterBand(1);

            int width  = ds.RasterXSize;
            int height = ds.RasterYSize;

            //Dataset bounding box
            double oX = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * 0 + adfGeoTransform[2] * 0;
            double oY = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * 0 + adfGeoTransform[5] * 0;
            double eX = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * width + adfGeoTransform[2] * height;
            double eY = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * width + adfGeoTransform[5] * height;

            ///Transform to WGS84
            double[] extMinPT = new double[3] {
                oX, eY, 0
            double[] extMaxPT = new double[3] {
                eX, oY, 0
            Point3d dsMin = new Point3d(extMinPT[0], extMinPT[1], extMinPT[2]);
            Point3d dsMax = new Point3d(extMaxPT[0], extMaxPT[1], extMaxPT[2]);

            //Point3d dsMin = new Point3d(oX, eY, 0);
            //Point3d dsMax = new Point3d(eX, oY, 0);
            Rectangle3d dsbox = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, Heron.Convert.WGSToXYZ(dsMin), Heron.Convert.WGSToXYZ(dsMax));

            //Declare trees
            GH_Structure <GH_Point>   pointcloud = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Integer> rCount     = new GH_Structure <GH_Integer>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Integer> cCount     = new GH_Structure <GH_Integer>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>    tMesh      = new GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>();

            for (int i = 0; i < boundary.Count; i++)
                if (dsbox.BoundingBox.Contains(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Min) && (dsbox.BoundingBox.Contains(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Max)))
                    Point3d min = Heron.Convert.XYZToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Corner(true, false, true));
                    Point3d max = Heron.Convert.XYZToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Corner(false, true, true));

                    ///Transform to source SRS
                    double[] minR = new double[3] {
                        min.X, min.Y, min.Z
                    double[] maxR = new double[3] {
                        max.X, max.Y, max.Z

                    GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i);

                    // http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/46893/how-do-i-get-the-pixel-value-of-a-gdal-raster-under-an-ogr-point-without-numpy

                    double ur, uc, lr, lc;

                    Gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(invTransform, minR[0], minR[1], out uc, out ur);
                    Gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(invTransform, maxR[0], maxR[1], out lc, out lr);
                    //Gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(invTransform, min.X, min.Y, out uc, out ur);
                    //Gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(invTransform, max.X, max.Y, out lc, out lr);

                    int Urow = System.Convert.ToInt32(ur);
                    int Ucol = System.Convert.ToInt32(uc);
                    int Lrow = System.Convert.ToInt32(lr) + 1;
                    int Lcol = System.Convert.ToInt32(lc) + 1;
                    rCount.Append(new GH_Integer(Lrow - Urow), path);
                    cCount.Append(new GH_Integer(Lcol - Ucol), path);
                    Mesh           mesh  = new Mesh();
                    List <Point3d> verts = new List <Point3d>();
                    //var vertsParallel = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<double[][], Point3d>(Environment.ProcessorCount, ((Urow - 1) * (Lrow - 1)));

                    double[] bits = new double[width * height];
                    band.ReadRaster(0, 0, width, height, bits, width, height, 0, 0);

                    for (int col = Ucol; col < Lcol; col++)
                        for (int row = Urow; row < Lrow; row++)
                            // equivalent to bits[col][row] if bits is 2-dimension array
                            double pixel = bits[col + row * width];
                            if (pixel < -10000)
                                pixel = 0;

                            double gcol = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * col + adfGeoTransform[2] * row;
                            double grow = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * col + adfGeoTransform[5] * row;

                            ///convert to WGS84
                            double[] wgsPT = new double[3] {
                                gcol, grow, pixel
                            Point3d pt = new Point3d(wgsPT[0], wgsPT[1], wgsPT[2]);

                            //Point3d pt = new Point3d(gcol, grow, pixel);

                        /*Parallel.For(Urow, Lrow - 1, rowP =>
                         *  {
                         *      // equivalent to bits[col][row] if bits is 2-dimension array
                         *      double pixel = bits[col + rowP * width];
                         *      if (pixel < -10000)
                         *      {
                         *          pixel = 0;
                         *      }
                         *      double gcol = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * col + adfGeoTransform[2] * rowP;
                         *      double grow = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * col + adfGeoTransform[5] * rowP;
                         *      Point3d pt = new Point3d(gcol, grow, pixel);
                         *      vertsParallel[] = Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt);
                         *  });
                         * */

                    //Create meshes
                    //non Parallel

                    for (int u = 1; u < cCount[path][0].Value; u++)
                        for (int v = 1; v < rCount[path][0].Value; v++)
                            mesh.Faces.AddFace(v - 1 + (u - 1) * (Lrow - Urow), v - 1 + u * (Lrow - Urow), v - 1 + u * (Lrow - Urow) + 1, v - 1 + (u - 1) * (Lrow - Urow) + 1);
                            //(k - 1 + (j - 1) * num2, k - 1 + j * num2, k - 1 + j * num2 + 1, k - 1 + (j - 1) * num2 + 1)
                    //mesh.Flip(true, true, true);
                    tMesh.Append(new GH_Mesh(mesh), path);

                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "One or more boundaries may be outside the bounds of the topo dataset.");
            DA.SetDataTree(0, tMesh);
            DA.SetData(1, dsbox);
コード例 #11
 public static HandleRef getCPtr(CoordinateTransformation obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
コード例 #12
        public void testProjectionConvert()
            Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8", "YES");
            Gdal.SetConfigOption("SHAPE_ENCODING", "");
            Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "//data");
            DataSource ds     = Ogr.Open(fromPath, 0);
            Layer      oLayer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0);

            // 写入文件

            OSGeo.OGR.Driver oDriver = Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile");

            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference projection = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");

            DataSource oDS;

            if (Ogr.Open(toPath, 0) != null)
                oDS = Ogr.Open(toPath, 1);
                oDS = oDriver.CreateDataSource(toPath, null);

            Layer toLayer = oDS.CreateLayer("POINT", projection, oLayer.GetGeomType(), null);

            Random      ran      = new Random();
            Feature     oFeature = null;
            Geometry    lines    = null;
            FeatureDefn oDefn    = oLayer.GetLayerDefn();

            FieldDefn oFieldID = new FieldDefn("HEIGHT_G", FieldType.OFTReal);

            toLayer.CreateField(oFieldID, 1);

            FieldDefn oFieldName = new FieldDefn("PWLs", FieldType.OFTReal);

            toLayer.CreateField(oFieldName, 1);

            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTrans = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(oLayer.GetSpatialRef(), projection);

            while ((oFeature = oLayer.GetNextFeature()) != null)
                lines = oFeature.GetGeometryRef();

                Feature feature = new Feature(oDefn);
                feature.SetField(0, 4.0);
                feature.SetField(1, ran.Next(40, 120));

コード例 #13
 public static HandleRef getCPtr(CoordinateTransformation obj) {
   return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
コード例 #14
ファイル: ImportTopo.cs プロジェクト: blueherongis/Heron
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <Curve> boundary = new List <Curve>();

            DA.GetDataList <Curve>(0, boundary);

            string IMG_file = string.Empty;

            DA.GetData <string>(1, ref IMG_file);


            Dataset datasource = Gdal.Open(IMG_file, Access.GA_ReadOnly);

            OSGeo.GDAL.Driver drv = datasource.GetDriver();

            if (datasource == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "The vector datasource was unreadable by this component. It may not a valid file type for this component or otherwise null/empty.");

            ///Get info about image
            string        srcInfo     = string.Empty;
            List <string> infoOptions = new List <string> {

            srcInfo = Gdal.GDALInfo(datasource, new GDALInfoOptions(infoOptions.ToArray()));

            ///Get the spatial reference of the input raster file and set to WGS84 if not known
            ///Set up transform from source to WGS84
            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(Osr.SRS_WKT_WGS84);
            if (datasource.GetProjection() == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is missing.  CRS set automatically set to WGS84.");

                sr = new SpatialReference(datasource.GetProjection());

                if (sr.Validate() != 0)
                    ///Check if SRS needs to be converted from ESRI format to WKT to avoid error:
                    ///"No translation for Lambert_Conformal_Conic to PROJ.4 format is known."
                    SpatialReference srEsri = sr;
                    string projEsri = string.Empty;
                    srEsri.ExportToWkt(out projEsri);

                    ///If no SRS exists, check Ground Control Points SRS
                    SpatialReference srGCP   = new SpatialReference(datasource.GetGCPProjection());
                    string           projGCP = string.Empty;
                    srGCP.ExportToWkt(out projGCP);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projEsri))
                        sr = srEsri;
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Spatial Reference System (SRS) morphed form ESRI format.");
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projGCP))
                        sr = srGCP;
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Spatial Reference System (SRS) set from Ground Control Points (GCPs).");
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Spatial Reference System (SRS) is unknown or unsupported.  SRS assumed to be WGS84." +
                                          "Try setting the SRS with the GdalWarp component using -t_srs EPSG:4326 for the option input.");

                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Data source SRS: EPSG:" + sr.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1));

            //OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(ds.GetProjection());
            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference dst = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(sr, dst);
            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation revTransform   = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(dst, sr);

            double[] adfGeoTransform = new double[6];
            double[] invTransform    = new double[6];
            Gdal.InvGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, invTransform);

            int width  = datasource.RasterXSize;
            int height = datasource.RasterYSize;

            ///Dataset bounding box
            double oX = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * 0 + adfGeoTransform[2] * 0;
            double oY = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * 0 + adfGeoTransform[5] * 0;
            double eX = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * width + adfGeoTransform[2] * height;
            double eY = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * width + adfGeoTransform[5] * height;

            ///Transform to WGS84
            double[] extMinPT = new double[3] {
                oX, eY, 0
            double[] extMaxPT = new double[3] {
                eX, oY, 0
            Point3d dsMin = new Point3d(extMinPT[0], extMinPT[1], extMinPT[2]);
            Point3d dsMax = new Point3d(extMaxPT[0], extMaxPT[1], extMaxPT[2]);

            Rectangle3d dsbox = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, Heron.Convert.WGSToXYZ(dsMin), Heron.Convert.WGSToXYZ(dsMax));

            double pixelWidth  = dsbox.Width / width;
            double pixelHeight = dsbox.Height / height;

            ///Declare trees
            GH_Structure <GH_Point>   pointcloud = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Integer> rCount     = new GH_Structure <GH_Integer>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Integer> cCount     = new GH_Structure <GH_Integer>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>    tMesh      = new GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>();

            for (int i = 0; i < boundary.Count; i++)
                GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i);

                Curve clippingBoundary = boundary[i];

                if (!clip)
                    clippingBoundary = dsbox.ToNurbsCurve();

                string clippedTopoFile = "/vsimem/topoclipped.tif";

                if (!(dsbox.BoundingBox.Contains(clippingBoundary.GetBoundingBox(true).Min) && (dsbox.BoundingBox.Contains(clippingBoundary.GetBoundingBox(true).Max))) && clip)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "One or more boundaries may be outside the bounds of the topo dataset.");

                ///Offsets to mesh/boundary based on pixel size
                Point3d clipperMinPreAdd  = clippingBoundary.GetBoundingBox(true).Corner(true, false, true);
                Point3d clipperMinPostAdd = new Point3d(clipperMinPreAdd.X, clipperMinPreAdd.Y, clipperMinPreAdd.Z);
                Point3d clipperMin        = Heron.Convert.XYZToWGS(clipperMinPostAdd);

                Point3d clipperMaxPreAdd = clippingBoundary.GetBoundingBox(true).Corner(false, true, true);
                ///add/subtract pixel width if desired to get closer to boundary
                Point3d clipperMaxPostAdd = new Point3d();
                Point3d clipperMax        = new Point3d();
                if (clip)
                    clipperMaxPostAdd = new Point3d(clipperMaxPreAdd.X + pixelWidth, clipperMaxPreAdd.Y - pixelHeight, clipperMaxPreAdd.Z);
                    clipperMax        = Heron.Convert.XYZToWGS(clipperMaxPostAdd);
                    clipperMaxPostAdd = new Point3d(clipperMaxPreAdd.X, clipperMaxPreAdd.Y, clipperMaxPreAdd.Z);
                    clipperMax        = Heron.Convert.XYZToWGS(clipperMaxPostAdd);

                double lonWest  = clipperMin.X;
                double lonEast  = clipperMax.X;
                double latNorth = clipperMin.Y;
                double latSouth = clipperMax.Y;

                var translateOptions = new[]
                    "-of", "GTiff",
                    "-a_nodata", "0",
                    "-projwin_srs", "WGS84",
                    "-projwin", $"{lonWest}", $"{latNorth}", $"{lonEast}", $"{latSouth}"

                using (Dataset clippedDataset = Gdal.wrapper_GDALTranslate(clippedTopoFile, datasource, new GDALTranslateOptions(translateOptions), null, null))
                    Band band = clippedDataset.GetRasterBand(1);
                    width  = clippedDataset.RasterXSize;
                    height = clippedDataset.RasterYSize;
                    Gdal.InvGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, invTransform);

                    rCount.Append(new GH_Integer(height), path);
                    cCount.Append(new GH_Integer(width), path);
                    Mesh           mesh  = new Mesh();
                    List <Point3d> verts = new List <Point3d>();
                    //var vertsParallel = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<double[][], Point3d>(Environment.ProcessorCount, ((Urow - 1) * (Lrow - 1)));

                    double[] bits = new double[width * height];
                    band.ReadRaster(0, 0, width, height, bits, width, height, 0, 0);

                    for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                        for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                            // equivalent to bits[col][row] if bits is 2-dimension array
                            double pixel = bits[col + row * width];
                            if (pixel < -10000)
                                pixel = 0;

                            double gcol = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * col + adfGeoTransform[2] * row;
                            double grow = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * col + adfGeoTransform[5] * row;

                            ///convert to WGS84
                            double[] wgsPT = new double[3] {
                                gcol, grow, pixel
                            Point3d pt = new Point3d(wgsPT[0], wgsPT[1], wgsPT[2]);


                        /*Parallel.For(Urow, Lrow - 1, rowP =>
                         *  {
                         *      // equivalent to bits[col][row] if bits is 2-dimension array
                         *      double pixel = bits[col + rowP * width];
                         *      if (pixel < -10000)
                         *      {
                         *          pixel = 0;
                         *      }
                         *      double gcol = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * col + adfGeoTransform[2] * rowP;
                         *      double grow = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * col + adfGeoTransform[5] * rowP;
                         *      Point3d pt = new Point3d(gcol, grow, pixel);
                         *      vertsParallel[] = Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt);
                         *  });
                         * */

                    //Create meshes
                    //non Parallel

                    for (int u = 1; u < cCount[path][0].Value; u++)
                        for (int v = 1; v < rCount[path][0].Value; v++)
                            mesh.Faces.AddFace(v - 1 + (u - 1) * (height), v - 1 + u * (height), v - 1 + u * (height) + 1, v - 1 + (u - 1) * (height) + 1);
                            //(k - 1 + (j - 1) * num2, k - 1 + j * num2, k - 1 + j * num2 + 1, k - 1 + (j - 1) * num2 + 1)

                    //mesh.Flip(true, true, true);
                    tMesh.Append(new GH_Mesh(mesh), path);



            DA.SetDataTree(0, tMesh);
            DA.SetData(1, dsbox);
            DA.SetData(2, srcInfo);
コード例 #15
ファイル: ImportRaster.cs プロジェクト: Efaahvazi/Heron
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Curve boundary = null;

            DA.GetData <Curve>(0, ref boundary);

            string sourceFileLocation = string.Empty;

            DA.GetData <string>(1, ref sourceFileLocation);

            string clippedLocation = string.Empty;

            DA.GetData <string>(2, ref clippedLocation);

            ///Specific settings for getting WMS images
            OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_HTTP_UNSAFESSL", "YES");
            OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_SKIP", "WMS");

            ///Read in the raster data
            Dataset datasource = Gdal.Open(sourceFileLocation, Access.GA_ReadOnly);

            OSGeo.GDAL.Driver drv = datasource.GetDriver();

            string srcInfo = string.Empty;

            if (datasource == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "The raster datasource was unreadable by this component. It may not a valid file type for this component or otherwise null/empty.");

            ///Get the spatial reference of the input raster file and set to WGS84 if not known
            ///Set up transform from source to WGS84
            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(Osr.SRS_WKT_WGS84);

            if (datasource.GetProjection() == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Spatial Reference System (SRS) is missing.  SRS set automatically set to WGS84.");

                sr = new SpatialReference(datasource.GetProjection());

                if (sr.Validate() != 0)
                    ///Check if SRS needs to be converted from ESRI format to WKT to avoid error:
                    ///"No translation for Lambert_Conformal_Conic to PROJ.4 format is known."
                    SpatialReference srEsri = sr;
                    string projEsri = string.Empty;
                    srEsri.ExportToWkt(out projEsri);

                    ///If no SRS exists, check Ground Control Points SRS
                    SpatialReference srGCP   = new SpatialReference(datasource.GetGCPProjection());
                    string           projGCP = string.Empty;
                    srGCP.ExportToWkt(out projGCP);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projEsri))
                        sr = srEsri;
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Spatial Reference System (SRS) morphed form ESRI format.");
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projGCP))
                        sr = srGCP;
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Spatial Reference System (SRS) set from Ground Control Points (GCPs).");
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Spatial Reference System (SRS) is unknown or unsupported.  SRS assumed to be WGS84." +
                                          "Try setting the SRS with the GdalWarp component using -t_srs EPSG:4326 for the option input.");
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Data source SRS: EPSG:" + sr.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1));

            ///Get info about image
            List <string> infoOptions = new List <string> {

            srcInfo = Gdal.GDALInfo(datasource, new GDALInfoOptions(infoOptions.ToArray()));

            //OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(ds.GetProjection());
            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference dst = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(sr, dst);
            OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation revTransform   = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(dst, sr);

            double[] adfGeoTransform = new double[6];
            double[] invTransform    = new double[6];
            Gdal.InvGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, invTransform);
            Band band = datasource.GetRasterBand(1);

            int width  = datasource.RasterXSize;
            int height = datasource.RasterYSize;

            ///Dataset bounding box
            double oX = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * 0 + adfGeoTransform[2] * 0;
            double oY = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * 0 + adfGeoTransform[5] * 0;
            double eX = adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] * width + adfGeoTransform[2] * height;
            double eY = adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[4] * width + adfGeoTransform[5] * height;

            ///Transform to WGS84.
            ///TODO: Allow for UserSRS
            double[] extMinPT = new double[3] {
                oX, eY, 0
            double[] extMaxPT = new double[3] {
                eX, oY, 0
            Point3d dsMin = new Point3d(extMinPT[0], extMinPT[1], extMinPT[2]);
            Point3d dsMax = new Point3d(extMaxPT[0], extMaxPT[1], extMaxPT[2]);

            ///Get bounding box for entire raster data
            Rectangle3d datasourceBBox = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, Heron.Convert.WGSToXYZ(dsMin), Heron.Convert.WGSToXYZ(dsMax));

            ///set output to georeferenced tiff as a catch-all
            string clippedRasterFile = clippedLocation + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFileLocation) + "_clipped.tif";
            string previewPNG        = clippedLocation + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFileLocation) + "_preview.png";

            AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Original Resolution: " + datasource.RasterXSize.ToString() + "x" + datasource.RasterYSize.ToString());

            if (boundary != null)
                Point3d clipperMin = Heron.Convert.XYZToWGS(boundary.GetBoundingBox(true).Corner(true, false, true));
                Point3d clipperMax = Heron.Convert.XYZToWGS(boundary.GetBoundingBox(true).Corner(false, true, true));

                double lonWest  = clipperMin.X;
                double lonEast  = clipperMax.X;
                double latNorth = clipperMin.Y;
                double latSouth = clipperMax.Y;

                ///GDALTranslate should also be its own component with full control over options
                var translateOptions = new[]
                    "-of", "GTiff",
                    //"-a_nodata", "0",
                    "-projwin_srs", "WGS84",
                    "-projwin", $"{lonWest}", $"{latNorth}", $"{lonEast}", $"{latSouth}"

                using (Dataset clippedDataset = Gdal.wrapper_GDALTranslate(clippedRasterFile, datasource, new GDALTranslateOptions(translateOptions), null, null))
                    Dataset previewDataset = Gdal.wrapper_GDALTranslate(previewPNG, clippedDataset, null, null, null);

                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Clipped Resolution: " + clippedDataset.RasterXSize.ToString() + "x" + datasource.RasterYSize.ToString());

                    ///clean up

                    AddPreviewItem(previewPNG, BBoxToRect(boundary.GetBoundingBox(true)));

                Dataset previewDataset = Gdal.wrapper_GDALTranslate(previewPNG, datasource, null, null, null);

                ///clean up

                AddPreviewItem(previewPNG, datasourceBBox);

            ///clean up

            DA.SetData(0, srcInfo);
            DA.SetData(1, datasourceBBox);
            DA.SetData(2, clippedRasterFile);
コード例 #16
ファイル: ImportVector.cs プロジェクト: GitHub-XK/Heron
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <Curve> boundary = new List <Curve>();

            DA.GetDataList <Curve>(0, boundary);

            string shpFileLoc = "";

            DA.GetData <string>("Vector Data Location", ref shpFileLoc);

            ///GDAL setup
            ///Some preliminary testing has been done to read SHP, GeoJSON, OSM, KML, MVT, GML and GDB
            ///It can be spotty with KML, MVT and GML and doesn't throw informative errors.  Likely has to do with getting a valid CRS and
            ///TODO: resolve errors with reading KML, MVT, GML.

            OSGeo.OGR.Driver     drv = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile");
            OSGeo.OGR.DataSource ds  = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.Open(shpFileLoc, 0);

            if (ds == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "The vector datasource was unreadable by this component. It may not a valid file type for this component or otherwise null/empty.");

            List <OSGeo.OGR.Layer> layerset = new List <OSGeo.OGR.Layer>();
            List <int>             fc       = new List <int>();

            for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < ds.GetLayerCount(); iLayer++)
                OSGeo.OGR.Layer layer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer);

                if (layer == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Couldn't fetch advertised layer " + iLayer);

            ///Declare trees
            GH_Structure <GH_String>    layname = new GH_Structure <GH_String>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Integer>   fcs     = new GH_Structure <GH_Integer>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Rectangle> recs    = new GH_Structure <GH_Rectangle>();
            GH_Structure <GH_String>    sRefs   = new GH_Structure <GH_String>();
            GH_Structure <GH_String>    fnames  = new GH_Structure <GH_String>();
            GH_Structure <GH_String>    fset    = new GH_Structure <GH_String>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Point>     gset    = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();

            ///Loop through each layer. Layers usually occur in Geodatabase GDB format. SHP usually has only one layer.
            for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < ds.GetLayerCount(); iLayer++)
                OSGeo.OGR.Layer layer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer);

                if (layer == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Couldn't fetch advertised layer " + iLayer);

                long count        = layer.GetFeatureCount(1);
                int  featureCount = System.Convert.ToInt32(count);
                fcs.Append(new GH_Integer(featureCount), new GH_Path(iLayer));

                layname.Append(new GH_String(layer.GetName()), new GH_Path(iLayer));

                ///Get OGR envelope of the data in the layer
                OSGeo.OGR.Envelope ext = new OSGeo.OGR.Envelope();
                layer.GetExtent(ext, 1);
                Point3d extMin = new Point3d();
                Point3d extMax = new Point3d();
                extMin.X = ext.MinX;
                extMin.Y = ext.MinY;
                extMax.X = ext.MaxX;
                extMax.Y = ext.MaxY;

                ///Get the spatial reference of the input vector file and set to WGS84 if not known
                OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(Osr.SRS_WKT_WGS84);
                string sRef = "";

                if (layer.GetSpatialRef() == null)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is missing.  CRS set automatically set to WGS84.");
                    string pretty = "";
                    sr.ExportToPrettyWkt(out pretty, 0);
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, pretty);
                    sRef = "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is missing.  CRS set automatically set to WGS84.";
                    if (layer.GetSpatialRef().Validate() != 0)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is unknown or unsupported.  CRS set automatically set to WGS84.");
                        sRef = "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is unknown or unsupported.  SRS set automatically set to WGS84.";
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Coordinate Reference System (CRS) set from layer" + iLayer + ".");
                        sr = layer.GetSpatialRef();
                        sr.ExportToWkt(out sRef);

                sRefs.Append(new GH_String(sRef), new GH_Path(iLayer));

                ///Set transform from input spatial reference to Rhino spatial reference
                ///TODO: look into adding a step for transforming to CRS set in SetCRS
                OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference dst = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
                OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(sr, dst);
                OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation revTransform   = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(dst, sr);

                ///Get bounding box of data in layer
                double[] extMinPT = new double[3] {
                    extMin.X, extMin.Y, extMin.Z
                double[] extMaxPT = new double[3] {
                    extMax.X, extMax.Y, extMax.Z
                Point3d     extPTmin = new Point3d(extMinPT[0], extMinPT[1], extMinPT[2]);
                Point3d     extPTmax = new Point3d(extMaxPT[0], extMaxPT[1], extMaxPT[2]);
                Rectangle3d rec      = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(extPTmin), Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(extPTmax));
                recs.Append(new GH_Rectangle(rec), new GH_Path(iLayer));

                ///Loop through input boundaries
                for (int i = 0; i < boundary.Count; i++)
                    OSGeo.OGR.FeatureDefn def = layer.GetLayerDefn();

                    ///Get the field names
                    List <string> fieldnames = new List <string>();
                    for (int iAttr = 0; iAttr < def.GetFieldCount(); iAttr++)
                        OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iAttr);
                        fnames.Append(new GH_String(fdef.GetNameRef()), new GH_Path(i, iLayer));

                    ///Check if boundary is contained in extent
                    if (!rec.IsValid || ((rec.Height == 0) && (rec.Width == 0)))
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "One or more vector datasource bounds are not valid.");
                        OSGeo.OGR.Feature feat;
                        int m = 0;

                        while ((feat = layer.GetNextFeature()) != null)
                            ///Loop through field values
                            for (int iField = 0; iField < feat.GetFieldCount(); iField++)
                                OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iField);
                                fset.Append(new GH_String(feat.GetFieldAsString(iField)), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m));

                    else if (boundary[i] == null)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Clipping boundary " + i + " not set.");

                    else if (!boundary[i].IsValid)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Clipping boundary " + i + "  is not valid.");

                    else if (rec.IsValid && Curve.PlanarClosedCurveRelationship(rec.ToNurbsCurve(), boundary[i], Plane.WorldXY, Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance) == RegionContainment.Disjoint)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "One or more boundaries may be outside the bounds of the vector datasource.");

                        ///Create bounding box for clipping geometry
                        Point3d  min   = Heron.Convert.ToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Min);
                        Point3d  max   = Heron.Convert.ToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Max);
                        double[] minpT = new double[3];
                        double[] maxpT = new double[3];

                        minpT[0] = min.X;
                        minpT[1] = min.Y;
                        minpT[2] = min.Z;
                        maxpT[0] = max.X;
                        maxpT[1] = max.Y;
                        maxpT[2] = max.Z;

                        ///Convert to OGR geometry
                        ///TODO: add conversion from GH geometry to OGR to Convert class
                        OSGeo.OGR.Geometry ebbox = OSGeo.OGR.Geometry.CreateFromWkt("POLYGON((" + minpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + ", " + minpT[0] + " " + maxpT[1] + ", " + maxpT[0] + " " + maxpT[1] + ", " + maxpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + ", " + minpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + "))");

                        ///Clip Shapefile
                        ///TODO: allow for polyline/curve as clipper, not just bounding box
                        OSGeo.OGR.Layer clipped_layer = layer;

                        ///Loop through geometry
                        OSGeo.OGR.Feature feat;
                        def = clipped_layer.GetLayerDefn();

                        int m = 0;
                        while ((feat = clipped_layer.GetNextFeature()) != null)
                            OSGeo.OGR.Geometry geom = feat.GetGeometryRef();
                            OSGeo.OGR.Geometry sub_geom;

                            ///reproject geometry to WGS84
                            ///TODO: look into using the SetCRS global variable here

                            if (feat.GetGeometryRef() != null)
                                ///Start get points if open polylines and points
                                for (int gpc = 0; gpc < geom.GetPointCount(); gpc++)
                                    ///Loop through geometry points
                                    double[] pT = new double[3];
                                    pT[0] = geom.GetX(gpc);
                                    pT[1] = geom.GetY(gpc);
                                    pT[2] = geom.GetZ(gpc);
                                    if (Double.IsNaN(geom.GetZ(gpc)))
                                        pT[2] = 0;

                                    Point3d pt3D = new Point3d();
                                    pt3D.X = pT[0];
                                    pt3D.Y = pT[1];
                                    pt3D.Z = pT[2];

                                    gset.Append(new GH_Point(Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt3D)), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m));
                                    ///End loop through geometry points

                                    /// Get Feature Values
                                    if (fset.PathExists(new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m)))
                                        fset.get_Branch(new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m)).Clear();
                                    for (int iField = 0; iField < feat.GetFieldCount(); iField++)
                                        OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iField);
                                        if (feat.IsFieldSet(iField))
                                            fset.Append(new GH_String(feat.GetFieldAsString(iField)), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m));
                                            fset.Append(new GH_String("null"), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m));
                                    ///End Get Feature Values
                                ///End getting points if open polylines or points

                                ///Start getting points if closed polylines and multipolygons
                                for (int gi = 0; gi < geom.GetGeometryCount(); gi++)
                                    sub_geom = geom.GetGeometryRef(gi);
                                    OSGeo.OGR.Geometry subsub_geom;
                                    List <Point3d>     geom_list = new List <Point3d>();

                                    ///trouble getting all points.  this is a troubleshoot
                                    ///gset.Append(new GH_Point(new Point3d(0, 0, sub_geom.GetGeometryCount())), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m, gi));

                                    if (sub_geom.GetGeometryCount() > 0)
                                        for (int n = 0; n < sub_geom.GetGeometryCount(); n++)
                                            subsub_geom = sub_geom.GetGeometryRef(n);
                                            for (int ptnum = 0; ptnum < subsub_geom.GetPointCount(); ptnum++)
                                                ///Loop through geometry points
                                                double[] pT = new double[3];
                                                pT[0] = subsub_geom.GetX(ptnum);
                                                pT[1] = subsub_geom.GetY(ptnum);
                                                pT[2] = subsub_geom.GetZ(ptnum);

                                                Point3d pt3D = new Point3d();
                                                pt3D.X = pT[0];
                                                pt3D.Y = pT[1];
                                                pt3D.Z = pT[2];

                                                gset.Append(new GH_Point(Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt3D)), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m, gi, n));
                                                ///End loop through geometry points

                                        for (int ptnum = 0; ptnum < sub_geom.GetPointCount(); ptnum++)
                                            ///Loop through geometry points
                                            double[] pT = new double[3];
                                            pT[0] = sub_geom.GetX(ptnum);
                                            pT[1] = sub_geom.GetY(ptnum);
                                            pT[2] = sub_geom.GetZ(ptnum);

                                            Point3d pt3D = new Point3d();
                                            pt3D.X = pT[0];
                                            pt3D.Y = pT[1];
                                            pt3D.Z = pT[2];

                                            gset.Append(new GH_Point(Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt3D)), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m, gi));
                                            ///End loop through geometry points


                                    /// Get Feature Values
                                    if (fset.PathExists(new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m)))
                                        fset.get_Branch(new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m)).Clear();
                                    for (int iField = 0; iField < feat.GetFieldCount(); iField++)
                                        OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iField);
                                        if (feat.IsFieldSet(iField))
                                            fset.Append(new GH_String(feat.GetFieldAsString(iField)), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m));
                                            fset.Append(new GH_String("null"), new GH_Path(i, iLayer, m));
                                    ///End Get Feature Values
                        } ///end while loop through features
                }         //end loop through boundaries

            }///end loop through layers


            DA.SetDataTree(0, layname);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, fcs);
            DA.SetDataTree(2, recs);
            DA.SetDataTree(3, sRefs);
            DA.SetDataTree(4, fnames);
            DA.SetDataTree(5, fset);
            DA.SetDataTree(6, gset);