コード例 #1
        async public static void AddMonitoringData(MonitoringSessionState monitoringState, string modifiedTime, string computerName, bool monitorEnd)
            WriteLogFile("Monitoring timer was triggered, reading task sequence environment data");

                //' Determine unique id for deployment
                string uniqueId = TSEnvironment.GetTSVariable(Properties.Settings.Default.UniqueMonitoringTSVariableName);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueId))
                    uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    TSEnvironment.SetTSVariable(Properties.Settings.Default.UniqueMonitoringTSVariableName, uniqueId);

                    //' Read additional task sequence information if the environment is reachable
                    bool tsEnvironment = TSEnvironment.TestTSEnvironment();
                    if (tsEnvironment == true)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sequenceType))
                            if (sequenceType == "2")
                                //' Read task sequence variable for deployment ID value
                                deploymentId = TSEnvironment.GetTSVariable("_SMSTSAdvertID");
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentId))
                                    deploymentId = null;

                                //' Read task sequence variable for current step name value
                                stepName = TSEnvironment.GetTSVariable("_SMSTSCurrentActionName");
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stepName))
                                    stepName = null;

                                //' Read task sequence variable for current step value
                                currentStep = TSEnvironment.GetTSVariable("_SMSTSNextInstructionPointer");
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentStep))
                                    currentStep = null;

                                //' Read task sequence variable for total steps value
                                totalSteps = TSEnvironment.GetTSVariable("_SMSTSInstructionTableSize");
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(totalSteps))
                                    totalSteps = null;
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    WriteLogFile(String.Format("An warning occurred while reading additional task sequence data, this exception happened within the add monitoring method and was unexpected. Error: {0}", ex.Message));

                //' Determine details message parameter
                switch (monitoringState)
                case MonitoringSessionState.Running:
                    details  = "Task sequence is running";
                    severity = 1;

                case MonitoringSessionState.Reboot:
                    details  = "Computer is being restarted";
                    severity = 1;

                case MonitoringSessionState.NotStarted:
                    details  = "Task sequence has not started";
                    severity = 1;

                case MonitoringSessionState.Failed:
                    details  = "Deployment failed";
                    severity = 2;

                case MonitoringSessionState.Completed:
                    details  = "Deployment completed";
                    severity = 1;

                    severity = 1;

                //' Determine if end time should be set
                if (monitorEnd == true)
                    endTime = GetTimeNow();

                    //' Add monitoring data through web service call
                    AddCMOSDMonitorDataResponse monitorResponse = await webService.AddCMOSDMonitorDataAsync(Properties.Settings.Default.WebServiceSecretKey, uniqueId, computerName, uuid, macAddress, severity, modifiedTime, deploymentId, stepName, currentStep, totalSteps, startTime, endTime, details, dartIp, dartPort, dartTicket);

                    WriteLogFile("Successfully posted monitoring data to web service");
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    WriteLogFile(String.Format("An error occurred while attempting to post monitoring data to web service. Error: {0}", ex.Message));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                WriteLogFile(String.Format("An error occurred while collecting data for web service post. Will be retried in the next cycle. Error: {0}", ex.Message));