public CarClass(int carId, BodyworkClass bodywork, EngineClass engine, ClientClass currentClient, int kilometrage, int cost, int carStatus) { Bodywork = bodywork ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("Bodywork can't be null!"); Engine = engine ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("Engine can't be null!"); CurrentClient = currentClient; if (kilometrage < 0) { throw new Exception("Kilometrage can't be less than zero!"); } Kilometrage = kilometrage; if (cost < 0) { throw new Exception("Cost can't be less than zero!"); } Cost = cost; if (carId < 0) { throw new Exception("carId can't be less than zero!"); } //if (CarIdAll.Contains(carId)) // throw new Exception("carId is not unique!"); CarId = carId; CarIdAll.Add(carId); if (carStatus != 0 && carStatus != 1) { throw new Exception("carStatus can't be represented as bool!"); } CarStatus = Convert.ToBoolean(carStatus); }
public CarClass(BodyworkClass bodywork, EngineClass engine, int kilometrage, int carId) : this(bodywork, engine, null, kilometrage, ((int)(engine.MaxSpeed * 50 + engine.Quality * 10000 + bodywork.Quality * 10000)) / 2, carId) { }
public CarClass(BodyworkClass bodywork, EngineClass engine, int kilometrage, int cost, int carId) : this(bodywork, engine, null, kilometrage, cost, carId) { }
public CarClass(BodyworkClass bodywork, EngineClass engine, ClientClass currentClient, int kilometrage, int cost, int carId) : this(carId, bodywork, engine, currentClient, kilometrage, cost, 0) { }