/// <summary> /// Imports the specified Unreal Text file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The file path.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="T3dMap"/> containing the imported map data.</returns> public T3dMap Import(string path) { // create a new map. T3dMap map = new T3dMap(); // open the file for reading. we use streams for additional performance. // it's faster than File.ReadAllLines() as that requires two iterations. using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { // read all the lines from the file. bool inActor = false; T3dActor actor = null; bool inBrush = false; T3dBrush brush = null; bool inPolygon = false; T3dPolygon polygon = null; string line; while (!reader.EndOfStream) { line = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); // if we currently parsing an actor: if (inActor) { if (!inBrush) { // if we done parsing the actor: if (line == "End Actor") { inActor = false; continue; } // try parsing an actor property. string key; object value; if (TryParseProperty(line, out key, out value)) { actor.Properties.Add(key, value); } // make sure we detect brush declarations: if (line.StartsWith("Begin Brush")) { // read the properties of the brush. var properties = ParseKeyValuePairs(line); if (properties.ContainsKey("Name")) { // this is a valid brush model that can be parsed further. inBrush = true; // create a new brush model and add it to the map. brush = new T3dBrush(properties["Name"]); map.BrushModels.Add(brush); continue; } } } // we are currently parsing a brush: else { // if we done parsing the brush: if (line == "End Brush") { inBrush = false; continue; } if (!inPolygon) { // make sure we detect brush polygon declarations: if (line.StartsWith("Begin Polygon")) { inPolygon = true; // create a new brush polygon and add it to the brush. polygon = new T3dPolygon(); brush.Polygons.Add(polygon); // read the properties of the brush polygon. var properties = ParseKeyValuePairs(line); if (properties.ContainsKey("Item")) { polygon.Item = properties["Item"]; } if (properties.ContainsKey("Texture")) { polygon.Texture = properties["Texture"]; } if (properties.ContainsKey("Flags")) { polygon.Flags = (T3dPolygonFlags)Int32.Parse(properties["Flags"]); } } } // we are currently parsing a brush polygon: else { // if we done parsing the brush polygon: if (line == "End Polygon") { inPolygon = false; continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Origin")) { polygon.Origin = ParsePolygonVector(line); } if (line.StartsWith("Normal")) { polygon.Normal = ParsePolygonVector(line); } if (line.StartsWith("TextureU")) { polygon.TextureU = ParsePolygonVector(line); } if (line.StartsWith("TextureV")) { polygon.TextureV = ParsePolygonVector(line); } if (line.StartsWith("Pan")) { int u, v; ParsePolygonUV(line, out u, out v); polygon.PanU = u; polygon.PanV = v; } if (line.StartsWith("Vertex")) { polygon.Vertices.Add(ParsePolygonVector(line)); } } } } // if we are looking for another begin declaration: else { // if we are going to parse an actor: if (line.StartsWith("Begin Actor")) { // read the properties of the actor. var properties = ParseKeyValuePairs(line); if (properties.ContainsKey("Class") && properties.ContainsKey("Name")) { // this is a valid actor that can be parsed further. inActor = true; // create a new actor and add it to the map. actor = new T3dActor(map, properties["Class"], properties["Name"]); map.Actors.Add(actor); continue; } } } } } // return the map data. return(map); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T3dActor"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="class">The class of the actor.</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the actor.</param> public T3dActor(T3dMap map, string @class, string name) { m_T3dMap = map; Class = @class; Name = name; }